Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-17 Thread Mel Flynn
Sorry to jump in late.

On Saturday 04 April 2009 16:13:22 Chris Whitehouse wrote:

> pkg_add somewhat addresses this but it doesn't work quite as well as
> ports because of possible version mismatches.
> The suggestion below is not aimed at servers because they have
> completely different requirements.
> My suggestion is to start with a ports tree that is fixed in time. Make
> that ports tree available as part of this package system and compile a
> typical desktop set of ports, particularly choosing ones which are large
> or have many dependencies. When it is all complete release it and start
> again. Surely quite a wide selection of desktops, wm's and apps could be
> compiled in a couple of weeks?
> Modify pkg_add so that it can be told to use this 'snapshot' including
> downloading the fixed ports tree that was used.

I've already thought this through and you're going about it the wrong way. 
Version/package mismatches are caused by two things:
1) The buildservers do not repack dependants of an updated port
2) Installed slave ports as dependency cannot be identified by a package that 
has the master port built in. Ex: if installing kdelibs3-nocups through 
pkg_add, anything using it will download kdelibs3, try to install and fail.

The first is easy to solve, by iterating through the built packages and 
repacking them after reinstallation so that +CONTENTS is updated correctly 
with the new dependency. I've written a tool pkgsync which does that, but 
there's still some corner cases I need to fix and I'm not happy with the time 
it takes to read deps from 800+ packages, so might consider using aio(4) or 
fixing up my algorithm.

The second case is more difficult, as it requires "flexible dependencies". 
I've fixed this myself, by hacking port Makefiles to correctly set the 
dependency origin, but this only applies to "one build" (meaning: my 
buildserver only makes packages with a fixed set of slave ports, if I'd want 
to use CUPS, I'd have to create a seperate buildserver or jail).

The most important thing is that you don't need a snapshot ports tree if 1) is 
met. What you also need for binary upgrading is an index format that doesn't 
need a ports tree and is consistent with what is actually available on the 
given build server.

I've solved this like so:
# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai tw=78
# $Coar: pkgtools/pkgindex/,v 1.5 2008/04/17 21:43:46 mdev Exp $



# clean up a previous halted version that had the same pid
[ -f ${TMPINDEX} ] && rm -f ${TMPINDEX}
[ -f ${TMPINDEX}.bz2 ] && rm -f ${TMPINDEX}.bz2

echo -n "Creating new in index in $PACKAGES/All"
cd ${PACKAGES}/All
for pkg in *.tbz; do
origin=$(pkgorigin ${pkg})
hash=$(sha256 -q ${pkg})
size=$(ls -aLln ${pkg} | ${AWK} '{ print $5}')
echo "$origin:${pkg}:$hash:$size" >> ${TMPINDEX}
DONE=$((${DONE} + 1))
if test $((${DONE} % 10)) -eq 0; then
if test $((${DONE} % 50)) -eq 0; then
echo -n ${DONE}
echo -n .
echo done.
bzip2 ${TMPINDEX}
mv -v ${TMPINDEX}.bz2 ${PKGINDEX}

This gives you origin, pkgname, sha256 hash and filesize for download 
verification. All you need to determine whether a package is eligible for 
binary upgrade.

pkgorigin is a utility I wrote that quickly gets an origin out of a package 
without the need for a staging directory. Attached as shar if it makes it to 
the list.

Btw, I don't think supporting various OPTIONS is a good idea. Port maintainers 
should properly use PACKAGE_BUILDING. There's no such thing as "good 
defaults", so try to satisfy what you think is the majority and redirect 
complaints to the infamous bit bucket. Proper use also includes disabling 
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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-10 Thread Chris Whitehouse

Ok here's an improved description of how it works. The key to the whole
thing is the snapshot of the ports tree. Everything else follows from that.

Build process:
A predetermined set of packages is built from a ports tree. The most
benefit comes with packages which would acceptable for use with the default
config and require a lot of compile time (large distfiles and/or lots of
dependencies). This probably means xorg, window
managers, desktop environments and applications plus dependencies and
libraries. The ports tree is not updated during this process. The ports
tree and package tarballs are made available online as a ports-snapshot 
which is
tagged to identify it. The tag could be a text file with a date in it 
which lives in the snapshot directory.

This cycle is repeated at some suitable interval, by taking a new ports
tree and building packages for any ports that have been updated in the 
meantime. (The

actual build process could be done by one of the ports-mgmt tools which
would take care of only updating changed ports or ports whose 
dependencies had changed). The new packages and the ports tree used to 
create them are tagged as a new snapshot.

How to use:
For a fresh install a user installs FreeBSD then downloads the tagged ports
tree. S/he can then install packages from the ports-snapshot knowing
that everything is in sync versionwise. At this stage the selection of 
packages is down to the user (plus dependencies will automatically be 
pulled in). Additional ports that are not in the snapshot can be 
installed using the normal ports mechanism and they will automatically 
be in sync.

For an existing install, when a new ports-snapshot is available changed 
packages can be installed
using some utility (call it ports-update) which downloads and installs 
the ports tree and tag file from the snapshot, checks

versions of installed packages and upgrades accordingly. People can
choose to upgrade frequently or infrequently. By choosing a tag users 
can choose to upgrade to the most recent ports-snapshot or an 
intermediate one. At this stage the selection of packages to upgrade is 
by ports-update. ports-update compares the version of each installed 
package with the one in the ports-snapshot. If a newer version exists 
ports-update installs it. Any installed packages which are not in the 
ports-snapshot are ignored.

If a user wants to install or upgrade ports which are not in the 
ports-snapshot this can be done with the standard ports mechanism. As 
the bigger ports are already
available as packages in the ports-snapshot any additional ports will be 
relatively quicker to
install by building from source. If a port is being installed or 
upgraded and it has  a dependency which has been installed from the 
snapshot the dependency port will be the right version and the new port 
will integrate perfectly.

Thanks for reading this far

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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-10 Thread Chris Whitehouse

Polytropon wrote:

On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 15:25:13 +0100, Chris Whitehouse  wrote:
Is there a quick way to find out how big are the tarballs without 
downloading them all or adding them up one by one?

I think it's possible to obtain an FTP ls listing and then use
awk to get the column with the size (in bytes) and add them,
printing the final result and maybe converting it into MB, GB
if needed.

It's in /distinfo:

chr...@pcbsd% grep SIZE distinfo
SIZE (vlc-0.8.6i.tar.bz2) = 11786172

Would anyone want a five year old package?

Yes, I would, because today's packages are sooo slooow. :-)

Well my disk space estimate was way high, I didn't allow for the fact 
that not all packages would be upgraded each cycle, therefore the disk 
space requirement would be less. So maybe 500gb would do 10 years. Do 
you think you will be using 10 year old packages? By then you will have 
freecycled a computer that will run relatively newer apps.

