I am currently giving embedded docs and the wiki another try (never had
much need for it till now) and am having some difficulties regarding
cross-linking between an embedded doc and any of the default wiki pages,
e.g. `wcontent' in a way that it works on a cgi-served repo and its local
clone. consider the document to reside in, say, `path-to-repo/www/doc.md'.

what I then see is:

in local clone:

link                   expands to
====                   ==========

../../../wcontent      http://localhost/wcontent  (OK)

/wcontent              http://localhost/wcontent  (OK)

wcontent              http://localhost/doc/trunk/www/wcontent  (not OK)

the same links expand in the cgi-served repo's GUI as

link                   expands to
====                   ==========

https://server.domain/repo.cgi/project-name/wcontent  (OK)

/wcontent              https://server.domain/wcontent  (not OK)

https://server.domain/repo.cgi/doc/trunk/www/wcontent (not OK)

while I _do_ understand that the last variant (purely relative identifier
`wcontent') does not work and is interpreted the way it is, i.e. as
pointing to a non-existing page (or rather file) in the `www' directory',
I'm at a loss regarding

I would have thought that `/wcontent' would work locally (as it actually
does) as well as on the server (which it does not). my (obviously
wrong/incomplete understanding so far is that `/wcontent' is an absolute
path relative to the repository root...

what is even more confusing and somewhat alarming is that hitting the
`/wcontent' link on the server GUI does not simply just not work with
error 404 or something like that but rather navigates to the home page of
another unrelated fossil cgi repository residing in the same directory on
the server. what's going on here?

any help in understanding this would be appreciated.



ps: if it matters: this is with fossil 1.34 ([63256980ee]) on the server
and 1.33 (18fc492a95) on the local machine

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