[Flashcoders] How to install local help documents in Flash Builder

2010-08-10 Thread Johan Nyberg
I've Googled myself to the brink of insanity without finding a way on 
how to install local help documentation. To be specific: I want to be 
able to get dynamic help when I work with Papervision. Does anybody know 
where to put documentation from a third party API in the file structure 
so it shows up inside Flash Builder?

Thanks in advance.

Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Engelbrektsplan 1
114 34 Stockholm 
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Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Oops.. forgot to include the code. Proof of Concept - HTTPService

2009-04-02 Thread Johan Nyberg
Forgot to include the code as promised in my previous post. Here it is. 
Please set url to wathever favourite RSS or whatever you want to access:

layout="absolute" creationComplete="loadSettings()" width="200" 


Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Engelbrektsplan 1
114 34 Stockholm
08 - 50 00 24 30
070 - 407 83 00
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Proof of Concept - HTTPService object doesn't require crossdomain-policy file

2009-04-02 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, thanks for all the response to my question about the 
crossdomain.xml. But... I didn't get a lot of response to the fact that 
HTTPService can access public feeds/content on other sites without the 
need of a crossdomain.xml

Please check out the code included at the end of this post. I've created 
a small AIR application (with a certificate) and it works without a 

Am I missing something?

But again.. if my Flash app isn't allowed to access content on another 
site, I can always throw together a simple php-script that extracts the 
content for me that my Flash then can read...

And then I can go ahead and create my evil banner ad. ;-)

I understand that crossdomain policy files are here to stay. I just 
don't understand why they don't allow me to access content on other 
domains that I can access in other ways and then pass on to Flash.

Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Engelbrektsplan 1
114 34 Stockholm
08 - 50 00 24 30
070 - 407 83 00
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Cross-domain policy - why is Flex more forgiving than Flash?

2009-03-31 Thread Johan Nyberg
I'm getting tired of Flash's unforgiving cross-domain policy. Why can't 
I read an xml-feed, content produced by a php file or a simple text file 
without Flash wagging that finger in my face saying "No, no, you can't, 
not without that site allowing your site access in the crossdomain.xml".

But why on earth is that so? I mean, the same file can easily be read by 
an ordinary browser!? What on earth could i concoct with my devious, 
malignant Flash application with the same file?

And, I've also discovered that Flex is more forgiving. I can pull in 
content from another domain without said crossdomain.xml by using a 
HTTPService component.

I would greatly appreciate if anyone could shed some light on this. And, 
if anyone can point out if I'm doing anything wrong here.

But please don't tell me to get my domain name into that other servers 
cross-domain policy file. There are many situations where this is not 
possible, and where it would still be legitimate to read content from 
that site.

And, as I said before, the browser doesn't need that permission. Nor 
does Flex, apparently.


Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Engelbrektsplan 1
114 34 Stockholm
08 - 50 00 24 30
070 - 407 83 00
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] can't access XML attributes with HTTPService

2008-09-29 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to load an XML file 
into my Flex app, but I can't seem to be able to display any data that 
is residing as attributes in the XML file.

What have I missed?

Here is my sample app:

layout="absolute" height="400" width="792" 

	title="{ feedRequest.lastResult.root.title }">

And here is an abbreviated version of the xml file:

  Kalle Anka
game="Hold'em" limit="NL" stake="2/4" players="6" bigblind="400" 
pot="12400" hands="125" wait="0" flop="31"/>
limit="NL" stake="2/4" players="6" bigblind="400" pot="10300" hands="92" 
wait="3" flop="35"/>

Thankful for any help!


Johan Nyberg
Flash developer

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm
070 - 407 83 00
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Flex IDE syntax error checking not working

2008-06-11 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, I have a problem with the automatic syntax error checking in the  
Flex IDE. It works on and off.. I solved this problem in another  
project I'm working in by right clicking on every as-file and  
selecting "Set as default application" (what does this mean, btw??),  
but in the current project I'm working in, this option is greyed out.  
This does not seem like the right solution, though. Thanks for any  
help I can get on this.

