Re: Page definitions (thrunk-svn 20060808)

2006-08-09 Thread Luis Ferro

Ok... just found out that this behavior is controled by a attribute in the
before/after regions called "precedence"... ;)

Now my page definition works like a charm... and i manage to build "bleed"
areas on the headers and footers... (that's why the 3mm margins are for) and
paint all the printing area with a color (hmmm... the PDF is exported to
cmyk and that color maps to the cyan channel which will be converted at the
printing process to a pantone color... or something like that... what it
matters is that i can assign it to 10% of that pantone this way)...


P.S.- the other issues still stand thru... (either need more "enligntment"
like this one... or are "features" as some would say hehehe)";>






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RE: PDF generation

2006-08-09 Thread Remo Liechti
Thanks guys!
I will try out those hints and ask the docbook list, too.

Have a nice day,

-Original Message-
From: Andreas L Delmelle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 9. August 2006 18:12
Subject: Re: PDF generation

On Aug 9, 2006, at 16:17, Remo Liechti wrote:


> I think the only problem I have now is to pass the parameters to  
> the XSL
> document.
> Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -xml "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"
> How do I pass this parameter force-page-count="no-force". To this xsl?
> I Tried a lot of ways, nothing worked... like:
> Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl force-page-count="no-force" -xml
> "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

If you're sure this is what you're after (and not an erroneous  
conclusion drawn from Chris' mentioning 'force-page-count' --it is  
supposed to be specified as an attribute/property on fo:page- 
sequence, but maybe docbook allows this to be set through an  
xsl:param?), then it depends on which FOP version you're using.

If you're using 0.20.5, you can't IIRC, unless you perform the XSL  
transformation in a separate step. If you're using 0.92, you can go:

fop -xsl c:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -param force-page-count no-force ...



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Re: simple-page-maseter

2006-08-09 Thread Luis Ferro

You can add a:

border = "thin black solid"

In your regions like:


P.S- And thanx for your post... i'd to read the book and found something
that was missing... which solved my problem ;)
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2006-08-09 Thread Debasish Jana

I was trying to design a document having three different
fo:simple-page-master, one for the cover, one for the left side page, and
one for the right side page.

The cover simple-page-master should have a margin as well as border
surrounding the header, footer etc., i.e. I want a section border kind of,
or you can say, a page border of some thickness (uniform on all four sides
or may be non-uniform). Can I have top-border-width, top-border-color etc.
set up within the ?

Please guide.



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Indentation not propagated...

2006-08-09 Thread Luis Ferro

If one uses start-indent="3mm" end-indent="3mm" in the fo:region-body, those
attributes are ignored by all the content placed in the section, when i
presume, they should be propagated as "default" indentation for all child
containers of it...

Ok... to sum up... there is no way of defining a bleed with a "tinted"

1. placing a background color on the page definition is ignored and not
painted (so no "default" tinting of the whole page);
2. is not possible to add padding in the body region (so, one can't define a
body that covers the whole page BUT that its content actually only use part
of it);
3. placing indentation for the content of the body is ignored (equivalent of
point 2);
4. the region-start and region-end overlap the region-before and
region-after (and don't accept either the margin-top attribute - they ignore

So... it is impossible to make a conditional definition of pages that need
to have a background color painted... (unless there is any other way of
doing it that i can't think of at the moment...).


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background-color not painted...

2006-08-09 Thread Luis Ferro

If one uses a background-color="#FF" in the fo:simple-page-master i was
expecting it to either giving an error (which it didn't) or that it painted
the whole area inside the page definition with the stated color (which i
think would be the default behavior).

But it just ignored the attribute...


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Display-align in region-before static content

2006-08-09 Thread Luis Ferro

If you have a "region-before" and add the display-align="after" as in:


The content keeps aligned (with the top of the content on the top of the
region) to the top instead of to the bottom (with the bottom of the content
on the bottom of the region) as i would expect (if i'm reading correctly)...


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Page definitions (thrunk-svn 20060808)

2006-08-09 Thread Luis Ferro

I've the following page master:

The region start and end are "cutting" over the top and bottom ones...

However, i think that they should be trimmed by the height of both the top
and bottom ones (at least is what i understand from the standard after
reading in Dave's book "XSL-FO" page40)...

In this layout i intend to use a 3mm bleed margin on both sides for elements
on header and footer... and can't use the start/end to limit the body size,
because they overlap the header/footer sections...


PS- I'm not sure if this is a problem or not... (i can use padding also so
not an unsurmounteable problem here)
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Re: out of memory error

2006-08-09 Thread Luis Ferro

That sequence should be the "chapter A" ;)

Chapter C has about the double of "A"'s size...


(i will update the file with a new one with less... warnings/errors as soon
as i can - it started as a 0.20.5 system, and still needs some twiching)
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Re: Memory leak? (was: 'Possible' memory leak on fop-users)

2006-08-09 Thread Karthik

I ran my test cases against fop-trunk as of 08/03 and am seeing a very good
boost in performance. I profiled against the same test case that produced
loitering objects in fop 0.92beta, and did NOT find any loitering objects with
the trunk code. The memory usage also seems to be very stable and I see more
frequent garbage collections than it used to be in 0.92beta. Overall, the 
process seem to use less memory than before.

