FLUXLIST: from db chirot/inspiration

2002-07-16 Thread NBBurr44

hello dear friends  fellow workers--

nbb is sharing for a bit her connection to/with the E(ternal) Network--as 
i am still living about early 1970s with electric typewriter  copy machines--
i miss you all very much--working away as always on many projects--
this week i will have two operations on left arm--at the elbow and wrist 
for nerve damage in the extreme--so will be 
 a challenge
to work one handed--a real
one-armed bandit--
robbing myself blind!

inspiration--always have found in just going out for a walk--so much 
happening at any instant everywhere from play of light, environmental 
sounds--to all the--in cities or anywhere anymore--writings present--signs, 
etc--huamn ones and then those made by nature--
all the refuse of such great interest--
all the auditory adventures going on from so many forms of 
soundmaking--voices to autos to leaves to boom boxes, etc etc--
i often think when walking,  as my work all street finding based--of a 
favorite remark by a favorite poet, Larry Eigner--
he said
a poem is like taking a walk  then it extends itself
meaning--to be OPEN--
via attention  care  serendipity as he calls it--
to the movement--and then--the extension--
--a poem. . .
i learned a lot more about this attention  care --as much as 
serendipity--hope, trust--
when locked up for ninety days for most part--and was in very minimal 
so learned much from movements of light and shadow on walls through 
shades--or the varying degress of heat and cold in rooms by where one sat, 
and on what materials--and times of day--and endless forays of great interest 
into the languages of cracks in floors  walls--
varying carrying of sounds differing times of days, numbers of bodies, 
their placements in space--much interest to do with eyes closed--
one fellow paid me a great compliment--said no point in putting me in 
solitary--i would have far to grand a time watching cracks and light and 
shadows--and finding poems in them--
out of this i began writing haiku which have never before, excellent 
as one finds inspiration in what is directly in front of one, and with a 
delimited number of syllables and lines--sees  hears  feels  
realizes--ever opening--how much there is--how ever and so ever much--so that 
one need but a little work with, continually--
also did find much to work onwith rubbings using lumber crayon  little 
paper pads--machine parts and signs, letterings on doors--and words and signs 
inscribed in wood with knives by people through time--though not too as much 
as imagine periodically the knives were removed from dining room!
--and--not by the ones wanting to carve--but the ones who didn't want it 
to be done except for cutting shoe leather thick pieces of what we called 
mystery meat--

nothing like a good walk for finding inspration--
or a good sitting or lying down--
attention in movement in flows of time and space--
some/every/thing there--
the bare bones of haiku are plainness  oddness--
david baptiste

Re: FLUXLIST: France

2002-05-27 Thread NBBurr44

yupwell i'm sorry   this all seems perfect flux and to go on with it, 
i know i am missing pertinent details, it still seems  to say the mix-up 
of moment (and/or mood)(not to mention time and Time and dates and 
how it all happens in mind/time/space?

to become an event within a (lost) event or missed message misted mess, all 
the fog of it trying to tell us something, i want to pay attention most 
especially when it's lost like this   it seems like the right time to 

catching dust motes, nbb

FLUXLIST: hello from david baptiste chirot

2002-05-22 Thread NBBurr44

Dear Friends and Fellow Workers--

I am not dead (quoth the ghost--)--
but alert awake alive aware at:

david baptiste chirot
1767 N. Arlington Pl. # 28
Milwaukee, WI 53202
and miss you all very very much--have not had email in it seems eons and 
feel as though have moved steadily backward in time--
as for some time all had was lumber crayon and battered paper scraps to 
work with--and no electronics either--no radio or clock etc--
learned a very great deal wd like to write you all about--
right now i am so to speak a federally  state funded artist!
as i was put on disabilty and medicaid etc--though i am still allowed to 
work some place part time--
one day on my daily findings expeditions here doing my anarkeyology
work going through a dumpster--a police officer accosted me and wanted to 
know what i was doing--i was making rubbings off a sign that had raised 
lettering--poetically enough--a DANGER sign--
the officer asked me--and i replied--i am working for the government--on 
a public works art project--and this is my research--here is an example--and 
handed him a sheet with rubbings on it--
he was very impressed--the government is interested in this?
oh yes, very much--it is going to be quite a large project--
he wished me good luck--
please remember to send me works for my Palindrome project for the year 
2002--the palindromatic year
also i am going to send to you a proposal i am making for the celebration 
of Nazim Hikmet the great turkish poet that is this year
have been working quite a bit of late with the street findings as 
always--and spray paint, collage, transfers, etc etc--both visual poetry 
books andmany single works--also some works with nbb that as very wonderful 
to work with her--
also i am working now for independent monthly paper--poetry andmusic 
will be teaching workshop this summer at woodland patternbook center--
gleanings--uses of found materials for making visual poetry and mail 
art--to get people to make connections among daily street environment local 
scene daily life and global--via sending to calls and also eschanges via the 
web . . .
i am writing an essay called 
necessity is the motherfucker of invention that is a follow up to an 
essay i wrote that is in KAIRAN 4 CALLED REFUSE/REFUSE
i will have this sent to you all shortly
thank you annklefstad for the brilliant address book!
it is beautiful and i love holding it up to the light flooding  my room
 thank you reed for all the mailings!
and john m. bennett!
must run

Re: FLUXLIST: book web site

2002-05-07 Thread NBBurr44

sol, carol --- many thanks to you both, these look just wonderful!

(p.s. sqot/skot spear/speer -- could you pls backchannel me? thanks, nbb)

FLUXLIST: fluxlist garden

2002-04-24 Thread NBBurr44

oh mani want to add new growth to flux garden, got myself signed in and 
am legit, but to follow instructions beyond this point   ---   makes me dizzy 
surely i've inhaled some toxic/hallucinogenic fluxlist herb?

some of us can't do this, i'm getting out my sewing machineno, really 
what i feel like doing is pasting/collaging flowers to the screen itself, i'm 
intrigued but am afraid i cannot follow

n  (not complaining or asking for further instructions, just feeling a bit 


2002-04-23 Thread NBBurr44

I'm in for sure

Re: FLUXLIST: The Russian Avant-Garde Book 1910 - 1934 :: MoMA

2002-04-20 Thread NBBurr44

kathy --- did you ever get anyone to narrrow down or focus on  one of 
these?   or did you decide what you might enjoy most working on and 
gathering/arranging?  the list itself gives me a thrill/idea   -- for each 
one to list her list of what to put into such a book,   passions, dailies, 
all of it, minimal or messy-to-max     size to be common but content to 
be individual flux-list-ness according to individual?or  random 
choosing via yr grabbing one of these ideas from hat?we await our 
orders  we of many mentioned maybes  one-page book that says 
fluxlist book compiled into ONE book? just don't want this idea to get 
lost   .. nbb 

In a message dated 4/16/2002 9:52:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 50 books by 50 people.
 Cohere by theme, size, story.
 five totally unrelated collages.
 A day in the life
 My first computer
 Favorite socks
 Biography of another fluxlist member
 books pages flipping in hand
 Modern Saints/Modern Sinners, dead or just playing dead
 festive religious theme
 just Fluxlist. the part the list plays.
 forty six minutes in the evening with a stop watch.
 modern sinners
 bios, fake and fantasy
 free reign, free rain
 hot air balloon
 zine as object
 saints and sinners
 Seven deadlies plus seven (noncanonical) virtues, make up one's own
 Fluxus Tarot? 78 cards, Major Arcana only, Or not.
 the Fluxus Carrot a story for kids and other young animals
 Pulled over for weaving.
 milligan pomes
 biography of fifty non-existent Fluxus artists, with pictures, a fluxusness
 justification spoof where characters meet manifesto criteria
 Biographies of nonexistent people
 Fluxlist Cooks
 The Fluxlist Gourmet Companion
 The favourite meals of the Fluxmasters
 Famous Suppers
 Scores and events that are food related
 Edible art
 How To Run A Successful Fluxus Dinner Party
 Poems, stories, pictures...
 The Fluxus Parrot.

Re: FLUXLIST: The Russian Avant-Garde Book 1910 - 1934 :: MoMA

2002-04-20 Thread NBBurr44

In a message dated 4/20/2002 4:59:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 libraries of famous artists (like what would Duchamp or Warhol, have in 
their libraries?). 

