2006-07-27 Thread Teresa Bowman
Translated into Norwegian and spellchecked (and with a little bit of 
tinkering) it comes out sounding a bit Ginsberg: darling darling
tiger ban crop bop darling
bartender vender knops darling
bookcase crop sing perplex bib beck
sing book escort tiger bah bee or beck
clock bam very boo bop or oilier vender
bee bevy bookcase bye or bra bib beck
sing or brimful tiger bah biff powered baker
bal tiger ban boo bop powered barbers
federal powered bevy bookcase
bed slumming suck bib
story darling
tiger story bah story
bal tiger ban bog bop story
berserker men aflutter story
bookcase bogy seeker
bah bib bah knops or brimful basil
bah phi bah bal tiger belle boo bop
chq bur buss men bah bunker seek
knops slumming foredoom bib bud bye biff story
bah bio story
bike reigning bam beholder
bio bop bib birr buss bit bio bib
bookcase bust biz
clever flange bib backbend or brimful story
bah story
BUJ bike bal tiger beholder
boo bop Baja bur buss men
bevy bookcase knops slumming clever flange
bib backbend baker brimful story
bah bike baker bike bal tiger beholder
boo bop baker bur buss men
bevy bunker seek knops
summing blab blob skillet
bloc blasted bluff story
bah blip balk reigning balm beholder
slag blip bal unlashed designer belt
bra skillet blasted
Seek bed flame bam bombe darling
tiger or bumf story
bah story
tiger bal tiger ban boo bmp
tiger bar tiger men tiger tiger bookcase
bed tiger forbid bib banc semen
binding bane powered knell
bah beholder banjo bank bal tiger
ban arson bop ban bar ban body belle
ban bookcase knowledge
ban clever flange
bob bloc crop
clever flange powered bog begged bio bog book
boll done bon...

From: "Allan Revich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FLUXLIST: All Words
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 21:39:50 -0400

Word Test bdk bdl bdm bdn bdo bdp bdq bdr bds bdt bdu bdv bdw bdx bdy bdz bea
beb bec bed bee bef beg beh bei bej bek bel bem ben beo bep beq ber bes bet
beu bev bew bex bey bez bfa bfb bfc bfd bfe bff bfg bfh bfi bfj bfk bfl bfm
bfn bfo bfp bfq bfr bfs bft bfu bfv bfw bfx bfy bfz bga bgb bgc bgd bge bgf
bgg bgh bgi bgj bgk bgl bgm bgn bgo bgp bgq bgr bgs bgt bgu bgv bgw bgx bgy
bgz bha bhb bhc bhd bhe bhf bhg bhh bhi bhj bhk bhl bhm bhn bho bhp bhq bhr
bhs bht bhu bhv bhw bhx bhy bhz bia bib bic bid bie bif big bih bii bij bik
bil bim bin bio bip biq bir bis bit biu biv biw bix biy biz bja bjb bjc bjd
bje bjf bjg bjh bji bjj bjk bjl bjm bjn bjo bjp bjq bjr bjs bjt bju bjv bjw
bjx bjy bjz bka bkb bkc bkd bke bkf bkg bkh bki bkj bkk bkl bkm bkn bko bkp
bkq bkr bks bkt bku bkv bkw bkx bky bkz bla blb blc bld ble blf blg blh bli
blj blk bll blm bln blo blp blq blr bls blt blu blv blw blx bly blz bma bmb
bmc bmd bme bmf bmg bmh bmi bmj bmk bml bmm bmn bmo bmp bmq bmr bms bmt bmu
bmv bmw bmx bmy bmz bna bnb bnc bnd bne bnf bng bnh bni bnj bnk bnl bnm bnn
bno bnp bnq bnr bns bnt bnu bnv bnw bnx bny bnz boa bob boc bod boe bof bog
boh boi boj bok bol bom bon...