Below are some comparisons from my test environment :

Total pages processed : 12000 approx (split up as 1500 pages per pdf in a loop)

1. Memory usage  : FOP 0.92beta started of with 500MB  and went all the way 
upto 1.2 GB easily and JVM crashed after processing 5000 pages approx. The
latest version used upto a max of 750 MB (from 500 MB initial) and never went
beyond that.

2. Processing Time : 0.92 beta slowed down gradually from 4 minutes per 1500
page pdf to 15 min, when finally the JVM crashed. But the latest code took
consistently 3-4 min to produce 1500 pages.

I'm not sure if the above comparison makes sense to anyone, 
but I just wanted to report for comparisons sake.

Overall the performance is been good so far and I'll keep profiling the process
to look for any red flags.

Let me know, if you want to track any other details.


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Re: out of memory error

2006-08-09 Thread Jeremias Maerki
Not sure that playing with the page-masters will really help. I don't
think they have an influence here.

I've just committed a helper XSLT [1] which can split Luis' FO file at
page-sequence boundaries. It reveals that one of the page-sequences
alone makes up 18MB out of the 23MB of the full FO file. I guess that is
what FOP chokes on: Just too much data in one page-sequence and FOP
currently cannot free any objects while inside a page-sequence.


I'd try to find way to further split up that large page-sequence. This
should enable FOP to free memory and handle this file with less heap

On 09.08.2006 20:13:43 Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
> On Aug 9, 2006, at 19:27, Luis Ferro wrote:
> Hi,
> > It has LOADS of page sequences... it's a book with 2500 pages where  
> > from 3 or
> > 4 pages, the "template" changes from one column page to 2 column  
> > page...
> >
> > Is there a better way of doing this "swap" of columns?
> Not that I'm aware of... (you're using conditional-page-masters, right?)
> Can you do us a favor and try if using just one simple-page-master  
> makes a difference? Does it also consume a large amount of memory?
> Tinker a bit with the properties on each of the page-masters, see if  
> that changes anything... Never mind the output, it's simply to narrow  
> down the searching area. If the test succeeds with one simple-page- 
> master, or with different settings we'll get a better idea of where  
> to start looking.
> Thanks in advance!
> >
> > Right now... with 477 pages, to render it ocupies 1.1Gb memory... (my
> > machine has a top of 1.5Gb adressable to java...)...
> >
> > Will try now to simplefy everything as best as i can...
> Jeremias recently added a MemoryEater to the trunk with which we can  
> test, using one of your FO fragments and copying it a given number of  
> times.
> Choose one representative page-sequence, and the structure of your  
> conditional-page-master-alternatives, post them in a Bugzilla --so  
> only those people that are interested need to download it-- and we'll  
> have a look.
> > How can i test if there is memory leaks somewhere (i'm a programmer  
> > but i'm
> > very very green in java)?
> There is no easy way, I'm afraid. You can use a profiling tool one  
> one of the sessions --the JDK comes with some profiling facilities,  
> if you're a console-geek ;)-- to have a look at what the reference  
> trees in the heap look like at a certain point in the process, but  
> you'd still need some basic understanding of the process to figure  
> out which active references are totally unnecessary.
> If you're willing to invest time in this, of course you'd be welcome  
> to do so. If you have any questions or remarks, or need help  
> interpreting the results of a profiling session, just direct them to  
> fop-dev, or use Bugzilla to track the issue.
> Thanks again!
> Cheers,
> Andreas

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: strange behaviour: Fop 0.92b, Websphere, PARENT_LAST deployment

2006-08-09 Thread J.Pietschmann

Fabien K wrote:

we use Fop 0.92b in order to build documents on the fly under a Websphere
Application Server

We I deploy my application in PARENT_FIRST classpath mode, everything's ok.
But if I only change deployement rules of the app to PARENT_LAST classpath
I catch exceptions ( you can see them at the end of the mail ).

here are the only jar used in the application  ( it's a demo Webapp.. )

Any idea?

Thanks in advance.

Exception catched:
[09/08/06 09:23:37:075 CEST] 003b FOTreeBuilder W$MainFOHandler endElement Mismatch:
page-sequence ( vs. root

Something is corrupting the SAX event stream. The usual suspects are
buggy XML base libraries. There could be any number of other reasons,
hard to tell without having a look at all the details of the WebSphere
Double check your webapp to make sure no old xml-api.jar or xalan.jar
sneaked in.


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Re: out of memory error

2006-08-09 Thread Andreas L Delmelle

On Aug 9, 2006, at 19:27, Luis Ferro wrote:


It has LOADS of page sequences... it's a book with 2500 pages where  
from 3 or
4 pages, the "template" changes from one column page to 2 column  

Is there a better way of doing this "swap" of columns?

Not that I'm aware of... (you're using conditional-page-masters, right?)
Can you do us a favor and try if using just one simple-page-master  
makes a difference? Does it also consume a large amount of memory?

Tinker a bit with the properties on each of the page-masters, see if  
that changes anything... Never mind the output, it's simply to narrow  
down the searching area. If the test succeeds with one simple-page- 
master, or with different settings we'll get a better idea of where  
to start looking.

