Re: Code of Conduct Adoption Process

2016-09-13 Thread Nuritzi Sanchez
On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 12:46 PM, Liam R. E. Quin  wrote:

> On Mon, 2016-09-12 at 12:07 -0700, Nuritzi Sanchez wrote:
> >  proposing to draw up a standard code of conduct for GNOME events.
> You could maybe start with the policy,
> t/

Awesome, thanks, Liam! Just added it to our list of resources on:



*Nuritzi Sanchez*  |  +1.650.218.7388 |  Endless 
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Code of Conduct Adoption Process

2016-09-13 Thread Liam R. E. Quin
On Mon, 2016-09-12 at 12:07 -0700, Nuritzi Sanchez wrote:
>  proposing to draw up a standard code of conduct for GNOME events.

You could maybe start with the policy,


Liam R. E. Quin 
W3C XML Activity lead
foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting of August, 30th, 2016

2016-09-13 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, August 30th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date September 6th 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * AllanDay
 * AlexandreFranke
 * MegFord
 * CosimoCecchi
 * NuritziSanchez
 * RosannaYuen
 * ShaunMcCance

== Regrets ==

 * JimHall

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-08-30 ==

 * Invitation Letter for Visa Application - needed by August 30 (from the
mailing list)
 * Status of Montreal Summit 2016 (Nuritzi)
 * Flatpak store (Allan)
 * Outgoing board members probably need to be removed from mailing list,
the wiki, etc
 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program" (Allan)
 * From the mailing list - "[GANDI] expires in 30 days" (Allan)
 * From the mailing list - Jim's message about fundraising ideas.
 * Privacy funds - we have some ideas now. What's next? (Allan)
  * Long list of proposals:
  * Notes from the GUADEC session:
 * Do we want to register (Suggested by Andreas)
 * Google Play account (see ongoing actions) (Allan)
  * Michael has responded on the mailing list -
. Are we OK with this?

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Meeting agendas and minutes
 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
 * ED search update
 * Google Play account
 * Status of logo copyright
 * Bitcoins donations data
 * Conference sponsorships
 * Friends of GNOME
 * Google ad grant
 * Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks
 * Web page for prior pants winners
 * Privacy campaign funds
 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
 * Standard code of conduct for GNOME annual events

== Minutes ==

 * Invitation Letter for Visa Application - needed by August 30 (from the
mailing list)
  * Since LAS GNOME is an event organized in the US by the GNOME
Foundation, we are responsible to write the invitation letter
  * The applicant we would be writing the letter for, is not a GNOME
Foundation member
  * It's not clear that the Foundation should be responsible to sign this
letter, and how LAS GNOME being an event organized in the US impacts this
   * The LAS GNOME organizing committee is not an entity, so that may be
the reason the Foundation is responsible for this instead of the organizing
  * We can only sign this today, as the applicant has a consular
appointment tomorrow
  * VOTE: if it's determined that the GNOME Foundation does not have legal
of financial implications by signing this letter, then Nuritzi would sign it
   * +1 Nuritzi, Meg, Allan, Cosimo, Alexandre, Shaun
   * We should encourage the applicant to become a Foundation member, since
in general this is a perk that comes with being a foundation member
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to investigate whether there is any responsibility
from the Foundation, and see if the LAS GNOME committee can sign it
instead, or otherwise sign it

 * Status of Montreal Summit 2016 (Nuritzi)
  * Should we be more actively pushing it forward?
  * It looks like the organization of the Summit is moving along just fine,
and there's no action that is needed from the Board at this time

 * Flatpak store (Allan)
  * There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
  * Longer-term, this would be an independent effort that is not tied to a
specific desktop, since it's not GNOME-specific or KDE-specific
   * But as a way to get started and see if the idea has potential there
has been discussions about making this an opt-in store and have the GNOME
Foundation be the organization to bootstrap this
  * There are a few questions around this
   * Do we want to do it?
   * What kind of resources do we need in order to pull this off?
   * Should we get in touch with the advisory board members to support this?
  * Can Allan make inquiries on behalf of the Board to push this forward?
  * Can or should we reach out to other organizations first, to push this
  * VOTE: the Board gets behind this project officially, and gives Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on behalf of the Board
* +1 Nuritzi, Shaun, Meg, Allan, Alexandre, Cosimo
* ACTION: Allan will move forward with the plan and keep other people
in the loop

