[flexcoders] Re: Can't get FlexUnit results to show up

2010-07-09 Thread malabriola


I am assuming that you are on Flash Builder 4 Premium as you have the FlexUnit 
result view. If that is not the case, let me know.

Open the FlexUnitApplication.mxml, which is one of the two files that Adobe's 
plugin generates on your behalf.

There should be a function which specifies which tests are going to be run... 
sounds like that is fine as you are hitting breakpoints, but double check. Then 
look at the line that calls runWithFlexUnit4Runner(). It should pass in the 
name of your project as a string. Make sure that is the case and it is correct.

Finally, if none of this helps, post this whole file for me.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "napearson99"  wrote:
> I have a flex 4 air project and I've set up a class with a simple method, a 
> test class and a test suit class.
> When I try to run my test cases nothing shows up in the FlexUnit results in 
> the bottom.  I can get break points to hit in my test class, so I know it's 
> hitting.
> I also have an assert statement in my class.  
> I've spent about 3 hours on this googling around.  I must be missing 
> something simple.
> Any ideas? Thanks!
> -Nate

[flexcoders] Re: FlexUnit

2010-06-17 Thread malabriola


To use the UIListener you need 1 more Library, called the UIListener. You can 
get this from the downloads page at FlexUnit.org (it comes with all of the 
other FlexUnit downloads)

If you are using FlashBuilder 4, you don't need this UIListener as they create 
their own when you indicate you want to run a unit test.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "libbychantel"  wrote:
> Hello all. I am using Flex 4 and am trying to do My First FlexUnit Project :) 
>  following the instructions at:
> http://docs.flexunit.org/index.php?title=Setting_up_a_FlexUnit_4_Project
>  It appears that org.flexunit.listeners.UIListener does not exist in the 
> FlashBuilder 4 Professional installation. Can anyone tell me what replaced it 
> or where it is? The code from the page above is below.
> Thanks,
> Libby
>   import org.flexunit.listeners.UIListener;
>   import sampleSuite.SampleSuite;
>   private var core:FlexUnitCore;
>   public function runMe():void {
> core = new FlexUnitCore();
> core.addListener(new UIListener(uiListener));
> core.run( sampleSuite.SampleSuite );