[flexcoders] Re: Why most Flex Developer job ads ask now for Knowledge in Java??

2010-02-17 Thread gers32
Flex being relatively new, I suspect many companies hiring Flex developers 
don't yet have a Flex project and need someone who can at least develop a Proof 
Of Concept. That's what I had to do at my company: in addition to learning 
Flex, I also learned Ruby on Rails for the back end (I knew Java but considered 
it less efficient in terms of development time). The POC worked fine, but 
management considered the whole Ruby/Rails/Nginx (or Apache), etc. stack a 
little too intimidating, so they asked me to rewrite the back end using Oracle 
HTTP Server and PL/SQL, which I then had to learn... It also works fine, but I 
miss the conciseness of RoR. I think I'll try Grails next; then I'll have 
looped back to Java!

[flexcoders] Re: Caringorm vs PureMVC

2010-01-10 Thread gers32
Hi Patricia,

I spent a couple days investigating the various Flex frameworks and finally 
came to the conclusion that Mate was best for me. The big Plus is that it 
doesn't interfere with your Flex code.

Among my numerous findings, the following two are pretty good:




[flexcoders] Re: AIR with Oracle

2009-12-30 Thread gers32
My Flex application runs in a browser, not AIR, but the concept is the same; it 
connects to an Oracle database, via two different server-side technologies 
(I've been experimenting for my employer) : Ruby-on-Rails or PL/SQL (using the 
Oracle HTTP Server and mod_plsql).

Basically, your Flex application can talk to any database, as long as you have 
a server-side service which dialogs with it. I use XML to send data back and 
forth between the server and the client (browser).



[flexcoders] Re: Starting with Cairngorm or PureMvc

2009-12-01 Thread gers32

I have chosen the Mate framework, based on the reviews below:


For me, one of the strong points of Mate is its non-intrusiveness: there's no 
Mate-specific code in your view and model classes. Unfortunately, I haven't had 
a chance to try it out yet, so I can't give you a personal opinion based on 



[flexcoders] Re: How to start learning Flex 4? There is no book out there!!

2009-11-26 Thread gers32
Try Peter Armstrong's Hello! Flex 4 (http://www.manning.com/armstrong3/) once 
you've read your Flex 3 books. I read it and found it very useful for 
understanding the new things in Flex 4.


[flexcoders] Re: Binding not working in custom class and DataGrid using XMLListCollection

2009-11-17 Thread gers32
Although the above discussion about Data Binding is great, you can skip 
directly to 28:24 for the short explanation I was referring to.


[flexcoders] Re: Binding not working in custom class and DataGrid using XMLListCollection

2009-11-17 Thread gers32
The reason for this is explained in Diving in the Data Binding Waters by
Michael Labriola
 , but an example using ArrayCollection or
XMLListCollection would be welcome.



[flexcoders] Re: Firebug tool

2009-11-04 Thread gers32
I open Firebug whenever I type the Konami Code, so it's never really officially 
there, but can be helpful sometimes in production...

[flexcoders] Re: Firebug tool

2009-11-02 Thread gers32
I use FlexSpy (http://code.google.com/p/fxspy/), but I know there are others.


[flexcoders] Re: Flex 3 and Oracle

2009-03-03 Thread gers32

My company's applications are based on Oracle databases and Oracle Forms. I've 
built a prototype application using a Flex front-end and Ruby-on-Rails 
back-end. And although it works great, my boss is afraid of customers' 
potential reactions to Ruby-on-Rails and the whole Ruby + Rails + (other gems) 
+ Mongrel + nginx/Apache stack.

So I've been asked to explore an Oracle-only back-end alternative. I haven't 
had a chance to experiment yet, but I've heard of OHS (Oracle HTTP Server) and 
EPG (Embedded PL/SQL Gateway) which enable you to communicate with your Flex 
front-end via XML, for example.

If you get a chance to try this out, let me know; I'm eventually going to have 
to do this (if I can spare a few days...).

Good luck,


[flexcoders] Re: Flex server language

2009-02-19 Thread gers32
Ruby on Rails is interesting because of the little amount of code you
need to write, compared to Java for example. My RoR back end server
deals with the database (Oracle in my case) and communicates with a
Flex front end via XML. Of course, you can use AMF, but in my
situation I don't have such high performance requirements.


[flexcoders] Re: Flex connection to Oracle 10g PL/SQL

2008-10-23 Thread gers32
OK, I'll answer that one myself: yes indeed, the Oracle server now
includes an HTTP server in addition to the Apache HTTP server.