2006-07-26 Thread Teresa Bowman

Spellchecked: bad badly bum ban body bop bad bar beds bet bud bad bow box body beds bead bib beck bed bee beef beg bah bee be beck bell bam been boo beep be beer bees bet bee bevy bow box bye be bra bib beck bed be buff beg bah biff buff bake bal bum ban boo bop buff bar bus bet buff bevy bow box by buzz bag bib big bad beg big bah big bal bum ban bog bop big bar bags but bug big bow box bogy bags bah bib bah bud be buff bug bah phi bah bal bum bun boo bop chq bur bus but bah bow box buy buzz bias bib bid bye biff big bah bio big bike bill bam bin bio bop bib birr bus bit bio bib bow box bay biz boa bib buck bid be buff big bah big BUJ bike bal bum bin boo bop Baja bur bus but bevy bow box buy buzz boa bib buck bid bake buff big bah bike bake bike bal bum bin boo bop bake bur bus but bevy bow box buy buzz blab blob bloc bald blew bluff big bah blip balk bill balm bin blow blip bal blur bless belt blue bald blew box by blaze bam bomb bum bad be bumf big bah big bum bal bum ban boo bmp bum bar bums but bum bum bow box by bums ban bib banc band bane buff bang bah bin banjo bank bal bum ban bond bop ban bar bans bent bun ban bow box bony bans boa bob bloc body boa buff bog both bio bog book boll boom bon...Translated into French via mauvais mal mauvais coup de corps d'interdiction mauvais lits de barre parient bourgeon mauvais lits de corps de boîte d'arc perlent boeuf d'abeille de lit de disposition de bavoir mendie abeille de bah est bam de cloche de disposition été hue sonnerie est abeilles de bière parient boîte d'arc de groupe d'abeille est lit de disposition de bavoir de soutien-gorge est polit mendie beigne de bah polit cuire bal mauvaise interdiction hue coup polit pari d'autobus de barre polit boîte d'arc groupe par bavoir sac bourdonnement grand mauvais mendier grand bah grand bal mauvaise marécage d'interdiction cogne grands sacs de barre mais insecte grand bogy de boîte d'arc retient bourgeon de bah de bavoir de bah est polit bal de bah de phi de bah d'insecte mauvais hue autobus de bureau de chq de coup mais bourdonnement d'achat de boîte d'arc de bah offre de bavoir de prejugé beigne grand bah bio grand bio d'huche de bam de facture de vélo morceau autobus birr bavoir coup baie boîte arc bavoir bio boa industrie offre de dollar de bavoir est polit grand bah grand bal de vélo de BUJ mauvaise huche hue autobus de bureau de Baja de coup mais bourdonnement d'achat de boîte d'arc de groupe cuire d'offre de dollar de bavoir de boa polit grand bah vélo cuire bal de vélo mauvaise huche hue coup cuire autobus de bureau mais bourdonnement d'achat de boîte d'arc de groupe jase bloc de chauve soufflé bluff grand spot de bah recule spot de coup huche baume facture ternissure bal bénit ceinture bleue chauve soufflé Boîte par bombe de bam de flamme mauvaise mauvaise est paperasserie grande bah grande mauvaise bal mauvaise interdiction hue bmp mauvaiss clochards de barre mais mauvaise mauvaise boîte d'arc par clochards interdisent fléau de bande de banc de bavoir polit bang bal de banque de banjo d'huche de bah mauvaises interdictions de barre d'interdiction de coup de lien d'interdiction boîte d'arc d'interdiction de courbée boa de corps de bloc de bob de boa d'interdictions osseux polit marécage bon de boom de capsule de livre marécage bio...
Translated back into English: bad poorly bad bodies blow of bad bans read of bar bet bad buds read of can bodies of arch appear bee beef of disposal bed of bib begs bee of bah bam bell of disposal was boos sonnerie is beer bees bet arch can of bee group is read bib disposal of support throat is polishes begs donut ban boos blow polishes buses wager of bar polishes arch can groups by bib bag humming big bad to beg big big bah bad dance ban marsh big cops bar bags but big insect can bogy of arch keeps bud of bib bah of bah is polishes dance of bah of phi of insect bah bad boos office buses of blow chq but of bah offers bib of prejugé donut big bah bio big huche bio of bill bam of bicycle piece buses birr bib blow bay can arch bib bio boa industry offers bib dollar is polishes big big bah bicycle dance of bad BUJ huche boos office buses of blow Baja but purchase humming of arch can of group to cook offer of boa polishes big bah bicycle to cook bicycle dance bad huche boos blow to cook office buses but purchase humming of arch can of group gossips pad of bald blown big bluff spot of bah backs up blow spot huche balm bills ternissure dance blesses blue bald blown belt Can by bomb of flame bad bad bam is big paperasserie big bad bah bad dance ban boos Bar tramps but bad bad arch can by tramps forbid band blight of bib bench polishes bang dance bank of huche banjo of bad bah bar bans of blow ban of ban link arch can of bend ban bodies boa of bobsled pad of boa of bony bans polishes good marsh of capsule boom of book marshes.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: FLUXLIST@scribble.comSubject: FLUXLIST: All WordsDate: Tue, 25 Ju