Johan Nyberg
Designer and web developer

08 - 50 00 24 30
070 - 407 83 00

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] The issue of "parent" in AS3

2008-05-15 Thread Johan Nyberg
Anybody knows if it's bad practice to type-cast the parent-property to  
the class of the parent?

Since parent is a property of the DisplayObject class, you can only  
reference properties and methods of that class directly through the  

If you want to access other properties or methods, you have to type- 
cast parent to the specific class.

If you have some other "cleaner" ways of doing this it would be  
greatly appreciated!


Johan Nyberg
Designer and web developer

08 - 50 00 24 30
070 - 407 83 00

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Error in Flex for automatically created classes

2008-02-26 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, I'm using Flex as an IDE for Flash development. When I instanciate  
Movie Clips in Flash that are inheriting from a base class, but that  
do not have a class of their own (i.e. the class is automatically  
created) I get an error in Flex. I understand that it's because the  
class does not exist, but is there a way around it? Or do I have to  
create a class skeleton for every Movie Clip that is dynamically  

Here is the function where I create movie clips from the library by  
using information from an XML. All the clips have Column as their base  

public function createColumns( _xml:XML ):void
for each( var column:XML in _xml.columns.* )
var clip:Column;

switch( column.name.toString() )
case 'pokerRoom':
clip = new PokerRoom();
case 'us':
clip = new Us();
case 'bonus':
clip = new Bonus();
case 'roomReviews':
clip = new ReadReview();
case 'getBonus':
clip = new Button();
clip.x = column.x;
clip.y = column.y;

addChild( clip );


Johan Nyberg
Designer and web developer

08 - 50 00 24 30
070 - 407 83 00

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Flex only generates errors for my Document Class, but not in any other AS file

2008-02-26 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has encountered this problem: I use Flex  
as an IDE when developing flash. When I code, Flex only displays  
errors in my document class, but not in any other AS file. Do I have  
to set something in the settings?


Johan Nyberg
Designer and web developer

08 - 50 00 24 30
070 - 407 83 00

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] AS3 Accessing objects properties on the stage from other objects

2008-02-19 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, I have a question regarding referencing objects on the stage from  
other objects. You should be able to use the root from any object that  
has been added to the display list using addChild. But when I do so I  
get this error message:

1119: Access of possibly undefined property loader through a reference  
with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.

The only way for me to do what I want is if I cast the root reference  
to the class of my document class. For example, if the name of my  
document class is MyDocumentClass it would be like this:

MyDocumentClass( root ).theObjectIWantToAccess.someProperty

My questions are:

1. Why do I have to cast the root property?
2. Is this the best way to go around what I want to do.

To illustrate what I'm talking about, here's a snippet of code:

if( this.inputBubble.x + this.inputBubble.width >  
PokerHandComp(root).frame_mc.width )

this.inputBubble.x = x;
this.inputBubble.bubble_mc.scaleX = -1;
this.inputBubble.txt.x = - this.inputBubble.bubble_mc.width + 20;

In this case my document class is called PokerHandComp.


Johan Nyberg
Designer and web developer

08 - 50 00 24 30
070 - 407 83 00

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Errors in Flex when not declaring objects in the Document Class

2008-01-25 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, I've started using Flex as a code editor for coding Flash. But I  
have a problem. Flex keeps screaming error when I don't declare  
objects (MovieClips and Sprites) on the stage. But in the Document  
Class you shouldn't declare these - they are automatically declared in  
the internal namespace. When I declare them, I get a conflict in Flash  

1151: A conflict exists with definition hiddenPictures_mc in namespace  

If anybody has a solution to this problem, it would be greatly  


Johan Nyberg
Designer and web developer

08 - 50 00 24 30
070 - 407 83 00

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Timeline instance problem

2007-08-06 Thread Johan Nyberg
I have somewhat of a headache when it comes to instances of MovieClips 
that haven't appeared on the timeline, and hence have not been 
instanciated yet...