Thanks in advance!

Right now... with 477 pages, to render it ocupies 1.1Gb memory... (my
machine has a top of 1.5Gb adressable to java...)...

Will try now to simplefy everything as best as i can...

Jeremias recently added a MemoryEater to the trunk with which we can  
test, using one of your FO fragments and copying it a given number of  
Choose one representative page-sequence, and the structure of your  
conditional-page-master-alternatives, post them in a Bugzilla --so  
only those people that are interested need to download it-- and we'll  
have a look.

How can i test if there is memory leaks somewhere (i'm a programmer  
but i'm

very very green in java)?

There is no easy way, I'm afraid. You can use a profiling tool one  
one of the sessions --the JDK comes with some profiling facilities,  
if you're a console-geek ;)-- to have a look at what the reference  
trees in the heap look like at a certain point in the process, but  
you'd still need some basic understanding of the process to figure  
out which active references are totally unnecessary.

If you're willing to invest time in this, of course you'd be welcome  
to do so. If you have any questions or remarks, or need help  
interpreting the results of a profiling session, just direct them to  
fop-dev, or use Bugzilla to track the issue.

Thanks again!



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Re: Re: Centering content in Block

2006-08-09 Thread Jamie Isaacs

On 8/9/06, Luis Ferro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

and if you want it centered vertically add:

display-align='center' (if i recall correctly)...


In fop-trunk this will work for a PDF but not for an RTF.

Jamie Isaacs
Corrections Software

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Re: out of memory error

2006-08-09 Thread Luis Ferro

It has LOADS of page sequences... it's a book with 2500 pages where from 3 or
4 pages, the "template" changes from one column page to 2 column page...

Is there a better way of doing this "swap" of columns?

Right now... with 477 pages, to render it ocupies 1.1Gb memory... (my
machine has a top of 1.5Gb adressable to java...)...

Will try now to simplefy everything as best as i can...

How can i test if there is memory leaks somewhere (i'm a programmer but i'm
very very green in java)?

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Re: User Types

2006-08-09 Thread Jay Bryant
That sounds a lot like what I'm doing for my current client, Glen.

I love Ant.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services

- Original Message - 
From: "Glen Mazza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: User Types

> We use XSL/XSLT for reports and for Docbook.
> Docbook:  Tech Writer creates the XML documents that will be fed through
> the Docbook stylesheets.  Uses Eclipse WTP for this.  The developer
> creates an Ant script that automates all of the tech writer's doc
> generation and publishing-to-web-server tasks so the writer only needs
> to know how to call Ant tasks from the script for these chores.  (Over
> time, our tech writer has also learned to modify and add new tasks in.)
> Docbook Maintenance:  Tech Writer enters the documentation changes
> (after getting information from developers) and republishes them via Ant
> scripts.
> XSL/XSLT Reports:  Very nice separation of data from presentation
> chores.  Developer first defines the input format of the XML document
> that will have the report's data.  The tech writer creates the
> stylesheet that will layout the report, usually leveraging previously
> created stylesheets, and also creates sample XML documents with dummy
> data for testing the stylesheets.  Tech writer also maintains any header
> stylesheets that will be imported by multiple document stylesheets.
> Developer creates the SQL, SAX Event generation, etc. that generate the
> XML document.
> For a non-programming tech writer, XSLT coding presents a pleasantly
> not-very-steep but continuous learning curve--simple stuff can be done
> without any training at all (i.e., change the title in an already
> existing document from FOO to BAR -- anyone with a text editor can S & R
> on FOO to do this without needing to know a thing about XSLT) with more
> complex tasks (XSLT templates and functions and the like) gradually
> added in over time.
> XSL/XSLT Reports Maintenance:  Tech Writer is responsible for making
> stylesheet/reports look "nice" and presentation/layout change requests,
> developer is responsible for bringing in new/different data elements
> from the SQL, as well as overall maintenance of the web application.
> The main thing when doing Docbook and XSL/XSLT in production, especially
> with non-programming employees is:  Ant, Ant, Ant!  Keep everything
> automated and defined (classpaths, working directories, web servers to
> FTP to, etc.) within Ant and outside local IDEs/computer environment
> variables.  (Among other benefits, if some developers prefer this IDE
> and others another IDE, it won't matter, because everything is
> configured within the Ant build file.)  The second most important thing
> is CVS/SVN, CVS/SVN, CVS/SVN!  Eclipse makes it easy to immediately
> commit new changes.
> Glen
> >I'd be interested to know what types of people are using the FOP engine
to generate documents.
> >
> >Could you indicate whether your setup has a dedicated programmer, or team
of programmers, individual author, technical author etc.
> >
> >Does the same person who writes the content setup your FOP
> >
> >thanks
> >
> >Andy R
> >
> >--
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> >
> >-
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> -
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Re: out of memory error

2006-08-09 Thread Andreas L Delmelle

On Aug 9, 2006, at 14:34, Luis Ferro wrote:


I'm using the latest fop version from svn as of yesterday...

In the attachment i send the files i use to create a PDF with the  
index and
one chapter of the book. The index references are all turned off  
but it

still gets out of heap...

