Re: FOP Web site updated

2004-11-20 Thread th . sporbeck
Compliments. The site looks great, everything is easy to find.


RE: FOP Web site updated

2004-11-20 Thread Andreas L. Delmelle
> -Original Message-
> From: Web Maestro Clay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Maestro,

> I updated the Apache FOP web site. It now uses Apache Forrest 0.6, a 
> new skin/theme and (drum roll please...) new FOP logo. 

(fireworks) Yeah! (applause) Oooh! (more applause) Aaah!

Compliments on a job well done!

> - added newest Committers to the Team page[4]
   (we could use blurbs from those of you who haven't provided one ;-)

Well, we'll see if we can come up with something in the near future.



RE: [Bug 32253] - Marker bugs

2004-11-20 Thread Andreas L. Delmelle
> -Original Message-
> From: Simon Pepping [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> > [Me:]
> > which is then supposed to be rendered as two very
> > large letters 'A' and 'B' with, for example, a story
> > in very small letters in between.

> The layout you describe can be achieved using an inline-container, I
> believe.

Yes! Of course. To be honest, I thought of this example only when I was just
about done typing up the message with the thought that the XSL-FO Rec was
IMHO making a conceptual error in allowing block-level elements nested
inside inlines, but...

> I believe the above is in fact a common layout pattern. It describes a
> displayed equation in the middle of a paragraph. The second example
> adds some layout characteristics, like specifying a different color,
> font size, etc.

... to accommodate this, would indeed seem to be exactly *the* reason *why*
it was allowed in the first place.