I did wonder if it would make sense to just use the PBI system. The 
number of packages depends to some extent on individuals volunteering to 
make and maintain them - true FreeBSD style.

Allthough I prefer the traditional and well intended ways, I could
live with PBI as long as there's an automated way to install them,
read: command line, ability for batch processing. I simply don't
want to waste time for "Next, next, okay, next, next, next, reboot." :-)

It's very easy actually. A widget, if so configured, tells you when 
there is an update for a PBI. You select it and click ok and that's 
about it. Reboot? This is not Windoze you know! :0

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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-10 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 15:25:13 +0100, Chris Whitehouse  wrote:
> Is there a quick way to find out how big are the tarballs without 
> downloading them all or adding them up one by one?

I think it's possible to obtain an FTP ls listing and then use
awk to get the column with the size (in bytes) and add them,
printing the final result and maybe converting it into MB, GB
if needed.

> Would anyone want a five year old package?

Yes, I would, because today's packages are sooo slooow. :-)

Just as an unimportant sidenote: The FreeBSD OS is capable in
gaining speed on the same (old) hardware with every release.
So I can install it today on a 150 MHz P1 with 128 MB RAM
without any problems, and it will run fast. But I cannot use
today's applications on that system as I could the older ones,
such as StarOffice, older Opera versions, older Mplayer versions,
older X-Chat versions etc. because all of them depend on newer
libraries (including, excuse me, bloat) that would render the
system nearly unusable speed-wise (see the big "jump" in Gtk,
compare usability and speed of X-Chat 1 vs. X-Chat 2, or the
transition of Sylpheed from Gtk 1 toolset to Gtk 2 toolset).
Disk occupation is, of course, another topic. If you've got
only a 4 GB hard disk which could hold a fully functional and
feature-rich system of FreeBSD 5, it's hard to achieve this
with FreeBSD 7 and its set of applications because of the many
dependencies (just have a look at how Gtk and Gnome stuff
can fill your hard disk, maybe you want to use gmplayer "only").

> A big difference with PBI's is that each PBI is self contained "with all 
> the files and libraries necessary for the installed program to function" 
> (quote from the website). Upside is that it is very easy to install and 
> avoids dependency problems. Downside is that it requires more bandwidth 
> to download and more disk space.

Another problem is that if a minor (but important) library change
appears that does require the update of the library, but not of the
dependent applications, that new PBIs have to be built and installed,
while the traditional way would suggest to update the library only.

But I don't think customers of PC-BSD will be interested in such
"geek stuff". PC-BSD is fine for average users who install once,
use then, update very few times.

> I did wonder if it would make sense to just use the PBI system. The 
> number of packages depends to some extent on individuals volunteering to 
> make and maintain them - true FreeBSD style.

Allthough I prefer the traditional and well intended ways, I could
live with PBI as long as there's an automated way to install them,
read: command line, ability for batch processing. I simply don't
want to waste time for "Next, next, okay, next, next, next, reboot." :-)

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-10 Thread Chris Whitehouse

Bob Johnson wrote:

On 4/8/09, Jonathan McKeown  wrote:

On Tuesday 07 April 2009 23:35:03 Bob Johnson wrote:

On 4/4/09, Chris Whitehouse  wrote:

The drawback I can see is the disk space required to keep several
of packages online - if the package-port bundle is rebuilt every three
let's say, and you want to keep 6 months' worth of packages online, you need
to keep 9 complete versions available.

Is there a quick way to find out how big are the tarballs without 
downloading them all or adding them up one by one?

My distfiles directory is 1.2gb. I guess you could allow 5gb for each 
cycle, that's only 45gb for 6 months. If that is realistic a 500gb hard 
disk would store 5 years worth. Would anyone want a five year old package?

I think a bigger drawback is the security issue. As soon as any
package in the collection has a significant announced security flaw,
you are faced with the choice of withdrawing the entire collection,
withdrawing only that package, or leaving the flawed package out there
for people to use because it is more convenient for them.

Yes this might be an issue> How often are there serious security issues 
with desktop type ports?

PC-BSD seems to already keep up-to-date binary packages of their
applications. Do they accomplish that by only offering a small subset
of the full ports collection?

A big difference with PBI's is that each PBI is self contained "with all 
the files and libraries necessary for the installed program to function" 
(quote from the website). Upside is that it is very easy to install and 
avoids dependency problems. Downside is that it requires more bandwidth 
to download and more disk space.

I did wonder if it would make sense to just use the PBI system. The 
number of packages depends to some extent on individuals volunteering to 
make and maintain them - true FreeBSD style.

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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-10 Thread Chris Whitehouse

Bob Johnson wrote:

- reduced energy use for everyone.

I think the difference in energy use would be so small as to be
pointless. If I have a system that consumes 75 kilowatt hours per
month, and I spend an extra 0.05 kilowatt hour per month updating
ports, is the difference (less than 1/10 of 1 percent) really
meaningful? I can't even measure my power usage accurately enough to
detect the difference. Convince me to use three liters less hot water
per month, and you will save more energy.

How do you get the figures above? I
measured electricity use for a typical 2 year old computer (excluding
screen) as:
- computer idling - 80 watts
- computer working hard - 125 watts

That's a diff of 45 watts. Suppose normally you use your computer 4
hours a day and it normally takes you 20 hours to upgrade your ports.
You start the upgrade while using the computer but you leave it
compiling for an extra 16 hours. Thats 4 hours at 45 watts plus 16 hours
at 125 watts.

Thats 2180 watt hours or over 2 kWh on top of your normal use for one
port upgrade.

However you jig the figures there is no escaping that cpu cycles use
energy. Multiply by the number of times ports are upgraded per computer
per year and the number of computers being upgraded and a package system
seems like a worthwhile saving. (Thanks Colin Percival et al for
freebsd-update, this aspect of it hadn't occurred to me)

To complete your comparison if you used electricity to heat 3 litres of 
water from 15 degC to 55

degC you would use 0.139kWh.


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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-09 Thread Michel Talon
Nino wrote:
> I'd like to use this opportunity to generally support this and any
> other ideas taking direction of making binary installs and upgrades
> easier and more manageable. 

You may be interested to read
and to consider playing with


Michel TALON

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RE: new package system proposal

2009-04-09 Thread Gary Gatten
As expected.

pkg_delete: package 'heimdal-1.0.1' is required by these other packages
and may not be deinstalled:

FreeRADIUS is the WHOLE reason I'm trying to install SAMBA!  LOVE this

-Original Message-
From: Gary Gatten 
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 10:54 AM
To: 'n j'; 'User Questions'
Subject: RE: new package system proposal

This is the kinda B$ I'm talking about.  Trying to install krb5 from
ports, and after 2 hours (or more) of finding and compiling dependencies
and whatever else "make" does - it aborts!  WTF!!!  I'm sure when I try
to remove "heimdal-1.0.1" it will cause more problems that lead to more

===>  Installing for krb5-1.6.3_5

===>  krb5-1.6.3_5 conflicts with installed package(s):

  They install files into the same place.
  Please remove them first with pkg_delete(1).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/security/krb5.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/security/krb5.