When trying to assemble the PDF in command line (environment in the
attachment also)... it always gives the same error of lack of heap  

Please check whether your FOs contain multiple fo:page-sequences.  
Yes, a memory leak was fixed, but no, it won't matter if you cram a  
large number of tables (or one large table) into one single page- 



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Re: User Types

2006-08-09 Thread Glen Mazza

We use XSL/XSLT for reports and for Docbook.

Docbook:  Tech Writer creates the XML documents that will be fed through 
the Docbook stylesheets.  Uses Eclipse WTP for this.  The developer 
creates an Ant script that automates all of the tech writer's doc 
generation and publishing-to-web-server tasks so the writer only needs 
to know how to call Ant tasks from the script for these chores.  (Over 
time, our tech writer has also learned to modify and add new tasks in.)

Docbook Maintenance:  Tech Writer enters the documentation changes 
(after getting information from developers) and republishes them via Ant 

XSL/XSLT Reports:  Very nice separation of data from presentation 
chores.  Developer first defines the input format of the XML document 
that will have the report's data.  The tech writer creates the 
stylesheet that will layout the report, usually leveraging previously 
created stylesheets, and also creates sample XML documents with dummy 
data for testing the stylesheets.  Tech writer also maintains any header 
stylesheets that will be imported by multiple document stylesheets.  
Developer creates the SQL, SAX Event generation, etc. that generate the 
XML document.

For a non-programming tech writer, XSLT coding presents a pleasantly 
not-very-steep but continuous learning curve--simple stuff can be done 
without any training at all (i.e., change the title in an already 
existing document from FOO to BAR -- anyone with a text editor can S & R 
on FOO to do this without needing to know a thing about XSLT) with more 
complex tasks (XSLT templates and functions and the like) gradually 
added in over time.

XSL/XSLT Reports Maintenance:  Tech Writer is responsible for making 
stylesheet/reports look "nice" and presentation/layout change requests, 
developer is responsible for bringing in new/different data elements 
from the SQL, as well as overall maintenance of the web application.

The main thing when doing Docbook and XSL/XSLT in production, especially 
with non-programming employees is:  Ant, Ant, Ant!  Keep everything 
automated and defined (classpaths, working directories, web servers to 
FTP to, etc.) within Ant and outside local IDEs/computer environment 
variables.  (Among other benefits, if some developers prefer this IDE 
and others another IDE, it won't matter, because everything is 
configured within the Ant build file.)  The second most important thing 
is CVS/SVN, CVS/SVN, CVS/SVN!  Eclipse makes it easy to immediately 
commit new changes.



I'd be interested to know what types of people are using the FOP engine to 
generate documents.

Could you indicate whether your setup has a dedicated programmer, or team of 
programmers, individual author, technical author etc.

Does the same person who writes the content setup your FOP transformations.


Andy R

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Re: Re: Centering content in Block

2006-08-09 Thread Luis Ferro

and if you want it centered vertically add:

display-align='center' (if i recall correctly)...

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Re: out of memory error

2006-08-09 Thread Luis Ferro

A report as such shouldn't pose a problem... 

Edit the "fop.bat" and add the "-Xmx1024m" argument before the "-cp" as i
did... it worked like a charm with 0.92b/thrunk...

To build the report try using the fop.bat at a command prompt... (it worked
for me will thru tomcat it was giving problems, but that is another issue)

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Re: PDF generation

2006-08-09 Thread Andreas L Delmelle

On Aug 9, 2006, at 16:17, Remo Liechti wrote:


I think the only problem I have now is to pass the parameters to  
the XSL


Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -xml "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

How do I pass this parameter force-page-count="no-force". To this xsl?
I Tried a lot of ways, nothing worked... like:

Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl force-page-count="no-force" -xml
"myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

If you're sure this is what you're after (and not an erroneous  
conclusion drawn from Chris' mentioning 'force-page-count' --it is  
supposed to be specified as an attribute/property on fo:page- 
sequence, but maybe docbook allows this to be set through an  
xsl:param?), then it depends on which FOP version you're using.

If you're using 0.20.5, you can't IIRC, unless you perform the XSL  
transformation in a separate step. If you're using 0.92, you can go:

fop -xsl c:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -param force-page-count no-force ...



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Re: Re: Centering content in Block

2006-08-09 Thread andyrob_24_7
Thanks, I was overcomplicating the issue. doh!

resovled with you advice:

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Re: PDF generation

2006-08-09 Thread Glen Mazza
Probably obvious, but I'm assuming you mean you used "force-page-count" 
and not "forcae..."


Remo Liechti wrote:

Hi Chris
Thanks a lot for the answers.

I think the only problem I have now is to pass the parameters to the XSL

Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -xml "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

How do I pass this parameter forcae-page-count="no-force". To this xsl?
I Tried a lot of ways, nothing worked... like:

Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl forcae-page-count="no-force" -xml
"myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

Any idea?