RE: FLUXLIST: This Message Contains

2006-07-13 Thread Teresa Bowman
Sorry, I didn't mean "back into English and spellchecked".  I just meant 

I should either pay more attention to what I'm writing, or less.

From: "Allan Revich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: This Message Contains
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:49:24 -0400


I received this tag-line from somebody this morning and 'took it' at face
value, posting it unchanged here.

Allan Revich

This message contains information which is completely unconfidential and
USELESS. You may use, copy, disseminate and massively exaggerate any 
in this email. You are granted access to all my files, passwords and 

photos. Please feel free to black mail or sue my ass. If you have received
this message in error, TOO BAD. If you are offended by this message, please
contact Celino and Barnes. Thank-you very much.


Behalf Of Allan Revich
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:33 AM
Subject: FLUXLIST: This Message Contains

Your Signature Here

This message contains information which is completely unconfidential and
USELESS. You may use, copy, disseminate and massively exaggerate any 
in this email. You are granted access to all my files, passwords and 

photos. Please feel free to black mail or sue my ass. If you have received
this message in error, TOO BAD. If you are offended by this message, please
contact Celino and Barnes. Thank-you very much.

RE: FLUXLIST: This Message Contains

2006-07-13 Thread Teresa Bowman

Translated into Norwegian via

Denne budskap inneholder informasjon som er komplett unconfidential og 
UBRUKELIG. De bruker, kopi, utbrer og massivt overdriver noe innhold i denne 
email. De bevilger adgang til all min arkiver, passord og mistenkt fotoer. 
Vær så snill og føl fri til svart post eller anlegger sak mot min esel. Om 
De mottatt denne budskap i feil OGSÅ DÅRLIG. Om De fornærmer av denne 
budskap, behager kontakt Celino og Låver. Takker-De meget mye.

Back into English and spellchecked:

Dine buskers inn holder informasjon some ear couplet unconfident go 
UBRUKELIG. De broker, kopi, tubbier or massive overdrive nose inn hold in 
dense email. De bewilder ad gang tail all min artier, password dog moisten 
footer. Vera saw snail go fold fire till smart post seller an egger sank mot 
min easels. Om De mutates done buskers in field ORGASM DARLING. Om De 
fornærmer van dense buskers, behave contact Celine or Lover. Talker-De 
midget mice.

From: "Allan Revich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: This Message Contains
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:49:24 -0400


I received this tag-line from somebody this morning and 'took it' at face
value, posting it unchanged here.

Allan Revich

This message contains information which is completely unconfidential and
USELESS. You may use, copy, disseminate and massively exaggerate any 
in this email. You are granted access to all my files, passwords and 

photos. Please feel free to black mail or sue my ass. If you have received
this message in error, TOO BAD. If you are offended by this message, please
contact Celino and Barnes. Thank-you very much.


Behalf Of Allan Revich
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:33 AM
Subject: FLUXLIST: This Message Contains

Your Signature Here

This message contains information which is completely unconfidential and
USELESS. You may use, copy, disseminate and massively exaggerate any 
in this email. You are granted access to all my files, passwords and 

photos. Please feel free to black mail or sue my ass. If you have received
this message in error, TOO BAD. If you are offended by this message, please
contact Celino and Barnes. Thank-you very much.

