Sendmail in a DMZ

2004-02-25 Thread Marco Greene (Home)
This is probably a stupid question...but I have a FreeBSD 4.9 server, which does not have access to a DNS server. However, I need to send mail from it. I have a relay host setup in the same subnet which I have tested works with telnet mailhost 25...and then giving it the sendmail commands How

Slow creating lots of files...

2003-11-21 Thread Marco Greene (Home)
Doing some further research into my NetBackup slow restore performance...I have noticed that if I create a lot of small filesit can take about 10 times as long as creating one big file of the same size. With a sample set of 500MB... Creating 500MB with of text files (about 30,000 of them) take

Slow restores FreeBSD with NetBackup

2003-11-20 Thread Marco Greene (Home)
Hi all, I have a server that I am restoring and it seems to be going really slow. Backup performance...I was able to backup the server in under 15 minutesthe restore has been going for over an hour nowand it isn't even halfway done. Basically what I am doingInstalled F

Multiple CPUs...verifying

2003-10-22 Thread Marco Greene (Home)
Does FreeBSD autodetect multiple CPU's or do you specifically have to configure the kernel and recompile? I tried downloading the latest code using cvsup..commenting out the following two lines...and tried to follow the make world procedure as outline in the handbook. However, when I try to boo

Tape Device file differences...

2003-10-16 Thread Marco Greene (Home)
..I am a little confused about tape devices in FreeBSD. Under the /dev directory...I have the following tape devices: # ls *sa* ersa0 esa0.1 nrsa0.3 rsa0.0 sa0.1 ersa0.0 esa0.2 nsa0rsa0.1 sa0.2 ersa0.1 esa0.3