-Original Message-
From: Chris Bowditch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 9. August 2006 15:18

Subject: Re: PDF generation

Remo Liechti wrote:

Hi all
I'm new to XSL and FOP and all that stuff. I need to create a PDF out


a docbook. My docbook looks like:


chapter one
text text text

I run FOP like this:
Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -xml "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

It creates a PDF like this(I attached it to this mail):

- First page with the title -> This is ok
- Page 2: title again, but small. Nothing more on the page. -> not ok!
- page 3: Just empty. Why's that? -> NOT OK
- page 4: The index of the book -> NICE!
- page 5: My Text -> ok

My questions are:

1. How do tell the XSL to not create the page 2 with the small title


not to create an empty page?

The empty page 3 might be because the attribute force-page-count="auto" 
is present on the page-sequence. This needs to 
forcae-page-count="no-force". I've no idea how to do that in Docbook. I 
also don't know why the 2nd page appears. Have you asked these questions

on the docbook forum too?


2. How do I tell the XSL to create Bookmarks in the PDF?

I know how to do this in raw XSL-FO, again no idea how in docbook XML, 
sorry! The exact method used to creating bookmarks is different 
depending on which version of FOP you are using?


3. How Do I create header and footer for this document? (I think this


a docbook issue). But the header and footer should not appear on the
first page as well as not on the index page.

This is possible using raw XSL-FO constructs, but I don't know how to do

it in docbook XML.

Sorry I can't help you more, but I get the feeling most of yopur 
questions would be better suited on a docbook mailing list.


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Re: User Types

2006-08-09 Thread Jay Bryant
When I first started using FOP, I was a technical writer (often called
technical author in places where they speak the Queen's rather than the
President's English). I was fed up with both Word and FrameMaker, so I
implemented an XML-based documentation system, which included FOP. I no
longer write. Instead, I spend all of my time setting up similar systems for
various clients.

So, I guess I have been two kinds of users: a technical writer (or technical
author, if you prefer) and a consulting developer. I am also aware of
companies (Intel, for one) that have developers dedicated to document
production (though they also work on authoring tools and content


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 9:40 AM
Subject: User Types

> I'd be interested to know what types of people are using the FOP engine to
generate documents.
> Could you indicate whether your setup has a dedicated programmer, or team
of programmers, individual author, technical author etc.
> Does the same person who writes the content setup your FOP
> thanks
> Andy R
> --
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Re: PDF generation

2006-08-09 Thread Vincent Hennebert

Hi Remo,

you should really try to ask your questions on the docbook-apps [1]
mailing list. Those are questions related to XSLT customization rather
than transforming the resulting FO into PDF, and that list will be
much more suited.

You may also want to have a look at the documentation possibly shipped
with your DocBook stylesheets: there are lots of parameters to
customize the output. If, however, no parameter suits your needs then
you will have to write a customization layer above the stylesheets and
this requires some XSLT skills. But again, if you ask your questions
on the docbook-apps mailing-list you will get useful hints within the



2006/8/9, Remo Liechti:

Okay, I have to do it in two steps:

java -jar saxon.jar -o "myDocBook.xml"
c:\doc\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl forcae-page-count=no-force

call C:\Daten\spoc7\doc\fop\Fop -fo -pdf

But the empty page's still there...


-Original Message-
From: Remo Liechti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mittwoch, 9. August 2006 16:17
Subject: RE: PDF generation

Hi Chris
Thanks a lot for the answers.

I think the only problem I have now is to pass the parameters to the XSL

Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -xml "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

How do I pass this parameter forcae-page-count="no-force". To this xsl?
I Tried a lot of ways, nothing worked... like:

Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl forcae-page-count="no-force" -xml
"myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

Any idea?


-Original Message-
From: Chris Bowditch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mittwoch, 9. August 2006 15:18
Subject: Re: PDF generation

Remo Liechti wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm new to XSL and FOP and all that stuff. I need to create a PDF out
> a docbook. My docbook looks like:
>   myTitle
>   chapter one
>   text text text
> I run FOP like this:
> Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -xml "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"
> It creates a PDF like this(I attached it to this mail):
> - First page with the title -> This is ok
> - Page 2: title again, but small. Nothing more on the page. -> not ok!
> - page 3: Just empty. Why's that? -> NOT OK
> - page 4: The index of the book -> NICE!
> - page 5: My Text -> ok
> My questions are:
> 1. How do tell the XSL to not create the page 2 with the small title
> not to create an empty page?

The empty page 3 might be because the attribute force-page-count="auto"
is present on the page-sequence. This needs to
forcae-page-count="no-force". I've no idea how to do that in Docbook. I
also don't know why the 2nd page appears. Have you asked these questions

on the docbook forum too?

> 2. How do I tell the XSL to create Bookmarks in the PDF?

I know how to do this in raw XSL-FO, again no idea how in docbook XML,
sorry! The exact method used to creating bookmarks is different
depending on which version of FOP you are using?

> 3. How Do I create header and footer for this document? (I think this
> a docbook issue). But the header and footer should not appear on the
> first page as well as not on the index page.

This is possible using raw XSL-FO constructs, but I don't know how to do

it in docbook XML.

Sorry I can't help you more, but I get the feeling most of yopur
questions would be better suited on a docbook mailing list.


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Re: RE: Commercial Documents

2006-08-09 Thread andyrob_24_7
So you write content for your reports and sales docs in HTML then transform?