-Original Message-
From: Gary Gatten 
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 10:46 AM
To: 'n j'; User Questions
Subject: RE: new package system proposal

I haven't worked with *nix os's as much as FreeBSD - Well, maybe
different flavors of SCO but as far as installing apps and what not
mostly FreeBSD.  I've installed maybe half a dozen apps and NONE of them
took less than 2 - 3 days.  Part of that is my slow a$$ test system -
and my ignorance, but it seems like a MAJOR hassle for even the simplest

It could just be me, but seems like many developers choose to link to
other libraries/modules even if they just need one simple function they
could build into their source directly.  Hence a dependency is
"needlessly" created. Multiply this 500 times and installing a simple
app turns into a nightmare.

I'm definitely gonna start trying to use more packages than ports, but
the port system is necessary and eventually I get stuff working!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of n j
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 3:15 AM
To: User Questions
Subject: Re: new package system proposal

I'd like to use this opportunity to generally support this and any
other ideas taking direction of making binary installs and upgrades
easier and more manageable. I recognize the need for people to
configure custom options and compile from ports (that is why any new
system *must* be compatible with ports), however, it should be noted
that there's a lot of people running simple LAMP servers, almost
exclusively using default options, who would greatly benefit from
better binary package support.

I've already ranted about this
in a slightly different context (I talked about -SECURITY equivalent
instead of -DESKTOP that the OP suggests) with almost the same idea -
make it easy for people who are interested in running stable, secure
servers do binary upgrades without the hassle of going through a major
system recompile because of, for example, openldap shared library
version bump.

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RE: new package system proposal

2009-04-09 Thread Gary Gatten
This is the kinda B$ I'm talking about.  Trying to install krb5 from
ports, and after 2 hours (or more) of finding and compiling dependencies
and whatever else "make" does - it aborts!  WTF!!!  I'm sure when I try
to remove "heimdal-1.0.1" it will cause more problems that lead to more

===>  Installing for krb5-1.6.3_5

===>  krb5-1.6.3_5 conflicts with installed package(s):

  They install files into the same place.
  Please remove them first with pkg_delete(1).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/security/krb5.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/security/krb5.

-Original Message-
From: Gary Gatten 
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 10:46 AM
To: 'n j'; User Questions
Subject: RE: new package system proposal

I haven't worked with *nix os's as much as FreeBSD - Well, maybe
different flavors of SCO but as far as installing apps and what not
mostly FreeBSD.  I've installed maybe half a dozen apps and NONE of them
took less than 2 - 3 days.  Part of that is my slow a$$ test system -
and my ignorance, but it seems like a MAJOR hassle for even the simplest

It could just be me, but seems like many developers choose to link to
other libraries/modules even if they just need one simple function they
could build into their source directly.  Hence a dependency is
"needlessly" created. Multiply this 500 times and installing a simple
app turns into a nightmare.

I'm definitely gonna start trying to use more packages than ports, but
the port system is necessary and eventually I get stuff working!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of n j
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 3:15 AM
To: User Questions
Subject: Re: new package system proposal

I'd like to use this opportunity to generally support this and any
other ideas taking direction of making binary installs and upgrades
easier and more manageable. I recognize the need for people to
configure custom options and compile from ports (that is why any new
system *must* be compatible with ports), however, it should be noted
that there's a lot of people running simple LAMP servers, almost
exclusively using default options, who would greatly benefit from
better binary package support.

I've already ranted about this
in a slightly different context (I talked about -SECURITY equivalent
instead of -DESKTOP that the OP suggests) with almost the same idea -
make it easy for people who are interested in running stable, secure
servers do binary upgrades without the hassle of going through a major
system recompile because of, for example, openldap shared library
version bump.

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RE: new package system proposal

2009-04-09 Thread Gary Gatten
I haven't worked with *nix os's as much as FreeBSD - Well, maybe
different flavors of SCO but as far as installing apps and what not
mostly FreeBSD.  I've installed maybe half a dozen apps and NONE of them
took less than 2 - 3 days.  Part of that is my slow a$$ test system -
and my ignorance, but it seems like a MAJOR hassle for even the simplest

It could just be me, but seems like many developers choose to link to
other libraries/modules even if they just need one simple function they
could build into their source directly.  Hence a dependency is
"needlessly" created. Multiply this 500 times and installing a simple
app turns into a nightmare.

I'm definitely gonna start trying to use more packages than ports, but
the port system is necessary and eventually I get stuff working!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of n j
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 3:15 AM
To: User Questions
Subject: Re: new package system proposal

I'd like to use this opportunity to generally support this and any
other ideas taking direction of making binary installs and upgrades
easier and more manageable. I recognize the need for people to
configure custom options and compile from ports (that is why any new
system *must* be compatible with ports), however, it should be noted
that there's a lot of people running simple LAMP servers, almost
exclusively using default options, who would greatly benefit from
better binary package support.

I've already ranted about this
in a slightly different context (I talked about -SECURITY equivalent
instead of -DESKTOP that the OP suggests) with almost the same idea -
make it easy for people who are interested in running stable, secure
servers do binary upgrades without the hassle of going through a major
system recompile because of, for example, openldap shared library
version bump.

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"This email is intended to be reviewed by only the intended recipient
 and may contain information that is privileged and/or confidential.
 If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that
 any review, use, dissemination, disclosure or copying of this email
 and its attachments, if any, is strictly prohibited.  If you have
 received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by
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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-09 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 09:16:12 +0200, Jonathan McKeown  wrote:
> Yes - have a look at . I installed PC-BSD on a spare 
> machine to investigate it. The first three ports/metaports I tried to install 
> after completing the base setup were emacs, TeTeX and the Psi Jabber/XMPP 
> client. None of those was available, and after seeing how few prebuilt 
> packages there were in all categories, I gave up.

The "problem" with PC-BSD is that it concentrates on the "average
desktop user", read: the usual KDE user. That's why they have lots
of KDE stuff available and applications for common productivity
uses, as well as multimedia.

You made the "mistake" to choose software that is "non-standard".
So teTeX? What's this? Who uses teTeX? Go use KOffice, man! :-)

I could say something similar about emacs and psi.

On PC-BSD, you can always use pkg_add or the ports collection, but
it may cause problems to do so. Allthough it's possible, it's
adviced to use the PBI installer.

