Re: [fossil-users] email testing - no subscriber table?

2018-06-26 Thread Olivier R.

Le 26/06/2018 à 09:25, j. van den hoff a écrit :
On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 23:57:35 +0200, jungle Boogie 

On 25 June 2018 at 14:51, Richard Hipp  wrote:

On 6/25/18, jungle Boogie  wrote:

If I inadvertently forward my email along
to someone/group without modifying the footer, the person/group would
be able to alter my subscription.

How can I fix that?

it seems the only way would be to _not_ include the link in each and 
every alert, no? maybe automated separate notification mail once every 
(3?) months ("your subscription details are here:") would be feasible? 
many mailing lists do the same (mailing subscription password reminders 
once a month or every 3 months). o.t.o.h.: it is of course not really a 
big deal to leave it as is (but the unintentional dissemination of the 
subscription links via forwarding the alert mails will then happen 
regularly, of course).

Why not just include the unsubscribe link (*)?

Users enter their e-mail and get via e-mail a link to unsubscribe or 
change the subscriptions.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] email testing - no subscriber table?

2018-06-23 Thread Olivier R.

Le 23/06/2018 à 22:07, Richard Hipp a écrit :

Just FYI:

I have opened up email notifications on the canonical Fossil
repository.  To subscribe, visit:

Your help in finding creative ways of breaking the new system is appreciated.

Please note that this is still a work-in-progress.  All subscription
data may be erased at any time.  Email notifications might be disabled
at any time, in order to close security holes or otherwise work on the

I tried to subscribe to announcements. When clicking on the confirmation 
link, I got an error message:

SQLITE_ERROR: near "WHERE": syntax error
Database Error

near "WHERE": syntax error: {UPDATE subscriber SET sdonotcall=0, 
sdigest=0, ssub='a', smtime=julianday('now'), 
smip='2a01:e34:ef81:f330:9d31:8a60:9929:cf57', WHERE 

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Perception of Fossil

2018-06-16 Thread Olivier R.

Le 16/06/2018 à 17:05, Eduardo Morras a écrit :

I partially disagree. If you allow anonymous people to pull / commit /
merge data to your 'central repository', you can get easily spammed. If
I pull-request 100 images of 10MB your system will go down. Multiply it
by several 'funny guys' on more than one repository and fossil
credibility / reputation will be -1.

The idea is not to allow anonymous to commit or merge. It’s to allow 
anonymous to send a bundle that doesn’t modify the code or the history. 
The package is a way to ask to commit some code.

But yes, there should be a way to limit the bundle size and a way to 
limit the overall size allowed to store these bundles.

And obviously, an option to disable the feature would be useful too.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Perception of Fossil

2018-06-15 Thread Olivier R.

Le 15/06/2018 à 22:55, John Found a écrit :

On Fri, 15 Jun 2018 16:44:55 -0400
Richard Hipp  wrote:

Other ideas for what to name this (hypothetical and unimplemented) command:

fossil contribute
fossil bequest
fossil bestow
fossil proffer

fossil propose

fossil commit-request
fossil ci-rq (as shorcut)
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Perception of Fossil

2018-06-15 Thread Olivier R.

It looks good to me.
Actually, implementation details doesn’t really matter as long as it’s 
easy to contributors to push a “pull-request” (however we call it), easy 
for admins to check it (being able to do it also via the UI would be 
very nice) and accept or refuse it, and if it doesn’t make the history 
unreadable, it’s marvelous. Asking contact information is obviously a 
good idea. It would be nice also if we could setup the maximum size 
allowed for a patch (or the overall maximum size allowed for the db to 
store pull-requests) to prevent data-bombing.


Le 15/06/2018 à 19:35, Richard Hipp a écrit :

On 6/15/18, David Mason  wrote:

I heartily agree with this... A flag to allow a person (including
Anonymous) to make a commit that would automatically go into a new branch
like "Patch-1" (each one incrementing the branch number) is (a) better than
emailed patches, and (b) better than pull requests. Primarily because it
puts it into Fossil so you can use all your standard workflows.

The "Patch-?" branches should not be automatically synced, and if you do a
sync with some special flag, it should offer each of the existing patch
branches and allow you to agree to sync it, or not. Then there needs to be
a way to delete the patch branches (whether included into the trunk or not)

An alternative design sketch:

(1) Anonymous clones repo CoolApp

(2) Anonymous makes changes to CoolApp and checks those changes into a
branch named "anon-patch" on her private clone.  Repeat this step as
necessary to get anon-patch working.

(3) Anonymous runs the command "fossil pullrequest anon-patch"

(4) The pullrequest command creates a "bundle" out of the "anon-patch"
branch and then transmits that bundle back to the server from which
the clone originated.