So here's my follow-up question: I did a quick Google search and the
information I've gathered so far seems to say that this technology
might not yet be Production-ready (no dates on the articles, so I
don't know how old they are...). Has anyone had experience with
XDB/EPG in a Production environment?



[flexcoders] Re: Flex connection to Oracle 10g PL/SQL

2008-10-22 Thread gers32
Hi Juliano,

I'm currently using Ruby-on-Rails as a Server-side interface between
an Oracle database and the Flex client. My employer's not confident in
the whole Ruby/Rails/Mongrel cluster/Monit/Apache or nginx setup... So
the technology you mention interests me. Is there some kind of Web
Server embedded in this?



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Juliano Mendes"
> No need server side language. You can enabled Oracle EPG (Encapsuled
PL/SQL Gateway) and XDB (XML Database) in your Oracle database and
connect Flex to Oracle using a HTTP Service request to access directly
a Stored Procedure and send a XML file back to Flex.
> Good Luck!
> Atenciosamente,
> Juliano Mendes
> Flex Pernambuco

[flexcoders] Re: Best way to deliver data via Rails

2008-10-09 Thread gers32

I deliver data to my Flex front-end via RoR HttpService in XML form. I
realize XML is not the most efficient, and considered using BlazeDS,
but because I haven't yet encountered any performance problems, I'm
sticking to XML to avoid any proprietary format, should I ever need to
switch server technologies.

I'm curious to find out what's wrong with HttpService, before I use it
all over the place... Thanks,


[flexcoders] Re: Flex connection with Database

2008-04-02 Thread gers32
Hi Chitra,

I don't know exactly what kind of application you're working on, but I
can tell you how I connect to a database from my Flex front-end.

I use Flex's HttpService to call a URL, which then returns data sent
from a Web Service. This Web Service can be written in Java, since you
seem to have that knowledge. After using Java for ten years, I've
switched to Ruby on Rails, which I find much more productive for
database-backed Web Services.

The data format I send back from my Web Services is XML, very easy to
integrate into Flex components.

Hope that helps,


[flexcoders] Replacing accentuated characters with their ASCII equivalents

2008-03-06 Thread gers32

Is there an existing function that would allow me to replace
accentuated characters with their ASCII equivalents (e.g., 'à' -> 'a',
'é' -> 'e')?

I need it so that I can then do a case-insensitive SQL search, after
also converting to upper or lower-case letters.

I could write one from scratch, but there must be an existing
ActionScript function, right?



[flexcoders] Re: Flex Builder 3 + Eclipse plugins vs. MyEclipse + FB3 plugin?

2008-03-04 Thread gers32
OK, thanks for your input guys. Looks like I'll stick with MyEclipse
and install FB3 as a plugin, just like I did with FB2. The only
requirement is that I upgrade to MyEclipse 6 (from 5.5.1).

So any way I look at it, I'll have to reinstall plugins...



[flexcoders] Flex Builder 3 + Eclipse plugins vs. MyEclipse + FB3 plugin?

2008-03-04 Thread gers32

I've been using MyEclipse + Flex Builder 2 plugin, as well as a bunch
of other plugins (RadRails, Database Explorer, SVN, etc) for about 6

The makers of MyEclipse tell me they don't officially support Flex
Builder. So when I eventually upgrade to FB3, I'm considering
installing the FB3 application by itself.

Since FB3 is based on Eclipse, can I then recreate my existing
development environment by installing the other plugins mentioned above?



[flexcoders] Re: Problem reading German characters from XML

2008-01-27 Thread gers32
I've solved a similar problem by converting my Windows-1252 content
stored in an Oracle database to UTF-8, directly in the SQL query like
this (the actual method name might be different for your particular


Hope this helps,


[flexcoders] Re: Tutorial - creating a vertical tabnavigator

2008-01-24 Thread gers32

I use Flex Builder 2, but here's how I do it with a TabBar and a

 my TabBar is in a VBox with other stuff,
like a logo ..

.. many more Panels here

Hope this is what you were looking for,


[flexcoders] Re: Flex 2 and Vista

2008-01-14 Thread gers32
I've been successfully developing Flex 2 applications on a Vista
machine for over 6 months, so I doubt it's a Flex/Vista issue.

My development environment is MyEclipse + Flex Builder 2 plugin.