> My personal view is that PC-BSD gives the end user an impressive and 
> reasonably slick computer-as-appliance with some ability to customise and 
> still stay ``on the path''. For people who need that, PC-BSD is what they 
> need.

That seems to bei their goal, yes. My neighbor uses it for some years
now and he's completely happy with it. In fact, he isn't interested
in FreeBSD, nor does he have fundamental UNIX knowledge, but he likes
KDE and the fact that he has not "Windows" on his machine (with all
the advantages this fact implies).

> My feeling, though, is that anyone who finds themselves wanting to 
> install a bunch of stuff from outside the PBI system (in other words, from 
> ports, which are still there under the hood of PC-BSD) will soon want to 
> switch to mainstream FreeBSD.

Take a look at DesktopBSD (their tools are even in the ports collection).
They stick to the ports and packages, but added some GUI stuff for
installation and administration, without doing a "compatibility break"
as PC-BSD does.

> As such PC-BSD has the potential to be an 
> effective ``gateway drug''(!)

In fact, it has.

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-09 Thread n j
I'd like to use this opportunity to generally support this and any
other ideas taking direction of making binary installs and upgrades
easier and more manageable. I recognize the need for people to
configure custom options and compile from ports (that is why any new
system *must* be compatible with ports), however, it should be noted
that there's a lot of people running simple LAMP servers, almost
exclusively using default options, who would greatly benefit from
better binary package support.

I've already ranted about this
in a slightly different context (I talked about -SECURITY equivalent
instead of -DESKTOP that the OP suggests) with almost the same idea -
make it easy for people who are interested in running stable, secure
servers do binary upgrades without the hassle of going through a major
system recompile because of, for example, openldap shared library
version bump.

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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-09 Thread Jonathan McKeown
On Wednesday 08 April 2009 21:24:00 Bob Johnson wrote:
> PC-BSD seems to already keep up-to-date binary packages of their
> applications. Do they accomplish that by only offering a small subset
> of the full ports collection?

Yes - have a look at . I installed PC-BSD on a spare 
machine to investigate it. The first three ports/metaports I tried to install 
after completing the base setup were emacs, TeTeX and the Psi Jabber/XMPP 
client. None of those was available, and after seeing how few prebuilt 
packages there were in all categories, I gave up.

My personal view is that PC-BSD gives the end user an impressive and 
reasonably slick computer-as-appliance with some ability to customise and 
still stay ``on the path''. For people who need that, PC-BSD is what they 
need. My feeling, though, is that anyone who finds themselves wanting to 
install a bunch of stuff from outside the PBI system (in other words, from 
ports, which are still there under the hood of PC-BSD) will soon want to 
switch to mainstream FreeBSD. As such PC-BSD has the potential to be an 
effective ``gateway drug''(!)

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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-08 Thread Bob Johnson
On 4/8/09, Jonathan McKeown  wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 April 2009 23:35:03 Bob Johnson wrote:
>> On 4/4/09, Chris Whitehouse  wrote:
>> > Hi all
>> [...]
>> > My suggestion is to start with a ports tree that is fixed in time. Make
>> > that ports tree available as part of this package system and compile a
>> > typical desktop set of ports, particularly choosing ones which are large
>> > or have many dependencies. When it is all complete release it and start
>> > again. Surely quite a wide selection of desktops, wm's and apps could be
>> > compiled in a couple of weeks?
>> How is it an improvement over the existing tools? I must be missing
>> something, because it sounds to me like you are merely asking that
>> there be more ports made available as packages than are now offered.
> I think what you're missing is the suggestion to bundle a set of pre-built
> packages with a snapshot of the ports tree used to build them. Currently
> it's
> difficult to mix and match packages and ports because the versions of
> dependencies are likely to differ between the package and the local version
> of the ports tree. If you know you have the same ports tree your packages
> were built from, you can much more easily combine pre-built packages and
> local builds from source.

OK, I see now.

> This has clear advantages. At the moment, unless you're very lucky with your
> timing, you tend to find that as soon as you want to build one port from
> source (perhaps to fiddle with the configuration) you have to stop using
> prebuilt packages altogether.

I've not really had a lot of trouble with that, although it sometimes
causes problems. OK, with something big like KDE it causes problems.

> The drawback I can see is the disk space required to keep several
> generations
> of packages online - if the package-port bundle is rebuilt every three
> weeks,
> let's say, and you want to keep 6 months' worth of packages online, you need
> to keep 9 complete versions available.

I think a bigger drawback is the security issue. As soon as any
package in the collection has a significant announced security flaw,
you are faced with the choice of withdrawing the entire collection,
withdrawing only that package, or leaving the flawed package out there
for people to use because it is more convenient for them.

At the very least, it creates a management headache for whomever has
to make the decisions.

> Chris's suggestion is certainly more than just a request for more packages,
> though.

It seems to me that a great deal of what his suggestion would
accomplish would be accomplished by building a very extensive set of
packages once a week or so, so that it is easy to do binary updates of
anything that needs updating. For many, that should solve the bulk of
the problem. And because most ports don't change weekly, the
week-to-week changes shouldn't be unmanageably large.

That could also be a starting point for implementing his full
suggestion. Keeping around week-to-week deltas rather than an entire
collection would reduce the storage requirement substantially.

PC-BSD seems to already keep up-to-date binary packages of their
applications. Do they accomplish that by only offering a small subset
of the full ports collection?

-- Bob Johnson
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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-08 Thread Jonathan McKeown
On Tuesday 07 April 2009 23:35:03 Bob Johnson wrote:
> On 4/4/09, Chris Whitehouse  wrote:
> > Hi all
> [...]
> > My suggestion is to start with a ports tree that is fixed in time. Make
> > that ports tree available as part of this package system and compile a
> > typical desktop set of ports, particularly choosing ones which are large
> > or have many dependencies. When it is all complete release it and start
> > again. Surely quite a wide selection of desktops, wm's and apps could be
> > compiled in a couple of weeks?
> How is it an improvement over the existing tools? I must be missing
> something, because it sounds to me like you are merely asking that
> there be more ports made available as packages than are now offered.

I think what you're missing is the suggestion to bundle a set of pre-built 
packages with a snapshot of the ports tree used to build them. Currently it's 
difficult to mix and match packages and ports because the versions of 
dependencies are likely to differ between the package and the local version 
of the ports tree. If you know you have the same ports tree your packages 
were built from, you can much more easily combine pre-built packages and 
local builds from source.

This has clear advantages. At the moment, unless you're very lucky with your 
timing, you tend to find that as soon as you want to build one port from 
source (perhaps to fiddle with the configuration) you have to stop using 
prebuilt packages altogether.