RE: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event: translated into Spanish and spellchecked

2006-06-08 Thread Teresa Bowman

compiling pie charts
trees looking in the window
I think they're laughing

Translated into Spanish on

compilar árboles de gráficos tipo pastel
que miran en la ventana
que pienso que ellos se ríen

(Translated back into English on

compiling trees of pie charts
that look at in the window
that think that they laugh)


compiler aureoles de graphics type pastel
queen moron en la venting
queer pianos queer cellos se ripen

From: "Allan Revich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 16:31:08 -0400

Lukt gud wif no spel chek tue

-Original Message-
Behalf Of suse
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event

yees bu his one is moorree ooneest:

with spell check the above sentence reads:
yes but this one is more honest;

compiling pie charts
trees looking in the window
I think they're laughing

- Original Message -
From: "Teresa Bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 9:56 AM
Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event

> I also came up with one made up of phrases from 3 different articles:
> so many trees and
> white columns, magnolia
> odd-looking, maroon
> ... I think I prefer that one!
> >From: "Allan Revich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: "FLUXLIST" 
> >Subject: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event
> >Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2006 13:00:35 -0400
> >
> >Write a cHaiku (a Haiku is OK too)
> >
> >Google a line of the poem in "Google News"
> >
> >Choose one or two short sentences from the article and copy them
> >below
> >haiku
> >
> >Choose 5-7-5 or 3-6-9 phrases from the sampled sentences to write a
> >new cHaiku/Haiku
> >
> >
> >Example:
> >
> >don't play safe
> >it is just nature's way
> >some days are better than other days
> >
> >(Google Search:
> >y&btnG=Search+News>
> >&ned=ca&ie=UTF-8&q=it+is+just+nature%27s+way&btnG=Search+News)
> >
> >
> >The seagulls are abandoning the coast for the bright lights of the
> >city because they have found rich pickings on streets and landfill
> >sites. He played down any Hitchcockian overtones but said staff
> >advised people walking through the courtyard at City Hall to watch
> >out.
> >
> >
> >The seagulls
> >They have found rich pickings
> >Courtyard at City Hall to watch out
> >
> >
> >(source story:
> >1315765652006221311531>
> >315765652006221311531)

RE: FLUXLIST: Work Event 1

2006-06-08 Thread Teresa Bowman

I usually do it the other way round ... is that OK?

From: "Allan Revich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FLUXLIST: Work Event 1
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 09:29:27 -0400

Work Event 1

Wake up.

Go to work.

RE: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event

2006-06-08 Thread Teresa Bowman

eyes buy his one is moored soonest

Lust gut wig no spill cheeky toe

From: "Allan Revich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 16:31:08 -0400

Lukt gud wif no spel chek tue

-Original Message-
Behalf Of suse
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event

yees bu his one is moorree ooneest:

with spell check the above sentence reads:
yes but this one is more honest;

compiling pie charts
trees looking in the window
I think they're laughing

- Original Message -
From: "Teresa Bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 9:56 AM
Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event

> I also came up with one made up of phrases from 3 different articles:
> so many trees and
> white columns, magnolia
> odd-looking, maroon
> ... I think I prefer that one!
> >From: "Allan Revich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: "FLUXLIST" 
> >Subject: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event
> >Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2006 13:00:35 -0400
> >
> >Write a cHaiku (a Haiku is OK too)
> >
> >Google a line of the poem in "Google News"
> >
> >Choose one or two short sentences from the article and copy them
> >below
> >haiku
> >
> >Choose 5-7-5 or 3-6-9 phrases from the sampled sentences to write a
> >new cHaiku/Haiku
> >
> >
> >Example:
> >
> >don't play safe
> >it is just nature's way
> >some days are better than other days
> >
> >(Google Search:
> >y&btnG=Search+News>
> >&ned=ca&ie=UTF-8&q=it+is+just+nature%27s+way&btnG=Search+News)
> >
> >
> >The seagulls are abandoning the coast for the bright lights of the
> >city because they have found rich pickings on streets and landfill
> >sites. He played down any Hitchcockian overtones but said staff
> >advised people walking through the courtyard at City Hall to watch
> >out.
> >
> >
> >The seagulls
> >They have found rich pickings
> >Courtyard at City Hall to watch out
> >
> >
> >(source story:
> >1315765652006221311531>
> >315765652006221311531)

