Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (623) English [75597]

2021-05-05 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra


Seems you changed the line numbers display to 1  5 ... 10.
I did a quick search for a setting to change it back, but did not find it.
Can you please tell me where i can find the setting?

It was test awaiting reactions. There is no settings yeat, cause I am not
decided if i will let it there or not.

I think I like the new way, as it is now but I think that an option would be


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (623) English [75564]

2021-05-04 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Thank you for fixing the duplicate line issue.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (620) English [75545]

2021-05-03 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I really appreciate the code folder but I found a big difference in the last
The "Duplicate line" (ctrl+D for me) does not duplicate the current line (as
before) but it duplicates something regarding on the column where the cursor is.
I guess it duplicated from where the cursor is.
To replicate the old behavior I have to move the cursor at the beginning of the
line, this is quite annoying for me.
How to go back to the old behavior: duplicate the current line regardless of
what column the cursor is?
Thank you


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Perl sntax highlighter problem [75396]

2021-04-20 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Yes now it works.
I already reported this problem in the past.,66321,66321#msg-66321

While you don't know perl: after the q and the qq you can use any special
You can use (), {} [], but also / !

the stange thing was atht before with {} the whole line disappeared. Now it is
ok, the line does not disappear even using ()  ;

Thank you


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Shift+Ctrl+A [72590]

2020-01-26 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
It worked,
thank you


PSPad freeware editor

Shift+Ctrl+A [72587]

2020-01-25 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
in the last few versions I noticed a strange behavior.
I have the syntax highlight enabled and I am editing a perl script.
If I select Format --> Add Remove comment it does a single line comment as
But if I use the shortcut Shift+Ctrl+A it opens the Tool Panel, as if I pressed
If I press again Shift+Ctrl+A nothing happens and to close the Tools Panel I
have to press Ctrl+F2.
I tried to change the Syntax Highlight to php and C++ and it behaves in the same
I tried in two different computers, both have PsPad version 5.0.3 (367) and
Windows 10 version 1909 (OS build 18363.592).
I saw it some weeks ago, I don't know the version it started from.
It happens in both cases if I select multiple lines or the cursor is just on ne
Thank you


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.2 (346) English [72110]

2019-12-15 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
This version works, thank you


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.2 (345) English [72102]

2019-12-14 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I confirm that every time I close PsPAD I receive an Exception.
I receive this error every time I close pspad in all cases: I press the X at top
right or I select File --> Exit or I type Alt+F4.
Then I press Terminate and PsPad closes.
I have a windows 10 version 1909

Exception description:

Access violation at address 009F9A35 in module 'PSPad.exe'. Read of address

Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception address: 009F9A35

Stack list, generated 12/14/2019 9:06:25 PM
[009F9A35] uMain.TfPSPad.FormCloseQuery (Line 2236, "uMain.pas" + 30) + $A
[0069BBEF] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $63B
[00A11FD9] uMain.TfPSPad.SetPSpadUpdating (Line 9955, "uMain.pas" + 6) + $B
[009F99AF] uMain.TfPSPad.FormCloseQuery (Line 2219, "uMain.pas" + 13) + $5
[0066630D] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.CloseQuery + $55
[00666235] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.Close + $21
[006650D0] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WMClose + $0
[0069713A] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BE
[0069CCB1] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WMSetCursor + $101
[0069713A] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BE
[0069BBEF] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $63B
[00661BCD] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $64D
[0040A6C0] System.TMonitor.TryEnter + $28
[0040A1E8] System.TMonitor.Enter + $10
[0069B1BC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[004DF930] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[00663EEB] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.DefaultHandler + $4B
[0069D9C1] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WMSysCommand + $A1
[006651A1] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WMSysCommand + $55
[00A1CA4E] uMain.TfPSPad.WMSYSCOMMAND (Line 13848, "uMain.pas" + 1) + $6
[0069713A] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BE
[0069BBEF] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $63B
[0040A376] System.TMonitor.Exit + $6
[0069BBEF] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $63B
[00661BCD] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $64D
[0040A3D2] System.TMonitor.Exit + $1A
[0053F28B] Vcl.Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $9B
[0069B1BC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[004DF930] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[00735C40] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.WndProc (Line 6353, "SynEdit.pas" + 22) + $6
[00696D74] Vcl.Controls.TControl.Perform + $24
[00663EEB] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.DefaultHandler + $4B
[006977ED] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WMNCLButtonDown + $15
[00664D5C] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WMNCLButtonDown + $84
[0069713A] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BE
[0069BBEF] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $63B
[004DF930] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[0040A6C0] System.TMonitor.TryEnter + $28
[0040A1E8] System.TMonitor.Enter + $10
[0040A054] System.TMonitor.CheckOwningThread + $4
[0040A376] System.TMonitor.Exit + $6
[0040A3D2] System.TMonitor.Exit + $1A
[0053F28B] Vcl.Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $9B
[0069B1BC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0069B1D1] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $41
[004DF930] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[0069BBEF] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $63B
[00661BCD] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $64D
[0069B1BC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[004DF930] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[0066B5BB] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $F3
[0066B5FE] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[0066B931] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run + $C9
[00A45C05] PSPad.PSPad (Line 102, "PSPad.dpr" + 45) + $7