Re: FLUXLIST: The Russian Avant-Garde Book 1910 - 1934 :: MoMA

2002-04-20 Thread NBBurr44

sorry, meant to add:   to reed's idea on libraries   ---   maybe libraries of 
imaginary fluxlist artists? -nancy


 How about
 libraries of famous artists (like what would Duchamp or Warhol, have in 
their libraries?). 

Re: FLUXLIST: The Russian Avant-Garde Book 1910 - 1934 :: MoMA

2002-04-16 Thread NBBurr44

oh no?

i don't know  -- i think it works/words/says VERY well this way!   LOTS of 
ideas sort of a flood you captured the energy now the notion will take its 
own form (but i'm glad i don't have to choose) on we go


Re: FLUXLIST: irrelevant subject headings

2002-04-13 Thread NBBurr44

bored, stuck here in gallery  ---

imagine each (one at a time) of the works coming alive --- entertaining you 
for the space of two minutesthen, a la badgergirl's listing, jot out 
your exchange or decide which one, if it truly did come alive, you'd 
want to spend any lengthier amount of time with     ? 

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST: The Russian Avant-Garde Book 1910 - 1934 :: MoMA

2002-04-13 Thread NBBurr44

yes, let's do it! i love the moma site -- feels like you're flipping the 
pages of the books, in hand, almost --- 

 How about theme or story, then? A day in the life... My first computer...
 Favorite socks... Biography of another fluxlist member...  

Re: FLUXLIST: Book 1910 -1934

2002-04-13 Thread NBBurr44

 with this we may have 
 even more free reign  anyone wanting free rain, i got plenty up here 
seattle way, will send

modern sinners, good

bios, fake and fantasy/real good, too

fun ideas, keep going


Re: FLUXLIST: Re: address book

2002-03-27 Thread NBBurr44

 On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Dan Holmes wrote:
  ... All I've done so 
  far is glue a spoon to my desk. 

something so essentially CORE fluxus to this; i keep looking at my desk 
wondering why there is no spoon glued to it  (there might be, hard to 
know what lurks neath layer after layer ofoh! THERE're the address 
book attempts #1, 2  3(carol, i want the one someone will? send with a 
spoon stuck on it))


Re: FLUXLIST: erm....

2002-02-28 Thread NBBurr44

 perhaps i should just leave it, eh? 

oh no alan  this is the only kind of discourse that makes complete sense to 
me   it all does go back and forth, can be said and seen and heard in 
an unlimited number of ways, there's the joy of it, good to try to say one's 
way   dive into the tangle and hope for wild new connections


Re: FLUXLIST: Re: clock event / dbc

2002-02-19 Thread NBBurr44

forwarding from david baptiste chirot (per his request) his latest mail art 
call which speaks to the upcoming event:


Dear Fellow Fluxlist, Sound and Visual Poetry and Mail Art Workers:

Greetings and all best in art and life -- 2002 has arrived -- the 
Panlindromatic Year -- reading backward and forward the same.  

The Panindromatic Day is thus: 20/02/2002.   Let us contemplate, question and 
create with this event!

The palindrome is both coming and going at the same time. Is it a 
self-contained mirror -- or an infinite series? -- what is its chaos and what 
its order?  Is it a trick, a game -- or a profound revelation?  What are its 
qualities and evidences -- in language, sound, vision and life?  Does the 
palindrome get us anywhere -- or everywhere?  Is it a unity and a splitting 
at once?  Is it yin/yang?  Is it a mandala, a round, a mantra -- is it 
perpetual motion or dead stop?

2002: The Palindromatic Year.   Please send works on the theme, sizes A4 and 
less, in any media -- originals or copies.  The first deadline is the 
Palindromatic Day 20/02/2002.   The second deadline is the end of the 
Palindromatic Year.  Documentation to follow.

