For a while I had been meaning to share the configuration file for a Spanish translation to the list. You can find it here:

And this also serves as an illustration of what I wrote to Stephan Beal earlier with perhaps some additions about what would be nice for V2:

1. The configuration files have some odd behaviour. Take the fossilES.config as an example. It contains multiple ^M characters, but cleaning those up (either by fossil or with vim) renders the configuration file useless. Diff will show the files to be identical, but it simply will no longer load using fossil configuration if the ^M characters are removed.

2. The configuration file could be more readable, for instance by adding sections (with commented section headers for instance) so that it is easier to go through them and make changes.

3. Not all strings in the HTML interface can be translated. Especially for the instructions in the UI this would be really helpful if these could be translated (for instance in the config file). Take as an example the text on the /login page, or the /brlist page.

4. I see no need to change anything in the language used for the command line and help, but the great thing of fossil is that it allows for an online (HTML) UI that can be offered to non-programmers. I would help a lot if everything there can be subject to internationalization.

Having better support for languages in the HMTL interface will - I believe - increase the user base of fossil. It is so incredibly useful to have ticketing included in environments where internet access is not a given or not reliable!

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