 * Outgoing board members probably need to be removed from mailing list,
the wiki, etc
  * This has happened, no further discussion needed

 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program" (Allan)
  * Unclear they have any strong ties with GNOME
  * There's very little information in the 

Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 6th, 2016

2016-09-13 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, September 6th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date September 13th 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Allan Day
 * Meg Ford
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Jim Hall
 * Shaun McCance

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-09-06 ==

 * Google Play account (see ongoing actions) (Allan)
  * Michael has responded on the mailing list -
. Are we OK with this?
 * Sponsorship of Outreachy intern for December 2016 (mailing list thread
titled "Outreachy sponsorship") (Allan)
 * From the mailing list - Jim's message about fundraising ideas.
 * From the mailing list: Lost Chromebook Pixels (Allan)
 * The GUADEC 2017 team is investigating options for transferring money,
and is interested in using TransferWise. Is the Foundation happy to use
this? Do we want to set up an account? (Allan)

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Sponsorship of Outreachy intern for December 2016
 * Flatpak store
 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program"
 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
 * ED search update
 * Google Play account
 * Status of logo copyright
 * Bitcoins donations data
 * Conference sponsorships
 * Friends of GNOME
 * Google ad grant
 * Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks
 * Web page for prior pants winners
 * Privacy campaign funds
 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
 * Standard code of conduct for GNOME annual events
 * Paypal Giving Fund

== Minutes ==

 * Google Play account (see ongoing actions) (Allan)
  * Michael has responded on the mailing list -
. Are we OK with this?
  * VOTE: to create an email alias that will be managing the Google Play
account, and add both the contributor and board-list to it
   * +1 Nuritzi, Alexandre, Cosimo, Meg, Shaun, Jim, Allan
  * ACTION: Cosimo to get back to Michael and ask Andrea to create the alias

 * Sponsorship of Outreachy intern for December 2016 (mailing list thread
titled "Outreachy sponsorship") (Allan)
  * Marina sent an email to the Board asking for budget approval for one
intern in December. It's $6500
  * In the past the Foundation did not use to pay for interns ourselves.
They were paid by sponsors of the Foundation. This summer we paid for one
internship, and the idea was to cover in case not all the slots would have
been fullfilled by sponsors
   * Do we want to establish a policy that now we always sponsor one intern?
   * Marina mentions that the Foundation-sponsored internship would only
happen if we don't find sponsorship from companies
  * It would make sense to ask Marina under which circumstances
specifically she would use the money from the Foundation (e.g. only if two
other slots are paid by companies? Does she have a fixed number of interns
in mind?)
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to Marina and ask her more details about
her request

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Sponsorship of Outreachy intern for December 2016 (mailing list thread
titled "Outreachy sponsorship") (Allan)
  * Marina sent an email to the Board asking for budget approval for one
intern in December. It's $6500
  * 2016-09-06
   * It would make sense to ask Marina under which circumstances
specifically she would use the money from the Foundation (e.g. only if two
other slots are paid by companies? Does she have a fixed number of interns
in mind?)
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to Marina and ask her more details about
her request

 * Flatpak store
  * 2016-08-30
* There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
* The Board voted to get behind this project officially, and give Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on our behalf
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has had some initial conversations with the Flatpak
team. Next step is to check in with the sysadmin team (still not done).

 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program" (Allan)
  * 2016-08-30
   * There's very little information in the message, unclear how they're
related to GNOME
   * ACTION: Shaun to reply asking for more information

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-05-23, ACTION: Allan will try if it's functional enough for us to
use it now
  * 2016-06-06, Allan's tried it and reminders don't seem to work. Needs to
follow up.
  * 2016-06-20, Since it works for 

Re: Code of Conduct Adoption Process

2016-09-13 Thread Luis Villa
This is terrific to see. I'm sorry that I probably don't have time to help
out much, but look forward to the final result.


