Please review the enhanced-symlink branch. I can't test it properly this weekend because I don't have Windows anywhere at home. On Monday I will give it another look, but perhaps before then someone else can try it out and share feedback. I'd like to get this merged into trunk and included in the next Fossil release, provided there are no objections.

This branch adds a new "l" flag to the manifest setting. When specified, the "l" flag causes a new manifest.symlinks file to be created which lists all files which are symlinks. On Unix, that's the whole story, nothing more to say. On Windows, this new file can be edited to change which files are and are not considered to be symlinks. Thus, it becomes possible to create and unlink symlinks on Windows.

I need this for a project that requires symlinks yet also needs to work in Windows. To make Fossil-style symlinks work in Windows, the few parts of my code that directly care about symlinks check a file I create in Linux that lists all the symlinks. Everything listed in that file is treated as Fossil-style symlinks, meaning that they are virtually replaced by whatever files or directories named within.

To avoid having to keep this symlink file up-to-date, I would prefer that Fossil generate it for me the same way it generates its other manifest files. To enable me to actually change my symlinks while doing Windows development, I want this file to be read back in by "fossil changes" and "fossil commit", after having potentially been edited.

None of this has any effect if the "l" flag is not set in the manifest setting. The effects of the "l" flag are also temporarily inhibited should the manifest.symlinks file be missing, though it will be regenerated after an update or a commit.

If the manifest setting's value is "1" (one) not "l" (ell), the manifest.symlinks file is disabled.

Andy Goth | <andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com>
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