Re: [Flashcoders] Actionscript 3 and Flashplayer 8

2010-10-19 Thread strk
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 01:25:09PM -0400, Kevin Newman wrote:
> The OP referenced "old" players. I didn't think "freedom" players were 
> the topic.
> There is the GPL 3 Lightspark player:

Agreed, but that one doesn't build on many platforms.
If "broad platform support" is being looked for, Gnash
seems to be the most ubiquitus player to me.


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Re: [Flashcoders] Actionscript 3 and Flashplayer 8

2010-10-18 Thread strk
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 12:05:28PM -0400, Kevin Newman wrote:

> On alternative platforms - AS3 (AVM2) is available on more platforms 
> than it used to be, even being supported in some versions of Flash Lite, 

I disagree. There is NO _free_ player supporting AVM2 movies.
Free player means virtual support for _any_ platform.

See some screenshots of Gnash on embedded devices:

So, there's surely MUCH WIDER availability of players for AVM1 than
there is for AVM2.  


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Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] how do i say "string" + anything?

2009-09-24 Thread strk
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 05:36:20PM -0700, Steven Sacks wrote:
> var compareBranch:String = "index/nav/home/whatever/else";
> if (compareBranch.indexOf(event.validBranch) > -1)

Would fail if the substring is found farther than the beginning.
Should be checked for being == 0 eventually.


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Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] how do i say "string" + anything?

2009-09-23 Thread strk
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 12:40:55PM +0100, thomas horner wrote:

> what i need  to know if how to say  is ;   if(event.validBranch ==
> "index/nav/his" + "anything else that might follow"){

Compare a substring of event.validBranch, from start to length
of "index/nav/his".


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Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] What heck is up with "parent" in actionscript 3?

2008-12-10 Thread strk
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 01:49:02PM -0800, Carl Welch wrote:

> Am I missing something? I'm finding that everything I took for granted  
> in AS2 is now convoluted in AS3... I'm so frustrated.

Don't use it !
Running after latest and greatest thing isn't necessarely
a good thing. Beside, no free flash player supports AS3
at the moment, so your choice will affect freedom of people
to use the content you make available.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] attachMovie() with non-library-symbols

2008-10-25 Thread strk
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 01:45:01PM +0200, Matthias Dittgen wrote:
> @strk:
> I should try
> var func:String = "register";
> Object[func](args);
> instead of
> Object.registerClass(args);
> to see, if an all code based attempt is working without having the
> compiler do EXPORT tags.

Yes please :)

> I have attached a test situation build in current FlashDevelop on
> WinXP as AS2 project.
> Let us know, how it goes.

It does contain the EXPORT, pretty much expected (as Peter pointed out).

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] attachMovie() with non-library-symbols

2008-10-24 Thread strk
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 03:17:32PM +0200, Matthias Dittgen wrote:
> Have your received my email with the Test SWF?

Yes, thanks. Haven't looked at it yet but I plan to do next week.

> > What's an RSL ?
> Remote Shared Library.

Mat, you're being *very* helpful !

I drafted a page on our wiki for use when we're to improve
Gnash implementation of symbols libraries:

If there's anything you may want to add we'd appreciate it.


- How does a symbol library with "RSL" enabled look like ?
  Can you send a small SWF with that ?
  (we don't parse that, I'm afraid)

- Which SWF version introduced this feature ?


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] attachMovie() with non-library-symbols

2008-10-23 Thread strk
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:38:52AM +0100, Peter Hall wrote:
> The code on my old blog works for content published with Flash
> authoring. However, it works because Flash inserts the export tags in
> the swf automatically. If you have a swf that has a working
> attachMovie, but no export tags, then it must be attaching the symbol
> from another swf. An RSL perhaps?

What's an RSL ?

I'm not sure that the movie *is* working.
I mean, could as well be that the attachMovie with unexistent
symbols are just garbage in the SWF, or hooks for the case in
which the movie is loaded by another one, which contain the syms,
but optional.

Is the sym library of a 'loader' movie supposed to be available
to 'loaded' movies for use ?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] attachMovie() with non-library-symbols

2008-10-23 Thread strk
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:01:37AM +0200, Matthias Dittgen wrote:

> if you mean EXPORT tags in the swf bytecode,
> I am not aware of the tags that are written by the compiler when using
> the code explained by Peter Joel, but I could imagine, that when using
> MTASC for compiling only DOACTION tags are written and no EXPORT tags.
> But I usually don't read SWF bytecode after comiling. ;)

I've seen a few compilers automatically adding non-action tags as
a side effect of AS interpretation...

