[flexcoders] Opening open office document (calc) inside iframe

2012-06-12 Thread isa_loyer
Hi, I search a solution to open a calc document (Ooo) inside my AIR application, perhaps inside an iFrame? But I don't know how to do that. Can you help me. Thanks

[flexcoders] List item drag to datagrid

2012-05-29 Thread isa_loyer
Hi, I work with AIR. I have to window, one with list ( a glossary) and another with datagrid and editable cells. The goal is to drag item on list and drop it on cursor position on itemEditor (datagrid). I don't know how to do that. Please, help me. Thanks

[flexcoders] Apply style on text range in a Spark DataGrid?

2012-05-23 Thread isa_loyer
Does anyone know a way to apply style on text range in a Spark DataGrid? I think that the best way is to have an itemrenderer with textarea but after, I don't know how to do. My goal isn't to change color label if cell is selected. Indeed, in my dream, item is editable, and you can selected onl

[flexcoders] air customize about window

2012-05-14 Thread isa_loyer
I work with Flashbuilder 4.6 and Air application on Mas Os and I'd like to customize "About MyApp" window. I know that all information about this window is in Adobe AIR Application Descriptor File, but I don't know how to customize. Do you know how to do that? Thanks for helping.

[flexcoders] mx:TileList : Why drag doesn't works if allowMultipleSelection is activate

2012-05-14 Thread isa_loyer
I work with TileList to display image like a gallery. At start, I activate only drag option. http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"; xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" columnWidth="120" rowHeight="150" padding

[flexcoders] Reduce time to load httpservice result

2012-03-29 Thread isa_loyer
Hi, I do a query to mysql database with httpservice. The result contains arround 6 records. Time to create xml file is arround 40s, to slow for my customer. I try to accelerate the process with different methods, on server side, to generate file DOMDocument XmlWriter SimpleXMLElement As cus

[flexcoders] how to add nativemenu on topLevelApplication

2012-03-08 Thread isa_loyer
I developp a AIR application. I try to add menu on it. My application has custom chrome, and I like to have a transparent background on main application. Today, I insert the nativemenu on a native window: FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.visible = false; var options:NativeWindo

[flexcoders] how to add nativemenu on topLevelApplication

2012-03-08 Thread isa_loyer
I developp a AIR application. I try to add menu on it. My application has custom chrome, and I like to have a transparent background on main application. Today, I insert the nativemenu on a native window: FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.visible = false; var options:NativeWindo

[flexcoders] HttpService resultHandler in different Window

2012-02-13 Thread isa_loyer
I am working on an AIR application with 2 windows: One to create a new customer and another to display some information about the customer. On window 1, there is also a textfield to search for a customer by Id or name. These are the steps to create a new customer: with an "add" button on window

[flexcoders] Flex icon filed on list

2012-01-29 Thread isa_loyer
Hi, I load label and icon from mysql database. and i'd like to create a list with label and icon field. So I try to do something like that but it doesn't work indeed each line contain label but icon is empty. var xmllisteFamille:XMLList = XML(event.result).famille;

[flexcoders] ToggleButtonBar - how to change color for only one button

2012-01-20 Thread isa_loyer
I have a tooglebuttonbar (with 4 buttons) and I'd like to change the color of only one or two button according particular data. Is someone has experience to do that. I try to do like that var child:Button; child = Button(tbbAction2.getChildAt(0)); child.setStyle('color', '#CC33CC'); But the

[flexcoders] AIR - Content resize according window

2012-01-17 Thread isa_loyer
Hi, I have a window witch is resizing on creationcomplete phase according user preference. This part woks well. But inside this window a s:Group exists and even if width and height is in percent, the s:Group size is bigger that the new window measure. I try to solve that with percentheigt and p

[flexcoders] Fill pdf form with Flex

2011-12-19 Thread isa_loyer
Hi, I'd like to fill a pdf form with flex. Data are on my air application and I want to use those to fill a pdf file store on my computer. Do you have an idea to do that? thanks

[flexcoders] Border container create generic mouseOver function

2011-12-15 Thread isa_loyer
Hi, I try to create a function to change border property of border container. To do that I create a function for each border container on my MXML. But I'd to code better and to do a generic function. Today my function is: protected function bcContact_mouseOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { //

[flexcoders] AIR - Create windows skin accordind Os (Mac/Windows)

2011-11-28 Thread isa_loyer
Hi, I' create a window skin for my AIR application. Close, maximise and minimise button are on top right and look like Windows 7. But , mac user are desapointed, so my question is : is it possible to apply a different window skin according user Os. If yes, how to do that. Thanks

[flexcoders] Filter arraycollection with selected node

2011-11-21 Thread isa_loyer
Dear Flexer, I have a tree with checkbox. My tree has parent and children element. I'd like to filter an arraycollection with consider only tree node selected. Can you help me to do that. Thank

[flexcoders] Flex HTTP Service Charset

2011-10-31 Thread isa_loyer
Dear Flexer, I'm a french user, and I have some problem with charset. Indeed, I try to use httpservice to load data in datagrid. To do that, I use the php file, you can read below. "; // Confirm that some rows were returned: if (mysqli_num_rows($r) > 0) {

[flexcoders] Flex 4.5 - Cell background color in datagrid

2011-10-29 Thread isa_loyer
Hi, I load some data with httpservice. In those data, I have a backgound color for each cell. Can you explain how to do to change background color accordind data in dataprovider? I thinks I must use itemrender but I don't found how to use dataprovider data to do that. Thaks for helping.

