Re: [Flashcoders] IE vulnerability

2006-03-24 Thread Scott Fanetti
You could always just tell that the IE is a buggy and insecure browser - 
and that in order to use your application, active scripting must be 
enabled.  If your client balks then tell them IE is vulnerable with any 
web technology - it is just a piece of crap application.   Explain to 
your client that you could just as easily create a signed java applet 
that would load a virus through JNI that could do anything it wants to a 
user's PC.  It is up to users to be vigilant and aware of the 
vulnerabilities in their applications.  For trusted sites, users should 
allow active scripting.  For sketchy sites, users shouldn't.

In any case, you as a developer should let users know that active 
scripting is required to run your site in the same way that you would 
let them know that Flash or javascript must be enabled - or develop 
without any Flash or javascript calls to the browser.  You cannot be 
expected to seamlessly handle every moron user's ignorance about 'dat 
innernet thing'.   There is only so much a developer can do to coddle 
users before they have to take responsibility for their online activity.

Éric Thibault wrote:
How are we going to explain to our clients the new alert box poping up 
when you talk to a function on the HTML page from Flash

Read this :


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Re: [Flashcoders] Movie Speed

2006-03-23 Thread Scott Fanetti
I have been playing with Flex 2 a lot recently, so I forgot a lot of the 
AS2 syntax for this, but this is pseudocode for what I would do.

What I would do is initialize the MovieClip as an event broadcaster:


then add a broadcaster to the MovieClip prototype

MovieClip.prototype.broadcastEnterFrame = function(){

then in the root create a movieClip that will be your central animation 


then create a setInterval to iteratively call the broadcaster

speedInterval = setInterval(broadcast_mc,"broadcastEnterFrame",33);

then to get anything to animate, you simple add it as an event listener 
to the MovieClip prototype - and have the animation code in an 
"enterFrameEvent" function.  To change the global playback rate, you set 
33 to some other number (  in milliseconds )

my_mc.enterFrameEvent = function(){
   this._x += 3
   if(this._x >10)MovieClip.removeListener(this)


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Re: [Flashcoders] Do getters and setters add any size to a file

2006-03-07 Thread Scott Fanetti
using getters and setters adds no noticeable overhead to your 
application. Yes the functions add a few bytes, but after compile the 
difference is undetectable.  The benefit you get from proper 
encapsulation greatly outweighs the slight increase in development time 
it and script size you get from using getters and setters.

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Re: [Flashcoders] allowing external content to acces local content

2006-03-06 Thread Scott Fanetti


allowinsecuredomain simply lets Flash allow a domain that is insecure to 
be loaded and executed if it is being served from a secure domain.  Put into your loader movie.  Make sure your 
loader movie is running locally with filesystem and network access.

Read the Flash security whitepaper for more - if you google it, you will 
find it.

Tom Versweyveld wrote:

I'm trying to allow an swf (loaded from a testing server), to access the
global scope in an swf running in authoring, but I keep getting:

*** Security Sandbox Violation ***
SecurityDomain '' tried to access
incompatible context 'file:///C|//iloaded someflash.swf'

I fiddled around with the "local playback security"-publish settings,
added "C:\" in the online "Global Security Settings Panel", and also
tried adding "" in as, but nada...any
clues anyone? The problem occurs with fp7-8...


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Re: [Flashcoders] Newbiew question AS3

2006-03-06 Thread Scott Fanetti

AS3 information

language reference:

Adobe labs AS3 site

Forums @ Existanze wrote:

Hello all,

This is my first post in this mailing list after reading it for about week,
just to get the feel of thing. I have seen actionscript v3 being mentioned
here. I am a programmer, not so much of a designer, so I would be really
interested to find out more about v3, changes and new functionality in the
language. I went to the formerly macromedia site to look for changes in
flash8 but I saw no mention of as v3? Can anyone point me to a reference to


Thank you for reading



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Re: [Flashcoders] Event Dispatcher

2006-02-17 Thread Scott Fanetti
If you are using Flex2 , create a custom event that extends from the 
event class. and inject the namespace for the custom event into the 

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Re: [Flashcoders] AS 3.0 tutorials

2006-02-13 Thread Scott Fanetti


I am right there with you about the migration from AS2 to AS3.

