[flexcoders] The apk is not properly signed - trying to get an app into the android market ?

2012-03-12 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I'm using the same certificate I used to get my FLEX 4.6 mobile app into 
the apple store.  Apple accepted it, now when 

I try to upload and publish my apk into the 'Google Play' android market, it 

Anything that I should look for? 


[flexcoders] Re: date problem?

2012-01-12 Thread luvfotography


If you pass two or more arguments, the Date object is assigned a time value 
based on the argument values passed, which represent the date's year, month, 
date, hour, minute, second, and milliseconds.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "luvfotography"  wrote:
> Why does:
> trace((new Date(2012,01,15)).toString());
> and
> trace((new Date('2012','01','15')).toString());
> return:
> Wed Feb 15 00:00:00 GMT-0800 2012
> February??

[flexcoders] date problem?

2012-01-12 Thread luvfotography
Why does:
trace((new Date(2012,01,15)).toString());
trace((new Date('2012','01','15')).toString());


Wed Feb 15 00:00:00 GMT-0800 2012


[flexcoders] Any difference between instantiating in declaration vs. init()

2011-10-12 Thread luvfotography
Is there any difference between initializing a variable in the declarations vs. 
in the creationComplete function?

private var scrollTimer:Timer = new Timer(500,1);

private var scrollTimer:Timer;

private function init():void {
 scrollTimer = new Timer(500,1);

When/Why should I use one vs. the other?

[flexcoders] How do you delete itemrenderers in a spark view for mobile?

2011-10-03 Thread luvfotography
How can I delete itemRenderers in a spark view for mobile,
There's the property 'destructionPolicy' = auto or never

I'd like to keep the itemRenderers on the current view when I push another view 
on top, so when I come back it's still there, but when I pop out of the current 
view I'd like to destroy all itemRenderers.
Is this possible?

I tried setting destructionPolicy='auto' when I pop the current view, but it 
doesn't help.

[flexcoders] How to insert mobile ad?

2011-08-22 Thread luvfotography
Can someone recommend an easy way to serve ads in my flex mobile game?
(so I can make sow money)
Has any one used admob, mochiads, etc?  Do I need an actionscript API?

[flexcoders] How do I get size of scaled bitmap image?

2011-08-10 Thread luvfotography
How do I get the width of a scaled bitmap image, 
In my example, it's returning the width of the unscaled width,
ie. I have an image that's portrait aspect ratio, when put into a
landscape oriented box, the width is the size of the box, not the smaller 
scaled bitmap.

Is there another property that I can check??

   xmlns:local="*"  >

import spark.components.Image;

public class CustomImage extends Image
public function CustomImage()

override protected function updateDisplayList (unscaledWidth : 
Number, unscaledHeight : Number) : void
super.updateDisplayList (unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
trace('width = '+String(unscaledWidth) + ', height =' + 
String(unscaledHeight) );

[flexcoders] Hi, how do I signal a Binding event from a class?

2010-08-19 Thread luvfotography
Hi, how do I signal a Binding event that I changed a variable in a class?

I've created an instance and the binding variable is not getting updated. . .??

I've got a class 'Student' , with a function 'pass' that sets the variable 
'grade' to 'A'

package {

public class Student {
   private var _name:String;
   private var _grade:String;
   public function Student(name:String):void {
_name = name; 
   public function pass():void {
  _grade = 'A';
   private function set name(value:String):void {
_name = value;
   private function get name():String {
  return _name;
private function set grade(value:String):void {
_grade = value;
   private function get grade():String {
  return _grade;

[flexcoders] unable to bind to property

2010-08-02 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I'm getting this message, 
I know it's not much to go on, but what could be the cause?
I have an array of objects of type 'myclass' and 
create an arraycollection for  a datagrid.

The warning just pops up in the console multiple times.

warning: unable to bind to property 'name' on class 'Object' (class is not an 


[flexcoders] Using Subclipse and SSH with Flex Builder 3??

2010-07-28 Thread luvfotography
Using Subclipse and SSH with Flex Builder?

Hi, my subversion server is requiring me to SSH to it, 

I've installed the Subclipse Plug-in to FLEX and installed Putty, TortoiseSVN, 
Plink, Pageant. and I can use TortoiseSVN to SSH to my subversion server.

Now I need to tell Subclipse where TortoisePlink.exe is, in order to SSH to my 

Is there a config file for Subclipse?  so that I can
tell Subclipse that my SSH program is TortoisePlink.exe?

or is there another way to SSH to my SVN server in Flex 3 Builder?


[flexcoders] Re: Possible to capture the console log and act on it?