The drawback I can see is the disk space required to keep several generations 
of packages online - if the package-port bundle is rebuilt every three weeks, 
let's say, and you want to keep 6 months' worth of packages online, you need 
to keep 9 complete versions available.

Chris's suggestion is certainly more than just a request for more packages, 

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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-07 Thread Bob Johnson
On 4/4/09, Chris Whitehouse  wrote:
> Hi all
> My suggestion is to start with a ports tree that is fixed in time. Make
> that ports tree available as part of this package system and compile a
> typical desktop set of ports, particularly choosing ones which are large
> or have many dependencies. When it is all complete release it and start
> again. Surely quite a wide selection of desktops, wm's and apps could be
> compiled in a couple of weeks?

A lot of ports are already available as packages. Do you simply want
more ports available as packages, or a more fundamental change?

> Modify pkg_add so that it can be told to use this 'snapshot' including
> downloading the fixed ports tree that was used.

What is the benefit of this?

> Some benefits to this system are
> - much easier for lower power or laptop users to keep their desktop
> machine up to date

A large subset of ports are already available as packages. Would
making more of them available solve the problem you perceive? Who
would decide what the appropriate default configuration should be for
each port?

> - problems with particular ports can be centrally fixed by knowledgeable
> people, possibly reducing time on lists.

Huh? Aren't they already?

> - reduced energy use for everyone.

I think the difference in energy use would be so small as to be
pointless. If I have a system that consumes 75 kilowatt hours per
month, and I spend an extra 0.05 kilowatt hour per month updating
ports, is the difference (less than 1/10 of 1 percent) really
meaningful? I can't even measure my power usage accurately enough to
detect the difference. Convince me to use three liters less hot water
per month, and you will save more energy.

> - the ports system is still available for those who do want to change
> the config options
> - ports which are not included in the snapshot are still available -
> since this system has already provided the larger ports as packages, the
>   remaining ones would be less onerous to install

That's already done.

> - ports that are installed with make install would maintain
> compatibility with the other installed packages.

In what way are they now not compatible?

> - don't need to mess with portupgrade etc.

What's the significant difference between messing with pkg_add and
messing with portupgrade?

A large subset of ports are already available as packages, so it isn't
clear to me how this proposal is significantly improved over using
"portupgrade -PR _portname_" when a port needs updating. Or
"portupgrade -PRa" when you feel the urge to bring everything up to

Installing and using portaudit is another useful step in the process.
It will send you email to tell you WHEN you should use portupgrade. Of
course, it uses energy to do so.

> - it could (I think) be fitted fairly well into the existing package
> building process.
> - it generally increases the useability of FreeBSD as a desktop system.
> [...]

How is it an improvement over the existing tools? I must be missing
something, because it sounds to me like you are merely asking that
there be more ports made available as packages than are now offered.

To me, the best way to improve FreeBSD as a desktop system would be to
get Flash 9, 10, etc. working properly (this seems to have recently
been accomplished for Flash 9), and to figure out how to get the
Gnome-related stuff to update smoothly without the constant need for
manual interference (I get tired of running gnomeloganalyzer). But
that's a discussion for a different thread.

-- Bob Johnson
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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-07 Thread Chris Whitehouse

Matthew Seaman wrote:

Chris Whitehouse wrote:

You've suggested solutions to a couple of Polytropon's objections, 
thank you. Do you think there is anough mileage in my suggestion to 
make it worth putting in front of some ports people? What would have

to happen to take it forward? I could rewrite the proposal more clearly.

Any well-considered proposal is interesting, and suitable fodder for the
freebsd-po...@... mailing list.  However you must be prepared for your 
ideas to undergo some fairly rigourous critique by people who have spent
a great deal of time in doing exactly the sort of operations you are 
about.  It can be pretty daunting -- remember though that it is your 

that are being dissected: it's not a personal attack against you for having
the temerity to try and suggest something.

Also, as ever in the FreeBSD world, code speaks louder than words.  It's 
easy for anyone to come up with a proposal, hard to turn that into a 

that demonstrates the validity of your ideas.  Expect skepticism until you
have done that. 
I suspect it would be easier to implement than freebsd-update, as a 
good deal of the infrastructure already exists, and would have similar 
benefits. To start developing it would require a ports tree and a 
selection of packages compiled from that ports tree. 7.2 Release is 
coming up. Maybe the ports tree plus packages from that would be a 
good place to start.

freebsd-update and portsnap existed only on Colin Percival's own machines
for quite some time, and then they were made available through ports 
before being accepted into the core system.  That is the usual sort of 

for any major new system modifications.

The infrastructure may well exist, but don't assume that there is any spare
capacity on it.  Getting time on the ports build cluster for running 

is not impossible, but it's somewhere way down the queue after the daily
work of building packages for the FTP sites and testing the effects of bug
fixes in the infrastructure or important and highly 
groups of ports like xorg or gnome.  Also, right before 7.2-RELEASE is 

not the best time as that's when things are most hectic.  Right /after/
7.2-RELEASE would be better

I think your basic idea of snapshotting the ports tree at regular intervals
and building a self-consistent group of desktop related applications is a
pretty good one actually.  You need to work a bit on the details -- for
instance, is it worthwhile rebuilding (say) the X libraries if there have
been no changes to them since the previous snapshot?  Also, I'd take a good
look at exactly how the PC-BSD and Desktop-BSD groups deal with this 



All your points and your encouragement taken on board, thank you. I have 
a bit of spare time next week so I am going to work on this then


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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-06 Thread Matthew Seaman

Chris Whitehouse wrote:

You've suggested solutions to a couple of Polytropon's objections, thank 
you. Do you think there is anough mileage in my suggestion to make it 
worth putting in front of some ports people? What would have

to happen to take it forward? I could rewrite the proposal more clearly.

Any well-considered proposal is interesting, and suitable fodder for the
freebsd-po...@... mailing list.  However you must be prepared for your 
ideas to undergo some fairly rigourous critique by people who have spent

a great deal of time in doing exactly the sort of operations you are talking
about.  It can be pretty daunting -- remember though that it is your /ideas/
that are being dissected: it's not a personal attack against you for having
the temerity to try and suggest something.

Also, as ever in the FreeBSD world, code speaks louder than words.  It's 
easy for anyone to come up with a proposal, hard to turn that into a prototype

that demonstrates the validity of your ideas.  Expect skepticism until you
have done that.  

I suspect it would be easier to implement than freebsd-update, as a good 
deal of the infrastructure already exists, and would have similar 
benefits. To start developing it would require a ports tree and a 
selection of packages compiled from that ports tree. 7.2 Release is 
coming up. Maybe the ports tree plus packages from that would be a good 
place to start.

freebsd-update and portsnap existed only on Colin Percival's own machines
for quite some time, and then they were made available through ports before 
being accepted into the core system.  That is the usual sort of progression

for any major new system modifications.

