Hi Yaya,

Are you using FOP 0.20 or 0.93? Please post up your input xml/XSL-FO files and I'll take a look at it.


DIALLO Yaya wrote:

I use FOP 0.93 to generate a pdf file from xml/XSL-FO. While opening, the file I get the following error, unable to open the file , the file is damaged.

I past below my code

*public* *static* String postPDF(*final* FOPTransformable toTransform) *throws* BindingException {

            // convert tree content in XML file : marshall

            *final* String xml = XMLBinding./marshall/(toTransform);

            // obtain the XSL file

            *final* InputStream xslStream;

            *try* {

*if* (/logger/.isDebugEnabled()) /logger/.debug("looking for xsl stylesheet...");

xslStream = XMLBinding.*class*.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(PropertyService./getXMLProperty/(toTransform.getKey()));

            } *catch* (PropertyServiceException e) {

                  *throw* *new* BindingException(e);


            OutputStream out = *null*;

            BufferedReader in = *null*;

            *try* {

                  StringBuffer relativeUrl = *new* StringBuffer(64);




File file = *new* File(PropertyService./getXMLProperty/("biz.publication.basedir") + relativeUrl);

*final* HttpURLConnection con = UploadFile./initConnection/(file.getParent(), file.getName());

                  out = con.getOutputStream();

                  //out = con.getOutputStream();

                  FopFactory fopFactory = FopFactory./newInstance/();

*final* Fop fop = fopFactory.newFop(MimeConstants./MIME_PDF/, out);


                  //Setup XSLT

*final* TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory./newInstance/();

*final* Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer(*new* StreamSource(xslStream));

                  // set the parameters

                  Set params = toTransform.getParameters();

                  *if* (params != *null*) {

*for* (Iterator it = params.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {

                             Parameter p = (Parameter) it.next();

transformer.setParameter(p.getName(), p.getValue());



                  //Setup input for XSLT transformation

*final* StringReader stringReader = *new* StringReader(xml);

                  *final* Source src = *new* StreamSource(stringReader);

//Resulting SAX events (the generated FO) must be piped through to FOP

*final* Result res = *new* SAXResult(fop.getDefaultHandler());

                  //Start XSLT transformation and FOP processing

transformer.transform(src, res);

                  // Read the response

*if* (/logger/.isDebugEnabled()) /logger/.debug("treat servlet response");

in = *new* BufferedReader(*new* InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));


                  *return* relativeUrl.toString();

            } *catch* (Exception e) {

                  *throw* *new* BindingException(e);

            } *finally* {

                  *if* (in != *null*) {

                        *try* {


                        } *catch* (IOException e) {

                             // nothing to do



                  *if* (out != *null*) {

                        *try* {


                        } *catch* (IOException e) {

                             // nothing to do





*public* *static* *void* treatServletResponse(BufferedReader in) *throws* IOException, UploadException {

        // Read and display the response:

        String line = "";

        StringBuffer buf = *new* StringBuffer(128);

        *while* ((line = in.readLine()) != *null*) {

*final* FWKLogger logger = FWKLogger./getLogger/(UploadFile.*class*.getName());

            *if* (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {

                logger.info("FileUploadServlet returned:");






        String response = buf.toString();

        *if* (response.startsWith(/FAILURE/)) {

            *throw* *new* UploadException(response);

        } *else* *if* (!response.startsWith(/SUCCESS/)) {

*throw* *new* UploadException("Servlet returned an unexpected value!");



Thx for your help.


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