(I posted this initially to the "symlinks appear as regular files" thread,
reposting as new thread).

Someone reported to me that there are problems when a symlink is replaced
with a directory or vice versa. Here is the script that he generated to
illustrate the issue:

## Create repo and initial population

fossil init bare.repo

mkdir link_target_dir
touch link_target_file
mkdir work1
cd work1
fossil open ../bare.repo
touch file
mkdir dir1
touch dir1/file1
ln -s ../link_target_file .
ln -s ../link_target_dir .
fossil add *
fossil commit -m "add initial files" .

## Clone repo
cd ..
mkdir work2
cd work2
fossil open ../bare.repo

## Change file types in repo
cd ../work1
echo "Removing targets"
fossil rm  dir1 file link_target_dir link_target_file
fossil commit -m "remove all" .
chmod -R 700 dir1 file link_target_dir link_target_file
rm -rf dir1 file link_target_dir link_target_file
echo "Creating new targets swapping types"
ln -s ../link_target_dir dir1
ln -s ../link_target_file file
mkdir link_target_dir
touch link_target_file
touch link_target_dir/file2
echo "Adding to fossil"
fossil add *
echo "Commiting"
fossil commit -m "switch all types" .

## Attempt pull in clone
cd ../work2

## At this command Fossil fails because it cannot swap the directory dir1
for the link that was created in it's place
fossil update

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