Re: Vinum problem

2002-05-23 Thread Anders Nor Berle

> I have no possibility to get new large disk now.
> Should I try to remove plex usr.p1 ?

Sounds like it's related to a problem I encountered with vinum
some time ago. For me, vinum would bail out in panic if I tried
to access an area of a volume that was not initialized on the
mirrored plex. This was only a problem before the mirrored plex
was fully initialized the first time though (which tends to be
a slow process on big disks). So basically, if the plex had no
mapped physical counterpart, it would under certain situations
cause a panic if you attempted to use these areas on the plex.
(I know it's area based, because when I tried to newfs the
volume, the panic occured proportional to the initialization

If this is the reason, it's not a lot of other things to do than
get a disk big enough to hold the complete plex, or remove the
plex (I haven't tried if removing the plex works, so that's just
a guess).

- Anders Nor Berle

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Re: Vinum problem

2002-05-23 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey

On Thursday, 23 May 2002 at 21:44:52 +0200, yuri khotyaintsev wrote:
> Hi!
> I had a vinum mirrored volume usr
> with two plexes usr.p0 and usr.p1, with respective
> subdisks usr.p0.s0 and usr.p1.s0.
> So recently one of the disks crashed. I tried to replace the disk with
> another one (which later appeared to be somewhat smaller) and run
>  vinum create  for a new disk. Because of the small size of the new disk
> vinum create exited with error, and after that usr.p1.s0
> dissapeared from the vinum configuration.
> so now I have
> usr.p0 -> 1 subdisk (usr.p0.s0)
> usr.p1 -> 0 subdisk
> Volume usr shows status UP, but trying to run fsck on it produces a
> kernel panic.
> Any suggestions how should I proceed to avoid panic and mount the
> volume?

Well, first I'd like a problem report.  The information I need is
described both in the man page and at  In particular I'd
like to see what the panic is.

> I have no possibility to get new large disk now.
> Should I try to remove plex usr.p1 ?

Can you get two smaller ones?  It's possible to mirror to plexes of
different sizes, but obviously if something goes wrong beyond the end
of the smaller plex, you're no longer resilient.

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Re: Vinum problem

2002-05-23 Thread Joerg Wunsch

yuri khotyaintsev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> so now I have 
> usr.p0 -> 1 subdisk (usr.p0.s0)
> usr.p1 -> 0 subdisk

> I have no possibility to get new large disk now.
> Should I try to remove plex usr.p1 ?

Yes, I think so.  Perhaps you need to detach it before (most likely).

cheers, J"org   .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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