I forgot to mention that I also push the commited
files to a remote repository.
The uplink is ~1MiB/s (~10Mbps) and the ping
from my local machine to the remote machine is about 20ms

So, even, if files were uploaded one by one,

~100k-files * 20ms = ~ 100 * 20 s = 2000s  < 3600s = 1h

So far it has taken over 6 hours.
The 4.4GiB of data should be uploaded in about 2h
(1MiB/s, 3600MiB/h )

The fossil process also takes up 100% of one of
the 3GHz CPU-cores, more than 6h in a row.
Fossil version: custom-compiled 1.35
Compile flags included -mtune=native -ftree-vectorize
CPU is AMD 64bit, ~3GHz

Remote repository URL (so that You can check the server response):

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