Well, the real subject should be "fossil is not a CMS and, by the way,
not a blog".
Anyway, there is no "wiki" table; in a previous version I was able to
modify the title of one of the wiki pages via sql, but I don't
remember how (maybe I dreamed of doing it!).
As I said, suggesting to change the subject, maybe this is only due to
misunderstanding the concepts behind the design of fossil, but I'm not
able to produce a meaningful documentation out of fossil.
The subject I'm working on (more of a generic research effort than a
software project per se) does not have a "plan of the documentation"
which grows by several "threads" (resources, tools, methods,
activities -- and code is under resources and tools) so I should
manage a work-in-progress that is very difficult to manage by itself.
Someone could suggest to let fossil alone and use another tool, but
maybe my questions could be useful for others who are writing
documentation for very chaotic development processes.
There are several issues:

* handling of wiki pages by tag or hierarchical structure
Based on SQLite, so being intrinsically relational, fossil is a good
candidate for hypertextual and structured web pages.
Usually CMSs have a hierarchical structure, so the pathway to one
content is stictly:
on a relational/tag based structure you could have branches:
          +recipes/        fried/------+
so that the user could choose a different path.
CMS solve this issue with adjacency lists, fossil could use the same
type of structure used for handling branches, but in another way (and
with another meaning).
Unfortunately using tags to handle contents which are mainly
hierarchical or ask for a multiple hierarchical structure is not a
simple task.

* events (and tags)
 The same is true on events, which could be used for news/blogs on
advancement of the project.
Use of tags here is not a substitute for a title. A title as "artifact
xxyy..." is not very friendly. If you announce something you usually
say with a bold title and than explain what's happening...
Maybe it's only my fault, but the web interface does not help to add
any title afterwords.

* timeline and metadata
Timeline is not your friend if you correct typos or change the
formatting of your pages. It seems you are changing something
important and you are only adding a comma or changing the case of one
letter. Fossil doesn't know, so it diligently records all your acts.
There should be a way to tell it not to care for this sort of things
or maybe help it to filter out this sort of events. Am I missing
Metadata (comment, tags) are easily added when you checkin new files,
it's not the same on web. I would like to add metadata later and maybe
delete or hide the timeline items which are due to minor corrections.
Is it possibile? Could it become easier?

* search by tag (and order)
Obviously having things organized by tag and even hierarchically,
there is an order in content, so it could be useful (and for me it's
useful indeed) to be able to set the order of the tagged/hierarchical
content. Obviously some table is needed that handles the recursive
relation inside content, one of the columns imho should help to keep
order, an order which is not a chronological one, usually, as in web
content, you work on detail and then link details with a statement of
more general value. Isn't it?

I'm sorry for the very long message, any of these items could as well
become a message by itself, but I had to keep all together to explain
the experience and, maybe, give suggestions for future develompents on
these issues.
As I said the first time, I'm not sure if all this mess is only due to
a misunderstanding on my side. After looking at the documentation it
seems that these issues really exist, but still I'm not sure.
What is sure is that the repository for www.fossil-scm.org mainly use
wiki files and not the internal wiki, so the structure is somehow
indipended and could be versioned as in a standard scm.
I need to have some content on the first page, optimally with an sql
query (a view?) and maybe with a th macro that shows the main pages
for any of the four areas of documentation and the list of a few
timeline events, and I need to handle the pages with the internal wiki
structure, because the members of the group are not able to do

On Thu, 10 Feb 2011 Stephen De Gabrielle wrote:
> Sorry I don't know the answer, but I note that the fossil site does
> have a list of all pages. I don't know if that is manual or automatic.
> Another thing I noticed recently is the tickets report authoring can
> query arbitrary tables, but I don't know if there is a 'wiki' table.
> Cheers,
> Stephen
> On Thursday, February 10, 2011, Carlo A. Bertelli
> <carlo.berte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > maybe it's my fault, but I haven't found a way to build indexes of
> > wiki pages by tag or subject.
> > Is there a built-in faciity, a suggested th1 way or it's better to
> > make them by hand.
> > TIA for any suggestion.
> > c
> --
> Stephen De Gabrielle
> stephen.degabrie...@acm.org
> Telephone +44 (0)20 85670911
> Mobile        +44 (0)79 85189045
> http://www.degabrielle.name/stephen

Carlo A. Bertelli
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