

I replying a bit late (this reply is to an email dating back to November
last year) see messages below.


I have solved it using a ThreadLocal object and a custom log4j Appender,
which might be something that leads to an easy solution. It worked for me,
but don't know how to make it more structural. Have other people
experimented with using this approach for logging per process using a static


A threadlocal object can be placed at the start of the transformation
process, and perhaps store information in the FormattingResults object?


What do you think?


Sorry the original thread was missing:



The status is the same as when I wrote that text. At some point this 
will be done but at this time it's only on my wish list. My notes on the 
issue are on the Wiki: 

See also: 

You're welcome to dive in yourself, of course. 

On 27.11.2006 10:17:49 Raphael Parree wrote: 
> Hi, 
> What is the status on "We are planning to add an additional feedback 
> facility to FOP which can be used to obtain all sorts of specific feedback

> (validation messages, layout problems etc.)!"? 
> I need per generation process logging...if the above has not been 
> implemented is there a way of doing this? 
> Tx., 
> Raphael



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