(5) The server accepts the bundle and parks it in a separate holding
table, but does not merge it or otherwise make it available to average
passers by.  The server then sends email notifications to developers
with appropriate privileges to let them know that a pull request has

(6) Developers who receive notification of the pull request can run a
command that pulls down the bundle and applies it as a private branch
on their own personal clones of the repo.  Developers can then either
approve of the pull request by publishing it (marking it non-private)
and pushing it back to the server.  Or they can reject the pull
request which erases it from their clone.  They might also cause the
pull request to be erased from the holding table on the server.

Additional notes:

Prior to step (3), Fossil might require Anonymous to provide contact
information so that developers can get in touch in case there are
questions or requests for clarification.  Anonymous might also be
asked to sign a contributors agreement to be included in the bundle
(as an entry in the bconfig table).

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Perception of Fossil

2018-06-15 Thread Olivier R.

Le 15/06/2018 à 01:32, Chad Perrin a écrit :

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 09:59:12PM +0100, Thomas wrote:

Pull requests are not supported, hence the software can't be used for
community driven open source.

The pull request interface on GitHub is a feature of GitHub, not of Git.
While it would be nice to have a similar feature built into the Fossil
web UI, doing it the same way would require having a centralized website
on which to implement it.  Something similar could theoretically be
supported in Fossil itself, but would not be identical to the way
GitHub's pull request feature works.

I also feel that PR is missing in Fossil. Giving rights to unknown 
people to allow them to modify the repo is annoying.

When someone clones the repo, make one or several commit(s), then push 
to the repo without having the right to change it, this commit could be 
queued somewhere (in a temporary branch maybe?), then the 
administrator(s) may apply it as it is or with modifications, or refuse 
it. To avoid spams and useless commits, it should be allowed to delete 
unwanted changes waiting in the queue.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Stress testing www4... (was Re: [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-12-23 Thread Olivier R.

Le 23/12/2017 à 02:14, Richard Hipp a écrit :

I did a half-baked idle timer in the latest check-in, using the
--max-latency option.

 fossil server --max-latency 30

I cloned the Fossil repo, built the new version and also relaunch Fossil 

nohub fossil server --max-latency 30 &

Is it a problem if users only use Fossil 2.4 at home?
I assume it’s not, but I prefer to ask.

I also rebuilt the repo.
Does other users must rebuild on their side or is it enough to sync only?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-12-22 Thread Olivier R.

Le 22/12/2017 à 21:34, Richard Hipp a écrit :

On 12/22/17, Olivier R.  wrote:

I also run Fossil on a cheap VPS.
(The starter version at €2.99/month)

I'm building up a new Fossil server on this VPS now - on an ARM64-2G
machine in Paris.  It is slow-going.  Apparently the 2.99/mo ARM64
machines are not very fast :-)

I’m not using the ARM version but the x86-64 version.
And it’s fast enough for me and fits my needs. My repo is small: only 
130 Gb.

Note that the bug usually happens after weeks or months, but then it 
slows down quite quickly as new processes seem more likely to pop up 
when it has begun.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-12-22 Thread Olivier R.

Le 22/12/2017 à 22:39, Richard Hipp a écrit :

On 12/22/17, Olivier R.  wrote:

I also run Fossil on a cheap VPS.

Maybe you have used up your bandwidth quota and the ISP is throttling
your connection?

There is no bandwidth quota.
And when I kill the processes and relaunch Fossil, it runs quickly.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-12-22 Thread Olivier R.

Le 22/12/2017 à 18:41, Warren Young a écrit :

I’ve added the user to the “wireshark” group, but it doesn’t work.

You have to log out and back in before group changes will take

That’s what I did. But it didn’t work.

So I used `lsof -i:8080` again.

Here is the difference with the previous connections:

So it seems that almost all connections seen few hours ago are still there.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-12-22 Thread Olivier R.

Le 22/12/2017 à 19:57, Warren Young a écrit :

On Dec 22, 2017, at 9:03 AM, Warren Young 

Olivier, what about memory usage for the Fossil processes?  “top”
can give you this.

I just checked my public server, and each of the 4 Fossil instances
is taking about 20 MB of VM, of which only about 800 kB is resident.
top calculates this as 0.2% of the server’s small allocation of
virtual RAM.  (It’s a cheap VPS, not a real server.)

