Hi Raphael,

> Is there a way using FOP to break a PDF into two after x number of 
> pages...using XSL 2.0? getting the page number? 
> The problem is that we need to break a book after 600 pages into two books 
> with the book number on the front cover. The other problem is that we would > 
> need to before hand how many pages there will be when processing the front 
> cover. I guess it is not possible...Anybody has experience with this? 

Do you really want to break after exactly 600 pages, no matter if you are for 
example in the middle of a text block or so? 
If yes, I'd guess it would be possible to define a page-master-sequence 
consisting of the front page, 599 times the data page (with a data region), the 
second front page containing only static content (no data region) and 599 times 
the data page again. Then a flow into the data region should fill 599 pages, 
the generate the second front page without filling in data from the flow, the 
go on filling data pages.

Georg Datterl
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Georg Datterl
Geneon media solutions gmbh
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