2010-06-01 Thread luvfotography
Well, I agree, but it's the only way that I can think of eg: the 3rd party swf 
file won't update the code, and the only way to detect a state change is thru 
the console log . .

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Paul Andrews  wrote:
> On 28/05/2010 22:25, luvfotography wrote:
> > Hi, My flex program is loading an external swf and the swf file outputs 
> > trace statements to the console log, is there a way to capture and act on 
> > those trace statements?
> >
> >
> Whether it's possible or not, it's an awful way to try and communicate 
> between components.

[flexcoders] Possible to capture the console log and act on it?

2010-05-28 Thread luvfotography
Hi, My flex program is loading an external swf and the swf file outputs trace 
statements to the console log, is there a way to capture and act on those trace 

[flexcoders] how do i make a function call to a class bindable?

2010-05-13 Thread luvfotography
how do I make a function call to a package bindable?

when I call the public function clear(), the bindable class doesn't get 
updated??  ie student.fname or student.lname


package {
  public class student{
 private var _fname:String;
 private var _lname:String;
  public function student( fname:String, lname:String):void {
 _fname = fname;
 _lname = lname;
  public function clear():void {
 _lname = '';
_fname = '';

public function set fname(value:String):void {
   _fname = value;
public function get fname():String {
return _fname;
public function set lname(value:String):void {
_lname = value;
public function get lname():String {
return _lname


[flexcoders] reboot App command for AIR?

2010-05-05 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I'm building an Air app in flex, 
is there any reboot/restart/reload?  command that I can
call to restart my AIR app from actionscript( ie. inside the application 

[flexcoders] Re: Security Cameras

2010-03-29 Thread luvfotography
It's most likely the browser caching the image, 
are you getting the image in a normal http request? over and over again?
ex:   http://www.mysite.com/image.jpg   
if so, just add a random number (a timestamp works fine) to the end of the url
ex:   http://www.mysite.com/image.jpg?12343545
This way the browser thinks it's a different image and will reload it.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "archtechcomputers"  
> Hi
>   I have a Flex3 application that is displaying images from a security 
> camera.  The camera doesn't stream video but I can get a jpg from it. Because 
> the camera is on a different network, I had to write a php application to get 
> the jpg and send it to the flex app (due to security)
> The flex app has an auto update that after the image has loaded, a 10 sec 
> timer runs and reloads the image.  I load the image into a new bitmap and 
> then swap the images.
> Currently it stopped working.  it seems to only show the last image, like a 
> caching issue.  If I call on the php app the image updates with every reload. 
>  I don't see what might be causing this.
> Any suggestions.
> I was just looking at Tour de FLEX, and there were Effects like Crossfade 
> that could switch between images, but could I make the images dynamic, not 
> embedded?
> Thanks

[flexcoders] How do I update the datagrid.selectedIndex after a column sort?

2010-03-24 Thread luvfotography
How do I update the datagrid.selectedIndex after a column sort?
If you select a row in a datagrid and then sort a column that changes the 
order, then
the selectedIndex doesn't get updated with the new value.
I tried invalidateList(), but didn't help.

Here's an example:
First select an item, then sort a column that rearranges the rows 
and notice that the selectedIndex didn't update.


Christina Coenraets

Joanne Wall

Maurice Smith

Mary Jones

[flexcoders] xml parsing

2010-03-15 Thread luvfotography
What does '*::' do in the following example:
(can someone explain how this works, where aspectRatios ends up with 
var aspectRatios:XMLList = atomXml..*::aspectRatio;

where atomxml = 
http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"; xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/"; 

countHint="1031" />



http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#overall"; />


[flexcoders] Re: LocalConnection woes

2010-03-10 Thread luvfotography
Hi, yea, it's in production, it connects fine, and takes a number of commands 
fine, then looses connection.  I'm doing a LocalConnection between AS3 and AS2.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Harui  wrote:
> If the player crashes or you exit a debug session from the debugger it can 
> cause LC's to hang.  Are you seeing this problem in production?
> On 3/10/10 10:27 AM, "luvfotography"  wrote:
> Hi, are there any tips on getting localConnection to work 100% of the time?  
> It works about 95% of the time for me, and then I get the 'error' returned in 
> a StatusEvent on a LocalConnection.send()
> Is there a way to extend the StatusEvent to return the command that failed?
> I'm issueing 2-3 commands at once and would like to accurately pinpoint the 
> command that fails.
> thanks,
> steve
> --
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe System, Inc.
> http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

[flexcoders] LocalConnection woes

2010-03-10 Thread luvfotography
Hi, are there any tips on getting localConnection to work 100% of the time?  It 
works about 95% of the time for me, and then I get the 'error' returned in a 
StatusEvent on a LocalConnection.send()  
Is there a way to extend the StatusEvent to return the command that failed?
I'm issueing 2-3 commands at once and would like to accurately pinpoint the 
command that fails.

