Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (665) Cesky [76305]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
PHP je v anstavení programu / Multizvýrazňovač zaškrtnut, že se má otevírat v multizvýrazňovači. Ale pokud je povoleno v nastavení programu / Soubory [x]Zapamatovat stav souboru, pak by to měl PSpad zohlednit a otevřít v tom, co uživatel zvolil. Nefunguje to, musím to projít a najít. Pokud chce

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (665) English [76304]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Ravelli: Hi Jan, I copied a chat-log from a website to PSPad to read it better. Turned out, with word-wrap enabled I can make the "un-wrapped" lines visible again by selecting the line into the "wrapped" line. But it d

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (665) English [76303]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu John Huijsing
Tried open a file which has association with pspad Exception description: Division by zero. Exception class: EDivByZero Exception address: 009068E4 Stack list, generated 9/07/2021 13:14

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (665) English [76302]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Ravelli: Can I send it to you via email? It contains some private information... Friendly greetings Ravelli Yes, of course you can send

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (665) Cesky [76301]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Tomáš Adámek
Zdravím. Možná to jen špatně ovládám, ale už nějakou dobu se mi nedaří přemluvit zvýrazňovač ke změně. Mám otevřené soubory z projektu, jeden soubor změním z XHTMLmulti na PHP, ale ono se to nijak nezapamatuje. Vždycky se při příštím otevření vrátí na XHTML. I když jen zavřu ten jeden soubor a otev

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (665) English [76300]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Torsten Funk
Hi Jan, I copied a chat-log from a website to PSPad to read it better. Turned out, with word-wrap enabled I can make the "un-wrapped" lines visible again by selecting the line into the "wrapped" line. But it doesn't always work. And I don't know what is causing it. I made example file, screenshot a

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (665) English [76299]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
MadCompie: thx for the settings tip but the dotted lines don't follow any logics like javascript it is okay i.e. if { ... } but in cobol not, lines seems to be random and also no folding possible? in some previous ve

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (665) English [76298]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu MadCompie
thx for the settings tip but the dotted lines don't follow any logics like javascript it is okay i.e. if { ... } but in cobol not, lines seems to be random and also no folding possible? in some previous versions ago, it worked -- PSPad freeware e

Re: Highlighter ignores some entries [76297]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
fyurisich: For example, it ignores keywords starting with _ (please note that _ is added to "Allow chars in keywords". Also, if I insert new keywords, some old ones stop being highlighted. Example:!

Re: Clear History --> Access Violation [76296]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Confirmed, thank you for info. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: Dokola chybové hlášky [76295]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Jaká verze? Poslední 5.0.7? U několika uživatelů byl narušený PSpad.INI, což způsobovalo problémy. Včerejší build by měl zvládnout PSpad.ini v případě problémů opravit. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: Dokola chybové hlášky [76294]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu JardaB
Opravdu nevím, co dělám špatně, ale za mě je tato aplikace v současné době naprosto nepoužitelná. Program stále padá, přepisuje mi nebo vkládá nesmyslné znaky. Už se bojím otevřít více oken a pracovat najednou na více skriptech, protože jak spadne jedno, shodí to vše a ještě to přepíše nějaké znaky

Clear History --> Access Violation [76293]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Mat
Hitting twice *Clear History* in *Files and Dirs*, the second time it ends up with an 'Access Violation' - seems that clearing the history there, if the history is empty, causes this behaviour. Have a nice day! -- PSPad freeware editor https://www

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (665) English [76292]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Dotted lines are guided lines only. It helps readability, nothing else. You can disable codefolding or guided lines only in the program settings / Code folding (section under editor part 2) -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (665) English [76291]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu MadCompie
Hi, a small issue: when opening a COBOL file, the new code folding dotted lines seems to be random? And the codefolding menu items are all disabled. Perhaps there should also be an option to enable/disable codefolding? -- PSPad freeware editor http

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (665) English [76290]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
I will force tab repaint after file open -- PSPad freeware editor