Program  : D:\Program Files\PSPad editor\PSPad.exe  5.0.2 (345)
System   : Windows 10 Home Edition x64, Version: 10.0, Build: 47BA, 
Processor: Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz, 1990 MHz MMX
Display  : 1920x1080 pixels, 32 bpp PPI: 120

Active Controls Hierarchy:
TPSSynEdit "FEditor1"
TfChildEdit "fChildEdit_B4156742"


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Tab format lost [71019]

2019-01-28 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Did you try to maximize one of the single document windows?
This should restore your tabs.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: perl brackets match [70310]

2018-06-07 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
In my last post I forgot to tell tat this happens only if the file type is set
to perl. If I change to text (or javascript or ... anything else) the hidden
text comes back.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: perl brackets match [70304]

2018-06-06 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Sorry, but there are still problems with the 'q' function in the perl syntax.

if I open a perl script and I type:

$v = q {

(Note: with the space after the =)

as soon as I type the { everything from the q (included the q) becomes
invisible. Like it is written in white over a white background.
The text is still there and if I remove the space between the = and the q
everything re-appears.

It is a small thing but sometimes it confuses me because often I put a space
after the =.

The text disappears when I enter the { regardless if I put a space after the q
or not.

I am using PsPad 5.0.0(277) 32 bit on windows 10 (64 bit).

Thank you


PSPad freeware editor

Re: perl brackets match [69914]

2018-02-22 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I tried with build 265 and seems to work for me, with both my initial examples.

Thank you very much, Jan


PSPad freeware editor

Re: perl brackets match [69888]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Yes, I know, perl is weird.
But I absolutely don't know.
I simply tried.

I open a terminal, in my case cygwin.
then I type perl 
then I paste
* text to paste * 
my $needSpecialCharacters = 1;
if ($needSpecialCharacters) { 
"You Need special characters.
" . 
"Special Characters are:
" . 
q {` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = \ | [ ] { } ' " ; : / ? . < > , } . 
Please enter at least one of them

* end text to paste ** 

it works.

While if I paste
* text to paste * 
my $needSpecialCharacters = 1;
if ($needSpecialCharacters) {
"You Need special characters.
" .
"Special Characters are:
" .
q /` # ~ ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = \ | [ ] { } ' " ; : / ? . < > , / .
Please enter at least one of them

* end text to paste ** 
It hangs.

I don't know why, I simply tried.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: perl brackets match [69884]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Hi Jan, 
thank you for the great work you do.

The q* operators ( q, qq, qx, qw) work (as often in perl) in a little strange
way. And I understand it can be quite complicated in a text editor.

Basically you put the q and then (after eventually a space) a special character.
That character is used also as closing character of the quoted text.
And, yes, that character can be parentheses '(  )', but also square brackets '[ 
]', braces '{  }', slashes '/  /',  even a exclamation mark '!  !'.

The following document, for example, uses the slash.

So, these expressions are all equivalent and work in perl.
q {` # ~ ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = \ | [ ] { } ' " ; : / ? . < > , }
q (` # ~ ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = \ | [ ] { } ' " ; : / ? . < > , )
q /` # ~ ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = \ | [ ] { } ' " ; : \/ ? . < > , /
q !` # ~ \! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = \ | [ ] { } ' " ; : / ? . < > , !

(Note that to make it work in perl I had to escape the / or the ! in the last
two expressions)
If you use a character different than { the braces matching works. But if you
use the braces, because of the # in the list of characters, it fails. 

This example is different than the first, here the braces matching fails because
of the comment character (#).

