Hi, all,

i'm looking for testers to try out the new /reports feature: filtering by
event type (checking, wiki, tag, ticket). It was just committed to trunk.

- It only allows selection of ONE event type (or the 'all' pseudo-type).
Though we discussed the possibility of adding multiple filters, the code
for it gets really ugly really quickly and prohibits passing on of that
information to the /timeline links used in some places (because the
timeline only supports one filter type and i'm not up for modifying that
beast to support multiple filters).

- Links which lead from /reports to /timeline "should" carry over that
filter. If any do not, that is a bug/missing feature.

- There are likely some minor misinteractions when combining with the
by-user filter, in that some links might not carry over both the user and
event type filters. Those should also be considered minor bugs/TODOs. e.g.
the user=xxx flag is not currently propagated in the event type filter
selection links, and to fix that properly i need to do some minor
refactoring (but it won't happen tonight).

This feature makes is _really_ easy to track down details for specific
types of activity. e.g. if you want to know how many ticket-related changes
Richard made in May, 2013, go to: /reports ==> "By User" ==> "tickets"
filter ==> "drh" ==> "2013-05". (The answer is 3.)

Please post bug reports and feature requests as replies to this post.

Happy Hacking!

----- stephan beal
fossil-users mailing list

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