Good luck,


[flexcoders] Missing *-debug.html and *-debug.swf in Flex Builder 2

2008-01-09 Thread gers32

I'm developing my third Flex application, using Flex Builder 2, and
unlike the first two, I have no *-debug.html or *-debug.swf files... I
moved my output directory to the Ruby on Rails server's public/bin
directory, but I had done that for the previous two projects.

The launch configuration shows that these files should be in the same
directory as the non-debug versions, but they're not!

Thanks to anyone able to help me.


[flexcoders] Re: HttpService not called the first time

2007-11-29 Thread gers32
Thanks for the example, Tracy.

[flexcoders] Re: HttpService not called the first time

2007-11-27 Thread gers32
Hi Tracy,

That's a good idea. Now, I'm wondering what the trade off is between
one HttpService per Component (bigger SWF file size, but parallel
requests thus faster data access on multi-processor boxes?) and one
single HttpService for the whole application (smaller SWF file, but
sequential thus slower data retrieval?).

I'd appreciate an example using AsyncToken, if you have one.



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Tracy Spratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Note that you really need only a single instance of HTTPService.  You
> can set the url, method, etc and build the request object using AS, and
> can handle the result conditionally using AsyncToken.
> Post if you need examples.
> Tracy

[flexcoders] Re: HttpService not called the first time

2007-11-26 Thread gers32
Being a Flex newbie, I can only think of one way to solve this dilemma
(assuming I ever encounter performance problems at startup):

I thought it was a good idea to implement each HttpService in the
Component that displays the retrieved data, which is saved to an
application-wide Model, accessible to all Components. One solution
would be to centralize all HttpServices in the main application file;
they would populate the Model in the same way, but not require the
existence of their corresponding Components.

I'm sure there are better solutions out there... Thanks,


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Tracy Spratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Defeat deferred instantiation judiciously, if at all.  It is an easy
> fix, but has consequences.  Better practice is to use binding or your
> own event system to reference data at the right time.
> Tracy

[flexcoders] Re: HttpService not called the first time

2007-11-22 Thread gers32
Thank you so much Per, I set creationPolicy="all" on the ViewStack and
it immediately solved my problem.



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "per.olesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe you should try setting creationPolicy="all" on your TabBar. By
> default, it first creates the child components when someone tabs into
> it. If you set it to "all", all child controls will be created
> up-front (which can be expensive, if you have many that are complex).
> See:
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "gers32"  wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Components A and B are inside Panels of a ViewStack; they're accessed
> > via a TabBar.
> > 
> > I define an HttpService within component A.
> > I call A.HttpService from an action in component B.
> > 
> > When I perform the action in component B, A.HttpService will only get
> > called if I have PREVIOUSLY visited A... And to top it all off,
> > A.creationComplete() doesn't get fired either when I visit it, unless
> > I have PREVIOUSLY performed the action in B !
> > 
> > My problem seems to stem from the order in which these components get
> > initialized, but this behavior doesn't make sense to me.
> > 
> > Thanks for your help,
> > 
> > Chris.
> >

[flexcoders] HttpService not called the first time

2007-11-22 Thread gers32

Components A and B are inside Panels of a ViewStack; they're accessed
via a TabBar.

I define an HttpService within component A.
I call A.HttpService from an action in component B.

When I perform the action in component B, A.HttpService will only get
called if I have PREVIOUSLY visited A... And to top it all off,
A.creationComplete() doesn't get fired either when I visit it, unless
I have PREVIOUSLY performed the action in B !

My problem seems to stem from the order in which these components get
initialized, but this behavior doesn't make sense to me.

Thanks for your help,


[flexcoders] Re: Report building.

2007-10-24 Thread gers32
Because my backend is written with Ruby on Rails, I'm considering
using Ruby Reports (http://rubyreports.org/). I can't give you my
opinion on it yet, but it might be worth checking out.


[flexcoders] Re: DataGrid: column width and horizontal scroll

2007-10-24 Thread gers32
You're right, this simple example does work. I still don't know why my
original code didn't work... But I built up this example until I
reached the same functionality as the old code. Unfortunately, I'm
unable to identify the part that made the difference!

Thanks for your help,


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If horizontalScrollPolicy="off" (default), width is not ignored, but
> attempts are made to proportionally size all columns within the DG.  At
> some point, things degenerate and the proportions are hosed.
> If horizontalScrollPolicy="on", width should be honored.  Width seems to
> work in this test, so maybe I don't understand what problem you're
> running into.
zable="false" />
> >  > dataField="TBD"minWidth="50" />
> > ...
> > 
> > Thanks, Chris.
> >

[flexcoders] Re: DataGrid: column width and horizontal scroll

2007-10-22 Thread gers32
Yes, width is systematically ignored, that's why I set minWidth, which
is better in the sense that the columns are wider (100), but its
values are still ignored.

