character tags in cross reference text - solved!

2007-02-01 Thread rebecca officer
Got it!!

For anyone else who wants to do the same, the solution was:

1. Close FM.

2. Back up maker.ini, then in the [WindowsToFrameFontAliases] section
of maker.ini, replace this line:
Courier, Italic, *=Courier, Oblique, *, Regular
with this line:
Courier, Italic, *=CourierItalic, Oblique, *, Regular

This makes FM call the italics Courier font "CourierItalic".

3. Open FM. Define the character tag to use CourierItalic instead of

Thanks very much for your help, Richard. There's no way I'd have worked
it out by myself. And once I had more of an idea what to google for, I
found a post by Shlomo Perets that was very helpful too, so Shlomo, if
you're reading this, thanks too.

Cheers, Rebecca

>>> "rebecca officer"  1/02/07
10:52 >>>
Thanks Richard!

I did the quick test (Courier -> Courier New) and it didn't preserve
the italics but did preserve the different font in the xref. So the
that I wanted to have Courier New italics were Courier New. That's a
closer than I was before!

So by the look of it, I need to find/make a version of Courier that
the italics as its "regular" form. That should be do-able. If anyone
knows how off the top of their head, I'd appreciate the info.
I'll go play.

Cheers, Rebecca

>>> "Combs, Richard"  1/02/07 10:21 >>>
rebecca officer wrote:

> I just wondered if anyone has a trick that lets you make a 
> cross-reference to something that includes character-tagged 
> text, and preserve the character tag in the cross-reference?
> We document commands, and some of them have italics in part 
> of the command syntax. In the associated step-by-step 
> instructions, the most reliable way to include the command 
> syntax is to use cross-references.
> But the italics get lost. :-(

I vaguely recall someone describing a (somewhat difficult) solution
this once, but don't have time to search for the post right now. IIRC,
it was based on the fact that xrefs retain char formats that use a
different font family. So, you need to create a copy of the font used
with a new name -- I think you need Fontographer or equivalent because
you have to change the internal name of the font. 

For instance, if you're using Courier for your commands, and applying
the Variable char tag to italicize the variables, you create a new
CourierCopy, and redefine the Variable char tag to be CourierCopy
Italic. FM will retain this in your xrefs. 

As a quick test, try it with two similar-looking fonts, such as the
PostScript font Courier and its TrueType cousin, Courier New -- if
works and looks OK, maybe you're done! :-) 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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character tags in cross reference text - solved!

2007-01-31 Thread Combs, Richard
rebecca officer wrote: 

> Got it!!
> For anyone else who wants to do the same, the solution was:
> 1. Close FM.
> 2. Back up maker.ini, then in the [WindowsToFrameFontAliases] 
> section of maker.ini, replace this line:
> Courier, Italic, *=Courier, Oblique, *, Regular with this line:
> Courier, Italic, *=CourierItalic, Oblique, *, Regular
> This makes FM call the italics Courier font "CourierItalic".

Well, that's both more clever and cheaper than buying Fontographer! :-)

> 3. Open FM. Define the character tag to use CourierItalic 
> instead of Courier.
> Thanks very much for your help, Richard. There's no way I'd 
> have worked it out by myself. And once I had more of an idea 
> what to google for, I found a post by Shlomo Perets that was 
> very helpful too, so Shlomo, if you're reading this, thanks too.

I'm glad my rather shaky memory provided enough hints to put you on the
right track. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

RE: character tags in cross reference text - solved!

2007-01-31 Thread Combs, Richard
rebecca officer wrote: 

> Got it!!
> For anyone else who wants to do the same, the solution was:
> 1. Close FM.
> 2. Back up maker.ini, then in the [WindowsToFrameFontAliases] 
> section of maker.ini, replace this line:
> Courier, Italic, *=Courier, Oblique, *, Regular with this line:
> Courier, Italic, *=CourierItalic, Oblique, *, Regular
> This makes FM call the italics Courier font "CourierItalic".

Well, that's both more clever and cheaper than buying Fontographer! :-)
> 3. Open FM. Define the character tag to use CourierItalic 
> instead of Courier.
> Thanks very much for your help, Richard. There's no way I'd 
> have worked it out by myself. And once I had more of an idea 
> what to google for, I found a post by Shlomo Perets that was 
> very helpful too, so Shlomo, if you're reading this, thanks too.

I'm glad my rather shaky memory provided enough hints to put you on the
right track. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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RE: character tags in cross reference text - solved!

2007-01-31 Thread rebecca officer
Got it!!

For anyone else who wants to do the same, the solution was:

1. Close FM.

2. Back up maker.ini, then in the [WindowsToFrameFontAliases] section
of maker.ini, replace this line:
Courier, Italic, *=Courier, Oblique, *, Regular
with this line:
Courier, Italic, *=CourierItalic, Oblique, *, Regular

This makes FM call the italics Courier font "CourierItalic".

3. Open FM. Define the character tag to use CourierItalic instead of

Thanks very much for your help, Richard. There's no way I'd have worked
it out by myself. And once I had more of an idea what to google for, I
found a post by Shlomo Perets that was very helpful too, so Shlomo, if
you're reading this, thanks too.

Cheers, Rebecca

>>> "rebecca officer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/02/07
10:52 >>>
Thanks Richard!

I did the quick test (Courier -> Courier New) and it didn't preserve
the italics but did preserve the different font in the xref. So the
that I wanted to have Courier New italics were Courier New. That's a
closer than I was before!

So by the look of it, I need to find/make a version of Courier that
the italics as its "regular" form. That should be do-able. If anyone
knows how off the top of their head, I'd appreciate the info.
I'll go play.

Cheers, Rebecca

>>> "Combs, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/02/07 10:21 >>>
rebecca officer wrote:
> I just wondered if anyone has a trick that lets you make a 
> cross-reference to something that includes character-tagged 
> text, and preserve the character tag in the cross-reference?
> We document commands, and some of them have italics in part 
> of the command syntax. In the associated step-by-step 
> instructions, the most reliable way to include the command 
> syntax is to use cross-references.
> But the italics get lost. :-(

I vaguely recall someone describing a (somewhat difficult) solution
this once, but don't have time to search for the post right now. IIRC,
it was based on the fact that xrefs retain char formats that use a
different font family. So, you need to create a copy of the font used
with a new name -- I think you need Fontographer or equivalent because
you have to change the internal name of the font. 

For instance, if you're using Courier for your commands, and applying
the Variable char tag to italicize the variables, you create a new
CourierCopy, and redefine the Variable char tag to be CourierCopy
Italic. FM will retain this in your xrefs. 

As a quick test, try it with two similar-looking fonts, such as the
PostScript font Courier and its TrueType cousin, Courier New -- if
works and looks OK, maybe you're done! :-) 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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