Feature Request

2002-02-12 Thread Audun Ytterdal

Hi. Freeamp is a wonderfull  player, but it lacks some, in my opinion
important features.

In "My Music"

* Ability to add directorystructred subtrees of the soundfiles, that
  works like the IDtag tree, but uses the plain directorystructure
  instead. And maybe the ability to turn of the id3tag-tree. It's
  pretty useless (too slow) on a lagre collections of soundfiles
  located on several different netfilesystems unless all tags are in
  sync. This also makes it easier to 
   1. Listen to compilation-albums with songs from several artists
   2. Edit bad or nonexistant idtags.

  This sould be pretty trivial to implement, (except that my c++
  abilities are close to nonexistant :-)

* Searchfunction in "My Music". A good solution would be to search for a
  string, and a popupwindow (or maybe a second playlist (split the
  playlistwindow maybe :-) with a list of all songs that match the
  string in some sort of way. Some of these song could then be marked
  and dragged to the playlist. Or maybe even better. The search
  produces a subnode in the new "My searches" in the "my music" subtree as
  searhnodes "search for "Paradise Lost"" results as subnodes. Keep
  maybe 5 of those searchnodes. And you could drag it to the playlist.
  Searches should match song, artist, album or filename. (maybe
  regexps :-)

  This is probably some more work. But would be really great.

Unfortunalty, as I mentioned, my c++ skills are nothing to brag about,
so hopefully someone that belives these ideas is worth implenting could
do the necessary patching.. And then... freeamp would be _THE_ player
for all OS'es.

Any takes? 


Re: feature request

1999-08-08 Thread Mark B. Elrod

hey scott,

do you mind entering these bugs and feature requests into the bugzilla



Scott Scriven wrote:

> Hi.
> There are a few runtime configuration options I'd love to be able to store
> and have as automatic defaults.  These are generally things that I always
> change manually as part of my "freeamp startup ritual":
>  - Repeat mode (all, none, one)
>  - Random mode (on, off)
>  - Time display mode (remaining, total, current)
>  - Screen position for the X interface
>  - Which plugins to use (for me, X11 and LCD interfaces)
>  - Default volume
> I'll probably try to add at least a few of these, since the configuration
> system seems to work fairly well.  If I get it working, I'll send patches.
> :)
> BTW, the "3-character-word chop" bug is still in the X11 interface, if it
> matters to anyone.  :)  (if the final word in a song title is 3 letters
> long, only 2 are displayed)
>  _  _ _  _ ___ ___  "Use the source, Luke!"-
> ( \/ ( \/ (__ (__ ) | Scott Scriven (Toy Keeper / XYZZ)|
>  \  / \  /  //  //  |   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
>  /  \ / /  //_ //_  | irc:serdevian.dyn.omnipotent.net |
> (_/\_(_/  (___(___) |  http://www.vis.colostate.edu/~scriven/  |

feature request

1999-08-02 Thread Scott Scriven


There are a few runtime configuration options I'd love to be able to store
and have as automatic defaults.  These are generally things that I always
change manually as part of my "freeamp startup ritual":

 - Repeat mode (all, none, one)
 - Random mode (on, off)
 - Time display mode (remaining, total, current)
 - Screen position for the X interface
 - Which plugins to use (for me, X11 and LCD interfaces)
 - Default volume

I'll probably try to add at least a few of these, since the configuration
system seems to work fairly well.  If I get it working, I'll send patches. 

BTW, the "3-character-word chop" bug is still in the X11 interface, if it
matters to anyone.  :)  (if the final word in a song title is 3 letters
long, only 2 are displayed)

 _  _ _  _ ___ ___  "Use the source, Luke!"-
( \/ ( \/ (__ (__ ) | Scott Scriven (Toy Keeper / XYZZ)|
 \  / \  /  //  //  |   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
 /  \ / /  //_ //_  | irc:serdevian.dyn.omnipotent.net |
(_/\_(_/  (___(___) |  http://www.vis.colostate.edu/~scriven/  |