Maybe there's an extra parameter (even from a superclass...) I need to
set (like I did with horizontalScrollPolicy) for width to be taken
into consideration?

I forgot to mention I'm using Flex 2.0.1. via the Eclipse Flex Builder
 2 plugin.

Thanks for your help,


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did you just try setting width and not minwidth?
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of gers32
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 7:15 AM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [flexcoders] DataGrid: column width and horizontal scroll
> Hi,
> I'm having a hard time figuring out how to set the column widths of a
> DataGrid which is constrained inside its container (width="100%"
> height="100%"), has two locked columns (lockedColumnCount="2"), and
> which I force to scroll horizontally (horizontalScrollPolicy="on").
> The DataGridColumn widths are systematically ignored (columns are all
> scrunched up within the boundaries of the outside container) and they
> take up their default width (100) if I set minWidth to a random value
> (even if it's greater than 100!).
> I'd appreciate any help. Here's a piece of the code (there's not much
> more...):
> http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml
> <http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml> " width="100 %"
> height="100 %">
>  lockedColumnCount="2" horizontalScrollPolicy="on"
> variableRowHeight="true">
>  dataField="TBD" minWidth="200" resizable="false" />
>  dataField="TBD"minWidth="50" resizable="false" />
>  dataField="TBD"minWidth="50" />
> ...
> Thanks, Chris.

[flexcoders] DataGrid: column width and horizontal scroll

2007-10-22 Thread gers32

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to set the column widths of a
DataGrid which is constrained inside its container (width="100%"
height="100%"), has two locked columns (lockedColumnCount="2"), and
which I force to scroll horizontally (horizontalScrollPolicy="on").

The DataGridColumn widths are systematically ignored (columns are all
scrunched up within the boundaries of the outside container) and they
take up their default width (100) if I set minWidth to a random value
(even if it's greater than 100!).

I'd appreciate any help. Here's a piece of the code (there's not much

http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; width="100 %"
height="100 %">


Thanks, Chris.

[flexcoders] Re: Problem setting localized Application.pageTitle

2007-10-18 Thread gers32
Thanks for the info.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's a compile-time property for setting up the default html
> templates.  You can't use binding or set it at run-time.
> You can use BrowserManager in Flex 3
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of gers32
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 5:32 AM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [flexcoders] Problem setting localized Application.pageTitle
> Hi,
> My localized application defines the following ResourceBundle for
> retrieving localized strings (the [Bindable] is to get rid of warning
> messages):
> [Bindable]
> [ResourceBundle("FDS")]
> private var rb:ResourceBundle;
> I then successfully use rb in my MXML code, except in
> , where I get a compiler message (missing
> parenthesis...):
> http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml
> <http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml> "
> pageTitle="{rb.getString('page_titre')}">
> I suspected it might be a timing issue, relative to when the
> ResourceBundle rb actually gets instantiated, so I tried setting
> pageTitle in the creationComplete function instead:
> http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml
> <http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml> " 
> creationComplete="onCreationComplete()">
> ...
> private function onCreationComplete() : void
> {
> Alert.show( "Setting browser title" );
> Application.application.pageTitle = rb.getString('page_titre');
> }
> But even though the Alert is displayed and I get no compiler message,
> the title still doesn't get displayed, even if I hard-code it! I tried
> calling onCreationComplete() from Application.initialize(), but get
> the same result.
> Any hint as to what I'm doing wrong would be appreciated. Thanks,
> Chris.

[flexcoders] Problem setting localized Application.pageTitle

2007-10-17 Thread gers32

My localized application defines the following ResourceBundle for
retrieving localized strings (the [Bindable] is to get rid of warning

private var rb:ResourceBundle;

I then successfully use rb in my MXML code, except in
, where I get a compiler message (missing parenthesis...):


I suspected it might be a timing issue, relative to when the
ResourceBundle rb actually gets instantiated, so I tried setting
pageTitle in the creationComplete function instead:

private function onCreationComplete() : void
Alert.show( "Setting browser title" );
Application.application.pageTitle = rb.getString('page_titre');

But even though the Alert is displayed and I get no compiler message,
the title still doesn't get displayed, even if I hard-code it! I tried
calling onCreationComplete() from Application.initialize(), but get
the same result.

