Re: Problem with clippath

2011-12-18 Thread Luis Bernardo
You are missing the path / element... clipPath id=myClip path d=M 20 0 L 196 0 Q 216,0 216,20 L 216 32 Q 216,52 196,52 L 20 52 Q 0,52 0,32 L 0 20 Q 0,0 20,0 / /clipPath Then it works. See attached output (needs some tweaking...).

Problem with clippath

2011-12-16 Thread Theresa Jayne Forster
As previously requested I am working with trying to clip images with the method passed to me through this list, But this is not working so I would appreciate some feedback, it should be an image with rounded corners, unfortunately its appearing with square corners. ?xml version=1.0