Until further notice, please send to:

David Baptiste Chirot
c/o Jean Dean
2874 N. 52nd
Milwaukee, WI. 53210

FLUXLIST: call for art

2001-12-05 Thread NBBurr44

anyone on this list who is or might know someone living in the northwest (us 
 canada) interested/involved in visual/concrete poetry --- here is a call 
for work for an upcoming seattle show ---

northwest concrete/visual poetry exhibit
to coincide with seattle poetry festival 2002
send original/xerox of 2-D, 3-D in related realm.
if you wish it returned please include sufficient postage.
any questions [EMAIL PROTECTED]
deadline 4/01/02
mail, disk, email
nico vassilakis
3046 61st Ave SW
seattle, wa 98116

Re: FLUXLIST: Recording Ideas For Don

2001-11-27 Thread NBBurr44

In a message dated 11/27/2001 6:22:53 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  NO -- VLADIMIR writes:

 27 Nov 2001, installation idea:




by FAR the most clever fluxist installation concepts i've seen in years!!  
(each of you must try them:   RELEASE/catharsis to the max on the first, 
gossipy innuendo (e-mail address inferral and phone # combos?) on the latter) 
 a new fluxus STAR***!!

Re: FLUXLIST: Peace Island Artistamps

2001-10-10 Thread NBBurr44

dear pk

what an every-day-joy you are (i do hope you know)

what else IS fluxus ?   pk = how the moment comes alive = fluxus = how i 
might try to say thanks (just now just this) = some sort of door opening in 
the (any) day


Re: FLUXLIST: lost los

2001-07-30 Thread NBBurr44

i'm glad i kept trying too  --- it was great to see the images from los 
demonios, but best of all is your essay  --  a seductive way to look at 
life, texture and meaning through visual poetry on the same sitemany 
many thanks!



Re: FLUXLIST: FluxFortune

2001-06-25 Thread NBBurr44

when:  you shoull not open it.  you should send it to the 23rd person to 
respond to your querie, in hopes that they will incorporate the fortune into 
a small fluxart piece and send back to you

why:  oh who knows

Re: FLUXLIST: FluxFortune

2001-06-25 Thread NBBurr44

wait.   i do know why:because only then will the true meaning of the 
fortune be revealed to you

Re: FLUXLIST: RE: Stopwords

2001-06-25 Thread NBBurr44

me, please!

Re: [Fwd: FLUXLIST: 537 Broadway Comes to Venice the pictures!!!!!!!!]

2001-06-15 Thread NBBurr44

i got them  ?!i did  lots of smiling faces, wonderful

Re: FLUXLIST: RE: anti-art

2001-06-11 Thread NBBurr44

somehow for meart  --  that word,   problematic though it is   --- 
captures some sense/aimof struggle search

so even if it is anti art(i keep typing ainti art)gets at it.   
falling into the struggle, allowing the search, being swallowed by the search 
 one way or any other, being caught up in the energy or effort 
towards transformationall of these (fluxlist)  notes seem to me 
to reach out in that wayand all i can say is i am exhilerated by all 
the many ways to say/reach/struggle/probe/challenge/share
-- something to be said for keeping at it


FLUXLIST: cruel? oh, i don't know, but maybe? (aprill)

2001-04-19 Thread NBBurr44

"Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote
And bathed every veyne in swich licour
Of which vertu engendred is the flour,
Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the Ram his half cours y-ronne,
And smale foweles maken melodye
That slepen al the nyght with open eye,
So priketh hem Nature in hir corages,
Than longen folk to goon on pilgrymages."

  chaucher/ canterbury tales

happy wandermeanderings (voyages) as spring has sprung! (eth?)


FLUXLIST: chaucher? = trans (anyone?)

2001-04-19 Thread NBBurr44

=chaucer   still it's nice:

"When April with his showers sweet with fruit
The drought of March has pierced unto the root
And bathed each vein with liquor that has power
To generate therein and sire the flower;
When Zephyr also has, with his sweet breath,
Quickened again, in every hold and heath,
The tender shoots and buds, and the young sun
Into the Ram one half his course has run
And many little birds make melody
That sleep through all the night with open eye
(So Nature pricks them on to ramp and rage) --
Then do folk long to go on pilgrimage"

i do agree, though: april can be cruel.   hope on hope ever   spring = 
promise?  promise of the possible,   and pain   and isn't every 
day its own beginning?  trying, so , to say good morning   blue lobelia, 
take me into something new (now!)