[flexcoders] Profile and Debug at the same time?

2010-02-23 Thread luvfotography
Can you debug and run the profiler at the same time?
It seems to be one or the other, but not both??

[flexcoders] How do you use a mouse click and drag to scroll a datagrid?

2010-02-12 Thread luvfotography
How can I use a mouse drag to scroll a datagrid?
I want to click anywhere in the datagrid and drag up or down to 
scroll the datagrid in that direction.

[flexcoders] Need help refreshing datagrid - doesn't update in time if I use keyboard listner

2009-12-15 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I've got an eventListener listening for keyboard events and a  checkbox in 
a datagrid column, and after I select a checkbox and immediately hit a key, 
then the item selected is not picked up.
If I select a checkbox in the datagrid, then click outside the datagrid, then 
hit a key, then the item selected is recorded properly.
How Can I fix this?  

here is the code, to run the example, click on the two checkboxes, then 
immediatly press a key, only the first name is reported.

example here: http://elizabethcoda.com/datagridCheckbox.swf




[flexcoders] I've got a [Bindable] boolean var - can I setup a eventlistener on it?

2009-11-20 Thread luvfotography
I've declared a [Bindable] private var changeme:Boolean;

Is there a way to execute a function whenever this var changes?


[flexcoders] In a Label field, if the text is too long it ends with ..... , however if you ..

2009-11-17 Thread luvfotography
If the Label control size is smaller than its text, the text of the Label 
control is truncated using a localizable string, such as "...".

However if you set the text with htmlText, then you do not get the '...' How 
can I set the text of the Label field  with htmlText and still get the '...' if 
my text is too long?


http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute">

[flexcoders] How do I add a tooltip to the divider in a HDividedBox?

2009-11-02 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I want to add a tooltip to the divider, I assume I want to use the 
BoxDivider class, but I'm not sure how to do it.

[flexcoders] Flex resources Search?

2009-10-20 Thread luvfotography
Are there any good search engines that just search Flex sites?

[flexcoders] How to write a multiuser type game?

2009-10-20 Thread luvfotography
Are there any good books or postings or examples on how to write a multiuser 
Flex game?  
Just looking for a basic type game like poker.

[flexcoders] any good effects for initial loading of a datagrid with text?

2009-10-07 Thread luvfotography
Hi are there any good effects for loading a datagrid with text?

Like having the text float in from all directions?

[flexcoders] Re: How do I increase the Debug Console buffer size?

2009-10-01 Thread luvfotography
AWESOME!!!  thanks, 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "gtb104"  wrote:
> Right-click within the console window and select preferences.  Uncheck the 
> box for "Limit console output" to totally remove the limit, or put a really 
> large value in the "Console buffer size" field.
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "luvfotography"  wrote:
> >
> > Is there a way to increase the debug window buffer size?
> > My program spits out tons of trace statements, and by the time I stop it, 
> > the important info has scrolled off the screen into the bit bucket . . .
> > 
> > thanks,
> >

[flexcoders] How do I increase the Debug Console buffer size?

2009-10-01 Thread luvfotography
Is there a way to increase the debug window buffer size?
My program spits out tons of trace statements, and by the time I stop it, the 
important info has scrolled off the screen into the bit bucket . . .


[flexcoders] How do I determing If I'm running an Air app vs. Flex app?

2009-09-28 Thread luvfotography
What's the simplest way to test (in actionscript) if
I'm running Air vs. Flex?

[flexcoders] How can I view internet traffic for an Air App?

2009-09-24 Thread luvfotography
To view internet traffic while using a Flex app, I just use Safari and go to 
the menu bar and go to Window/Activity.

Is there an equivalent tool to see internet traffic to and from an Air app???

(while not in Debug mode)

[flexcoders] How do I get the browser's height and width?

2009-09-16 Thread luvfotography
How do I get the browser's height and width, 
not the swf's height and width, but the browser's height and width,
can I get it without using javascript (external interface)?

[flexcoders] using e4x - how do I determine if an element is there?

2009-08-25 Thread luvfotography
Hi, what's an efficient way of doing this?

This works(most of the time)
var LargeImage:String = event.result..LargeImage[0].URL;
except when LargeImage is not there, then I get:

TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.

Do I first get LargeImage, then if it exists, then get .URL ?

or is there a better way???

[flexcoders] mx:request equivalent in actionscript??

2009-08-18 Thread luvfotography
Hi, how do I code the 'mx:request' in actionscript?