On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 12:49 PM Nuritzi Sanchez <> wrote:

> Dear Foundation Members,
> GNOME has never had a standard code of conduct for events. This has
> historically placed a burden on GUADEC organizers in particular, as they
> have had to draft and take responsibility for a code of conduct every year.
> This GUADEC, a group of us formed a working group to try and resolve
> this, by proposing to draw up a standard code of conduct for GNOME events.
> This effort has been endorsed by the Foundation Board of Directors and we
> are now in the process of researching codes of conduct to inform the one we
> will propose.
> *I'm writing to see if anyone else is interested in joining the Code of
> Conduct working group* and to give Foundation members information about
> how they can participate in the process.
> We will be meeting regularly (every other week) to push this project
> forward so that we prepare it in time for the 2017 GUADEC committee to
> consider, and in time to make it available during the 2018 GUADEC bid
> process. The Code of Conduct for events will be a phase one project for
> the working group, and we plan to work on the Code of Conduct for the GNOME
> community as a phase two project.
> The committee will be doing the legwork of researching and proposing the
> Code of Conduct, but Foundation members will have opportunities to give
> feedback, and ultimately the Board will vote on the proposal. Below, you
> can find more information on the proposal process itself. We've tried to
> make it an analytical process since it can otherwise be an emotionally
> charged subject.
> *If you are interested in the group's progress, but don't want to commit
> to joining the group*, you can stay updated on our progress by following
> the meeting minutes and other materials posted at
> *At this time, we encourage you to email
> *, or any of the committee members
> privately, with any of the following you'd like us to consider:
>- Code of Conduct resources
>- Details of incidents you have observed or been involved in, and
>which are relevant
>- Other specific feedback regarding codes of conduct
> is a private mailing list for members of
>  the code of conduct working. Alternatively, you can share your feedback
> with any working group member(s) privately, and they will provide an
> anonymized summary to the working group. You can provide further
> instructions to them on how you want your feedback to be shared.
> Information shared with the working group might be shared anonymously with
> the Board and the community unless otherwise specified (e.g. as not to be
> shared, or as ok to be shared with personal identification by all affected
> parties).
> You can also email us if you'd just like to learn more, or talk to us on
> IRC at #diversity.
> Thank you in advance!
> Sincerely,
> Nuritzi
> Code of Conduct for Events
> Overview
> *Why is this important? *
> Having a code of conduct is an essential part of holding conferences, and
> is often a sponsorship requirement. It is also important for GNOME's health
> and longevity as it will ensure that the project is welcoming and inclusive
> for both current and prospective GNOME members. While GNOME is generally
> a friendly and welcoming place (yay!), there has been a small number of
> incidents over the years where a Code of Conduct has, or should have,
> helped the community.
> Each year, organizing groups had to draft their own Code of Conduct for
> their event and there has often been disagreement that surrounded the
> adoption of a Code of Conduct for an event. Having a standard event Code of
> Conduct will remove work from the event organizers and uncertaintly for the
> community members for what to expect at the event. It will also make it
> easier to support event organizers, through standard processes and 
> theestablishment
> of a dedicated support team for Code of Conduct issues.
> We want to make sure there is a consistent standard for the GNOME
> community across the globe. As such, the Code of Conduct will need to
> highlight areas that will change across geographic locations. We also
> recognize that we need to better define what a "GNOME event" is and when
> organizers will be expected to use the standard Code of Conduct.
> *Our** Plan*
> We have assembled a Code of Conduct Working Group to gather feedback among
> community members and propose a standard event Code of Conduct. The details
> for our proposal process are below. Once the standard Code of Conduct is
> approved, this team will also provide ongoing support to event organizers
> with its enforcement.
> The Board has already approved us moving forward with th