[flexcoders] AIR how to complete and print a pdf file

2011-10-28 Thread isa_loyer
Hi, In my app, user has a pdf witch may use like a template. It's an administrative form that may be complete with mysql data. My goal is to create this pdf and insert field, all must be done inside my air application. When people wants to print this document, field must be replace by good val

[flexcoders] AIR Openwithdefaultapplication

2011-10-28 Thread isa_loyer
Hi, I'd like to use "Open with default application" to open file located on my remote server. But this command seems not working with path like Can you help me to solve that. Thanks

[flexcoders] AIR and PDF

2011-10-25 Thread isa_loyer
Hi, I'd like to complete and to print a pdf inside an air window. Could you help me to find a solution. Thanks

[flexcoders] AIR - PHP : How to load local file to remote server

2011-10-24 Thread isa_loyer
Dear Flex, I search some idea to load local file to remote server with php. I try to do that, but it didn't works var rq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(new urlManager().urlService() + "upload.php"); rq.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;

[flexcoders] Why hhtpservice is too long

2011-10-21 Thread isa_loyer
Dear flexer, I try to load a datagrid with httpservice. But, I'm so desapointed because load about 17000 lines take around 5 sec. So can you help me to optimize this time. "; // Confirm that some rows were returned: if (mysqli_num_rows($r) > 0) { // Fetch every ro

[flexcoders] How to create php/apache/mysql installer with AIR

2011-10-17 Thread isa_loyer
Dear Flexer, I'd like to use AIR to create my own web tools installer (like mamp, wammp...). But I have no idea how to do that. Can you help me? Thanks

[flexcoders] Preview a PDF inside your AIR application inside transparent and custom window

2011-09-20 Thread isa_loyer
I have a transparent windows (skinnable). Inside, I'd like to preview some pdf file. BUT, in the only a black screen appear, can you help me? Thanks

[flexcoders] s:Group arrange component on the same center

2011-09-01 Thread isa_loyer
I use a s:Group to place my component in my form. I'd like all form item have the same horizontal align inside the group. I try to use horizontalcenter with value 0 but it doesn't work. So I don't know how to do and I hope you can help me to solve that.

[flexcoders] Flex 4.5 - Custom NativeWindow and problems

2011-08-10 Thread isa_loyer
I have a class FlexNativeWindow who extends to NativeWindow. I use this method to create new window on my AIR app. All works well but some keyboard interraction is not availaible. For exemple focus arround textinput is not visible. Key down and up don't work on DropDownList. TabOrder doesn't work

[flexcoders] Move on DropDownList with up or dow key (FB 4.5)

2011-08-10 Thread isa_loyer
Dear Flexer, I have a form in custom titleWindow. I this form, I place DropDownList. In this list, I'd like to select item with up or down key, but it doesn't work. Should I implement this? **


2011-08-08 Thread isa_loyer
Dear Flexer, I'd to use my database field value to select a value on my . But no selection appear, nothing appear on prompt. Thanks for helping

[flexcoders] Flex e4X escape quote in flex text input

2011-08-08 Thread isa_loyer
Dear Flexer, I use httpservice to query my database. when xml data is loaded on text input quote is replace by a square. How can I solve that. Thanks

[flexcoders] HTTPService e4x Error #1095: XML parser failure: Unterminated attribute

2011-08-08 Thread isa_loyer
Dear Flexer, I'd like to load data from my database with an httpservice and result on e4x format. If on php side, I add only 12 row all works well, but if I try to load more than 12 rows this errror appear Error #1095: XML parser failure: Unterminated attribute. Can you help me to solve that

[flexcoders] Re: [Important] Simultaneous HTTPService in the same component

2011-08-05 Thread isa_loyer

[flexcoders] [Important] Simultaneous HTTPService in the same component

2011-08-05 Thread isa_loyer
Dear Flexer, I created an Air application. On loading my component, I'd to make simultaneous request to my database to load some data to my component. My component is a form with several comobobox and and text field. But to do that I have two major problem. - Sometimes, my form (my component) i

[flexcoders] Form Item Multiline

2011-08-03 Thread isa_loyer
I try to do a beautiful form on my AIR app. But with s:FormItem, I don't find how to place label in two lines. Can you help me to solve that? Thanks.

[flexcoders] Licence component

2011-08-03 Thread isa_loyer
Dear Flexer, I'm developping an AIR application. I'd like include licence system to protect my soft. Do you if free component exist or do you have an idea to do that? Thanks for help