I don't see any methods on the Httpservice class to add any 'request' 

[flexcoders] How can I remove a button and place the button in a differenct container in Gmbo

2009-08-17 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I have this working in Flex 3:

I am removing a button from one hBox and placing it into another hBox when I 
change to state='state1'



How do I accomplish this in Gumbo, 
for my button:




[flexcoders] actionscript2 swf's interfering with each other?

2009-08-07 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I'm loading 2 flash actionscript 2 swf files into seperate security domains 
in my flex program (using swfloader), yet they appear to be interfering with 
the operation of each other.
Is only one AVM1 started? 
or for each security domain, would a AVM1 be started for each instance?
Could this be possible?

[flexcoders] Can I use wireshark to override a crossdomain file?

2009-08-05 Thread luvfotography
I need to test a program on my local machine and a website that I don't own has 
a restricted crossdomain file.
Can a program like wireshark modify the call to somewesite.com/crossdomain.xml 
and change it on the fly to ''
or is there some other way to test locally and override the crossdomain file?

[flexcoders] selecting entire line in Gumbo?

2009-07-29 Thread luvfotography
back in Flex 3 builder you could click on the line number to highlight and 
select the entire line.  Now in Gumbo, if you click on the line number the line 
gets highlighted, but does not get selected!! 

How can I select the entire line in Gumbo??

(running Mac os x v10.5.6)

[flexcoders] Can I call a javascript function directly??

2009-07-16 Thread luvfotography
If I can talk to a swf file via actionscript, can I assume that the same 
funtion call is public and I can call it directly if I load the swf file via 

I load a swf file in my html page in a div= myswf , the swf file uses 
ExternalInterface to interact with my javascript.

I have a javascript function that calls myswf.setText('hello there');

If I create a flex program that loads the swf file, can I call the setText 
function directly from flex without using javascript?


[flexcoders] Listen for event of unknown type?

2009-07-09 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I'm using swfloader to load a swf and want to listen for all events, but I 
don't know the event types or names, 
Is this possible??


[flexcoders] how do I set the default value for an array in a function definition?

2009-06-24 Thread luvfotography
How do I make the array parameter optional??

private function howdoI(mycount:int,mystring:String, myArray:Array = []):void {

I get 
1047: Parameter initializer unknown or is not a compile-time constant.   

How do I make the Array parameter optional? :
myArray:Array = []


[flexcoders] subversion ? where do i start

2009-06-23 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I want to check out a google project, where do I start?
Do I need to install subversion?  or find a free subversion host?
mucho thanks,

[flexcoders] Changing background image in datagrid - does not clear out

2009-06-17 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I've got a datagrid in AIR, alpha=".5" backgroundSize="100%"

and I'm dynamically setting it with:
var picurl:String = 'http://mysite.com/mypic.jpg';

setStyle("backgroundImage", picurl);

and this works, however after 2 or 3 background changes, the pictures don't 
clear and they keep layering each other with some transparency.

I tried clearStyle, no luck,
any way to clear out the old image?

[flexcoders] communicate between air app and browser?

2009-06-08 Thread luvfotography
What's the best way to communicate between a flex app in a browser and an air 
app??  local connection?  If the Air app isn't running, can you start it from 
the browser somehow?

[flexcoders] itemrenderer in popupMenuButton?

2009-06-04 Thread luvfotography
Is itemRenderer supported in popupMenuButton?

I just want to add an icon to my list of data in my popupMenuButton.
Is this easily possible?

I'm getting 'could not resolve  to a component implementation
when I'm trying to use it with a popupMenuButton.


[flexcoders] Is this list declining?

2009-06-01 Thread luvfotography
Is this list declining?  According to the number of posts, May stats were the 
lowest since Jan 2006.  It's been slowly declining since March 2008.  Is this 
because of better resources available?  All the bugs are fixed?  All of us now 
write better code?
What's your opinion?
Message history is shown: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/

[flexcoders] when text is too big you get .....

2009-06-01 Thread luvfotography
I've seen this in some places when the test doesn't fit into the box, or label 
you get the '' and the text is truncated.
Is this a feature that you can turn on or off?
and what components offer this feature?

[flexcoders] data binding in textinput ?

2009-05-28 Thread luvfotography
How do I get databinding to work in textinput?
In this example below, I have a TextInput defined with the text bound to 
{userName}, when I run the app, and enter text into the TextInput field, I 
would like the text entered assigned to the Bindable character string userName, 
however it is not.  What's the proper way to do this? 

http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute">

[flexcoders] How do I initialize two flex swfs to talk to each other?

2009-05-27 Thread luvfotography
What's the best way to get two flex swfs to talk to each other?
I can either use localconnection or javascript.  I just need to pass back and 
forth a little data.  What's the best way to initialize the connection.