RE: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event

2006-06-07 Thread Teresa Bowman

I also came up with one made up of phrases from 3 different articles:

so many trees and
white columns, magnolia
odd-looking, maroon

... I think I prefer that one!

From: "Allan Revich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2006 13:00:35 -0400

Write a cHaiku (a Haiku is OK too)

Google a line of the poem in "Google News"

Choose one or two short sentences from the article and copy them below the

Choose 5-7-5 or 3-6-9 phrases from the sampled sentences to write a new


don't play safe
it is just nature's way
some days are better than other days

(Google Search:


The seagulls are abandoning the coast for the bright lights of the city
because they have found rich pickings on streets and landfill sites. He
played down any Hitchcockian overtones but said staff advised people 

through the courtyard at City Hall to watch out.

The seagulls
They have found rich pickings
Courtyard at City Hall to watch out

(source story:

RE: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event

2006-06-07 Thread Teresa Bowman

compiling pie charts
trees looking in the window
I think they're laughing

(Google search:

As I gaze out my window on a cool, soggy Sunday morning, expansive puddles 
dot my landscape and many perennials lay flattened by our most recent round 
of torrential downpours. For those of us who love to till the soil, weather 
rules our very existence, and the Weather Channel or are often 
as much a part of our daily routine as brushing our teeth or drinking that 
first cup of morning coffee. Gratefully, this year's abundant moisture has 
alternated with periods of warmth and sunshine allowing soils to dry out 
somewhat between our deluges and most plants seem to be responding 
favorably, growing with almost a tropical lushness.

expansive puddles
perennials lay flattened
first cup of morning

(Source story:

From: "Allan Revich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FLUXLIST: Double cHaiku Event
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2006 13:00:35 -0400

Write a cHaiku (a Haiku is OK too)

Google a line of the poem in "Google News"

Choose one or two short sentences from the article and copy them below the

Choose 5-7-5 or 3-6-9 phrases from the sampled sentences to write a new


don't play safe
it is just nature's way
some days are better than other days

(Google Search:


The seagulls are abandoning the coast for the bright lights of the city
because they have found rich pickings on streets and landfill sites. He
played down any Hitchcockian overtones but said staff advised people 

through the courtyard at City Hall to watch out.

The seagulls
They have found rich pickings
Courtyard at City Hall to watch out

(source story:

Re: FLUXLIST: Nothing Maxim

2006-06-05 Thread Teresa Bowman

N uclear costs
O n a collision course
T hird literary festival
H azard
I nternet diva
N ow America mourns
G ets cracking

M arching into history
A pple snow
K now your kimonos
E at your heart out, Tarantino
S even days to shake the world

M ouse of Eliot
E ngland are caught cold

H otter desks
A good week
P edal pushers
P udding
Y our letters

N ow outdoor smokers come under attack
O men curse
W hat these stabbings reveal about Britain
A bad week
D ifferent kinds of cream
A ngry families
Y our problems
S till chasing Rimbaud

(Teresa Bowman/"The Observer" 4 June 2006)

From:  Björn Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Re: FLUXLIST: Nothing Maxim
Date:  Sun, 4 Jun 2006 00:44:30 +0200

N/o/t/h/i/n/g/ /m/a/k/e/s/ /m/e/ /h/a/p/p/y/ n/o/w/a/d/a/y/s

FLUXLIST: Mailing List Haiku

2006-06-03 Thread Teresa Bowman

Calling All Rebels!
Get 4 for the price of 3
Property added

FLUXLIST: nothing maxim

2006-05-25 Thread Teresa Bowman

Nothing shaves as close as a straight razor