I try to keep as much code as possible on one frame on the _root 
timeline, or preferably, in an external class file for a movie clip that 
contains all content (that I usually call main_mc and that resides on 
the _root level of the movie).

My problem comes down to that much of the code is dealing with defining 
code for different events for movie clips in my movie. But a lot of 
these movie clips have not yet appeared on the timeline when the movie 
start, and when the constructor for main_mc is run.

Please don't tell me to create the movie clips programatically. This is 
not possible, since my movies are heavy with graphics and animation, and 
I have to be able to place things on the stage.

I have solved this problem with some hacks: like putting one instance on 
the stage, but outside the visible area. Or turning the visibility off 
with code, and then on when it should be visible. But all this is 
cumbersome and makes me think it is easier to put some code inside movie 
clips, than going to lengths trying to make this work.

I am grateful for any help I can get regarding this!


/Johan Nyberg

Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] Scripting for objects that appear later on the timeline

2007-06-11 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, how do you script for things that appear later on the timeline? I 
program in AS2 and I've started to place all my scripts in a Main.as 
file. But there is a limitation, I can't program for mc:s that have not 
yet appeared on the _root timeline. I still have to revert to placing 
scripts in a layer on the _root timeline on the appropriate frame. 
Anyone have a solution?

I've found my own technique when I use the Main.as file: I place an 
empty movieclip on _root level that has Main.as linked to it. Then in 
the constructor I use with(_root){} which I find convenient. Thoughts on 
this? Is there a better solution?



Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] ASDT code hinting / auto completion

2007-05-09 Thread Johan Nyberg
I have a hard time getting the code hinting to work in the ASDT in 
Eclipse. I have MTASC installed, and I've tried setting the classpath to 
all these different paths, but to no avail:

C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Flash 8\en\First Run\Classes

C:\Documents and Settings\Johan Nyberg\Local Settings\Application 
Data\Macromedia\Flash 8\en\Configuration\Classes



Am I missing out on something?



Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] Reference problem

2007-05-07 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, I have put my main code for the fla in a class that I call Main. The 
class loads fine, but I can't get a reference to it! It's undefined. 
This is the code on the first layer of the fla:

var main:Object = new Main();

..and this is the class' code:

import mx.utils.Delegate;
import gs.dataTransfer.XMLParser;

class Main {
   private var myCSS:TextField.StyleSheet;
   private var cssURL:String = "main.css";
   private var xml:XML;
   private var xmlURL:String;
   private var tournaments:Object;
   private var updates:Object;
   public function Main() {

   tournaments = new Object();
   updates = new Object();
   private function loadCSS():Void {

   myCSS = new TextField.StyleSheet();
   myCSS.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, onLoadCSS);
   private function onLoadCSS(success:Boolean):Void {

   if (success) {
   var txt:String =
   'zona pellicia accinctis '+
   'haec at illi href="http://www.google.com";>dixerunt ';

   _root.report_txt.styleSheet = myCSS;
   _root.foldOut_mc.menu_txt.styleSheet = myCSS;
   _root.report_txt.htmlText = txt;

   //_root.foldOut_mc.menu_txt.htmlText = txt;
   XMLParser.load("tournaments.xml", Delegate.create(this, 
onLoadTournamentsXML), tournaments);
   XMLParser.load("updates.xml", Delegate.create(this, 
onLoadUpdatesXML), updates);

   private function onLoadTournamentsXML(success:Boolean, 
results_obj:Object, xml:XML):Void {

   if (success) {
   var menu:TextField = _root.foldOut_mc.menu_txt;
   menu.htmlText = '';
   for(var i:Number=0; i < tournaments.liveTournament.length; 
i++) {

   var node:Array = tournaments.liveTournament[i];
   menu.htmlText += 'href="asfunction:_root.loadEvent,'+ node.id +'">'+ node.name[0].value 
   ''+ node.startDate[0].value 

   } else {

   trace("XML Problem " + success);
   public function loadEvent2(_arg:String):Void {

   private function onLoadUpdatesXML(success:Boolean, 
results_obj:Object, xml:XML):Void {

   if (success) {
   } else {
   trace("XML Problem " + success);

Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] Any good XML api out there?