Any hint as to what I'm doing wrong would be appreciated. Thanks,


[flexcoders] Re: Here we go again: Flex Vs Java

2007-09-27 Thread gers32
I apologize for oversimplifying. Just trying to give a developer an
argument his boss will understand. I didn't think anyone would take
this out of that context.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Andrew Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Oh my god, I really hate it when someone makes a comment like Flex
front end
> is web 2.0
> Web 2.0 is not about RIA, web 2.0 is about collaboration. God
forbid, you
> even know what Enterprise 2.0 is oh yeah thats MS Silverlight on
> On 9/27/07, gers32 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   First of all, a Flex front-end is Web 2.0 vs. Web 1.0 for JSPs. I
> > recently made the switch from JSP to Flex for that reason. Also, your
> > application will scale better if you put some of the logic inside the
> > Client.
> >
> > If your employer argues that he's invested a lot in Java, that's OK
> > because you can have your Flex front-end talk to Web Services written
> > in Java.
> >
> > As for Bruce Eckel's article, that's exactly the one that convinced me
> > to skip AJAX and go directly from JSP to Flex. It also convinced my
> > boss...
> >
> > Good luck,
> >
> > Chris
> >
> > 
> >
> -- 
> Senior Coldfusion Developer
> Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
> www.aegeon.com.au
> Phone: +613  8676 4223
> Mobile: 0404 998 273

[flexcoders] Re: Here we go again: Flex Vs Java

2007-09-27 Thread gers32
First of all, a Flex front-end is Web 2.0 vs. Web 1.0 for JSPs. I
recently made the switch from JSP to Flex for that reason. Also, your
application will scale better if you put some of the logic inside the

If your employer argues that he's invested a lot in Java, that's OK
because you can have your Flex front-end talk to Web Services written
in Java.

As for Bruce Eckel's article, that's exactly the one that convinced me
to skip AJAX and go directly from JSP to Flex. It also convinced my

Good luck,


[flexcoders] Re: What is the most productive serverside development architecture?

2007-08-29 Thread gers32
I've chosen to develop my server-side code with Ruby on Rails. It's
the most productive technology I've encountered. I access its XML
output via HTTPService.

If you're designing your application and database from scratch, I
don't think anything can beat it, from a productivity standpoint (most
of the code is generated automatically). If you're starting from an
existing database, like I am, you'll nead to tweak the code a bit, but
not much.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "mmthm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm new to flex and i'm struggling with what to use for the backend 
> architecture?
> I have seen some discussions on the merits of Livecycle/Flex 
> Dataservices, vs AMF/RemoteObject, vs HTTPService, vs WebServices, 
> vs???
> My main criteria is speed of development.  Simplicity and the ability 
> to pump out solid implementation quickly is my primary concern.  I 
> understand that AMF is a very efficient protocol, but my app is not 
> massively scaled, so performance is not a significant factor.
> I have traditionally used XML over HTTP.  It is very simple, and very 
> productive from my experience, but i have no experience with the 
> other options.
> On paper i like what LCDS offers.  The ability to synchronize a 
> domain model across views not only in one app, but across distributed 
> users, is very cool.  Not to mention the ability to help resolve 
> update conflicts.  I could also see using the pub/sub and the ability 
> to publish live data, especially for charts.
> But how simple and quick is it to learn/use/develop?  How well does 
> it work in practice?  Does it work well for simple cases, but get 
> painful for realworld scenarios?  Does it feel like you are working 
> with a scary black-box, or a simple transparent library?  Is the 
> quality of documentation high, and the support available to resolve 
> questions?
> XML is can be designed relatively stateless and lightweight on the 
> server.  Are the memory/resource requirements of LCDS significant in 
> order to maintain the consistency of all the domain objects for 
> clients?
> What about Cairngorm?  My app is of medium size and complexity.  It 
> worth using Cairngorm?  Will it increase my productivity, or it more 
> useful as an architectural framework for very large/complex apps?  
> Does the framework equally support all the serverside options?
> Maybe some hybrid approach is best?
> Bottom-line, what option do you think is the most productive route to 
> quickly crank out code?
> Thank you.

[flexcoders] Background coloring in Scheduling Framework

2007-08-27 Thread gers32

I need to color the background of a ScheduleViewer component, each
line with a different background color. BackgroundItem lets you do
that for columns... but I can't find anything that'll let me color
individual lines.