FLUXLIST: The Big Topics

2001-03-21 Thread NBBurr44


Re: FLUXLIST: artist residencies

2001-02-14 Thread NBBurr44

not a boring list at all --

somehow each new name sets in motion peculiar images and possible scenes and 
other allusions to (momentarily) forgotten names and what ends up happening 
for me is that i don't feel quite so alone

might be good/interesting for us each to view ourselves as possible 
"desirables" on list like this ---  listen to what we sound like, how our own 
enthusiasms and spur-of- the moment mind jolts energies actions might be just 
as invigorating for others as theirs are for us...

(in wariness of hero-worship)   nbb

FLUXLIST: artist residencies

2001-02-13 Thread NBBurr44

fun to think about this.i think what i'd like most would be to hang 
out in someone's (list following) studio for a day or a week, just watching  
--- with allowance to poke and pry into boxes and such for folks like this:

joseph cornell  
kurt schwitters
ray johnson (as with cornell, would want access to ALL those storage boxes!)
dieter rot

to watch anyone in process of making collage
to watch folks working on daybooks/journals --- like allison knowles, 
burroughs, peterbeard if he were enormously less sexist

would like to take long stroll along streets hunting for found treasures with 
wendy kramer, bob cobbing, david chirot, alex cook, anyone who loves the 
oddest scrap or gleam of possible material lying on the earth

oh jeez, this could go on and on, once you begin to think along these 


Re: FLUXLIST: dispatch from weliveinpublic Warhol Hijack

2001-01-31 Thread NBBurr44

isn't that the point?   (am i lost?)   like standing in a gallery at 
opening, thursday seattle gallery walk, wine, chat, desultory mouth sounds
--- ?

what is talk anyway? 

gould would listen to the rhythm and pacing of the mouth sounds  ---   maybe 
we need to hear the exact words less?intonation more ---  what is this 
person scared of?   nervous, combative, playful  how to know?   these are 
strangers.like at entrance to disneyland or any grocery store, just to 
watch the people:   here: listen?   and all those gaps in poetry on page  
   that spacing essential here: 
the ineffective word the one that might convey? i don't 
know: i'm getting older and talk about the daily weather seems to make sense  
--- how we face our days.   how the heck are YOU today?does it bug you 
that the skies are way beyond grey, IS IT COLD ENUF FOR YOU?who 
are you today?   can you say?   can we say ANYthing to each other? 
don't we start with inanities?   can anything   (attempt to SAY) BE 
"inane" ?  aren't we all trying?


Re: FLUXLIST: Cage's prints a new book

2001-01-31 Thread NBBurr44

many many thanks for these sites   ---   i sure am tempted by that book, as i 
can't see the works in person   

cage's minimalist works make me wonder though:   daily life is a mess --- the 
debris and toss and paperpileup of any day seems very REAL (i.e. fluxus) to 
me: sort of BASIC.   i say this as i contemplate (impossible) the mess of 
my art space and the collection the packrat ways of accumulation  
  this kind of paring down to an essential element is so alluring   
--- but almost feels false?   in that it must ignore the piling up of 

i say this not at all in critique, just in wonder  --- honestly.  i 
can every moment look at one scrap of paper and know it is in itself a poem, 
a statement, a satisfactory comment on the mood or day the ring 
of a coffee cup, the burn of an artaud gris-gris or cage edge expression  
   is it mostly a way of clarifying/cleansing the mind, to come to this 
way of expression?when for me any day the MESS seems more honest?   
yet, as you can tell, more frustrating...(and to enter the garden 
metaphor messages of recent days)a terrible doom of WEEDING out, no!
not doom?  is it?pleasure. but how to show BOTH? the mess  the 
singular element in isolation? (for this isolation/focus i do love alison 
knowles' recent book of pages from her notebooks)   i feel sure it is 
not "wrong" to want BOTH   but at the same time i feel i need to honor / 
give most energy to the one that says MOST..  ((this is 
impossible, i see as i write.  


