‎The new search functionality is awesome and quick - thanks, drh. It is a huge 
step forward to make Fossil usable for non-programmers, i.e. GUI-only users 
(managers, testers, documentation writers).

It's not quite there yet, IMHO. drh - and other valued contributors - what do 
you think about fixing or improving the following:

(Fossil 1.31 Win binary‎, /search page)

1. How about displaying the search results in table with sortable columns, 
similar to /brlist and ticket reports? Suggested columns would be mtime, type 
(doc/check-in/ticket etc.), creator username, filename (wiki title, ticket 
subject) and search hit snippet. (Add commit hash if 5. below is implemented).

This would cater for much more common use case where you can't remember - or 
don't know - the 'unique enough' search keywor‎d(s) to get relevant hits, but 
you do know a person who updated the content or roughly when it was done. By 
sorting on columns you can quickly zoom in on what's relevant even if there are 
lots of search hits due to common keyword.

2. Include search on full path filenames too. Sometimes I'm interested in 
specific file, but remember only roughly what it is called or where is it 
located. This would be even more useful if search can traverse commits and show 
deleted/renamed versions as well; sometimes I know there was a file with 'foo' 
in its name that I can't find anymore because someone has deleted or renamed it.

3. If the file extension is not wiki, the hyperlink to go to contains the first 
line of the file instead of the filename. So if I enable search of the source 
code by adding, say *.c in search admin page, instead of the full path 
filenames being displayed, I get the first line of the comment or copyright 
notice. It should be full path filename.

4. The search result hyperlinks should have the ?mimetype=text/plain suffix 
always set, otherwise if they are not wikis, then ‎they get served as 
downloads. It is more conceivable that I'd want to look at the file content 
instead. If I need to download, I can always quickly delete the suffix and get 

5. Search over past commits.  This probably deserves a separate discussion on 
its own. I hope that if it can be invoked with params that limit the keyword 
search on file extension, tag, date or number of hits, it can work fast enough 
even as full text search.  The challenge would be how to display the context 
for different use cases.

Thanks for Fossil, it is really useful software.


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