RE: headers for tables and chapters spanning on two or more pages

2002-04-04 Thread Argyn Kuketayev
> 2. general issue: suppose I'm printing a report. It's content 
> is an XML
> file, where  element contains rows, and every row has 
> children, such as
> columns or nested rowsets.
> I put every row in a . Inside the block I may have 
> blocks for row
> content, tables for nested rowsets, etc.
> That works fine, but I've a requirement: if the row takes 
> more than one
> page, then I've to show it's title in the page header.
> a) What's the best approach to achieve it?
> b) is it better approach to put the whole report into one 
> table element? 

I found the solution, I don't know how it is:

I make a table for every row element, then nested rowsets go into the nested
table within the same cell. It does the job.


RE: headers for tables and chapters spanning on two or more pages

2002-04-04 Thread Argyn Kuketayev
> unfortunately, header doesn't appear on the next page :(

sorry, it works in my Cocoon 2.0.2. but strangely, it didn't work with the
command-line tool in my fop0.20.3 installation.


RE: headers for tables and chapters spanning on two or more pages

2002-04-04 Thread Argyn Kuketayev
> If you want anything to appear on EVERY page automatically, 
> you must put
> in .
> Example:
> All that stands in  will appear on every page.

unfortunately, header doesn't appear on the next page :(

I did this:






Re: headers for tables and chapters spanning on two or more pages

2002-04-04 Thread J.Pietschmann
Argyn Kuketayev wrote:
2. general issue: suppose I'm printing a report. It's content is an XML
file, where  element contains rows, and every row has children, such as
columns or nested rowsets.
I put every row in a . Inside the block I may have blocks for row
content, tables for nested rowsets, etc.
That works fine, but I've a requirement: if the row takes more than one
page, then I've to show it's title in the page header.
a) What's the best approach to achieve it?
There is certainly no "best" approach.
As already noted, you can put the content of each row
element into a table and make the row title a table header.
Another approach is to put the title in a fo:marker and
use a fo:retrieve-marker in the static page header content.
Unfortunately, this is not fully implemented in FOP, so
you have to experiment whether it works for you.
> b) is it better approach to put the whole report into one table element?
The whole report? Hardly. Only the s.

Re: Headers

2002-03-28 Thread J.Pietschmann
I am trying to do the following:
Run Date:2002/03/29  Some Report
Name   Time:hh:mm:ss
   ^  ^ ^
  left justified  Centered on page
Right justified
This information is in a header
Complicated layouts can be done with a blind table
(a table without border and grid lines)
Try something like this:
 Run Date:2002/03/29
 Some Report Name
Adjust the column widths to fit your page. Have also a look at
the possibility to define proportional column widths, the following
will produce three columns of equal width. Note that you have
to set the total width for the table.