I also run Fossil on a cheap VPS.
(The starter version at €2.99/month)

There is no memory overload (it seems).

top - 19:40:57 up 238 days,  9:50,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Tasks: 110 total,   1 running, 108 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.2 us,  0.0 sy,  0.0 ni, 99.3 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si, 
0.5 st

KiB Mem:   2049824 total,  1782024 used,   267800 free,   155636 buffers
KiB Swap:0 total,0 used,0 free.  1436172 cached Mem

10468 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
10469 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
10470 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
10471 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
10474 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
10475 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
10477 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
12333 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
12334 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
12335 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
12336 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
12337 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
12340 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
12341 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
15143 myuser20   0   14876   3452   2724 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
15144 myuser20   0   14876   3452   2724 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
17096 myuser20   0   80656   4420   3568 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.01 sshd
17097 myuser20   0   12708   1760   1600 S   0.0  0.1   0:00.00 

17098 myuser20   0   22784   4640   3340 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.09 bash
17107 myuser20   0   0  0  0 Z   0.0  0.0   0:00.01 fossil2
17108 myuser20   0   23628   2896   2440 R   0.0  0.1   0:00.04 top
17876 myuser20   0   14872   4248   3524 S   0.0  0.2   0:41.50 fossil2
20253 myuser20   0   14876   3452   2724 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
25581 myuser20   0   14876   3448   2720 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
25582 myuser20   0   14876   3448   2720 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
28558 myuser20   0   14876   3448   2720 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
28559 myuser20   0   14876   3448   2720 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
30076 myuser20   0   14876   3448   2720 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
30077 myuser20   0   14876   3448   2720 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2
31100 myuser20   0   14876   3452   2724 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 fossil2

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-12-22 Thread Olivier R.

Le 22/12/2017 à 16:10, Warren Young a écrit :

1. Your repo is public-facing.  Is this a reasonable number of
clients to be connected at any given time to this repo?  It seems
high to me, given the transient nature of most Fossil connections.

Only two devs have the right to modify the online repository.
I’d be surprised if there were more than 5 people connected to this repo 
at the same time.

lsof -i

Here again I expected you to look at the docs and infer that I meant
for you to filter out only the interesting ports, 8080 in your case.

Hmm. Sorry.
As I said before, this server only runs Fossil and has no other purpose.

lsof -i:8080

fossil2 10468 myuser0u  IPv4 42925675  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt->hn.kd.ny.adsl:59187 (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10468 myuser1u  IPv4 42925675  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt->hn.kd.ny.adsl:59187 (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10468 myuser2u  IPv4 42925675  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt->hn.kd.ny.adsl:59187 (ESTABLISHED)

fossil2 10468 myuser3u  IPv4 35083942  0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
fossil2 10469 myuser0u  IPv4 42925676  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10469 myuser1u  IPv4 42925676  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10469 myuser2u  IPv4 42925676  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)

fossil2 10469 myuser3u  IPv4 35083942  0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
fossil2 10470 myuser0u  IPv4 42925678  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10470 myuser1u  IPv4 42925678  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10470 myuser2u  IPv4 42925678  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)

fossil2 10470 myuser3u  IPv4 35083942  0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
fossil2 10471 myuser0u  IPv4 42925679  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10471 myuser1u  IPv4 42925679  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10471 myuser2u  IPv4 42925679  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)

fossil2 10471 myuser3u  IPv4 35083942  0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
fossil2 10474 myuser0u  IPv4 42925688  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10474 myuser1u  IPv4 42925688  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10474 myuser2u  IPv4 42925688  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)

fossil2 10474 myuser3u  IPv4 35083942  0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
fossil2 10475 myuser0u  IPv4 42925700  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10475 myuser1u  IPv4 42925700  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10475 myuser2u  IPv4 42925700  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)

fossil2 10475 myuser3u  IPv4 35083942  0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
fossil2 10477 myuser0u  IPv4 42925703  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10477 myuser1u  IPv4 42925703  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 10477 myuser2u  IPv4 42925703  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)

fossil2 10477 myuser3u  IPv4 35083942  0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
fossil2 12333 myuser0u  IPv4 42952323  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 12333 myuser1u  IPv4 42952323  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 12333 myuser2u  IPv4 42952323  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)

fossil2 12333 myuser3u  IPv4 35083942  0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
fossil2 12334 myuser0u  IPv4 42952324  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 12334 myuser1u  IPv4 42952324  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 12334 myuser2u  IPv4 42952324  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)

fossil2 12334 myuser3u  IPv4 35083942  0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
fossil2 12335 myuser0u  IPv4 42952325  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 12335 myuser1u  IPv4 42952325  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 12335 myuser2u  IPv4 42952325  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)

fossil2 12335 myuser3u  IPv4 35083942  0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
fossil2 12336 myuser0u  IPv4 42952329  0t0  TCP 
scw-f45a9f:http-alt-> (ESTABLISHED)
fossil2 12336 myuser 

Re: [fossil-users] [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-12-22 Thread Olivier R.

