Re: nová verzia [40764]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu David Grudnik
Mno, možná je lepší, když se p.Fiala věnuje programování PSPadu, než odpovídání na takovéto dotazy. Jinak nová verze se určitě připravuje :-P A pokud Vám schází nějaká fce, můžete zkusit beta verzi (stáhnout ji lze kde jinde než v Beta foru). -- David Příspěvek zaslán emailem.

Re: Code indenting [40765]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu Vas
Thanks for that, I'll give it a go. I have coded in VB, VBScript can't be that different. If I get it to work, I'll post the script here for all. -- Vas,40707,40765 PSPad freeware editor

Replace newline [40767]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu rauzer
Great editor with a dazzling number of features. Even more great because it works without installing files in the %systemroot%\Win32 directory. I can even use it at work on my locked computer. Working with the editor for some weeks now, I keep asking myself how to search for a newline in the

Re: TPSSynEdit and its window messages [40768]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu grigri
You're just in time to ask these sort of questions, since I've been digging into PSPad's internals a bit lately - for my Recent File Pane extension (viz,40752 ) and my forthcoming intellisense extension. The TCustomSynEdit control responds to the following

Re: Replace newline [40769]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu grigri
PSPad cannot (unfortunately) handle this natively - the S/R functions only work in single-line mode. There is however a nice extension for multiline S/Rs - read the sticky thread about it (viz,34061 ) --,40767,40769 PSPad


2007-05-30 Tema obsahu grigri
No comments yet? C'mon guys, I can't make it better if you don't tell me how :-P --,40752,40770 PSPad freeware editor

Re: TPSSynEdit and its window messages [40771]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu pvdeejay
Hello, actually I am not going to play with font attributes until I can have caret position retrieved. Can you please enlighten me a bit more? Is getcaretpos a message I have to send to the window or what? I am asking because I was unable to find that in the list of window messages which work for

Xtra functions for code explorer [40772]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu Pieter
Hi, I'm using PSpad for more than a year now for writing in assembler and I must admit it's very good and functional. Lately I'm also using it for C-programs and here it' s even a lot more great. I love the code explorer, i'm only missing some elements in it: *) show defined

Re: TPSSynEdit and its window messages [40773]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu grigri
GetCaretPos() is a windows API function. It retrieves the position of the caret, in screen coördinates, of the currently focused window. --,40766,40773 PSPad freeware editor

Re: TPSSynEdit and its window messages [40774]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu Jan Schreiber
[Off topic] Forthcoming intellisense extension? Sounds extremely promising! --,40766,40774 PSPad freeware editor

Re: TPSSynEdit and its window messages [40775]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu pvdeejay
oh it is too generic for this use. later on we will perhaps try to implement display hooking but that is very complex thing to do. anyway thanks for your replies. --,40766,40775 PSPad freeware editor


2007-05-30 Tema obsahu Jan Schreiber
Thank you. I have just installed your extension and each time I open PSPad, I get the error msg: Cannot find the necessary file handles. Quitting. Any ideas, or do you need more info? --,40752,40776 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Replace newline [40777]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu rauzer
Pity. I'll have a look at the multiline add-on. Thanks for replying on such short notice. --,40767,40777 PSPad freeware editor


2007-05-30 Tema obsahu grigri
Here we go with the bugfixes :-D What version of Windows, and what version of PSPad are you running? --,40752,40778 PSPad freeware editor


2007-05-30 Tema obsahu grigri
My mistake! Sorry about that - the version I put for download was 4.5.2 only - the main window classname has changed since. I've fixed the zip - updated it with the 4.5.3 version (it works on 4.5.2 AND 4.5.3) Download it again, and replace the dll. You'll have to close PSPad while replacing it.

Re: TPSSynEdit and its window messages [40780]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu grigri
@pvdeejay: Sorry for the confusion - I checked up on nvda and it's written in Python, so techinques like I mentioned are completely out of its reach. I wrongly assumed it would be written in C or C++. @MrSpock: It is :-D I've only got php stuff working now, but will expand to other languages


2007-05-30 Tema obsahu Stefan
Sorry grigir, i have not the time to test... maybe at the weekend? But i will, surely :-D Thanks for the fix... --,40752,40781 PSPad freeware editor

help problem [40782]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu PierreG07
Hi, I have PSPad 4.5.2 copied on a network drive. The program seems to work ok, but when I press F1 (or click Help), the right part of the help window shows an error message from IE. And then, if I click on another topic, the right part of the help window is cleared. What should I do to correct

Re: help problem [40783]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
This is a polycy settings of the Windows. You need to enable IE active content from local network. --,40782,40783 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Problem s cestinou v GUI (menu) [40784]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu milods
Dostal jsem se do stejného problému. Něco jsem asi udělal a nyní PSpad, Total Commander a některé další programy spatně píší češtinu - ř je přeškrtnuté o atd - co jsem se díval,tak to odpovídá nějakému Latin1, Zkoušel jsem měnit fonty podle doporučení (předpokládám ovládací

Re: Problem s cestinou v GUI (menu) [40785]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
milods: Dostal jsem se do stejného problému. Něco jsem asi udělal a nyní PSpad, Total Commander a některé další programy spatně píší češtinu - ř je přeškrtnuté o atd - co jsem se díval,tak to odpovídá nějakému Latin1,

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2265) English [40786]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu Replika
I replace my file with a regular expression \\n ([a-zA-z]{2,}) \\n$1 But PSPad always replace it to real end of line, not \n ex cite: aaa\n

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2265) English [40787]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu Fred
You mean aaa\n bbb would become aaa\nbbb ? If so you could try: Find: (\\n) ([a-zA-z]{2,}) Replace: $1$2 --,40478,40787 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Problem s cestinou v GUI (menu) [40788]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu milods
Tak toto nepomohlo. Ale vyřešilo to ovládacípanely / místní a jazykové nastavení / upřesnit / jazyk čeština. Byla tam angličtina, ale nevím, jak se tam dostala - musel to tam přepsat nějaký program. Díky za nasměrování. --,36190,40788 PSPad freeware editor

Display of Indic scripts in the editor is incorrect [40789]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu Aparan
I'm using PSPad 4.5.3 (2265) When displaying Indic scripts (f.e. Malayalam) in the editor, there is extra whitespace visible between words. Actually, this is not whitespace, but displayed so. The insertion point would be somewhere in the white area while the text will be shown to the left.

Re: Uživatelské konvertory - dva různé znaky a přece stejné [40= 790]

2007-05-30 Tema obsahu Marty
zkuste si zkopírovat tyto znaky třeba do OpenOfficeOrg a zvětšete si font např. na 20, zjistíte že úvodní A je pro 'š' s kolečkem a pro 'a' s vlnovkou, mělo by se jednat o jiný znak. --,40741,40790 PSPad freeware editor