> > My problem with the dmplayer.swf above is that it ends up
> > looking for symbols like 'video_frame':
> >  ERROR: No export symbol video_frame found in movie dmplayer.swf.
> > Which do NOT appear in any EXPORT tag.
> How do you know?
> Where does the SWF come from?
> Do you do some kind of reverse engineering?

The SWF comes from the web. I know by using an SWF dumper
(listswf from Ming -

> >> This way you can attach classes that don't have a library symbol but
> >> extend MovieClip.
> > You mean it is possible to add entries to the 'symbols library'
> > trough DOACTION blocks only ? I mean, not something automatically
> > done by the AS *compiler* but something done by the actual VM/player ?
> I think so, but I am not sure about the bytecode/tags written by the
> compiler interpreting the code.

Could you send me (a private attachment if the list doesn't let you) a small
SWF produced as a proof of concept ? If it contains no EXPORT tags
but has a working attachMovie('symbol',..) I'll go on with the research.

This is for eventual compatibility fixes in Gnash (The GNU SWF Player).

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] attachMovie() with non-library-symbols

2008-10-20 Thread strk
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 09:45:56AM +0200, Matthias Dittgen wrote:
> You're talking about AS2?

Talking about SWF8:

> See here for the answer:

Thank you for the pointer, but reading that article doesn't
help me much. For example, I don't understand if the resulting
SWF from that syntax is expected to contain EXPORT tags or not.

My problem with the dmplayer.swf above is that it ends up 
looking for symbols like 'video_frame':

 ERROR: No export symbol video_frame found in movie dmplayer.swf. 

Which do NOT appear in any EXPORT tag.

> This way you can attach classes that don't have a library symbol but
> extend MovieClip.

You mean it is possible to add entries to the 'symbols library'
trough DOACTION blocks only ? I mean, not something automatically
done by the AS *compiler* but something done by the actual VM/player ?

If so, can you provide the smallest example of such thing ?

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] attachMovie() with non-library-symbols

2008-10-06 Thread strk
I've found a few movies out there using attachMovie()
with symbol names which are NOT exported in the SWF
movie containing the call.
Are the SWF bogus (containing useless actionscript)
or is there another interpretation of attachMovie() 
first argument ?


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Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Handling unsupported NetStream media files

2008-09-24 Thread strk
Is there a way to be notified about unsupported
media files loaded trough NetStream ?

I mean, if you do something like trying to play
an OGG file, is there any method of your NetStream
object that would be called to signal "can't do that" ?


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Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Shared fonts

2008-07-22 Thread strk
On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 06:07:18PM +0100, allandt bik-elliott 
( wrote:
> mate it's definitely a weakness of flash but i wouldn't quite call it a bug
> Adobe needs to look at it tho, coz having a common font library is tough
> (although one of the guys i worked with said it was possible by copying the
> format from the loaded swf)

The only reason I can think of for not using a single library is the case
in which loading a movie would override a previously defined font.
It would explain why a loaded movie can use fonts from loader but
not the other way around (a kind of visibility graph).

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Shared fonts

2008-07-22 Thread strk
I'm trying to figure wheter the overcomplex solutions for shared fonts
are due to bugs in the proprietary player or design choices.

In particular, why shouldn't a loader movie be allowed to use
fonts defined in a *loaded* movie while the other way around should
be possible ?

Or, why not maintaining a single shared font library for a whole run ?


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Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Close current browser from flash without alert message.

2008-06-11 Thread strk
On Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 04:42:11PM +0400, natalia Vikhtinskaya wrote:
> Hi
> I want to close my current(main) browser from flash when a new pop up
> browser appears(first page I use for choosing language).
> I use this code for new window:
> getURL ("'main_eng.html','mainPage','fullscreen=yes,
> scrollbars=no, status=no, menubar=no, titlebar=no, toolbar=no,
> location=no');void(0);");
> As I know it is not possible without alert message if I try to close
> current page. But maybe there is a solution?

No way, I hope, to close a whole browser window.
It's up to the user to decide what to do with her windows.
Please don't use popups at all, replace the page with content as selected
by the language selection thing...

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] FPS limit of flash player inside browser?

2008-05-07 Thread strk
On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 10:06:43AM -0700, Steven Sacks wrote:

> The fact of the matter is, running at a higher frame rate makes things 
> look smoother.  Period, end of statement.  If you take a time-based 
> animation inside a 30fps movie and a 60 fps movie, the 60 fps version 
> will look a lot smoother.  It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

If a frame takes MORE to render (or execute associated actions)
then another, the rendering will NOT be smooter, just going
fast and slow depending on frame number, which isn't smooth...