Le 22/12/2017 à 15:59, Richard Hipp a écrit :

On 12/22/17, Olivier R.  wrote:

There is now more than 24 subprocesses of Fossil running, and it’s
getting really slow.

Are you saying that these 24 Fossils are spinning - using CPU cycles -
not just hung waiting on I/O?

These processes doesn’t seem to use much CPU time, but actually 
interaction with Fossil is now *very* slow.

top - 15:19:22 up 238 days,  5:28,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Tasks: 111 total,   1 running, 109 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.0 us,  0.2 sy,  0.0 ni, 99.5 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si, 
0.3 st

KiB Mem:   2049824 total,  1650376 used,   399448 free,   154816 buffers
KiB Swap:0 total,0 used,0 free.  1308056 cached Mem

12873 myuser20   0   80660   4540   3696 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.11 
`- sshd
13229 myuser20   0   80660   4456   3608 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.02 
`- sshd
13230 myuser20   0   12708   1780   1624 S   0.0  0.1   0:00.00 
`- sftp-server
13231 myuser20   0   22784   4564   3268 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.09 
`- bash
13241 myuser20   0   23628   3012   2456 R   0.3  0.1   0:00.38 
`- top
17876 myuser20   0   14872   4248   3524 S   0.0  0.2   0:41.40  `- 
31100 myuser20   0   14876   3452   2724 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
30076 myuser20   0   14876   3448   2720 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
30077 myuser20   0   14876   3448   2720 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
20253 myuser20   0   14876   3452   2724 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
25581 myuser20   0   14876   3448   2720 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
25582 myuser20   0   14876   3448   2720 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
15143 myuser20   0   14876   3452   2724 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
15144 myuser20   0   14876   3452   2724 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
28558 myuser20   0   14876   3448   2720 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
28559 myuser20   0   14876   3448   2720 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
10468 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
10469 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
10470 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
10471 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
10474 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
10475 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
10477 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
12333 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
12334 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
12335 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
12336 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
12337 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
12340 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
12341 myuser20   0   14876   3516   2784 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.00 
`- fossil2
13247 myuser20   0   0  0  0 Z   0.0  0.0   0:00.01 
`- fossil2

You can see how slow it is by going there:

In normal times, it works fast.

I’ll have to kill all these processes soon and relaunch Fossil.
I’ll do it when you think you have enough information about this 
problem. I’ll use Fossil 2.4 next time.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-12-22 Thread Olivier R.

Le 19/12/2017 à 21:49, Warren Young a écrit :

If it’s a sign of a bug, then it means something very bad has
happened, like the network stack has lost track of its client
somehow.  To see that, you’d need to do a network capture on that
fossil instance’s network sockets.  Use netstat -nap or lsof -i to
find out which TCP ports those are.

There is now more than 24 subprocesses of Fossil running, and it’s 
getting really slow.

netstat -na | grep :8080

tcp0  0*   LISTEN
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 

After clicking on “timeline” on the web ui.

netstat -nap | grep :8080

(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
 will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp0  0* 
LISTEN  10468/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 10468/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 10474/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 20253/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 12334/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 12340/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 10477/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 25582/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 28559/fossil2
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 28558/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 15143/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 31100/fossil2
tcp  389  0 
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 12341/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 10469/fossil2
tcp  388  0 
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 12335/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 25581/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 10470/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 10471/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 12337/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 30076/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 10475/fossil2
tcp0  0 
ESTABLISHED 12333/fossil2
tcp0  0 

Re: [fossil-users] [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-12-19 Thread Olivier R.

Le 19/12/2017 à 02:00, Warren Young a écrit :

On Dec 18, 2017, at 6:52 AM, Olivier R.  wrote:

When gdb was active, Fossil didn’t answer when asking for a
webpage. It seemed blocked.

That’s exactly what happens.  If you want the process to run while
GDB remains attached, say “cont” after attaching.

Here is what gdb said:

Did it say the same thing if you reattached each time?