How can I determine that both are loaded before I attempt the connect?

Do I keep trying connection until I'm connected?

Do I use javascript to determine if both swf files are loaded, then signal them 
to connect?

What if I don't have javascript on the page?

[flexcoders] Is there a way to pass a parameter into my preloader?

2009-05-26 Thread luvfotography
I've created a preloader class, and is there a way to pass a parameter into my 

Here is my application tag:



[flexcoders] Waiting for Flash Player to connect to the debugger

2009-05-22 Thread luvfotography
I can't run the debugger today
I'm getting:  Launching: Waiting for Flash Player to connect to the debugger

yesterday all was working fine, never seen this error before, 
Run mode takes forever now, the following 5 line flex file takes 16 seconds to 
up in the browser.  Yesterday, less than 1.

I've got a MAC:
running: MAC OS x version 10.5.6

Model Name: iMac
  Model Identifier: iMac8,1
  Processor Name:   Intel Core 2 Duo
  Processor Speed:  2.4 GHz
  Number Of Processors: 1
  Total Number Of Cores:2
  L2 Cache: 6 MB
  Memory:   2 GB
  Bus Speed:1.07 GHz
  Boot ROM Version: IM81.00C1.B00
  SMC Version:  1.29f1
 I'm running Safari: Version 3.2.1 (5525.27.1)
and Firefox V 3.0.10

I have Flash version 10,0,12,36 installed.

I've tried using both Safari and Firefox,  same problem on both.

Here's my sourcecode in a NEW workspace and project:

http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute">

Hit the debug button and get:


Launching: Waiting for Flash Player to connect to the debugger

Failed to connect; session timed out.
Ensure that:
  1. You compiled your Flash application with debugging on.
  2. You are running the debugger version of Flash Player.

I updated Flash player
still same problem.

I then reinstalled Flex Builder 3 into the same directory, and updated it to:
and am using Flash Player
Still cannot debug.

here is my eclipse config.ini:
#Eclipse Runtime Configuration File
#Thu Mar 31 18:10:37 PST 2005
osgi.instance.area.defau...@user.home/Documents/Flex Builder 3
#osgi.user.d...@user.home/Documents/Flex Builder 3
osgi.configuration.ar...@user.home/Documents/Flex Builder 3/configuration

I've cleared the cache out of BOTH browsers and Flash Player.
Still cannot debug.??

Any suggestions?

[flexcoders] Dictionary class?

2009-05-11 Thread luvfotography
What are some good uses for the dictionary class?

I haven't used it yet, but I'm sure if I knew more, I might. . . .

[flexcoders] Can Flex read IPTC or EXIF data on jpegs?

2009-04-30 Thread luvfotography
Can Flex display exif data on jpgs?
How can I extract that data from a picture that I load?

[flexcoders] How do I detect 'enter' key on a textInput control?

2009-04-20 Thread luvfotography
How can I detect the enter key when I'm on a textinput control?

[flexcoders] Re: Embedding an SWF and RSL's / Cross Domain Policy File

2009-02-25 Thread luvfotography
Yes, in the project properties, in the 'Flex Build Path', in the
'Library Path', select 'Framework linkage:' = Runtime shared library (RSL)
then open the 'Flex 3 twistie' and go down to 'framework.swc',
highlight 'RSL URL' and click edit, 
enter in the location of the swc file:
do the same for swf 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "uclamerrick"  wrote:
> I have an swf file that is possible to embed. When looking to reduce
> the file size I found out about runtime shared libraries so I changed
> the framework linkage to RSL in flex builder 3 and then in the
> deployment path setting for the swz and swf framework files I added
> the url for the policy file.
> I am getting RSL Error 1 of 1, Error #2048 when I embed my swf on
> http://sub.mydomain.com. The swf file, crossdomain.xml, and swf and
> swz files are located at http://mydomain.com. If I place the framework
> files on sub.mydomain.com then everything works.
> I would like my application to be able to be embedded from any domain
> without those 3rd party domains having the framework files swf/swz
> hosted on their domains.
> Does anyone know how to resolve this, if its possible?
> contents of my crossdomain.xml

[flexcoders] Overiding Hide effect? I want to hide immediately

2009-02-24 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I've got a hideEffect on a label with a duration of 4 seconds.
When I set the visible=false on the label, it takes 4 seconds to fade

Is there a way to make it disappear immediately in some cases?
I need this to also work in the middle of the fade effect.

[flexcoders] Flash player 10 ? - can I not call flash player 10 classes if user still on V9?

2009-02-24 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I want to use the PerspectiveProject class, which is new for flash
player 10, If the user is still on player 9, can I skip the
perspectiveProject class and not execute it? 
I want to be able to use my app in both Player 9 and 10, but only use
the new functions if the user is running V10.

