Re: nbproject including global 'run' and single-file 'run' and 'debug' targets

2008-06-22 Thread Peter B. West

Peter B. West wrote:

For NetBeans 6.1.

Attached is a gzipped nbproject directory including ide-targets.xml and 
ide-file-targets.xml. ide-targets.xml includes a 'run-nb' target for 
running a transform with an arbitrary set of arguments.  This target is 
associated with the project 'run' menu item in the project.xml file.

Also included is ide-file-targets.xml, which includes targets which 
allow running a selected file,and debugging a selected file. These 
targets currently only make sense when org.apache.fop.cli.Main is the 
selected file. These targets are also associated with appropriate menu 
items in project.xml.

All targets depend on any necessary arguments being set as the 
properties arg0..arg9. arg0 must be set for the targets to execute. The 
other args are optional.

I use these by setting the targets in, an example 
of which is also attached.

... by setting the properties...

Peter B. West 

nbproject including global 'run' and single-file 'run' and 'debug' targets

2008-06-22 Thread Peter B. West

For NetBeans 6.1.

Attached is a gzipped nbproject directory including ide-targets.xml and 
ide-file-targets.xml. ide-targets.xml includes a 'run-nb' target for 
running a transform with an arbitrary set of arguments.  This target is 
associated with the project 'run' menu item in the project.xml file.

Also included is ide-file-targets.xml, which includes targets which 
allow running a selected file,and debugging a selected file. These 
targets currently only make sense when org.apache.fop.cli.Main is the 
selected file. These targets are also associated with appropriate menu 
items in project.xml.

All targets depend on any necessary arguments being set as the 
properties arg0..arg9. arg0 must be set for the targets to execute. The 
other args are optional.

I use these by setting the targets in, an example 
of which is also attached.

Peter B. West 

Description: application/compressed-tar
## This is a template for settings which are useful to be
## overridden in a developer specific property files.
## Copy this to, uncomment and change
## properties which should be overridden.
## The file is not stored in the code
## repository and ignored for file adds.

## ===
## 1. Path settings

## All Jars from the optional lib directory are added used for
## compilation and JUnit tests. Put your jars for additional
## dependencies and tools here.
# optional.lib.dir = /home/bart/java/lib

## Checkstyle home directory. This is meant to be the top level of the
## checkstyle binary distribution.
# checkstyle.home.dir = /home/bart/stuff/checkstyle-4.0-beta6

## ===
## 2. Switches for common tasks

## Javac switches
# javac.debug = on
# javac.optimize = off
# javac.deprecation = on
# javac.source = 1.4
# = 1.4
# javac.fork = on

## JUnit task switches
# junit.fork = on

## Packages to produce javadoc.
## Add packages for FOP extensions if necessary.
# javadoc.packages = org.apache.fop.*,fopextension.*

## ===
## 3. FOP specific properties

## Specify an alternate file that contains a list of disabled layout
## engine tests.
# layoutengine.disabled = test/layoutengine/disabled-testcases.txt

## Specify an alternate directory to scan for user supplied
## hyphenation pattern files.
# user.hyph.dir = /home/bart/offo

arg0 = -c
arg1 = fop.xconf.xml
arg2 = examples/
arg3 = simple.pdf
arg4 =
arg5 =
arg6 =
arg7 =
arg8 =
arg9 =