New try:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x7fd8ff85e873 in __select_nocancel () at 
#1  0x00416162 in cgi_http_server (mnPort=mnPort@entry=8080, 
zBrowser=, zBrowser@entry=0x0, 
zIpAddr=zIpAddr@entry=0x0, flags=flags@entry=12)

at ./src/cgi.c:1845
#2  0x0044f92a in cmd_webserver () at ./src/main.c:2493
#3  0x00407fec in main (argc=, argv=out>) at ./src/main.c:760

New try (after performing some actions):

(gdb) bt
#0  0x7fd8ff85e873 in __select_nocancel () at 
#1  0x00416162 in cgi_http_server (mnPort=mnPort@entry=8080, 
zBrowser=, zBrowser@entry=0x0, 
zIpAddr=zIpAddr@entry=0x0, flags=flags@entry=12)

at ./src/cgi.c:1845
#2  0x0044f92a in cmd_webserver () at ./src/main.c:2493
#3  0x00407fec in main (argc=, argv=out>) at ./src/main.c:760

I also launched gdb on different subprocesses:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x7fd8ff858ba0 in __read_nocancel () at 
#1  0x7fd8ff7f23a0 in _IO_new_file_underflow (fp=0x7fd8ffb234e0 
<_IO_2_1_stdin_>) at fileops.c:605
#2  0x7fd8ff7f31ce in __GI__IO_default_uflow (fp=0x7fd8ffb234e0 
<_IO_2_1_stdin_>) at genops.c:435
#3  0x7fd8ff7e7f84 in __GI__IO_getline_info 
(fp=fp@entry=0x7fd8ffb234e0 <_IO_2_1_stdin_>,
buf=buf@entry=0x7ffd56077bf0 "GET", n=n@entry=1999, 
delim=delim@entry=10, extract_delim=extract_delim@entry=1,

eof=eof@entry=0x0) at iogetline.c:69
#4  0x7fd8ff7e8078 in __GI__IO_getline (fp=fp@entry=0x7fd8ffb234e0 
buf=buf@entry=0x7ffd56077bf0 "GET", n=n@entry=1999, 
delim=delim@entry=10, extract_delim=extract_delim@entry=1)

at iogetline.c:38
#5  0x7fd8ff7e6e96 in _IO_fgets (buf=buf@entry=0x7ffd56077bf0 "GET", 

fp=0x7fd8ffb234e0 <_IO_2_1_stdin_>) at iofgets.c:56
#6  0x0041727e in cgi_handle_http_request (zIpAddr=out>, zIpAddr@entry=0x0) at ./src/cgi.c:1414

#7  0x0044f9c1 in cmd_webserver () at ./src/main.c:2511
#8  0x00407fec in main (argc=, argv=out>) at ./src/main.c:760

(gdb) bt
#0  0x7fd8ff858ba0 in __read_nocancel () at 
#1  0x7fd8ff7f23a0 in _IO_new_file_underflow (fp=0x7fd8ffb234e0 
<_IO_2_1_stdin_>) at fileops.c:605
#2  0x7fd8ff7f31ce in __GI__IO_default_uflow (fp=0x7fd8ffb234e0 
<_IO_2_1_stdin_>) at genops.c:435
#3  0x7fd8ff7e7f84 in __GI__IO_getline_info 
(fp=fp@entry=0x7fd8ffb234e0 <_IO_2_1_stdin_>,
buf=buf@entry=0x7ffd56077bf0 "ut", n=n@entry=1999, 
delim=delim@entry=10, extract_delim=extract_delim@entry=1,

eof=eof@entry=0x0) at iogetline.c:69
#4  0x7fd8ff7e8078 in __GI__IO_getline (fp=fp@entry=0x7fd8ffb234e0 
buf=buf@entry=0x7ffd56077bf0 "ut", n=n@entry=1999, 
delim=delim@entry=10, extract_delim=extract_delim@entry=1)

at iogetline.c:38
#5  0x7fd8ff7e6e96 in _IO_fgets (buf=buf@entry=0x7ffd56077bf0 "ut", 

fp=0x7fd8ffb234e0 <_IO_2_1_stdin_>) at iofgets.c:56
#6  0x00417118 in cgi_handle_http_request 
(zIpAddr=zIpAddr@entry=0x0) at ./src/cgi.c:1376

#7  0x0044f9c1 in cmd_webserver () at ./src/main.c:2511
#8  0x00407fec in main (argc=, argv=out>) at ./src/main.c:760

(gdb) bt
#0  0x7fd8ff858ba0 in __read_nocancel () at 
#1  0x7fd8ff7f23a0 in _IO_new_file_underflow (fp=0x7fd8ffb234e0 
<_IO_2_1_stdin_>) at fileops.c:605
#2  0x7fd8ff7f31ce in __GI__IO_default_uflow (fp=0x7fd8ffb234e0 
<_IO_2_1_stdin_>) at genops.c:435
#3  0x7fd8ff7e7f84 in __GI__IO_getline_info 
(fp=fp@entry=0x7fd8ffb234e0 <_IO_2_1_stdin_>,
buf=buf@entry=0x7ffd56077bf0 "ut", n=n@entry=1999, 
delim=delim@entry=10, extract_delim=extract_delim@entry=1,