Is this possible?

[flexcoders] how to use a preloader?

2009-02-19 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I've got a huge application - 800k, how do I use a preloader that
loads in my huge app? In order to get something on the page while the
rest of the application loads.. any tips/tricks/ links to more
detailed explanation?

[flexcoders] Determining sound levels on video playback? leftpeak?

2009-02-17 Thread luvfotography
How can I determine the sound levels on a video playback?

There is flash.media.SoundChannel.leftPeak, but it's only available on
sound files, how can I use this on a video?

Or is there another way?

[flexcoders] Is there a 'token' equivalent to use with the URLLoader class?

2009-02-13 Thread luvfotography
Is there a 'token' equivalent to use with the URLLoader class?

I need to keep track of my events.

I can use token with an HttpService.send() request, how do I use it
with URLLoader?


var myloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
myloader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadHandler);
var token:AsyncToken = myloader.load(new URLRequest("getdata.com"));
token.artist = "artist";  

I get:
 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type void to an unrelated type

[flexcoders] localConnection not working from Air to Air

2009-02-05 Thread luvfotography
Any hints on getting a localConnection to work from AIR to AIR?
It works from FLEX to FLEX, I am using the code from the livedocs
example.   I am getting a statusEvent of 'error'.

backgroundAlpha="0" backgroundColor="#FF">


backgroundAlpha="0"   width="600" height="600"



2009-01-30 Thread luvfotography
Hi, thanks, but that doesn't work.  I need something to decode the
literals, such as '<', '"', í, etc.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Greg Hess  wrote:
> The global function unescape(str) might be what you are looking for if
> you need to decode a URL-encoded string.
> HTH,
> Greg
> On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 2:32 PM, luvfotography
>  wrote:
> > Is there a function to html decode a string?
> >
> > I want to translate Í to the single character i with the accent.
> > thanks,
> >
> >


2009-01-30 Thread luvfotography
Is there a function to html decode a string?

I want to translate Í to the single character i with the accent.

[flexcoders] capturing output in the console?

2009-01-29 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I'm loading another swf file into my flex app using swfloader, and
this embedded swf file outputs text to the console file while I am
debugging it, is there a way to capture the text and act on it?

[flexcoders] Actionscript library needed for parsing HTML

2009-01-26 Thread luvfotography
Hi, does anyone have a library for parsing html?
for example, I need to pull out a div block? Which may or may not
be embedded in another div block.

[flexcoders] UPS shipping online tools example?

2009-01-20 Thread luvfotography
Hi, has anyone integrated the UPS online tools with FLEX??

Or is there any other easy solution to figure out 
shipping charges for an online store?


[flexcoders] recompiling framework shared library?

2009-01-09 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I've made a change to mx.controls.videoClasses.VideoPlayer.as and
placed it in my 'src' folder under the folders 'mx', then 'controls',
then 'videoClasses' and it picks up the change no problem.

If I then change my project to use 'runtime shared library' it's not
picking up my changes.

What do I need to do?  
do i need to recompile the framework_3.0.0.477.swz somehow?

[flexcoders] Proper way of giving thanks?

2008-12-27 Thread luvfotography
I've received many solutions to my questions here on the list and want 
to give thanks to those who took time to answer me.  Is it proper to 
give thanks on this list? I'm reluctant too, because it clutters up the 
list, (just like this post) but I just want to say thanks. Sometimes 
the private email of the contributor is not available? 

[flexcoders] What is '*' in class type?

2008-12-23 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I saw this in someone's code:

public function parseResult( result:*):Array {

  if( result is XML || result is XMLList ) {
 . . . .

what is the '*' , is this the same as (result:object) ?
where result can be any type of object?

[flexcoders] How to make the TitleWindow resizeable by the user?

2008-12-19 Thread luvfotography
How can I make the TitleWindow resizeable by the user?
i.e. let the user click-drag the corner to resize the window?

is this easily possible?

[flexcoders] How do I expand the console buffer in the debugger?

2008-12-17 Thread luvfotography
Hi, how can I expand the Console Window buffer in the debugger so that
my 1000 messages don't scroll off the screen and never to be seen again?


[flexcoders] Does setting PlayheadupdateInterval time affect videoEvents?

2008-12-16 Thread luvfotography
For the VideoDisplay, 
does setting the 

cause any bad effects?

When a video finishes, sometimes I'm not getting the
VideoEvent.COMPLETE event.
I have:
myPlayer.addEventListener( VideoEvent.COMPLETE, flexPlayerComplete);

Could this be because the interval is too slow??? and misses it?