Basically, as I gather it, packages are pretty much the same thing as 
the class path in as2 classes.  com.exampleClass would become

package com{
   public class exampleClass{
  public function exampleClass(){
 ... code

some things to remember.  AS3 constuctors cannot be private ( as of yet 
).  All the declarative classes (actionscript analogues.  The event model has been completely revamped, 
too.  Instead of using:

myBtn.onPress = function(){
--click functions

you use

myBtn:Button = new Button();
function doOnPress(e:MouseEvent):void{
  case myBtn:
do one thing
do another thing
  case homeBtn:
 -- home button actions
  case menuBtn:
 -- menu button actions

The whole point is to break apart the procedural calls associated with 
typical actionscript and tie the framework together in an object 
oriented setting that passes informative event objects to a centralized 
event processing area.  This might seem like a lot of setup work for a 
small application, but the goal with AS3 is to allow for the complexity 
associated with rich internet applications in a flash client.  Imagine 
putting a thousand onPress events all over your application then finding 
out you need to refactor (change) a huge chunk of your code to add 
another type of functionality.   You would have to search through your 
code in a hundred places on a hundred frames to get  the whole thing 
right.  With the new way, your centralized events can be monitored and 
dispatched in one location   You could do this with AS2, but it required 
some hacking.

The whole MouseEvent.CLICK thing is just a constant in flex with the 
value of "click".  They just wanted to provide a constant based 
reference to the event name so that developers didn't screw up their app 
with a typo.  The whole e:MouseEvent thing is  the event object that 
gets passed as a parameter when the event reaches its target.  You can 
tell the function to accept e:ChangeEvent or e:WhateverEvent and the 
event will only active the function if it is the right kind of event.  
This can help you sort through the different types of events that are 
available in AS3. You can use that event object to get information about 
what triggered the event - as well as define custom reactions to the 
event as it flows through the document tree ( think of the document as 
an XML file and your button is a node)

I know this 5 second breakdown sucks - and I am just really starting to 
understand this stuff today - literally I learned this stuff today - so 
don't feel like you are alone in the dark. 

Also - if you are a Flex guru with better information - or if I screwed 
up on my syntax above - I would love to get a reply to correct it. 

Scott Fanetti

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Re: [Flashcoders] _delete onEnterFrame vs onEnterFrame = null

2006-02-09 Thread Scott Fanetti
delete this.onEnterFrame is definitely the standard method.  I think 
null kills the function definition, but the event still gets fired and 
the owner of the onEnterFrame event still gets the event notification.  
delete destroys the event and removes the function pointer from the instance

Anggie Bratadinata wrote:

Hi all,

How does "onEnterFrame = null" differ from "_delete onEnterFrame" ? 
Should I prefer one to the other?

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Re: [FlashCoders] textfield swapDepths

2006-02-09 Thread Scott Fanetti


I never knew Flash would not remove _mcs with negative depth.  I just 
tried it and it and it won't work.  I guess you learn something new 
every day.

import flash.geom.Rectangle
import flash.display.BitmapData

_mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("rect_mc",3);
_bdm = new BitmapData(300,200,false,0xFF);

_mc.onPress = function(){

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Re: [Flashcoders] Is this site legit to buy the software???

2006-02-09 Thread Scott Fanetti

They'll probably just take your money and run

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [FlashCoders] textfield swapDepths

2006-02-09 Thread Scott Fanetti


Have you considered loading a blank movieclip into the textfields depth 
then removing the movieclip?  Loading the mc into that depths should 
clear that depth then removing the mc should clear that memory

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