
   RamDebugger is an IDE and Debugger for the TCL language. At the
same time, it is a GUI for cvs and fossil.



    Completely unrelated to RamDebugger SCM capabilities with cvs and
fossil, RamDebugger has an internal revisions system that create
automatic revisions of our edited files. To implement it, it uses
internally (in a transparent way for the user), the cvs system.

    Given the fact that cvs is becoming a real fossil, I have planned
to substitute cvs by fossil in the following version. There are
basically two ways of implementing it:

a) Every edited file has its own fossil repository

b) there is one repository and all the edited files go inside

I have implemented option a) and it has a problem. It is necessary to
make a lot of "fossil open" and "fossil close". Fossil open is a very
slow operation in this context.

I wanted to change to option b), but it has another problem. It should
be possible to purge all the revisions of one file. Provided that
there is no command line access to "shun" I do not know how to
implement it.

Do you have any idea on this?

PS: The fossil GUI part of RamDebugger can be used as a standalone
program. Check it here:


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