Re: FLUXLIST: dispatch from weliveinpublic Warhol Hijack

2001-01-28 Thread NBBurr44


just did the lightest dabble from this and it is fun!!   like sitting in cafe 
and hearing overhearing hearing under one's own conversation:  voices 
(or sometimes in dreams)   reminds me of glenn gould's voice 
scores, how in border towns of canada he'd sit at table in cafe and hear the 
music of the voices   --- i did this by not clicking the "stop" button and by 
moving down the list all "on"

thanks!   nbb

Re: FLUXLIST: stuff for trade.....

2001-01-18 Thread NBBurr44

(clean up time)

small assemblage made from the gleanings grist got-left-behinds of the art 
space floor

yours!   for small similarly momentous object, collage, stamps, throwaway 
found pome, so on and etc.

send to:

6808 16th Ave. N.E.
Seattle WA 98115-6841

Re: FLUXLIST: bukoff rehired

2001-01-04 Thread NBBurr44

i very much agree (so much easier than volunteering) and must add :   tock


Re: FLUXLIST: The Seed Exchange: Seed trading list #2 (fwd)

2000-11-12 Thread NBBurr44

 *Mom's Purple Thing. (annual)  Looks like a coleus, but stinks when 
   Has been confused with purple basil or red shisho, but it isn't either 
 one.  Nice purple border plant, re-seeds like crazy. 

wonder if this might be "herb Robert"  --- the herb used/known as "dragon's 
blood" in witches' brews?pink flowers? horrid smell when crushed, or 
pulled at root.


2000-11-02 Thread NBBurr44

I think this well speaks to YOUR sensibility   which sounds very generous

but does not allow that there are many others, other ways and focusses 
towards art, or what we are getting at here as meaning "art"

or  meaning "meaning"!

when you speak of practicalities   isnt' that what it comes down to, when 
each artist person is working with their particular 

so that if one might wish to enter into the "abstract"  --- that is 
just as fine an avenue as "concrete" and off the street?  could 
even  refer to the same end, simply from an other view

I don't think it is so easy for everyone, as sometimes you feel it should be  
   --- and to call grappling with dilemmas like this simply a sort of 
fretting "anxiety"   well, just adds another fret to MY anxiety!!

trying to "get it" NBB

Re: FLUXLIST: Take offense? That's intriguing. Over what? That's an interesting

2000-11-01 Thread NBBurr44

Cecil -- This is a wonderful letter /presentation of this way of thinking, 
thank you.



2000-10-05 Thread NBBurr44


 gosh what a grump. isn't fun fluxus? 

isn't grumpiness fluxus?!


Re: FLUXLIST: alison knowles

2000-09-28 Thread NBBurr44

this book from Granary arrived on my doorstep today --- Footnotes: collage 
journal 30 years

Patricia -- it fits in so well to the idea of the time pieces!   torn from 
5x7 notebooks and taped onto a larger page, the tape itself now "highlighted" 
one way or the other as arranged, "an artistic artifice as well as an homage 
to Diter Rot and his SEP book 246 Little Clouds"   everyother page 
has one of these notebook pages, with facing page/text of poetic notations, 
sometimes quite minimalist or sounding like mini scores for performance

the pieces have the quick at-the-scene feel of Dave Baptiste Chirot's pages 
for the fluxlist timepiece, giving the sense that almost you are watching 
thoughts/impressions as they appear blur and disappear, ideas nearly wiggling 
as they become visual in pencilled scribbles, mind in action

introduction by JRothenberg is good, ending with AK quote "It is important to 
remember that we are free to make art and poetry out of anything: a loaf of 
bread, some beans, a hasty jotting on the train."

I ordered the Footnotes not having seen a page, just so hopeful that it'd 
touch my obsessions with calendars/days/collage/found poetry  and I love 
it.   I'm sorry I can't do a more appropriately articulate review   - now 
I have to go spend some time with this book!


Re: FLUXLIST: Unfinished Project

2000-08-30 Thread NBBurr44

I think this sounds wonderfu

It could maybe be, back to an earlier comment by you, I think -- a SEEMINGLY 
unfinished project   as, who will KNOW or realize if each piece is 
unfinished?  or should we in all humble self-diminishment WRITE OUT why we 
feel our piece is unfinished, or, "not enough"   

I'm glad to get back to this idea, as I think the folks who wrote a bit about 
having the nerve to finish a piece, justify a piece, self-critique a piece 
well, I think that is in a way the core of what we are getting at on 
this list, in our art, our attitude towards art.

trouble is I don't know how to articulate all this, I was surely hoping 
someone else would step in and give us reasons to go on, now it occurs to me 
--- should we send an unfinished project that we've already unfinished, or 
should it be a newly-provoked (by this  call) unfinish(ed)(able) work?