Do you ever combine multiple html files into one pdf?

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RE: PDF generation

2006-08-09 Thread Remo Liechti
Okay, I have to do it in two steps:

java -jar saxon.jar -o "myDocBook.xml"
c:\doc\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl forcae-page-count=no-force

call C:\Daten\spoc7\doc\fop\Fop -fo -pdf

But the empty page's still there...


-Original Message-
From: Remo Liechti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 9. August 2006 16:17
Subject: RE: PDF generation

Hi Chris
Thanks a lot for the answers.

I think the only problem I have now is to pass the parameters to the XSL

Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -xml "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

How do I pass this parameter forcae-page-count="no-force". To this xsl?
I Tried a lot of ways, nothing worked... like:

Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl forcae-page-count="no-force" -xml
"myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

Any idea?


-Original Message-
From: Chris Bowditch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 9. August 2006 15:18
Subject: Re: PDF generation

Remo Liechti wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm new to XSL and FOP and all that stuff. I need to create a PDF out
> a docbook. My docbook looks like:
>   myTitle
>   chapter one
>   text text text
> I run FOP like this:
> Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -xml "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"
> It creates a PDF like this(I attached it to this mail):
> - First page with the title -> This is ok
> - Page 2: title again, but small. Nothing more on the page. -> not ok!
> - page 3: Just empty. Why's that? -> NOT OK
> - page 4: The index of the book -> NICE!
> - page 5: My Text -> ok
> My questions are:
> 1. How do tell the XSL to not create the page 2 with the small title
> not to create an empty page?

The empty page 3 might be because the attribute force-page-count="auto" 
is present on the page-sequence. This needs to 
forcae-page-count="no-force". I've no idea how to do that in Docbook. I 
also don't know why the 2nd page appears. Have you asked these questions

on the docbook forum too?

> 2. How do I tell the XSL to create Bookmarks in the PDF?

I know how to do this in raw XSL-FO, again no idea how in docbook XML, 
sorry! The exact method used to creating bookmarks is different 
depending on which version of FOP you are using?

> 3. How Do I create header and footer for this document? (I think this
> a docbook issue). But the header and footer should not appear on the
> first page as well as not on the index page.

This is possible using raw XSL-FO constructs, but I don't know how to do

it in docbook XML.

Sorry I can't help you more, but I get the feeling most of yopur 
questions would be better suited on a docbook mailing list.


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User Types

2006-08-09 Thread andyrob_24_7
I'd be interested to know what types of people are using the FOP engine to 
generate documents.

Could you indicate whether your setup has a dedicated programmer, or team of 
programmers, individual author, technical author etc.

Does the same person who writes the content setup your FOP transformations.


Andy R

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Re: Centering content in Block

2006-08-09 Thread Dominic Brügger


I have a block that I am using in the bottom corner of my page. In this I want 
to display a page number.

The block is a square and I would like to center the page number so that if the number of digits increases it stays cenrtal. 

Here is what I have so far:

It's not very clear what you want to do. If you just want to center the 
number in the block you can set text-align="center"...

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RE: PDF generation

2006-08-09 Thread Remo Liechti
Hi Chris
Thanks a lot for the answers.

I think the only problem I have now is to pass the parameters to the XSL

Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -xml "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

How do I pass this parameter forcae-page-count="no-force". To this xsl?
I Tried a lot of ways, nothing worked... like:

Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl forcae-page-count="no-force" -xml
"myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

Any idea?


-Original Message-
From: Chris Bowditch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 9. August 2006 15:18
Subject: Re: PDF generation

Remo Liechti wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm new to XSL and FOP and all that stuff. I need to create a PDF out
> a docbook. My docbook looks like:
>   myTitle
>   chapter one
>   text text text
> I run FOP like this:
> Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -xml "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"
> It creates a PDF like this(I attached it to this mail):
> - First page with the title -> This is ok
> - Page 2: title again, but small. Nothing more on the page. -> not ok!
> - page 3: Just empty. Why's that? -> NOT OK
> - page 4: The index of the book -> NICE!
> - page 5: My Text -> ok
> My questions are:
> 1. How do tell the XSL to not create the page 2 with the small title
> not to create an empty page?

The empty page 3 might be because the attribute force-page-count="auto" 
is present on the page-sequence. This needs to 
forcae-page-count="no-force". I've no idea how to do that in Docbook. I 
also don't know why the 2nd page appears. Have you asked these questions

on the docbook forum too?

> 2. How do I tell the XSL to create Bookmarks in the PDF?

I know how to do this in raw XSL-FO, again no idea how in docbook XML, 
sorry! The exact method used to creating bookmarks is different 
depending on which version of FOP you are using?

> 3. How Do I create header and footer for this document? (I think this
> a docbook issue). But the header and footer should not appear on the
> first page as well as not on the index page.

This is possible using raw XSL-FO constructs, but I don't know how to do

it in docbook XML.

Sorry I can't help you more, but I get the feeling most of yopur 
questions would be better suited on a docbook mailing list.


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Centering content in Block

2006-08-09 Thread andyrob_24_7
I have a block that I am using in the bottom corner of my page. In this I want 
to display a page number.