I hope this helps. If you need any help let me know.
Thank you


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Duplicate Line behavior change [69846]

2018-02-18 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
The old behavior is back, now, on build 261.
This works way better for me. If I want to duplicate a line I want to do it
regardless of what I have selected.
Thank you very much.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: perl brackets match [69843]

2018-02-17 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
No problem. 
Thank you for the great editor you made.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: perl brackets match [69841]

2018-02-17 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I just tried with built 261 and the problem is still there with both the
examples I wrote before.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: perl brackets match [69503]

2017-11-06 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I have another example of braces matching malfunctioning.
It is always in perl:

if ($needSpecialCharacters) {
"You Need special characters.
" .
"Special Characters are:
" .
q {` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = \ | [ ] { } ' " ; : / ? . < > , } .
"Please enter at least one of them


The Curly braces at the end of the if, in psPad, matches with the one after the
the q{} in perl means quote so everything inside is be considered a text as it
is without interpretation.

It is still not working.
I have PsPad 5.0.0 (251)



PSPad freeware editor

Re: perl brackets match [69453]

2017-10-30 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I just tested in PsPad 5.0.0 (251) and the problem is still there.
Note: the syntax highlight I am using is perl


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Duplicate Line behavior change [69452]

2017-10-30 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I have Windows 10, PsPad 5.0.0 (251)


PSPad freeware editor

Duplicate Line behavior change [69434]

2017-10-27 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I saw a change in the Duplicate Line function.

If I select something in a line and I choose Duplicate line (for me it is the
shortcut ctrl+D) it duplicates the line without the highlighted part.

This is a change from previous versions: before it simply duplicated the line as
it was.

And it is quite annoying for me: I often use to search for something, duplicate
the line (as it is) and change few things and go ahead on my search.
Now before duplicating the line I have to be careful that nothing is highlighted
before duplicating because otherwise the line is only partially copied (it is
not duplicated, it is copied with changes).

Is there a way to go back to the previous behavior? Is there an option
"Duplicate line duplicates the line regardless of what is highlighted"?

Thank you


PSPad freeware editor

Linux native version [68447]

2017-03-31 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
now that you use the last version of Delphi, would you be able to make a native
Linux version? ( a version that does not need a windows emulator like wine).
If you are planning to cross compile I would be happy to do some test for you.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Search: small bug [68433]

2017-03-30 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Thank you.


PSPad freeware editor

Search: small bug [68429]

2017-03-30 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I found a small bug in version 5.0.0 (163).
I don't know if it is a problem only of the translations or a more general
problem. I tried with the English localization and the Italian: it behaves in
the same way.

1) I open a file.
2) Then Search-->find (I have a shortcut with Ctrl+F for this)
3) I write a string in the search field i.e. john.
4) I press enter. It finds the first occurrence of john.
5) I press F3 (Find Next) several times until it reaches the last occurrence in
the document.
6) I press F3 again.
7) An alert popup appears saying: Next occurrence of "" not found. Continue
search ...
The problem is that between the quote it is empty and it should contain the
string I wrote at point 3 (john) or at least part of it.
The same empty string in the popup appears if at point 3 I write something that
cannot be found.

It is very useful to have in that popup alert the string I was looking for in
the case I rerun the same search (just pressing F3) later or in a different
file: it tells me if I a running the right search.

Thank you for the great program you wrote and you are maintaining.
(I can't wait to see it with the new Engine)


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Reformating HTML code [67662]

2017-01-11 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
You don't have to save the file.
In the status bar on the bottom of the window you can select the file type.
If you open a new file, probably, it is a text file. 
Clicking on the "Text" word it opens the "Change syntax" windows. If you select
HTML as file format the "Reformat HTML Code" option becomes available


PSPad freeware editor

Re: perl brackets match [67544]

2016-12-02 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Do you have time to look also at this bug?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: JSHint plugin [66987]

2016-05-04 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I followed the instruction in the file
I have JSHint installed and it works from the command line.
But when  I run the script from PsPad it shouls in the log the error:
'JSHINT' is undefined
What did I do wrong?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: perl brackets match [66343]

2015-12-13 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Did you have any time to take a look at this problem?