Instead, I'm getting a seek event and the video repeats itself, and
then I get the Complete event???


[flexcoders] Failed to load policy file from http://localhost:8881/crossdomain.xml

2008-12-09 Thread luvfotography
I'm getting this error when I run my program from my FLEX Builder.

Failed to load policy file from http://localhost:8881/crossdomain.xml

Warning: Failed to load policy file from http://localhost:8881/crossdomain.xml
Error: Request for resource at http://localhost:8881 by requestor from 
http://s.ytimg.com/yt/swf/cps-vfl67854.swf is denied due to lack of policy file 

My program is loading a video from youtube, and results in this error.

Where do I put my crossdomain file?? 


[flexcoders] creating a class - question extending

2008-11-18 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I'm trying to create a class that extends the image class, 
I need to associate a username with the image,
Here is what I have:

import mx.controls.Image;

public class imageWithData extends Image {
private var _username:String;

public function imageWithData() {
//  _username = ??? 
public function set username(value:String):void {
_username = value;
public function get username():String {
return _username;

I am unclear as to what goes after the 'super()'
do I need a _username = something?


[flexcoders] Debugging question - how do I skip over modules I don't care about?

2008-11-05 Thread luvfotography
Hi, when I'm in the debugging mode and single stepping thru my code, 
sometimes it goes off into some module that I don't care about, for
example the ResourceManager.as, is there a way to 'fast forward', ie,
hit the green triangle to continue until it comes back to my code?
I can hit the green button, but I may not have any more breakpoints
set in my code and it just zooms past all of it. . .

I just want to single step my code, or the modules of my choosing and
execute (without single stepping) system modules or modules that I
don'tcare about.


[flexcoders] Chromeless YouTube Video player working in Flex?

2008-10-24 Thread luvfotography
Has anyone gotten the youtube chromeless video player to load/work in Flex?
the example at: 


uses the createEmptyMovieClipLoader to load the player? is there an 
equivalent in FLEX?

[flexcoders] Can I play a video in slow motion? or frame by frame?

2008-10-04 Thread luvfotography
Is there a way for the video player to play in slow motion or step 
frame by frame, or play a video in reverse?

[flexcoders] how do I send a custom event from an application to a component?

2008-09-30 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I'm able to send a custom event from a component to an
application, but how do I send a custom event from the application to
a component?

example code:

xmlns:comp="*" xmlns:events="flash.events.*"  creationComplete="init()">

[Event(name="appEvent", type="flash.events.Event")] 


http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; width="400"
height="300" creationComplete="compInit()">

[Event(name="compEvent", type="flash.events.Event")] 


[flexcoders] How do I determine the host where I am at?

2008-09-24 Thread luvfotography
How do I find the host url where I'm ('myflexapp.swf') is loaded at?
I tried BrowswerManager, but url, and base are null?

Is there another way, or better way.

private var bm:IBrowserManager;
 bm = BrowserManager.getInstance();

trace(bm.base);  // output: null
trace(bm.url);  // output: null

[flexcoders] How do I reference the background Image of the application?

2008-09-09 Thread luvfotography
Hi, I want to change the backgroundAlpha of the Application's 
background image.  But how do I reference it? The application tag 
doesn't allow an id??

Here's what I have:
This blows up:
Application.application.SetStyle("backgroundAlpha", .3);

in the Styles I have:
Application { 
color: #ff; 
borderColor: #B7BABC; 
backgroundColor: #00;
background-alpha: .5;
background-image: Embed("/images/bg.png"); 
borderStyle: none; 
borderThickness: 0; }

I want to be able to change the background alpha dynamically.

[flexcoders] How do I move a child? from one container to another?

2008-09-05 Thread luvfotography
I'm trying to use States and removing(RemoveChild)  a child (mx:Text
id='mytext') and trying to add it to a different container with
addchild, but I get an error - ' identifier 'mytext' used more than once

I can do this in actionscript, but how do I do this in mxml, keeping
the  same id of 'mytext' on the text field??




[flexcoders] Can I set the image source in CSS?

2008-08-13 Thread luvfotography
For an image, can I set the source in css?

can I move the source to the css?

or is there another way to do this?

[flexcoders] How do I clear out all events?

2008-08-04 Thread luvfotography
I have a list of images, and when I click  on an item in the list, I fire off 
an event to go find the 
url of the image and I have another eventlistener that waits and loads the 
image when the 
correct url is returned.
All works great

 When the user clicks on many items in the list, the events get queued and 
the images slowly load one after the other and the last image finally gets 
If the queue gets large - I just want to skip over everything and just load the 
last one.

I would like to clear out all events and just load the last image clicked on, 
what's a 
good/proper way of doing this?  add and eventlistener and remove the 
eventlistener for each 
image?  keep track of the last image clicked on and ignore the other events 
coming in?

