Re: A few new features

2005-11-07 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 07.11.2005 15:30:08 Chris Bowditch wrote:

> > - The command-line gets a new option: -out application/pdf myfile.pdf is
> > the generic way to create an output file. If someone created a WordXML
> > output handler and provided the right service resource file he could
> > specify "-out text/xml+msword out.xml". "-out list" lists all MIME types
> > that are available for output.
> Are you saying that the -ps, -pdf, etc options are to be replaced by 
> -out application/pdf, etc? If so, then I don't like that at all. It's 
> much more convenient to just type -ps or -pdf.

I don't intend to remove any of the existing options. It's just an

Jeremias Maerki

Re: A few new features

2005-11-07 Thread Chris Bowditch

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Last week, I've had some time to hack on my notebook. Fun stuff only. I've
finished a few things I started earlier and did some other things.
Here's a list of what I've done. Since some of them might be
controversial I want to give you a chance to object, just in case. So
here are the changes (almost) ready for committing on my notebook:

Hi Jeremias,

I have no comment for most of the items you mentioned. Generally they 
all sound good, except for one :)

- The command-line gets a new option: -out application/pdf myfile.pdf is
the generic way to create an output file. If someone created a WordXML
output handler and provided the right service resource file he could
specify "-out text/xml+msword out.xml". "-out list" lists all MIME types
that are available for output.

Are you saying that the -ps, -pdf, etc options are to be replaced by 
-out application/pdf, etc? If so, then I don't like that at all. It's 
much more convenient to just type -ps or -pdf.


A few new features

2005-11-07 Thread Jeremias Maerki
Last week, I've had some time to hack on my notebook. Fun stuff only. I've
finished a few things I started earlier and did some other things.
Here's a list of what I've done. Since some of them might be
controversial I want to give you a chance to object, just in case. So
here are the changes (almost) ready for committing on my notebook:

- Two new constructors for Fop(String) and Fop(String,
FOUserAgent) where String is a MIME type.

- org.apache.fop.apps.MimeConstants with a comprehensive list of MIME
types used in FOP.

- Non-standard, FOP-specific MIME types changed to a uniform pattern:
application/X-fop-awt-preview, application/X-fop-print,

- RendererFactory now supports manual registration and dynamic discovery
of Renderers and FOEventHandlers by their MIME types. Instantiation is
done using MIME types everywhere.

- The RENDER_* constants are mapped to MIME types in I'd like
to remove them but left them where they are for the moment. I'd also
like to remove the "implements Constants" from But that's
nothing new. :-)

- RendererFactory is now an instantiable class whose reference is held
by FOUserAgent just like it is done for the XMLHandlers.

- Renderers and FOEventHandlers now each have a *Maker class which is
also a kind of factory class which is used to register a
Renderer/FOEventHandler and additionally serves to provide additional
information about the thing, such as which MIME types it supports and if
the implementation requires an OutputStream.

- The command-line gets a new option: -out application/pdf myfile.pdf is
the generic way to create an output file. If someone created a WordXML
output handler and provided the right service resource file he could
specify "-out text/xml+msword out.xml". "-out list" lists all MIME types
that are available for output.

- To make things a little more consistent and error reporting easier,
I've changed FNode so each FNode can return the namespace URI it belongs
to (getNamespaceURI()). Furthermore, it can return the normally used
namespace prefix (getNormalNamespacePrefix(), "fo" for XSL-FO) and I've
added methods to build the fully qualified name from a local name. For
this I've changed getName() to getLocalName() for all descendants of
FONode so it is defined to return only the local name and not (in some
cases) the fully qualified name. The whole stuff now feels a lot cleaner.

- I've started extended support to handle alternative forms of painting
graphics. For example, Barcode4J supports SVG, EPS, bitmaps and Java2D
as output targets. For PostScript, it's better too use EPS directly. In
PDF Java2D could be used instead of SVG to avoid the slow round-trip
through Batik. RTF could use Bitmaps. I've started a Graphics2DAdapter
which renderers provide if they can provide a Graphics2D instance for
painting. XMLHandler can query a Graphics2DAdapter and use that to paint
the graphic. The image is passed to the Graphics2DAdapter as a
Graphics2DImagePainter instance which essentially provides a
paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle) method and a getImageSize() method.

While implementing the last point I've had to realize that while this is
a step forward, this is not enough in the long run. I believe we need to
also refactor the whole image package again to handle a few additional
problems. An example: Our JPEG support is currently restricted to PDF
and PS renderers where the JPEG can be embedded in undecoded form. The
Java2D renderer descendants currently don't support JPEG at all because
they can't get a decoded JPEG image. What I would like to do is
introduce something similar to the concept already used by the Java
Printing System (JPS): The DocFlavor, an object to describe the format
(SVG, JPEG, MathML etc.) and manifestation (byte[], DOM etc.). The
renderers say what formats they support (with desirability indicators)
and the image classes will support providing the images in different
flavors, as needed. In between, special converters can convert from one
format to another, like converting a MathML DOM to a bitmap image. I'm
not going into more detail right now. I'll document everything on the
Wiki. I can only say that I had to realize that I will basically need to
recreate Nicola Ken Barozzi's Morphos idea again. That's going to be
interesting and a lot of fun. :-)

Ok, so if anybody is against any of the above points or needs additional
information, please tell me.

Jeremias Maerki