Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (235) English [68965]

2017-06-21 Tema obsahu starki7
_Export to RTF function_ I think that functions, *Export... *and *Export to Clipboard as RTF*, don't work completely. UTF-8 characters like *_蚞ȊŽ _*are not copied correctly, not matter which encoding I choose. I get *__d_1_e_c_0_d_* characters instead. Export to Clipboard as HTML copies those

Re: chovani funkce zakomentovani radku [68968]

2017-06-21 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: Byl by priklad k te druhe casti? Mel jsem na mysli posouvani pozice kurzoru pri zakomentovani a odkomentovani vzdy o rozsah

Re: chovani funkce zakomentovani radku [68967]

2017-06-21 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Byl by priklad k te druhe casti? -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (235) English - High DPI scaling issues [68969]

2017-06-21 Tema obsahu Solidornot
Three display issues on high DPI displays with scaling seem to have appeared. ... 1) The text in drop down menus is about twice the size it should be. Not the menu titles, which are the right size, but the text in the menu after it drops down. This is true regardless what size menu icons are

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (235) English - High DPI scaling issues [68970]

2017-06-21 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Hello Thank you for your report. If you have screenshot, publish them on any free image sharing service like I will try to simulate it. -- PSPad freeware editor

chovani funkce zakomentovani radku [68966]

2017-06-21 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, rad bych se zeptal na moznost upravy funkce zakomentovani radky (Menu - Format: Zakomentovat/Odkomentovat) Jednak by mi slo o "zprovozneni" teto funkce i na prazdnych radcich (v pspadu 4 to funguje, ve verzi 5 ne). A jeste bych chtel navrhnout souvisejici funkci (pokud by nebyla moc