The block is a square and I would like to center the page number so that if the 
number of digits increases it stays cenrtal. 

Here is what I have so far:

But this doesn't centre the content.

Can anyone offer me some tips on this.


Andy R

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Re: out of memory error

2006-08-09 Thread Luis Ferro

I've added the switch -Xmx1500m in the fop bat file in both versions just
before the "-cp" switch.

Now, fop thrunk is crashing with some errors in the .fo file (which i will
correct) and fop is stoping somewhere because of this message:

file:/D:/sites/mapaterapeutico/extranet/makebook/output/makebook_done_wi No meaningful layout in block after many attempts. 
ite loop is assumed.  Processing halted.

Hope this "sheeds some light" on the problems...
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Re: PDF generation

2006-08-09 Thread Chris Bowditch

Remo Liechti wrote:

Hi all
I'm new to XSL and FOP and all that stuff. I need to create a PDF out of
a docbook. My docbook looks like:


chapter one
text text text

I run FOP like this:
Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -xml "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

It creates a PDF like this(I attached it to this mail):

- First page with the title -> This is ok
- Page 2: title again, but small. Nothing more on the page. -> not ok!
- page 3: Just empty. Why's that? -> NOT OK
- page 4: The index of the book -> NICE!
- page 5: My Text -> ok

My questions are:

1. How do tell the XSL to not create the page 2 with the small title and
not to create an empty page?

The empty page 3 might be because the attribute force-page-count="auto" 
is present on the page-sequence. This needs to 
forcae-page-count="no-force". I've no idea how to do that in Docbook. I 
also don't know why the 2nd page appears. Have you asked these questions 
on the docbook forum too?

2. How do I tell the XSL to create Bookmarks in the PDF?

I know how to do this in raw XSL-FO, again no idea how in docbook XML, 
sorry! The exact method used to creating bookmarks is different 
depending on which version of FOP you are using?

3. How Do I create header and footer for this document? (I think this is
a docbook issue). But the header and footer should not appear on the
first page as well as not on the index page.

This is possible using raw XSL-FO constructs, but I don't know how to do 
it in docbook XML.

Sorry I can't help you more, but I get the feeling most of yopur 
questions would be better suited on a docbook mailing list.


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Re: Commercial Documents

2006-08-09 Thread Christian Geisert
> Also, do you need to pay for a licence to use the FOP engine. Or is that just 
> if you want to embed the code?

Apache FOP is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
See for details.
In short: you don't have to pay for Apache FOP.


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Re: out of memory error

2006-08-09 Thread Luis Ferro

I'm using the latest fop version from svn as of yesterday...

In the attachment i send the files i use to create a PDF with the index and
one chapter of the book. The index references are all turned off but it
still gets out of heap...

When trying to assemble the PDF in command line (environment in the
attachment also)... it always gives the same error of lack of heap memory...

I've tryed with -XX Aggressive (spelling) as someone suggested and with
several options to increase the heap... but after processing the full .fo
file (when it stops to echo errors and i suppose it starts crunshing)...

(btw the problem also happens to fop 0.20.5)

The machine has 2gb of ram and is a pentium 4 HT...

I'm completly lost on how to make this work... :(

Thanx in advance,
Luis Ferro
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PDF generation

2006-08-09 Thread Remo Liechti
Hi all
I'm new to XSL and FOP and all that stuff. I need to create a PDF out of
a docbook. My docbook looks like:


chapter one
text text text

I run FOP like this:
Fop -xsl C:\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl -xml "myDocBook.xml" -pdf "myPdf.pdf"

It creates a PDF like this(I attached it to this mail):

- First page with the title -> This is ok
- Page 2: title again, but small. Nothing more on the page. -> not ok!
- page 3: Just empty. Why's that? -> NOT OK
- page 4: The index of the book -> NICE!
- page 5: My Text -> ok

My questions are:

1. How do tell the XSL to not create the page 2 with the small title and
not to create an empty page?

2. How do I tell the XSL to create Bookmarks in the PDF?

3. How Do I create header and footer for this document? (I think this is
a docbook issue). But the header and footer should not appear on the
first page as well as not on the index page.

Thanks a lot guys!

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Description: myPDF.pdf
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Re: Margins

2006-08-09 Thread Chris Bowditch

Andre Groeneveld wrote:

Yes FOP0.20.5. The space between the lines, I want the lines of text
closer to each other.

Try setting line-height="0". This removes the half-leading added to each 
line. This works in 0.92beta. Not sure about the ancient 0.20.5. Please 
consider upgrading.


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RE: Margins

2006-08-09 Thread Andre Groeneveld
Yes FOP0.20.5. The space between the lines, I want the lines of text
closer to each other.

-Original Message-
From: Chris Bowditch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 09 August 2006 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: Margins

Andre Groeneveld wrote:
> Hi All,
> Can someone please help me, I have a table with one column that 
> stretches the width of the page, and inside the table I have
> of text, the reason why I do this is to keep the paragraph together. 

Can I assume then that you're still using FOP 0.20.5? As this workaround

isnt necessary in 0.92beta, keep-* properties work on regular fo:blocks 
now :)

> When the end of the line is reached, the overflows onto the next line,

> is there a way that I can set the margin between the two lines of text

> in the cell of the table?

