Ok, (cross-posting to fossil-dev to move this discussion over after
this message)

I've got a few hours of staring at the sync exchange now and I have
some thoughts on it:

(I'd love feedback on these thoughts!)

1. There seems to be three ways to add this functionality
protocol-wise to fossil.
The first would make use of the pragma functionality. This has the
benefit/downside that
older servers would simply ignore the request for specific information
and the client would
get all data anyways.
The next option is to add a new 'verb' (branches perhaps?) to the protocol.
This would likely break sync against older servers but would seem to
do a less unexpected thing.
The last option is to do it completely client-side, however, I can't
yet see a way to do that without
the server still sending us everything and then the client filtering
and throwing away artifacts it's
uninterested in. This is appealing from a backwards compatibility
standpoint, but, it's rather un-parsimonious resource wise.

2. Is there any interest in having the ability to *Always* push/pull
*different* branches?
fsl setting pull-branches master
fsl setting push-branches trunk
fsl pull # this pulls from master
# edits on trunk
fsl ci
fsl push # this pushes trunk
fsl merge master
fsl sync # changes from master are now visible in trunk

The main use case I could see for this is an integrator who was taking
changes from non-canonical repositories and merging them into a main

3. Last, as long as we're adding more complicated logic to the sync,
it occurred to me that there might be a reason
for wanting to treat closed branches specially (without a flag like
--closed also applied). I'm not yet sure that there's
a compelling reason for it, but, I'm tossing it out there. I suppose
it could be used administratively to make sure that
dead branches don't get reopened without good reason.

Ok, time for sleep,


On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 8:29 PM, Brian Smith <br...@linuxfood.net> wrote:
> If I understand you correctly,
> Such a feature would seem to be very difficult to implement in fossil,
> since fossil records that information as tags on commits and doing that would
> necessitate either rewriting history (bad!), or to rewrite the
> information as its
> being unpacked and leave it unmodified in the database - which could lead
> to very surprising consequences if the repository was rebuilt.
> Re: syncing a subset of branches: I'm sort of tentatively looking over
> what it would
> take to modify fossil to do that. I'd like for it to be a weekend
> project, but I'm not
> overly optimistic since my weekend is pretty full at the moment.
> However, current thinking is that the user interface needs the
> following changes:
> 1. Several settings should be added: sync-branches, sync-tickets, sync-wiki
>    sync-tickets and sync-wiki should be ON by default in new clones
> to preserve the old behavior.
> 2. The clone command needs to set the above to whatever you cloned with.
> 3. The clone/push/pull/sync commands needs to respect the new flags:
> --branches, --tickets, --wiki
> 4. specifying one of the new flags to push/pull/sync should not modify
> the settings
> 5. if you clone with --branches and --tickets, for instance, sync-wiki
> should be set to false, but if you only clone with --branches,
> sync-wiki and sync-tickets should default to on.
> I'm still in the process of dissecting the protocol used for sync,
> once that's done I'll have a better idea of what it'll take
> internally to extend it (and surely questions about the best way to go
> about that).
> For the moment though, I'd like thoughts on the user facing changes.
> -B
> On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 8:01 PM,  <ala...@snell-pym.org.uk> wrote:
>> Relatedly (so may be easy to do at the same time, or leave hooks to do it 
>> later), I think it might be useful to pull from a repo with a prefix added 
>> to all tags/branches. Sort of like git remote branches, to examine some 
>> changes without them being able to mess up your own state.
>> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jan Danielsson <jan.m.daniels...@gmail.com>
>> Sender: fossil-users-boun...@lists.fossil-scm.org
>> Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 04:36:00
>> To: Fossil SCM user's discussion<fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org>
>> Reply-To: Fossil SCM user's discussion <fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org>
>> Subject: Re: [fossil-users] feature list?
>> On 10/22/11 03:44, Richard Hipp wrote:
>> [---]
>>>> ------
>>>> (2) Add the ability to push/pull/sync just a specific branch, as an
>>>> alternative to the current behavior of push/pull/sync of everything.
>>>> The current behavior should continue as the default.  Single-branch
>>>> push/pull/sync should be a command-line option.
>>>> ------
>>>>   Should this be interpreted literally: That only pull, push and sync
>>>> would support specifying a subset of artifacts -- or should it be
>>>> interpreted as including clone as well?
>>> Clone too.
>>> Also options to push/pull/sync/clone just wiki or tickets.
>>   Is anyone working on this?
>>   If there are no takers, I'll have a look at it.
>> --
>> Kind regards,
>> Jan Danielsson
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