Andrew Forstie wrote:
Any ideas why I may be getting the following error:
Output of external XSL converter: [ERROR] Connection refused: connect

Well, probably someone or something refused to accept
a connection. There isn't all that much data to get
more out of this for sure. If I had to resort to guesswork:
There is either a DTD or perhaps an XSchema in a source XML
or an image wich can't be retrieved from a remote location
because of a firewall, a malformed URL or high load.

You have to supply more information about your environment:
- What tool is actually showing the message above?
- How does it interface to FOP (are you even sure you are using
  FOP? Why?)
- What JRE version is used for running FOP?
- Do you have images referenced in your document? If so,
  do they use HTTP URLs?
- Is there a DTD or XSD involved anywhere?
- If you search your document or style sheet for the string
  "connect", does it turn up outside normal content?


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