PSPad freeware editor

perl brackets match [66321]

2015-12-08 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
sometimes the matching bracket (ctrl+M) does not work as expected in perl syntax
highlighting, when the bracket is inside a regular expression and it is

This is the example

if ($condition) {
  if ($userData =~ /^\{/) {

(Basically I want to check if in the variable $userData there is a json data
structure so I check if it starts with { ; I could do in other ways but this
example shows this little bug in psPad ). 
The curly bracket inside the regular expression is escaped but psPad matches it
with the last one inthe 5th row.
The opened curly bracket after if ($condition) does not find any match (it is
shown in red).
Probably it does something similar also with other brackets but I don't have an
example ready right now.

Is there anything you can do?



PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad future - new editor engine [66143]

2015-10-19 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
If you need some help count on me.
I  don't know Delphi but for translation to Italian or perl syntax or other
things I can help.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad future - new editor engine [66107]

2015-10-14 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
It seems nice.
I opened a perl script in the demo and the code folder did not work but probably
this is something that simply needs to be tuned in pspad.

Thank you


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Multi-Search [63428]

2014-10-05 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I think you should ask Microsoft to solve your problem instead of bothering us
with tons of useless messages.
Or you can ask your mom, your teacher, who you want but if you don't want to
understand that you need to learn, listen and try by yourself to find your
solution you will never find somebody you solves your problems for you; unless
you pay a lot of money.
Please stop filling this forum with useless messages and grow up. or at least
try to grow up.

PSPad freeware editor


2014-09-23 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I think we need to plead the cause to make Jan Fiala Saint. 
Saint Jan protector of the text editors.

PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.8 (2463) English [61516]

2013-11-12 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
The Find matching bracket result position I asked works great!! thanks Jan

PSPad freeware editor

Re: 3 lines before Matching Brackets [61420]

2013-10-31 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
That's wonderful!
Thank you

PSPad freeware editor

Re: 3 lines before Matching Brackets [61371]

2013-10-24 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I mean: if I am on the ending bracket, I press ctrl+M and it shows the matching
line and 3 lines above.
In this way I can see the function name (or the previous statement).

PSPad freeware editor

3 lines before Matching Brackets [61368]

2013-10-23 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I often use the Matching Brackets command (Mapped to Ctrl+M in the keyboard).
sub myFunction 

If the function is short there is no problem but if the function is long and I
press ctrl+M at the closing bracket (}) it matches the opening one at the top of
the window. I need to do an extra step to see the function name: arrow up. 
(Note: I don't like this way of writing the code, for me it would be better to
put the opening bracket on the same line of the function definition, like
sub myFunction {
and this solves the problem but ... my colleagues force me to put the opening
bracket on a new line. This is why I am asking you about this feature.

Is there a way that when it matches the opening bracket it shows also two or
three lines below the matching one (maybe configurable)? This for all
statements: functions, if, while, for, ...

Or it is already possible and I don't know how to do?

Thanks and thank you more for this great editor.

PSPad freeware editor


2013-04-05 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I have windows 8 and no problem with pspad. 
I use the portable (zip) installation.

PSPad freeware editor

RE: Bugtracker [58073]

2012-01-08 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I know quite well Mantis but I never installed it in a public environment.

I can help anyway.

-Original Message-
From: Jan Fiala [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2012 12:00 AM
To: Forum PSPad
Subject: Bugtracker [58072]

I got information that nLift will end in near future.
There are 2 possibilities:
1. return back to bug forum
2. install any bugtracker for PSPad

For 2 possibility, is there anybody here who has experiences with any simple
(then more simple then better) bugtracker?

PSPad freeware editor

Příspěvek zaslán emailem.,58072,58072
PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.6 (2419) English [56946]

2011-07-31 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I had no problem to open the file with 7zip.

PSPad freeware editor

Re: using reg exp to find tick mark [56344]

2011-04-07 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Try something like this:


THe only problem is if there are commas between the ticks

PSPad freeware editor

Re: Mouse wheel not working in Windows 7 [55963]

2011-02-23 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I have Win7 x64 with a usb logitech mouse. The wheel works perfectly.
I think this is not a pspad problem but a windows one.
You should try to reinstall your windows.

PSPad freeware editor

Re: annoying Paragraph pop-up window [55855]

2011-02-17 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Settings -- program settings -- Editor (part2)
Set Autocomplete delay to 0.

