Hello Pav,


To all FreeBSD Bluetooth users

Please do not hesitate to ask questions! No question is too dumb.
When asking questions please CC to one of the FreeBSD mailing lists.
mobile@, net@ and [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems like a good choice.
This way your questions/reports (and my answers) will get into
archive. Also it would be much easier to track number of users and
progress of the project.

i purchased usb bluetooth module and had a short play with friend's
5.0-RELEASE system and your bluetooth stack. device works fine it seems.

Thanks for the report :)

i would like to submit deviceid and vendorid so it's name is printed
when you attach the device - whom should i contact?

For now you should submit all patches to me :)

ubt0: vendor 0x0a12 product 0x0001, rev 1.10/5.25, addr 2

vendor: Anycom
product: Bluetooth USB-100 Adapter

Here is website

Hmm... Another case of re-branding (i think). The same vendor/product pair already registered in the ng_ubt(4) driver as

USB_VENDOR_EPOX                 0x0a12 /* EPoX www.epox.com */
USB_PRODUCT_BT_DG02_DONGLE      0x0001 /* EPoX BT-DG02 USB dongle */


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