The infrastructure may well exist, but don't assume that there is any spare
capacity on it.  Getting time on the ports build cluster for running experiments
is not impossible, but it's somewhere way down the queue after the daily
work of building packages for the FTP sites and testing the effects of bug
fixes in the infrastructure or important and highly interconnected
groups of ports like xorg or gnome.  Also, right before 7.2-RELEASE is probably
not the best time as that's when things are most hectic.  Right /after/
7.2-RELEASE would be better

I think your basic idea of snapshotting the ports tree at regular intervals
and building a self-consistent group of desktop related applications is a
pretty good one actually.  You need to work a bit on the details -- for
instance, is it worthwhile rebuilding (say) the X libraries if there have
been no changes to them since the previous snapshot?  Also, I'd take a good
look at exactly how the PC-BSD and Desktop-BSD groups deal with this problem.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
 Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
 Kent, CT11 9PW

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-06 Thread Chris Whitehouse wrote:

Chris Whitehouse  wrote:

My suggestion is to start with a ports tree that is fixed in time.
Make that ports tree available as part of this package system and
compile a typical desktop set of ports ...

Isn't this exactly what is currently done as part of a release?  The
ports tree is tagged so that a snapshot can be retrieved using csup,
and packages are built for publication on (for example)

It is but the difference in what I am imagining is the frequency which 
would be much higher than releases. And answering more than your 
question, the difference between this and the pkg_add system is that 
this is based on a fixed ports tree, whereas pkg_add is based on a 
rolling ports tree, so "

Granted this includes all package-distributable ports rather than a
"typical desktop" subset.

I know you wrote something else but I am too tired to respond or rather 
to read it properly tonight.


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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-06 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 06 Apr 2009 22:48:01 +0100, Chris Whitehouse  wrote:
> Hmm Polytropon you seem to be dismissing my idea with minor examples.

Actually not, because I'm a big fan of pkg_add -r. :-)

I honestly run older machines, the oldest one is a P1 150MHz with
128 MB EDO-RAM where compiling is no fun at all, even a 5.x kernel
needs 24 hours. And with the new optimizing cc, it would surely
need much more time.

If I could install, let's say, FreeBSD 7.1 on that system, use
freebsd-update to follow the security updates, and then install
software as new as possible (via a pkg_add -r like means), this
machine would make a good server without any problems. Well, I
even used it as a serious workstation, this should still be

> It's true but many ports would not be included in this desktop package
> set. I suspect still that plenty of people would be happy with defaults
> for many of the desktop apps.

I think so, too. My favourite example, mplayer, would be one of the
few problematic points, because usually a desktop user wants all the
codes, even those that are illegal in his country.

> i think Matthew deals with this one in his later post. But ok maybe 
> there are one or
> two ports for which you provide a binary with default config but many
> people recompile it anyway. They would still have all the dependencies
> already installed.

Yes, and it's mostly okay to get them through a regular pkg_add -r call.
Let me give this example: When I'm about to install mplayer on an
otherwise fresh system, I don't start an mplayer build in order to
compile everything needed. I usually hit ^C as soon as I see a line
of "... depends on ... not found" and add this via pkg_add -r. If
there are dependencies for such a dependency, they will be installed
as well. So I finally end up compliling mplayer, and not Gnome or
other heavy stuff.

> Since we are talking about a fixed point ports tree
> then all the lib and dependency versions would match and - voila no problem.

Exactly. Because the sources of pkg_add -r are usually a bit older
than the port mplayer itself, there may be slightly different
version numbers. But in most cases, it doesn't matter because
we're talking about subsubminor version numbers.

> > Another example is (you mentioned it) OpenOffice. In the
> > past, I was happy to do
> > 
> > # pkg_add -r de-openoffice
> > 
> > or something similar. Today, I'm happy that someone put
> > a precompiled package of OpenOffice online and announced
> > it on the de- mailing list.
> So you would be keen to have OO available. So would a few other people
> judging by the openoffice topic going at the moment.

Yes, I completely agree with that. As far as I know, the correct
internationalisation *requires* compiling. A precompiled OO in
English cannot be made a German one.

> > (Side note: I prefer good english language in my programs
> > instead of poor german translation which is quite bad.
> > OpenOffice, and in the past StarOffice, is the only
> > exception for me.)
> > 
> > As you see, I am a big fan of pkg_add, but it doesn't work
> > in every case.
> No because the packages are built on a rolling ports tree. The crucial
> difference is that the whole thing is a type of ports-snapshot so
> everything matches.

Well, the precompiled packages are somewhat -STABLE every time.
There is no exactly RELEASE, except you're using the RELEASE
system without updating, and then the packages from the CD.
Or the packages for RELEASE from the FTP server. In every
other case, the Latest packages are used which may bring up
problems with a system that is not up to date.

> yes this is a downside of upgrading by compiling from ports, regardless
> of whether you use portmanager portupgrade or portmaster. I'm trying to
> avoid the necessity of the update happening through the night at all.

That's why I do "install once, use then". :-)

> The modification is that pkg_add with --ports-snapshot option (or a
> completely new utility) would hook into this "ports-snapshot" which
> consists of a ports tree and a set of packages which are built from
> 'this' ports tree. Maybe the only change is that pkg_add gets the ports
> tree snapshot from which the ports were built.

That would preserve the consistency of ports and packages. While you
can use the sup files for "make update" to specify a certain point
in time of the ports tree, I think you cannot to the samt with a
package, let's say "pkg_add -date=2009-01-01 -r xmms" to fit a
requirement of a local ports tree dated at this timestamp.

> I think it is also implicit that if you download a new snapshot you get
> the ports tree plus all the packages installed on your computer that 
> have been upgraded since your
> last snapshot. You would not use it by downloading the ports tree
> snapshot and choosing only to upgrade certain ports.

Again, this is a good idea which would also preserve consistency. You
could binary upgrade your whole system without getting into troubl

Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-06 Thread Chris Whitehouse

Matthew Seaman wrote:

Polytropon wrote:

Compiling applications in general will lead you into one
main problem: Many ports have different options that need
to be set at compile time. For a set of n options, 2^n
packages would be created, if I consider the WITH_SOMETHING
options only.

One example is mplayer. Its various options select which
codecs to include or if / if not to build with mencoder.
In regards of different national law, it may even be
prohibited to include a several codec, so it needs to
be installed afterwards manually.

Another example is (you mentioned it) OpenOffice. In the
past, I was happy to do

# pkg_add -r de-openoffice

or something similar. Today, I'm happy that someone put
a precompiled package of OpenOffice online and announced
it on the de- mailing list.

Hmmm... I was thinking about this the other day.  There are two
classes of behaviour where OPTIONS functionality could be passed
down to the compiled pkg level.