Put me on the list --- I think I can actually (not quite) DO this!


FLUXLIST: Devon's Mystery Cool-No-Seriously Art Thing

2000-08-17 Thread NBBurr44

Please, also:

6808 16th Ave. N.E.
Seattle WA 98115-6841


FLUXLIST: Re: lost photos

2000-08-11 Thread NBBurr44

I have your photos.  On a standard set of 24 or 26 or whatever they are, the 
last one is always gratuitous, extra, in other words, it becomes a "mistake" 
on our roll.  We don't believe there is an extra, we just press the button 
everytime and end up with a shot of space, empty or dusty, the ceiling, the 
nearest leg.  I feel sure that, akin to theories of lost socks, these ARE 
your lost photos.  I have 2 from the recently processed roll.  This must 
happen to other people,  please let this happen to other people, can we be so 
lonely-lame, such lunatic lovers of lost landscapes?  I feel sure that if we 
all POOL our lost/loserly pics we will come up with a fluxus document 
representative of the SHADOW of your lost pictures, or the imagined dream 
(which I will dream tonight, and you?) of those lost photos, the hidden 
intent, the possible (lost in time/space/photolab) MIRACLE that you intended 
-- don'tcha think?

I think maybe.  NBB

Re: FLUXLIST: Boredom.

2000-08-11 Thread NBBurr44


 I do know that boredom is the great creator of all new ideas, the deep well 
 which they arise. Without it I'd never come up with anything. 

This is wondrous, the kind of idea that wakes me up all caught amidst one of 
those seven sins such as sloth and makes the definitions, and thus my 
outlook, new.

What exactly IS it that provokes?  makes us act, or even think, think anew 
and write the note we never wrote because it is so wrong to be, say: scared 
of writing the wrong thing?  as if there could ever BE a "wrong thing".it 
just may be the wrongest thing that sets us in motion, like the lost photos 
and the photographer's gentle lament (no anger?!!) that made me think of 
INTENTION, all lost intention, all the things we MEAN to do and YEARN to do, 
say, show, expand upon, share

some art that would embrace the lost attempts?  this feels too close to 
weakness: the things I SEE but do not DO? no, the lost photos are not in 
that realm.  they are existant.  they ARE.  (somewhere)  I'd like to 
record this (somewhere) (maybe) (if) (as though)

I'd like to see your lost somewhere, as I write this it feels the opposite to 
FLUXUS, which is HERE right-in-your-face     but is it? 

sorry, just following thoughts on boredom/stimulation/the wanderlust of the 
desperado-- nbb

FLUXLIST: Poetry Submissions

2000-05-28 Thread NBBurr44

Cheat Mode (Scurk)

All reward and opportunity buildings - i am weak
Construction, if offer was declined - zyxwvu
Donation offer - call cousin vinnie
Change the sea to salt water - salt on
Change the sea to fresh water - salt off
"Sorry, Money Doesn't Grow On Broccoli" message - broccoli
"If You Build It, They Will Come" message - scurk
"The Llama Is A Quadruped" message - llama
"Duo Ragazzi's Easter Egg Palace: Old World Charm In A Post Modern Setting" 
message - easter egg
"(Name of City) Picayune: The Finest In Scrolling Entertainment" message -  
"Secret Number Combination Causes Announcement In News Ticker: message -
"Did you know that MAXIS spelled backwards is SIX AM?" message - maxis
All extra gifts - pay tribute to your king
Stops advice - stop forcing advice
All power plants - power to the masses
All water plants - water in the desert
Mortimer will say the indicated phrase - force mortimer to say (phrase)
Moe will say the indicated phrase - force moe to say (phrase)
Constance will say the indicated phrase - force constance to say (phrase)
If you have connections to your neighbors, they will start trying to make 
deals - let's make a deal.

[found -- from one of my son's computer game "cheats"]