2007-05-03 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, what I need is basically a class that puts all the data in an 
associative array, or numeric, depending on if I'm storing values for 
individual nodes, or a "mothernode".

Now I find there is a lot of looping going on every time I have to parse 
a XML, and XPath seems more like the thing you want to use if you're 
looking for specific data inside the XML - I just want to put all the 
data in an Array or Object...

For example:



I would like it like this: root[track[n]["artist"]]



Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] Class for movie - best practice question

2007-04-24 Thread Johan Nyberg

Hi, just wanted to know if there is a best practice when creating a class for 
the mother movie (i.e. the flash-movie itself). Is
this the way to go?

var mother:MyFabFlashApp = new MyFabFlashApp();

..or is there a better way? Seems kind of a stupid question, but I wanted to 
put it anyway in case I've missed something.  ;-)  I'veput my main code on the 
first frame of the _root timeline for too long, and want to move it into a 


/Johan Nyberg

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[Flashcoders] Basic "class for swf"-question

2007-04-23 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, just wanted to know if there is a best practice when creating a 
class for the mother movie (i.e. the flash-movie itself). Is this the 
way to go?

var mother:MyFabFlashApp = new MyFabFlashApp();

..or is there a better way? Seems kind of a stupid question, but I 
wanted to put it anyway in case I've missed something. ;-) I've put my 
main code on the first frame of the _root timeline for too long, and 
want to move it into a class.



Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] Parameters to constructor of class that extends MovieClip

2007-03-30 Thread Johan Nyberg
Is it possible to send parameters to the constructor of a class that 
extends MovieClip, i.e. when the movie clip that is linked to that class 
is loaded?

Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] Thanks!

2007-03-22 Thread Johan Nyberg
I just wanted to extend my gratitude towards the people that helped me 
understand the scope issue when extending a function inside a class that 
is triggered by a text field, and tipping me off about the Delegate 
class. Thanks!

Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] Problem extending inherited function

2007-03-21 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, I have a problem extending an inherited function. I put all the 
files described here in a zip if you want to test it yourselves: 

I have this mother-class:

class Mother extends MovieClip {
   public var txt:TextField;
   public function Mother() {

   this.onPress = killingFocus;
   //this.txt.onKillFocus = killingFocus;
   public function killingFocus():Void {

   trace("testFunc in mother");

...and this child-class that inherits from Mother:

class Child extends Mother {
   public function Child() {
   public function killingFocus():Void {

   trace("testFunc in child");

Now, I have a test.fla that contains a movie clip that is linked to 
Child. Everything works as expected, both lines of trace running on the 

But now: comment out the onPress-event in the constructor in Mother, and 
uncomment the second line: this.txt.onKillFocus = killingFocus;

Now, there is a text field inside the movie clip. When this text field 
loses focus, you wold expect the code to run the same way, but no. The 
killingFocus-function in Mother is overwritten and only the trace in 
Child runs.

I have some clue that the problem must have something to do with that it 
is the text field that triggers the event, and not the movie clip. But 
you would expect the super.killingFocus(); to work anyway, regardless of 
what calls the function?!



Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] Problems with Key event

2007-03-21 Thread Johan Nyberg

For some reason this code doesn't capture all keyboard keys as expected:

var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = keyPressed;

function keyPressed():Void {

All letters and numbers work. Insert and Shift works.. But not Delete, 
Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, Enter, etc..

What am I doing wrong???

Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] Text moving behind masks

2007-03-20 Thread Johan Nyberg
When I move text behind a mask, it gets blurry on every other pixel. 
I've tried a thousand ways to solve this problem: ensuring the txtfield 
is whole pixels, using no bitmap rendering, but nothing works. Anybody?

Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] chinese characters

2007-03-20 Thread Johan Nyberg
Anybody know how to get chinese characters into Flash? I've googled like 
crazy, but to no avail. I send the text from the html-page via FlashVars 
to some dynamic text fields in the fla. I have no problem embedding 
other characters sets like Cyrillic for example.

Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] TextField variable and arrays - please help!

2007-03-15 Thread Johan Nyberg
I tried to get help here a couple of days ago, but alas to no avail. 
Please give me a hand with this if you can:

How do I make a connection between a TextField and an array with the 
variable property when creating TextFields dynamically?

Now I'm doing a work around where I create a variables on the fly, fill 
it with values from the array (winnerPercentPayout), and then connect 
the variable with the TextField.

for(var i:Number=0; i<=100; i++){
   mc = 

   _root["winner"+i+"PercentPayout"] = winnerPercentPayout[i];
   mc.txt.variable = "_root.winner"+i+"PercentPayout";

mc.txt is the instance name of the textfield. What I would like to do is 
to connect the TextFields with the array directly, like this (which 
doesn't work):

for(var i:Number=0; i<=100; i++){
   mc = 

   _root["winner"+i+"PercentPayout"] = "_root.winnerPercentPayout["+i+"]";

Grateful for help with this.

Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] Text blurry when behind a mask

2007-03-15 Thread Johan Nyberg
Anybody know how to solve this annoying problem? Whenever I put text 
behind a mask, and then move the text - like for example if you want to 
make a simple scroller - the text gets blurry. Even when I use bitmap 
text. On the odd pixel the text is blurry, on the other sharp.

Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] Make a connection between a TextField and an array

2007-03-14 Thread Johan Nyberg
Anyone know how to make a connection between a TextField and an array 
with the variable property when creating TextFields dynamically?

Now I'm doing a work around where I create a variables on the fly, fill 
it with values from the array (winnerPercentPayout), and then connect 
the variable with the TextField.

for(var i:Number=0; i<=100; i++){
   mc = 

   _root["winner"+i+"PercentPayout"] = winnerPercentPayout[i];
   mc.txt.variable = "_root.winner"+i+"PercentPayout";

mc.txt is the instance name of the textfield. What I would like to do is 
to connect the TextFields with the array directly, like this (which 
doesn't work):

for(var i:Number=0; i<=100; i++){
   mc = 

   _root["winner"+i+"PercentPayout"] = "_root.winnerPercentPayout["+i+"]";

Grateful for help with this.

Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm 
070 - 407 83 00

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[Flashcoders] Easy to learn and use 3d program

2006-10-27 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi, I'm looking for an easy to learn and use 3d program to create 
content for Flash. What are your suggestions? I want to do fairly simple 
animations, but I need something that are a bit more complex than say, 

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[Flashcoders] Streaming AND looping of mp3:s

2006-10-16 Thread Johan Nyberg

Hi, anybody know if there is a way to loop a streamed mp3?

/Johan Nyberg
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[Flashcoders] Smoothing on mported jpegs and moving on to web services

2006-10-10 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi all, and thanks for the advice on imported, rotated and smoothed 
bitmaps. It was the first time I used the list, and I must say I was 
overwhelmed by the amount of response.
The answer was in short the BitmapData class. The only problem is that 
this class is only available if you publish to Flash player 8, and this 
player still only has an average of 86% penetration. I try to use 
version 6 as often as possible (around 97% penetration - 

I have another issue, this one relating to web services. I've built a 
quiz that reads data from a web service, and as long as I run the app in 
the player all is fine, but as soon I go to the browser, the sandbox 
restrictions kick in. I've tried using System.security.allowDomain, but 
to no avail. I also tried running the swf on the same domain (yes, top 
domain) as the web service, but that didn't do it either. Suggestions?


/Johan Nyberg
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[Flashcoders] Allow smoothing on imported jpeg:s

2006-10-10 Thread Johan Nyberg
Hi everybody, anybody know if there is a way to use the "allow 
smoothing" functionality on imported jpeg:s? I want to be able to rotate 
imported jpeg:s, but they look awful, and there doesn't seem to be a way 
to switch on allow smoothing with action script.

Is there a work-around?

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