The first is where choosing an option /only/ affects the dependency
tree for a package.  The phpMyAdmin port I maintain is like this:
by setting OPTIONS you can avoid installing some php modules -- the
phpMyAdmin code automatically detects the presence or absence of
those modules and does the right thing automatically.  Adding an
interactive options menu to provide the same functionality when
installing from packages seems to me to be do-able, although I admit
to no great expertise at C programming.  However, aside from meta-
ports, this sort of OPTIONS behaviour is probably fairly unusual in
the ports tree.

The second case is far more common and far more interesting.  This is
where toggling an option controls whether some sub-set of files get
installed or not, without any changes to other parts of the port.
Adding different localizations in many programs, or choosing which
out of a set of drivers for different pieces of hardware to install
(eg. in print/ghostscript8) are cases in point.  Now, one answer to
providing the full flexibility of such a port when installed via
packages is simply to split up the port into a lot of smaller ports,
which reduces the problem to the previous one of using OPTIONS to 
control the dependency tree.  The various different php5 modules are

a good example of this sort of approach in practice.  The disadvantages
are exploding the number of directories within the ports tree, requiring
maintainers for all of the newly created tiny little ports and generally
increasing the amount of work it takes to maintain everything.

Now, one way of alleviating some of the the maintenance burden would be
a fairly simple idea I had.  At the moment, there's a one-to-one
relationship between port directories in the ports tree and the packages
installed from them.  But that doesn't have to be so:  why can't typing
'make install' in a port directory end up installing several different
packages?  Seems quite feasible to me to install a number of sub-ports
as one operation.

One final note: there's a degenerate case of this behaviour for virtually
all ports in the tree.  When installing from ports, you can set
'NOPORTDOCS' and 'NOPORTEXAMPLES' to avoid installing documentation or
examples respectively. When installing from packages you don't get that
capability.  Having foo-docs-n.nn.nn and foo-examples-n.nn.nn sub-ports
would give you that.



You've suggested solutions to a couple of Polytropon's objections, thank 
you. Do you think there is anough mileage in my suggestion to make it 
worth putting in front of some ports people? What would have

to happen to take it forward? I could rewrite the proposal more clearly.

I suspect it would be easier to implement than freebsd-update, as a good 
deal of the infrastructure already exists, and would have similar 
benefits. To start developing it would require a ports tree and a 
selection of packages compiled from that ports tree. 7.2 Release is 
coming up. Maybe the ports tree plus packages from that would be a good 
place to start.

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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-06 Thread Chris Whitehouse

Hmm Polytropon you seem to be dismissing my idea with minor examples.
I am convinced it could work, and that people would appreciate it. I've
tried to answer your points, apologies if I have misunderstood any of them.

Polytropon wrote:

Compiling applications in general will lead you into one
main problem: Many ports have different options that need
to be set at compile time. For a set of n options, 2^n
packages would be created, if I consider the WITH_SOMETHING
options only.

It's true but many ports would not be included in this desktop package
set. I suspect still that plenty of people would be happy with defaults
for many of the desktop apps.

One example is mplayer. Its various options select which
codecs to include or if / if not to build with mencoder.
In regards of different national law, it may even be
prohibited to include a several codec, so it needs to
be installed afterwards manually.

i think Matthew deals with this one in his later post. But ok maybe 
there are one or

two ports for which you provide a binary with default config but many
people recompile it anyway. They would still have all the dependencies
already installed. Since we are talking about a fixed point ports tree
then all the lib and dependency versions would match and - voila no problem.

Another example is (you mentioned it) OpenOffice. In the
past, I was happy to do

# pkg_add -r de-openoffice

or something similar. Today, I'm happy that someone put
a precompiled package of OpenOffice online and announced
it on the de- mailing list.

So you would be keen to have OO available. So would a few other people
judging by the openoffice topic going at the moment.

The topic internationalization comes into mind here. I'm
not sure how OpenOffice decides which language to use,
maybe this is to be set at compile time, too.

Yes this occurred to me after I made my inital post but I think Matthew
deals with this one as well.

(Side note: I prefer good english language in my programs
instead of poor german translation which is quite bad.
OpenOffice, and in the past StarOffice, is the only
exception for me.)

As you see, I am a big fan of pkg_add, but it doesn't work
in every case.

No because the packages are built on a rolling ports tree. The crucial
difference is that the whole thing is a type of ports-snapshot so
everything matches.

On Sat, 04 Apr 2009 15:13:22 +0100, Chris Whitehouse  wrote:
Ports is rightly a flagship element of FreeBSD. The benefit is 
configureability and consistency. The obvious downside is it takes so 
long to update a desktop machine with a normal set of ports installed, 
particularly lower spec hardware or laptops.

pkg_add somewhat addresses this but it doesn't work quite as well as 
ports because of possible version mismatches.

It's always good to use an "integrated tool" such as portupgrade or
portmaster to get rid of such problems (like pkgdb -aF). It allows
automating the updating process, but as you know, something can
happen and the update stops during the night.

yes this is a downside of upgrading by compiling from ports, regardless
of whether you use portmanager portupgrade or portmaster. I'm trying to
avoid the necessity of the update happening through the night at all.

Modify pkg_add so that it can be told to use this 'snapshot' including 
downloading the fixed ports tree that was used.

You can tell pkg_add to get packages from a completely differnent
place, this doesn't need a modification of this system's program
itself. But a kind of "wrapper" would help here.

The modification is that pkg_add with --ports-snapshot option (or a
completely new utility) would hook into this "ports-snapshot" which
consists of a ports tree and a set of packages which are built from
'this' ports tree. Maybe the only change is that pkg_add gets the ports
tree snapshot from which the ports were built.

I think it is also implicit that if you download a new snapshot you get
the ports tree plus all the packages installed on your computer that 
have been upgraded since your

last snapshot. You would not use it by downloading the ports tree
snapshot and choosing only to upgrade certain ports. Compare
freebsd-update which I think updates everything in your base system, not
by you choosing which bits to update.

Some benefits to this system are
- don't need to mess with portupgrade etc.

I always felt that tools like portupgrade make things easier, not
messier, but I'm oldfashioned, so don't give anything on my very
individual opinion. :-)

Yes the ports-mgmt utilities are useful. Still quite a lot of list time
is spent on problems around upgrading ports, regardless of the utility
used to do the upgrading. A centrally managed set of packages would have
access to a group of experts who would be able to fix problems quickly
(using the time they didn't have to spend on answering questions on list 
:) )

- it generally increases the useability of FreeBSD as a desktop system.

Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-04 Thread perryh
Chris Whitehouse  wrote:
> My suggestion is to start with a ports tree that is fixed in time.
> Make that ports tree available as part of this package system and
> compile a typical desktop set of ports ...

