Just a stupid question ... =P

2003-07-11 Thread s-oualid
Hello guys @ fop-dev !Firstable, congratulation for your work on the fop API, we are using it here for 6 monthes now and it is a real success from the user point of view !!!I work for a french TV Channel (so excuse my english) and we use FOP to generate catalogs of our programs. Until right now, we had no memory problem because we generated catalog of 300~400 pages on a 1Go RAM server.But we hav to generate a big catalog (more than 1 000 pages) and FOP throws a OutOfMemoryException after 700~800 pages (depends on the number of images integrated). So here's come the first stupid question : is there a way to make FOP swap on hard drive for big document generation (we don't care about the time it takes to generate our catalogs), if not, can you explain me why ? Do you know if XEP can swap on drive ?And here's my second question, if the first response is "no", do you think we will be able to generate our monstruously big catalog if we add 2Go RAM on our server ?Thanks forward for you responses, and congratulations again.Symon

Can't bind page number into a variable

2003-02-17 Thread s-oualid

I would like to put specific attributes on odd or even pages, so I began 
by looking for a way to check the context pages but I did'nt find 

So I wanted to bind the fo:page-number / into a variable in order to 
make some test on it when I want to add specific parameters to my tags.

xsl:variable name=page_numberfo:page-number //xsl:variable
xsl:if test=($page_number mod 2)=1
  xsl:attribute name=text-alignstart/xsl:attribute
xsl:if test=($page_number mod 2)=0
  xsl:attribute name=text-alignend/xsl:attribute

But it looks like being impossible to bind the fo:page-number / into a 
variable or param (I tried to write my variable in a block but it looks 
like being setted to  by the fo:page-number tag). 

Is here a reason for my variable to be null ? And is there a way to detect 
the context where I am currently in while writing in a non-static content 

I also tried to make a template with a page_number param but it doesn't 
work either...

Here are some examples of my pdf outputs :

(here I want to align my titles at the start or the end of the block 
depending of the odd or even condition, I am in a non-static context)

(It's the same with this skin but it will be easier for me because every 
objects have statical position on the page = I have one odd and one even 
page for each XML FICHE tag, so I'll be able to manage the whole page 
breaking in XSLT)

Sorry for disturbing you developpers with my little problem, but it makes 
me so nervous ... :/

Thanks for your work on this API.


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The best way to control page break

2003-02-12 Thread s-oualid

Hi mates,

I'm now using FOP for 2 months, we really appreciate this way to automatically generate our catalogs here.

I have to work those days on a new XSL:FO layout that must manage fine page break system.

Is there a better way for handling that than using the XSL string-length() and sum() with an xsl:if tag ? Maybe with the space-after properties ?

Thanks for your work on this project.

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