
I'm cloning my publicly open repo but passing a user name in the clone
URL and I enter the password incorrectly once and prompted to type in
the password again. Upon typing it incorrectly again with a different
password, the clone still finishes.

Is this expected because the repo is 'open'?

% fossil clone --verbose http://jun...@freebsd.host.com/jungle test.fossil
password for jungle: <incorrect password>
remember password (Y/n)? y
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Sent:              53          1          0          0
Received:       14247         53         11         14
Sent:              58          2          0          0
processed: 38%
Error: login failed
password for jungle: <different incorrect password>
remember password (Y/n)? y
Received:          52          1          0          0
Clone done, sent: 556  received: 14779  ip:
Rebuilding repository meta-data...
  104.0% complete...
Extra delta compression...
Vacuuming the database...
project-id: 5309e87709fc13af36109e23efee8d632d7c4738
server-id:  e749852df834e51ffa1be59baed2df84c3570eb3
admin-user: jungle (password is "2ce702")

inum: 883510009027723
sip: jungleboo...@sip2sip.info
xmpp: jungle-boo...@jit.si
fossil-users mailing list

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