Not sure what you mean by margins here? Are you trying to achieve an 
indent on the second line only or do you mean the space between the


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Crop Marks and Bleeds

2006-08-09 Thread andyrob_24_7
I posted this on the back of another thread, then realised it could probably do 
with its own.

Would you be able to outline how you achieve crops and bleeds.  
This is something I thought was not possible in FOP, any help with this would 
be greatly appreciated. Sample xml-fo would be ideal.  
thanks in advance  
andy r  

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Re: Margins

2006-08-09 Thread Chris Bowditch

Andre Groeneveld wrote:

Hi All,


Can someone please help me, I have a table with one column that 
stretches the width of the page, and inside the table I have paragraphs 
of text, the reason why I do this is to keep the paragraph together. 

Can I assume then that you're still using FOP 0.20.5? As this workaround 
isnt necessary in 0.92beta, keep-* properties work on regular fo:blocks 
now :)

When the end of the line is reached, the overflows onto the next line, 
is there a way that I can set the margin between the two lines of text 
in the cell of the table?

Not sure what you mean by margins here? Are you trying to achieve an 
indent on the second line only or do you mean the space between the lines?


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2006-08-09 Thread Andre Groeneveld

Hi All,


Can someone please help me, I have a table with one column that
stretches the width of the page, and inside the table I have paragraphs of
text, the reason why I do this is to keep the paragraph together. When the end
of the line is reached, the overflows onto the next line, is there a way that I
can set the margin between the two lines of text in the cell of the table?


Thanks in advance.

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Re: strange behaviour: Fop 0.92b, Websphere, PARENT_LAST deployment

2006-08-09 Thread Fabien K
well forget the question: it's only a Websphere problem: debugging mode is
broken but normal mode is OK...I need to find a WAS patch...

Just excuse me.


> Hello,
> we use Fop 0.92b in order to build documents on the fly under a Websphere
> Application Server
> We I deploy my application in PARENT_FIRST classpath mode, everything's
> ok.
> But if I only change deployement rules of the app to PARENT_LAST classpath
> mode,
> I catch exceptions ( you can see them at the end of the mail ).
> here are the only jar used in the application  ( it's a demo Webapp.. )
> avalon-framework-4.2.0.jar
> batik-all-1.6.jar
> commons-beanutils.jar
> commons-collections.jar
> commons-io-1.1.jar
> commons-lang.jar
> fop.jar
> serializer-2.7.0.jar
> xmlgraphics-commons-1.0.jar
> Any idea?
> Thanks in advance.
> Exception catched:
> ---
> [09/08/06 09:23:37:075 CEST] 003b FOTreeBuilder W
>$MainFOHandler endElement Mismatch:
> page-sequence ( vs. root
> (
> [09/08/06 09:23:37:169 CEST] 003b FOTreeBuilder E
> fatalError
> javax.xml.transform.TransformerException:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The number of this PDFNumber must not
> be empty
>  some lines after ( since exception in encapsulated .. )
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The number of this
> PDFNumber must not be empty
>   at org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFNumber.toPDFString(
>   at org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFObject.toPDF(
>   at org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFObject.output(
>   at org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFDocument.output(
>   at 
> org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRenderer.renderPage(
>   at
> org.apache.fop.area.RenderPagesModel.addPage(
>   at
> org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.PageSequenceLayoutManager.finishPage(
>   at
> org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.PageSequenceLayoutManager.activateLayout(
>   at
> org.apache.fop.area.AreaTreeHandler.endPageSequence(
>   at
>   at
>   at
>   at
> org.apache.xalan.transformer.ResultTreeHandler.endElement(
> -
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Re: Commercial Documents

2006-08-09 Thread andyrob_24_7
Also, do you need to pay for a licence to use the FOP engine. Or is that just 
if you want to embed the code?

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Re: RE: Commercial Documents

2006-08-09 Thread andyrob_24_7
Would you be able to outline how you achieve crops and bleeds.

This is something I thought was not possible in FOP, any help with this would 
be greatly appreciated. Sample xml-fo would be ideal.

thanks in advance

andy r

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strange behaviour: Fop 0.92b, Websphere, PARENT_LAST deployment

2006-08-09 Thread Fabien K
we use Fop 0.92b in order to build documents on the fly under a Websphere
Application Server

We I deploy my application in PARENT_FIRST classpath mode, everything's ok.
But if I only change deployement rules of the app to PARENT_LAST classpath
I catch exceptions ( you can see them at the end of the mail ).

here are the only jar used in the application  ( it's a demo Webapp.. )

Any idea?

Thanks in advance.

Exception catched:
[09/08/06 09:23:37:075 CEST] 003b FOTreeBuilder W$MainFOHandler endElement Mismatch:
page-sequence ( vs. root
[09/08/06 09:23:37:169 CEST] 003b FOTreeBuilder E fatalError
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The number of this PDFNumber must not
be empty

 some lines after ( since exception in encapsulated .. )

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The number of this
PDFNumber must not be empty
at org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFNumber.toPDFString(
at org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFObject.toPDF(
at org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFObject.output(
at org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFDocument.output(

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