Isn't this exactly what is currently done as part of a release?  The
ports tree is tagged so that a snapshot can be retrieved using csup,
and packages are built for publication on (for example)

Granted this includes all package-distributable ports rather than a
"typical desktop" subset.

> Modify pkg_add so that it can be told to use this 'snapshot'
> including downloading the fixed ports tree that was used.

AFAIK pkg_add currently does not download the ports tree at all --
that is done using csup or portsnap -- but it can be directed to
a release set or other remote package repository via the -r flag.
My only issue with that approach is that, last I knew, there was
no way to specify a mix of local and remote repositories (to deal
with the case where I have already downloded some subset of what
I end up needing, so I want pkg_add to search locally first and
use the remote repository only for packages that it can't find
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Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-04 Thread Matthew Seaman

Polytropon wrote:

Compiling applications in general will lead you into one
main problem: Many ports have different options that need
to be set at compile time. For a set of n options, 2^n
packages would be created, if I consider the WITH_SOMETHING
options only.

One example is mplayer. Its various options select which
codecs to include or if / if not to build with mencoder.
In regards of different national law, it may even be
prohibited to include a several codec, so it needs to
be installed afterwards manually.

Another example is (you mentioned it) OpenOffice. In the
past, I was happy to do

# pkg_add -r de-openoffice

or something similar. Today, I'm happy that someone put
a precompiled package of OpenOffice online and announced
it on the de- mailing list.

Hmmm... I was thinking about this the other day.  There are two
classes of behaviour where OPTIONS functionality could be passed
down to the compiled pkg level.

The first is where choosing an option /only/ affects the dependency
tree for a package.  The phpMyAdmin port I maintain is like this:
by setting OPTIONS you can avoid installing some php modules -- the
phpMyAdmin code automatically detects the presence or absence of
those modules and does the right thing automatically.  Adding an
interactive options menu to provide the same functionality when
installing from packages seems to me to be do-able, although I admit
to no great expertise at C programming.  However, aside from meta-
ports, this sort of OPTIONS behaviour is probably fairly unusual in
the ports tree.

The second case is far more common and far more interesting.  This is
where toggling an option controls whether some sub-set of files get
installed or not, without any changes to other parts of the port.
Adding different localizations in many programs, or choosing which
out of a set of drivers for different pieces of hardware to install
(eg. in print/ghostscript8) are cases in point.  Now, one answer to
providing the full flexibility of such a port when installed via
packages is simply to split up the port into a lot of smaller ports,
which reduces the problem to the previous one of using OPTIONS to 
control the dependency tree.  The various different php5 modules are

a good example of this sort of approach in practice.  The disadvantages
are exploding the number of directories within the ports tree, requiring
maintainers for all of the newly created tiny little ports and generally
increasing the amount of work it takes to maintain everything.

Now, one way of alleviating some of the the maintenance burden would be
a fairly simple idea I had.  At the moment, there's a one-to-one
relationship between port directories in the ports tree and the packages
installed from them.  But that doesn't have to be so:  why can't typing
'make install' in a port directory end up installing several different
packages?  Seems quite feasible to me to install a number of sub-ports
as one operation.

One final note: there's a degenerate case of this behaviour for virtually
all ports in the tree.  When installing from ports, you can set
'NOPORTDOCS' and 'NOPORTEXAMPLES' to avoid installing documentation or
examples respectively. When installing from packages you don't get that
capability.  Having foo-docs-n.nn.nn and foo-examples-n.nn.nn sub-ports
would give you that.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
 Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
 Kent, CT11 9PW

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: new package system proposal

2009-04-04 Thread Polytropon
Compiling applications in general will lead you into one
main problem: Many ports have different options that need
to be set at compile time. For a set of n options, 2^n
packages would be created, if I consider the WITH_SOMETHING
options only.

One example is mplayer. Its various options select which
codecs to include or if / if not to build with mencoder.
In regards of different national law, it may even be
prohibited to include a several codec, so it needs to
be installed afterwards manually.

Another example is (you mentioned it) OpenOffice. In the
past, I was happy to do

# pkg_add -r de-openoffice

or something similar. Today, I'm happy that someone put
a precompiled package of OpenOffice online and announced
it on the de- mailing list.

The topic internationalization comes into mind here. I'm
not sure how OpenOffice decides which language to use,
maybe this is to be set at compile time, too.

(Side note: I prefer good english language in my programs
instead of poor german translation which is quite bad.
OpenOffice, and in the past StarOffice, is the only
exception for me.)

As you see, I am a big fan of pkg_add, but it doesn't work
in every case.

On Sat, 04 Apr 2009 15:13:22 +0100, Chris Whitehouse  wrote:
> Ports is rightly a flagship element of FreeBSD. The benefit is 
> configureability and consistency. The obvious downside is it takes so 
> long to update a desktop machine with a normal set of ports installed, 
> particularly lower spec hardware or laptops.
> pkg_add somewhat addresses this but it doesn't work quite as well as 
> ports because of possible version mismatches.

It's always good to use an "integrated tool" such as portupgrade or
portmaster to get rid of such problems (like pkgdb -aF). It allows
automating the updating process, but as you know, something can
happen and the update stops during the night.

> Modify pkg_add so that it can be told to use this 'snapshot' including 
> downloading the fixed ports tree that was used.

You can tell pkg_add to get packages from a completely differnent
place, this doesn't need a modification of this system's program
itself. But a kind of "wrapper" would help here.

> Some benefits to this system are
> [...]
> - don't need to mess with portupgrade etc.

I always felt that tools like portupgrade make things easier, not
messier, but I'm oldfashioned, so don't give anything on my very
individual opinion. :-)

> - it generally increases the useability of FreeBSD as a desktop system.

Well, when we're talking about desktop systems, there are the
both two big philosophies:

(a) install it once, use it then

(b) always upgrade

There are (reasonable) needs for both concepts, and they may
even mix. Thinking about the problems / difficulties that came
up with the recent update, my X is still in (a) state. :-)

> I think this could work because I think the default config options are 
> probably suitable for most desktop users so it wouldn't be necessary to 
> create loads of different binaries for the same port, [...]

I may disagree and bring (only) one example: mplayer. Reason:
codecs. Most users I know who dislike compiling always take
the time to get the maximum out of mplayer, and this cannot
be achieved using pkg_add.

> [...] and security 
> considerations are not so important as for server admins.

Don't say that. An incorrectly administrated desktop can develop
into a massive threat to others on the Internet. Do you know that
most spam, data espionage, malware, viruses etc. are distributed
by home PCs (even if they are placed in a company's network)?

> It might be possible to distribute the actual compiling to users with 
> spare cpu cycles, a bit like the s...@home projects etc.

I'll reserve some spare cycles for you with my for(;;); program. :-)

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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