[flexcoders] Is source available? for flash.utils.ByteArray.uncompress

2008-07-17 Thread luvfotography
where do I find it? I've got FLEX 3 installed (on mac)
uncompress is only available for AIR, not available for FLEX. Why?
I don't need to go to a file, a BYTEARRAY would be sufficent.

[flexcoders] I need a gzip library to read gzip files on the fly?? is this possible?

2008-07-16 Thread luvfotography
I need a way to read a gzip file  'http://www.myhost.com/myfile.gz'  
Is there a way to do this?  
I found a library for air, but I need it for flex.

[flexcoders] Can a tooltip be interactive? Can I mouse into a custom tooltip and click...

2008-07-15 Thread luvfotography
Can I click inside a custom tooltip ? 
When I try to mouse into a custom tooltip it disappears . . .
Is it possible to create a custom tooltip with links inside?

[flexcoders] How do I position a custom tooltip?

2008-07-14 Thread luvfotography
I'm creating a custom tooltip and there's not enough room in the 
bottom right 
corner to display it, how do I change the x and y coordinates in 
order to 
move it someplace so it's not off screen and fits?
There are examples on how to reposition for a text tooltip in the 
but none for a custom tooltip.
here's a live example: 

 height="300" width="300" layout="absolute">


http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; width="200" 
 backgroundColor="red" implements="mx.core.IToolTip"  height="100">


[flexcoders] viewSourceURL is getting overridden ??

2008-06-22 Thread luvfotography
How do I set viewSourceURL?  
Everytime that I edit the value, it gets overridden when I 'export 
release build' and select source files.

it gets set to:

I would like to change this to:


[flexcoders] How do I set width to 100% in actionscript?

2008-03-25 Thread luvfotography
How do I set the width to 100% using actionscript??
It only allows a number - not a string!?!

var newcanvas:Canvas = new Canvas();
newcanvas.width = "100%";

1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type

[flexcoders] Required property not toggling off in form item.

2008-02-18 Thread luvfotography
I toggle the 'required='true' property on a text form item, and the
red asterisk disappears, yet the field is highlighted in RED and acts
as though required="true" is still applied.  Here is my code (click on
'Forget your pw?" to recreate the error.) I'm using Flex V3.


http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; width="474"
height="483" layout="absolute">




[flexcoders] Re: Finding the x,y-coordinate position of a component

2008-02-07 Thread luvfotography
Hi, try looking at the localToGlobal method:
  Converts a Point object from the local coordinate system to the
global coordinate system.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "derelkington"
> Hi everyone, I'm having trouble trying to find the x,y-coordinate
position of components 
> within my application. I'm a brand new Flex developer with
experience in Java, C, Python, 
> PHP, ColdFusion, etc. but no experience with Flash or ActionScript.
> In short, my question is: is there an easy way to find the location
of a component within 
> the window? I have a number of buttons added programatically whose
.x and .y properties 
> are all just 0. It seems like this should be a simple task, but I
have tried for hours and 
> failed.
> The situation in detail is this:
> In my MXML, I have defined a Grid inside of my Application. The Grid
is placed with 
> horizontalCenter=0 and paddingTop=50. Inside of the grid is a
GridRow containing an 
> empty GridItem. Upon creationComplete of the Application, a function
is called which 
> instantiates a subclass of Tile, and adds it to the empty GridItem
with addChild. In 
> addition, the Tile subclass has a constructor which creates and
places a number of 
> buttons inside the Tile. (There are also other rows and items in the
Grid containing some 
> other components.)
> So in essence the structure is: Application -> Grid -> GridRow ->
GridItem -> Tile -> 
> Buttons.
> This all looks just the way I want it to and functions fine, except
I am unable to find the 
> location coordinates of the Buttons. All of the buttons as well as
the Tile itself have x and y 
> as 0. I have tried using the localToGlobal to convert, but this
doesn't work since the 
> buttons don't even have an x,y relative to the parent, they simply
have an x,y of 0.
> I feel like someone may want to know why I need the position of the
button. The specific 
> answer is that I want to place a series of additional labels on top
of it, but the general 
> answer is that it just seems like something a developer should be
able to do when working 
> with a GUI.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

[flexcoders] how do I modify the html to pass a version parameter?

2008-02-07 Thread luvfotography
I would like the equivalent of this line, where I pass a version

[flexcoders] how do I create a scrolling marquee of clickable images?

2008-01-30 Thread luvfotography
How would I create a scrolling marquee of clickable images?
Much like -> http://www.potterybarn.com/?flash=on

Would I use an itemrenderer in a ??  