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash is full of surprises. I will show you how to move movie-clip using a reference to another deleted clip.

2008-03-10 Thread strk
On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 06:50:58PM +0300, Pavel Empty wrote:

> //Create a clip from the library and store its reference to "mc" variable.
> var mc:MovieClip = _root.attachMovie("Star", "star_mc",
> _root.getNextHighestDepth());

'mc' is a "soft reference" to the Star instance.

> //Destroy the clip
> mc.removeMovieClip();

'mc' becomes a "dangling" reference, which means it'll be looking
for a substitute with same target name when dereferenced.

> //Create another star clip once again with the same name "star_mc"
> //Notice that I do not assign the clip reference to "mc" variable.
> _root.attachMovie("Star", "star_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
> //And now I move "mc". It references the first clip, which was destroyed.
> //I expect nothing to happen, but...
> mc._x = 100;
> The second clip moves!
> That is, the second clip was referenced using "mc".

Dereferencing 'mc' here yelds the new Star insatnce, having
the same target path as the original one.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Multiple moviecliploaders

2008-02-12 Thread strk
On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 04:18:20PM -0200, Marcelo Wolfgang wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using the movieClipLoader class to load 6 different images
> 'simultaneous' but since it's the same object that got called every
> time the .onLoadInit on happens for the last call, does anyone has a
> clue how I can make this:
>   mclListener.onLoadInit = function() {
>   main.hideMc(loading_mc);
>   };

onLoadInit takes an argument being the load target..

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] getBytesLoaded() and actions execution

2008-02-09 Thread strk
Is it safe to assume that as soon as 
loaded.getBytesLoaded() == loaded.getBytesTotal()
actions in first frame of the loaded 'loaded' movieclip
were executed ?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] How to shorten the compile time?

2008-01-29 Thread strk
On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 10:53:29PM +0300, Donald Trump wrote:
> I'm at the final stages of my project.
> The thing that I am bothered most now is compile time.
> My project is Action Script 2.0 based.
> Maybe the right step is to move to AS 3.0?
> Do you know whether this compile caching problem was solved in AS 3.0 Flash 
> and haXe compiler?

You may also try Ming, should be faster.

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] onMetaData

2008-01-29 Thread strk
Can one rely on the assumption that onMetaData
will be called only once for a given video loaded
by NetStream ?

And is the call sequence of it and other statuses
predictable at all ?



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Re: [Flashcoders] Rotating, skewing and coloring TextFields using device fonts.

2007-07-24 Thread strk
On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 07:22:20PM -0300, Zeh Fernando wrote:

> Just as a side note, textfields rendered with device fonts can be 
> 'captured' by way of BitmapData instances and manipulated as an image, 
> so on most aspects, they can still be manipulated although you'd need a 
> few more steps for that (and Flash Player 8+).

Can this be done with embedded fonts too ?

> >Also, I've been reported that *some* proprietary player versions handle
> >this differently in different architecture flavors (like _alpha being 
> >misreguarded
> >but borderColor and backgroundColor being honoured). Can anyone confirm ?
> I haven't tested these properties specifically, but I think they do 
> work.

It has been reported that they do NOT work with LNX 9,0,31,0 (Adobe's)
Does it have to be considered a bug or is it known practice among flash
coders to switch code based on some sort of versioning ?

This is not the first case of such incompatibility between versions
of Adobe players - take a look at
and see if you find other failures (a few are listed, for example for
the Number test).

> Plus they can have filters (Flash 8+ feature) applied to force 
> antialias. So yes, it's a bit confusing.

Gnash also support antialias for device fonts for free (another "problem" ?)

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[Flashcoders] Rotating, skewing and coloring TextFields using device fonts.

2007-07-24 Thread strk
Hi all, I'd like to gather some opinions reguarding compatibility between
Gnash and the proprietary players.

Current Gnash development version is able to handle device fonts exactly in
the same way as embedded fonts are handled. This means you can rotate, skew,
colorize each component and everything will work.

Do flash coders consider this as an advantage or a compatibility warning ?
(or both)

Also, I've been reported that *some* proprietary player versions handle
this differently in different architecture flavors (like _alpha being 
but borderColor and backgroundColor being honoured). Can anyone confirm ?