eof=eof@entry=0x0) at iogetline.c:69
#4  0x7fd8ff7e8078 in __GI__IO_getline (fp=fp@entry=0x7fd8ffb234e0 
buf=buf@entry=0x7ffd56077bf0 "ut", n=n@entry=1999, 
delim=delim@entry=10, extract_delim=extract_delim@entry=1)

at iogetline.c:38
#5  0x7fd8ff7e6e96 in _IO_fgets (buf=buf@entry=0x7ffd56077bf0 "ut", 

fp=0x7fd8ffb234e0 <_IO_2_1_stdin_>) at iofgets.c:56
#6  0x00417118 in cgi_handle_http_request 
(zIpAddr=zIpAddr@entry=0x0) at ./src/cgi.c:1376

#7  0x0044f9c1 in cmd_webserver () at ./src/main.c:251

Re: [fossil-users] [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-12-18 Thread Olivier R.

OK. It happened again while I was away for few days.

The main process has created 10 subprocesses. Fossil was very slow.

I used gdb on the main process.

When gdb was active, Fossil didn’t answer when asking for a webpage. It 
seemed blocked. And Fossil was responsive again few seconds after I quit 

This time I didn’t kill the processes. I can try to do something else if 
you want.

Here is what gdb said:

GNU gdb (Debian 7.7.1+dfsg-5) 7.7.1
Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 

This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".
Attaching to process 17876
Reading symbols from /usr/bin/fossil2...done.
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/ debugging symbols 

Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/
Reading symbols from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbols 
from /usr/lib/debug//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Loaded symbols for /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Reading symbols from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbols 
from /usr/lib/debug//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Loaded symbols for /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Reading symbols from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbols 
from /usr/lib/debug//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Loaded symbols for /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Reading symbols from /lib64/ symbols from 

Loaded symbols for /lib64/
0x7fd8ff85e873 in __select_nocancel () at 

81  ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0  0x7fd8ff85e873 in __select_nocancel () at 
#1  0x00416162 in cgi_http_server (mnPort=mnPort@entry=8080, 
mxPort=mxPort@entry=8180, zBrowser=, zBrowser@entry=0x0,

zIpAddr=zIpAddr@entry=0x0, flags=flags@entry=12) at ./src/cgi.c:1845
#2  0x0044f92a in cmd_webserver () at ./src/main.c:2493
#3  0x00407fec in main (argc=, argv=out>) at ./src/main.c:760

(gdb) quit
A debugging session is active.

Inferior 1 [process 17876] will be detached.

Quit anyway? (y or n) y

Le 06/11/2017 à 18:19, Warren Young a écrit :

Problem #1 could be fixed (in principle) without any more help from
you, Oliver: PIDs 888 and 893 are zombies, meaning Fossil is forking
off children without calling wait() on them.  That’s why their VIRT
column shows as 0 in your screenshot: the kernel has stripped all
resources from them it can, and is holding onto only the exit status
and such for the parent’s benefit.  This is a bug in Fossil, plain
and simple.

That said, zombies are nearly harmless, merely adding noise to the
process table.  They don’t explain your actual symptom.

The remaining PIDs are all certainly a single parent with multiple
children.  You’d have to run top in “tree” mode or show the PPID
column to find out which one is the parent.  You can tell without
doing that by the fact that all of the VIRT column values are
identical, meaning that within the limits of top’s reporting
resolution, the children are allocating no dynamic virtual memory of
their own, which is what we’d expect from a forking HTTP
child-per-conn model.

Given all of that, I’d just pick one of the PIDs and attach to it:

$ gdb -p 26819

If that works, say “bt” when attached, then “quit” to detach again.
Post the backtrace output here, Oliver.

If it doesn’t work, it’s probably due to lack of debugging permission
on the target system, in which case you’ve got some sysadminning
ahead of you, not on topic here.

But, this does not look like a madly-spinning system.  The CPU is
idle and the PIDs are pretty far apart.

Basically, it’s looking like each one is the result of an HTTP
transaction and the child just isn’t dying at transaction end as it
should.  This should only be a serious problem when the children
collectively hold so many resources that the system can’t run

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Trolling GitHub for ideas

2017-11-28 Thread Olivier R.

Le 25/11/2017 à 15:17, Richard Hipp a écrit :

Your suggestions for useful features found in GitHub but missing from
Fossil, or for pages in GitHub that work especially well and that you
would like to see replicated in Fossil, are greatly appreciated.

Applying a patch/diff from someone who has no right on the repo.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Interface improvement ideas from GitHub

2017-11-25 Thread Olivier R.

