Re: [Freebooters-devel] Tiling scene manager in CVS

2004-10-23 Thread kabutor
Can't get corners of a null AAB' failed. This seems to be a bug in Ogre (Bug 14 in the bugtracking system). It's running fine on r200 based workstation, but maybe this bug is reproducible with a fresher CVS checkout. I'll investigate this on sunday. Im making ogre cvs update and now

Re: [Freebooters-devel] Tiling scene manager in CVS

2004-10-21 Thread kabutor
Using CVS ogre, btw they make an anouncement in main site about the inminent release of 0.15, everything looks ok until this: g++ -g -Wall -O2 `sdl-config --cflags` `pkg-config --cflags OGRE` -c -o seatravel.o En member function `virtual bool