PSPad freeware editor

Re: Undo (Ctrz-Z) is completely broken [55571]

2011-01-12 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I don't think it is related with the / character.
I tried in this way:
1) open a new file
2) enter a b ( a space b)
3) Backspace  -- deletes the b and the space (I have Trim trailing spaces
4) ctrl-z  -- restores the space and the b
5) ctrl-z again -- it shows the b (It should show only the a or the a and the

If I unset the Trim trailing spaces the ctrl-z works.
So it is something related with the space and this option.

By the way could it be possible to have the Trim trailing spaces only when you
save the file (maybe as an option)?

Thank you for this great editor.

PSPad freeware editor

=?windows-1250?Q?Re:_how_to_convince_the_cursor_to_go_to_next_line_at_the_end_of_line_?_[540= 42]?=

2010-06-06 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Setting--Program settings--editor (part 1)
uncheck Scroll past EOL and EOF.

PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad crashes ALL THE TIME [53951]

2010-05-26 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Did you try to reinstall XP?

I use pspad in several pcs with windows 7, vista and xp and I don't have any
Sometimes it crashes, yes, but rarely, very rarely.
Maybe you installed some programs that conflict. You should get a fresh
installation of XP (latest service pack and latest patch), install pspad and see
if it craches. Then install one by one all the programs you are using and see
what conflicts.

PSPad freeware editor


2010-05-26 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I have windows 7 and I don't see the problem.

I did as you said and the popup File Contents were Changed. Reload appears
only if I really change and save in notepad. 

For me it works great.

PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad crashes ALL THE TIME [53954]

2010-05-26 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Then you shouldn't use this editor.
Instead of using a free product and complain pay a lot of money and get a
commercial product.
There is no mediacl prscription for you to use pspad. Use ultraedit or textpad
or another editor that works for you. For me this works great.

PSPad freeware editor

Re: Drag 'n Drop from File Browser (Tool Panel) [53414]

2010-04-05 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Drag and drop should open a file. 
There are other ways to insert a link.
I never saw any editor that with drag 'n drop does anything else than open a
file. So this is the behaviour that anybody expects.

PSPad freeware editor

Text Difference Tool [52950]

2010-02-24 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I just finished to your the text difference.

It saved me DAYS of work, it is a wonderful tool!

Thank you very much Jan for this great Editor.

PSPad freeware editor

Re: Regular Expressions Replace [52833]

2010-02-18 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I have a similar problem.
I have a string like:
progr par1=1 par01=01 par02=02 par03=03 par04=04 par05=05 par06=06
par07=07 par08=08 par09=09 par10=10 par11=11 par12=12 par13=13

(all in one line)

I would like to see the parameters by line, one on each line.
I wanted to use the replace:
search: ' '
replace: '\n'

And it des not work. It does the first and then stop. If I restart the replace
with the same parameters it does another and then stop.
I guess it is a bug only if the regular expression is checked.

Thank you

PSPad freeware editor

Re: How change format quickly [52824]

2010-02-17 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Select from the menu Format -- Unix.

You can also select unix as your default file format in the settings -- files
and Dir -- new file format

If you to do as batch you need a program like dos2unix. Search in Yahoo or
google dos2unix winodws or dos2unix.exe

PSPad freeware editor

favorite files [52681]

2010-02-04 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
first of all thank you for this great program. As soon as I found it it become
my favorite editor.

A small thing I found on another commercial editor and I liked so I suggest to
add here even if it is not important.
Would be nice to have the possibility to have an area where to save some
favorites files.

I make an example.
Sometimes I need to open and change the windows hosts file. It is in a very
unconvenient place if you go to search it every time. But I don't neet to open
it so often I can find it in the recent files list. So every time I have to go
in all the subdirectories to open it.
It would be nice to have a favorite area where to save it so when I need I can
find rapidly.

Of course there are other methods: have a file with all my favorites, create
links (on the desktop) to open the file in pspad, I could create a project with
all these favorites files, ...
But also to have a favorite area in the file menu would be nice.

Thank you again

PSPad freeware editor

Re: favorite files [52683]

2010-02-04 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Thank you. 
I did not see it.
I am going to use more the tool panel.

PSPad freeware editor

Re: Auto-align cursor to right edge when changing lines [52579]

2010-01-31 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
Deselect scroll past EOL and EOF

PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.5 (2381) English [52259]

2010-01-08 Tema obsahu Massimo Balestra
I am working with this last patch right now.
Autoindent is on and I was able to disable the scroll past EOL and EOF.
I often insert characters and then undo. Everything seems to work correctly to

PSPad freeware editor