Le 25/11/2017 à 14:53, Richard Hipp a écrit :

I notice on diff pages of GitHub (ex:
that above and below each diff chunk there is a light-blue block on
the left with an icon in the middle.  If you hover over this area, you
get a pop-up hint that says "Expand".  If you click, it adds more
context to the diff.


(1) What's the best way to add mouse-over pop-up hints, in raw CSS+JS,
without using a "framework"?

This label is not made with CCS+JS. It’s just basic HTML.
There is a property ‘title’ on the node: title="Expand"

If you want to display a more complex tooltip, you can have a look here 
how it is done:

(2) How do they implement this "expand the diff context" feature?
Surely this is something that needs to be added to Fossil, don't you

This is probably an AJAX request made with XMLHttpRequest:

A basic example:

Basically, you sent a request to a server like if it was a normal GET 
request (except that you don’t tell to the browser to go to another 
page). The server send text as an answer (usually HTML, JSON, XML or 
plain text), and when you get the answer, you can process it or just 
display it in a node.

A simple way is to send a GET request, the server send an answer in HTML 
(not a full page, just what you need), then you set the HTML received in 
a empty node with the property innerHTML.

Maybe there is another way to do it. My knowledge in this area is not up 
to date.

But the better way, if the file is not too large, is probably to load 
the entire file and to hide what is not necessary.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-11-06 Thread Olivier R.

Le 06/11/2017 à 18:19, Warren Young a écrit :

The remaining PIDs are all certainly a single parent with multiple
children.  You’d have to run top in “tree” mode or show the PPID
column to find out which one is the parent.  You can tell without
doing that by the fact that all of the VIRT column values are
identical, meaning that within the limits of top’s reporting
resolution, the children are allocating no dynamic virtual memory of
their own, which is what we’d expect from a forking HTTP
child-per-conn model.

Given all of that, I’d just pick one of the PIDs and attach to it:

$ gdb -p 26819

If that works, say “bt” when attached, then “quit” to detach again.
Post the backtrace output here, Oliver.

If it doesn’t work, it’s probably due to lack of debugging permission
on the target system, in which case you’ve got some sysadminning
ahead of you, not on topic here.

But, this does not look like a madly-spinning system.  The CPU is
idle and the PIDs are pretty far apart.

Basically, it’s looking like each one is the result of an HTTP
transaction and the child just isn’t dying at transaction end as it
should.  This should only be a serious problem when the children
collectively hold so many resources that the system can’t run

Bottom line, I don’t think the top output explains the problem. 

Thank you for the explanation.

The server on which Fossil is running is dedicated to this task, I don’t 
do anything else with it.

When I reported the problem I had killed all processes and had 
relaunched Fossil. I now run the version I compiled, and will do as you 
said as soon as I noticed the problem occurs again. I still have no clue 
of what can produce this behavior.

We’ll have to wait.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-11-03 Thread Olivier R.

Le 03/11/2017 à 10:22, Richard Hipp a écrit :

On 11/3/17, Olivier R.  wrote:

And today, Fossil was already very slow and I discovered that there were
more than ten processes of Fossil running.

Can you compile with symbols enabled ("-g") and then attach to one of
the hung processes using a debugger to see what it is doing?

Sorry. My knowledge of the C toolchain is null.

I installed the required packages.
I compiled and make install what I found in compat/zlib.

Then I used the command:

./configure --with-openssl=none; make

(I didn’t succeed to compile with openssl even when I tell it where it 
is. I probably did it wrong.)

But I don’t know where I should set the -g option.
And I have no clue what to do about the step 2 with “a debugger”.

Maybe I should first update to Fossil 2.4 and see if the problem still 

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] [Bug?] [server] Processes of Fossil popping up unexpectedly

2017-11-03 Thread Olivier R.

Hi everyone,

There is a fossil repo I run on a server since several months. And I 
noticed several times a behavior I don’t understand at all.

After few months of running sweetly, I noticed that the fossil server 
was getting slower and slower. The repo is about 120 Mb only.
Then I discovered that there was several processes of Fossil running 
simultaneously. I killed them all and relaunched Fossil. And it ran then 
again as quickly as before.

Few months passed and it happened again. I solved it the same way.
Three days ago, I did it again.

And today, Fossil was already very slow and I discovered that there were 
more than ten processes of Fossil running.


I simply launch Fossil once with the command:
nohup fossil server &

Any idea how to solve this problem?

Server is Debian Jessie 8.2.
Fossil version is 2.2.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Shameless self-promotion

2017-09-15 Thread Olivier R.

Le 15/09/2017 à 00:40, Thomas a écrit :

Fossil is a great piece of softare. Its primary strength is certainly 
that it is a single executable, easy to set up and easy to run as a CGI.