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Re: [Flashcoders] Extending buttons interface

2007-03-10 Thread strk
On Fri, Mar 09, 2007 at 11:16:46AM -0500, elibol wrote:
> instanceof matches an objects primitive type in as1 and as2.
> I believe you can do this by adding a method to the Button.prototype object.
> Button.prototype.somefunc = function(){
> trace("hi");
> }
> and from a button instance, you make invoke
> buttonInstance.somefunc(); //hi

It works with SWF7, but not in SWF6, where ! myButton instanceof Button.


> On 3/9/07, strk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Is there a way to attach a method to all existing button instances ?
> >It seems that button instances are NOT instaceof Button ...
> >At least NOT for SWF6 .
> >
> >--strk;
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[Flashcoders] Extending buttons interface

2007-03-09 Thread strk
Is there a way to attach a method to all existing button instances ?
It seems that button instances are NOT instaceof Button ...
At least NOT for SWF6 .

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Re: [Flashcoders] ActionScript classes availability

2007-01-16 Thread strk
On Thu, Jan 11, 2007 at 09:42:58AM -0500, Merrill, Jason wrote:

> >>Is availability of classes bound to *SWF* version or *player* 
> >>version ?
> Both.

mm... so if you name an object, say, "stage" and use a "width"
element of it in your SWF5-compiled movie, can you expect it
to work with any player ? [ it would clash with Stage class intruduced
in player 6 ]


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[Flashcoders] ActionScript classes availability

2007-01-11 Thread strk
Is availability of classes bound to *SWF* version 
or *player* version ?

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[Flashcoders] Exported symbols scope and lifetime

2007-01-04 Thread strk
How long does an exported simbol last, and from where is it usable ?


   - let movie A export symbol "symA"
   - let movie B export symbol "symB"
   - let movie A *load* movie B

   Q1: can ActionScript in movie A attachMovie("symB") ?
   Q2: can ActionScript in movie B attachMovie("symA") ?

Further case:

   - movie A *unloads* movie B

   Q3: can ActionScript in movie A still attachMovie("symB") ?
   (of course if it couldn't before no need to answer this)


   Q4: do rules for attachMovie() apply for registerClass() ?

I'm asking this questions to properly implement registerClass()
in the GNU Flash Player (
Flash coders help is highly welcome for providing advices and testcases,
in case you're interested in helping out.

Thanks in advance


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[Flashcoders] ActionScript switch/default syntax and interpretation

2006-12-21 Thread strk
Is this valid ActionScript ?

var v = 1;
switch (var)
case 1:

What is expected to be traced ? 

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Re: [Flashcoders] SWF Decompiler

2006-12-13 Thread strk
On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 03:47:01PM -0500, Andy Herrman wrote:
> Hey all,
> At work I've run into a situation where I need to decompile some SWFs.
> A few weeks ago I had looked for one, but couldn't find any good free
> ones.  It looks like the company may be willing to buy one, so I'm
> wondering if anyone here knows which are the good ones.

How much is the copmany willing to spend ?
Maybe those money could be directed to improvement
of existing free decompilers ?
Ming ( has utilities to convert an SWF
to a perl,php,python or C++ source... but needs some

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Re: [Flashcoders] IMPORT tag interpretation

2006-11-16 Thread strk
On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 05:59:34PM +0100, Eric Priou wrote:
> No it doesn't.
> That's why so much people uses sharedlib locally and find them not working
> once deployed on a website.

Ok, thanks for the answer, so there's really no difference with
explicitly using loadMovie ? And, can I rely on calling
getBytesLoaded() on the movieclip in which I import the sharedlib ?


> 2006/11/16, strk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >Hi all, I'm working on creating a shared library using IMPORT/EXPORT
> >tags. A question I have is:
> >
> >Does the IMPORT action block untiil the imported movie is fully loaded ?
> >Or do I have to use getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal() even for "imported"
> >movies ?
> >
> >This info will also be needed to properly implement that action execution
> >in the GNU Flash Player (Gnash).
> >
> >--strk;
> >
> >/"\ASCII Ribbon Campaign
> >\ /Respect for low technology.
> >  X Keep e-mail messages readable by any computer system.
> >/ \Keep it ASCII.
> >
> >___
> >
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> >
> >
> >Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
> >Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Eric Priou
> (aka erixtekila)
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[Flashcoders] IMPORT tag interpretation

2006-11-16 Thread strk
Hi all, I'm working on creating a shared library using IMPORT/EXPORT
tags. A question I have is:

Does the IMPORT action block untiil the imported movie is fully loaded ?
Or do I have to use getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal() even for "imported"
movies ?

This info will also be needed to properly implement that action execution
in the GNU Flash Player (Gnash).


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