Re: Save with admin rights [76226]

2021-06-28 Tema obsahu Calvi
Ahh, my bad.

I tried in the File Open dialog, but you mean on the file tab.

Yes, this is good, thankyou I like this.

Only negative is if changes already made, but as you said I can cut and paste.

If there is anyway to catch the changes would be terrific, but 99% of the
inconvenience is now gone.

Can now right click on file and then right click on tab if admin required.

Also another comment: Be good to know which one is admin and which is not - eg
[Admin] on title bar or something.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (659) English [76225]

2021-06-28 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala

You are right! I also tried this with a 7000 lines js file and indeed, very
I think the problem will be related to it's type: it's a COBOL file.
The COBOL syntax does not like everything after pos 72 ;)
Perhaps this causes the delay?

It was caused by Cobol Code folding.
I can solve it by switching off Code folding before SelText in scripting and
return it back after. It will be immediate with Cobol files too.

I need to investigate if I can improve Cobol Code folding.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (659) English [76224]

2021-06-28 Tema obsahu MadCompie
You are right! I also tried this with a 7000 lines js file and indeed, very
I think the problem will be related to it's type: it's a COBOL file.
The COBOL syntax does not like everything after pos 72 ;)
Perhaps this causes the delay?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Save with admin rights [76223]

2021-06-28 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala

The message says 

"This file cannot be saved and it may be protected.
Do you want to launch Notepad++ in Administrator mode?" 

You have similar functionality now in PSPad. 
You can right click file tab and open file in ADMIN started new PSPad instance.
I will try to do the same after the unsuccesfull save access.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Save with admin rights [76222]

2021-06-28 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala

PS: I am unable to right click get an admin mode with 5.07.

If PSPad is not opened then I cannot right click to open a file in admin mode.
If it is opened I cannot right click and get any file to open.

I tried reinstalling 5.6, then 5.7 again and behaviour is the same for me.

I didn't wrote about the shell extension. I wrote about open file in PSPad and
right click on the file tab


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Save with admin rights [76221]

2021-06-28 Tema obsahu Calvi
PS: I am unable to right click get an admin mode with 5.07.

If PSPad is not opened then I cannot right click to open a file in admin mode.
If it is opened I cannot right click and get any file to open.

I tried reinstalling 5.6, then 5.7 again and behaviour is the same for me.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Change File Icon [76220]

2021-06-28 Tema obsahu marc77
Thank you very much for your quick reply.

maybe I did not express myself correctly. I would just like to have the standard
icons again. I'm from 5.0.4 to 5.0.6. On 5.0.6 I had these chinese characters.
then I moved to 5.0.7. But there is had the same problem. Then I made a
downgrade to 5.0.4. Since then, instead of the normal file icons, I have a file
icon that is not upright but across.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Save with admin rights [76219]

2021-06-28 Tema obsahu Calvi
I am not sure how notepad++ does it.

I would guess that it determines it cannot write to the folder on save and then
offers to re-open in admin mode.

The message says 

"This file cannot be saved and it may be protected.
Do you want to launch Notepad++ in Administrator mode?" 

If you say yes, then it UAC is opened and Notepad++ closes, and reopens in admin
mode without losing any changes to the file you were working on.

I did try a read only file and this was greyed out and editing locked out so the
file attributes are checked first.

I then tried a domain file that I made without write access and as expected
Notepad++ offered admin mode and then of course still could not save to the

I think this is reasonable behaviour, as an admin I know when I need domain
rights vs UAC but often forget to raise an editor to UAC.

One last interesting point is the following on a domain protected file.

1. PSPad errors with unable to save changes to file. (reasonable)
2. Notepad++ after raising to admin just doesn't save and gives not error either
3. Notepad (included in windows) knows it can't save the changes so pops up a
new filename save window (probably best).


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Change File Icon [76218]

2021-06-28 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
I am sorry, I was wrong. 
This functionality was removed from FTP list, cause it causes long time to load
FTP file list - there was necessary to request system for each icon in FTP file


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Change File Icon [76217]

2021-06-28 Tema obsahu marc77
I could not find in windows 7. Could you give me another hint? 

Thank you very much.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: strange characters replace brackets or even "else" [76216]

2021-06-28 Tema obsahu marc77
I had the some problem in my php files with the latest version. In Version 5.0.4
this problem does not happen. Thats the reason why I downgrade to this version.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (659) English [76215]

2021-06-28 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala

This script simply takes each line and strips the trailing spaces.
To simulate, select some 2000 lines in a text file and apply the script. It will
take some half a minute...

Testing with 75kB Java script code. It was executed immediately. I added echo
before and after the last seltext and there was no delay.
Maybe something in settings. 
How long are lines in your code?
Can you send me your PSpad.ini, I can test it with your settings


PSPad freeware editor