It’s surprising to see how many features there is in a such small software.

The biggest disadvantage - as my coworkers pointed out - is that the 
downloadable executables do not come with https enabled.

I also wonder what’s the best way to include a one-time patch without 
giving rights to the repository.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] How to move a check-in from a branch to another one?

2017-07-14 Thread Olivier R.

Le 14/07/2017 à 13:55, Richard Hipp a écrit :

fossil update trunk
fossil merge --cherrypick $branch
... test
fossil commit

Thank you.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] How to move a check-in from a branch to another one?

2017-07-14 Thread Olivier R.

Le 14/07/2017 à 12:21, Richard Hipp a écrit :

On 7/14/17, Olivier R.  wrote:

So what is the recipe to move a check-in to another branch?

I (the original author of Fossil) always use web-based UI for this.
First run "fossil ui" to get the web interface going.  Then find the
check-in you want to move and click on its link to get to the "/info"
page.  There is an "Edit" option beside "Other Links:".  Click on the
Edit option.  On the /ci_edit page, there is a check box "Make this
check-in the start of a new branch named:".  Enter the name of the new
branch and click on the box and press "Apply Changes".

Thanks for the answer.

I’m afraid I haven’t been explicit enough.

When I committed, I though I was in trunk, but I was in another branch.
I want to move the check-in from this branch to trunk…

I tried your solution, as labels sometimes can do more than what they 
say. But if I do it, it creates a new branch “trunk” which seems to 
replace the old one.

I made a picture:

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] How to move a check-in from a branch to another one?

2017-07-14 Thread Olivier R.

Hello everyone,

On this page

we can read:
“Fossil keeps all check-ins on a single DAG. Branches are identified 
with tags. This means that check-ins can be freely moved between 
branches simply by altering their tags.”

So I tried, and failed.
I simply removed the wrong tag and added the good one.
The result was strange, and as I feared to have messed up the repo, I 
deleted it and cloned from a clean one.

It seems unadvised to use the command reparent.
So what is the recipe to move a check-in to another branch?


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] /dev/null and /dev/urandom not available ?

2017-05-13 Thread Olivier R.



Are you running the commands above as root?  If so, Fossil will
automatically put itself in a chroot jail on the directory containing
the repository and drop root privileges before doing anything else.
This is a security feature.

If you are going into a chroot jail, probably /dev/null and
/dev/urandom are no longer in that chroot jail.  You can fix that by

mkdir dev
mknod dev/null c 1 3
mknod dev/urandom c 1 9

See also the "managing server load" heading of where it talks
about the importance of making /proc available inside the chroot jail
so that Fossil can determine the load average.

Or, you can use the --nojail option on the "fossil server" command, in
which case Fossil will still drop its root privilege but will not
attempt to form a chroot jail.  This is less secure, but probably
still plenty safe.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] /dev/null and /dev/urandom not available ?

2017-05-13 Thread Olivier R.


I’m running Fossil on Debian Jessie 8.2 
(x86_64-debian-jessie-2016-04-06_15:26) at (VC1S).

In the admin panel, Fossil says:

  WARNING: Device "/dev/null" is not available for reading and writing.
  WARNING: Device "/dev/urandom" is not available for reading. This 
means that the pseudo-random number generator used by SQLite will be 
poorly seeded.

fossil is in usr/bin.
repo.fossil is in /root/repo.

To launch the server, I simply type:

  fossil open repo.fossil
  nohup fossil server &

In /dev, there is:

  crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Apr 8 2016 null
  crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 9 Apr 8 2016 urandom

If I clone the repository, modify something, commit the modification, 
fossil says when trying to sync:

  Round-trips: 1  Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
  Pull done, sent: 312  received: 328  ip:
  New_Version: _hash_code_x
  Round-trips: 1  Artifacts sent: 2  received: 0
  Error: not authorized to write
  Round-trips: 1  Artifacts sent: 2  received: 0
  Sync done, sent: 759  received: 355  ip:
  Autosync failed.

The repository has not been updated.

How to solve these problems?

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] [Feature-request] Unversioned files: unpack

2017-04-25 Thread Olivier R.


It would be very useful if the repository could remember the folder of 
the unversioned files when we add them. Doing so, we could unpack all 
unversioned files with a simple command like:

fossil uv unpack

If a folder doesn’t exist anymore, we could recreate it with the option 
-f or --force, or ignore the files who have nowhere to be unpacked.

If each unversioned file is associated with a folder, it would also be 
useful to have a way to edit it, via the CLI or the Web-UI, so that we 
could change where to unpack these files.

fossil-users mailing list