RE: /root file system full

2004-03-08 Thread Ron Joordens
Yes, Bob you are right.

The real problem was running KDE while logged in as root, not installing
ports. I deleted all the files that KDE placed in / and now everything is

Once again, thanks


> -Original Message-
> From: Bob Johnson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, 6 March 2004 3:24 PM
> To:   Ron Joordens
> Subject:  Re: /root file system full
> On Wednesday 03 March 2004 11:55 pm, you wrote:
> > Bob,
> >
> > Thanks for taking the time to answer my query.
> >
> > My filesystem setup is the default one as suggested during the
> > installation. IE. 128mb for /root, 512mb for /swap, 256mb for /var,
> > 256mb for /tmp and the rest of the 6gb partition (slice) for /usr.
> >
> A detail: / and /root are not the same thing.  The "root" partition 
> is /, while /root is a directory named root in that partition.
> > I currently think as a result of some of the answers I have received,
> > that the problem is that I have been logging in as root to install
> > ports etc, when I should have been logging in as a user and doing an
> > su to root to install. 
> I don't believe this is your problem.  It is a good security precaution, 
> but AFAIK, it won't affect where files end up when you install ports. 
> Some of the security issues are: doing routine operations as root 
> creates the risk that a minor typing error will do major damage that an 
> unprivileged user wouldn't be able to do; if an attacker manages to 
> steal your password, hijack a remote login session, or whatever, they 
> still won't have root access (make them work for it); on 
> multi-administrator systems it provides some degree of accountability; 
> it lets you prohibit remote logins by root (the FreeBSD default, by the 
> way); and more that don't come to mind at the moment.
> > Also running KDE etc while logged in as root 
> > may have written KDE files to me / directory. I know, silly boy, but
> > to a beginner when the handbook says that ports can only be installed
> > while logged in as root then I log in as root. The subtle difference
> > between the two is nowhere explained. At least I haven't seen it.
> This part is accurate.  Logging in to KDE as root will add some cruft to 
> your / partition.  And KDE always writes stuff into /var/tmp (or /tmp 
> in older versions), regardless of which user invokes it.
> >
> > I shall certainly take note of your advice and have a look at
> > deleting any temp and uneccessary files, creating symlinks  and
> > making the filesystems larger when I reinstall, as I inevitably will.
> > Probably sooner rather than later.
> >
> > The whole point to this installation was to evaluate and learn Linux
> > and BSD OSes. I have started with FreeBSD (in at the deep end -:) and
> > will soon try out some of the Linuxes such as Redhat, Slackware,
> > Mandrake and Gentoo. I will then choose a couple I like and reinstall
> > in a more permanent manner. Thus I will have more space to play with
> > later.
> >
> > So far I really like FreeBSD and plan to stick with it. I'll upgrade
> > to 5.2 next install though.
> >
> > Thanks again,
> >
> > Ron
> Good luck.
> - Bob
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Re: /root file system full

2004-03-06 Thread Alex de Kruijff
On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 04:50:32PM -0500, Jerry McAllister wrote:
> > Good Morning,
> > 
> > I have recently installed FreeBSD 4.9  and have thoroughly enjoyed my first
> > foray into the BSD world. Indeed my first foray into any non-windows OS. So
> > far I have encountered quite a few problems but have always managed to find
> > an answer in the handbook or by searching through the extensive resources
> > available on the net. Great documentaion! This is the first time I have
> > needed to ask a question.
> Good.
> > My / filesystem is full. 109%. I want to know what is on the / filesystem,
> > what I can get rid of, how to get rid of it and how to make sure that it
> > doesn't happen again.
> First, use the program to check usage of a disk.
> Since it is / that is overfull, 
> log in or su to root
>cd /
>du -sk *
> Then find out which directory trees or files are using up
> all the space.
> CD in to those directories and do the same thing until you 
> find some things that seem unexpectedly large or unnecessary.
> Then you can delete unneeded things.
> In spite of a pretty good system, upgrades and installs can use
> up space and leave extra stuff lying around.   Some of them clean
> up after themselves well and some don't do so well.
> As for the amount of space you need in a / filesystem, I think
> that the 128 MB is unrealistic.   If you have just a base system
> and stay right on top of it all the time, you can get by with that
> amount.   With disks being so much larget nowdays, I let myself
> have more, maybe double or so.   But, on the machine I am on at
> the moment, although I have a bigger root, only 43 MB of it is used.

I agree, but don't make it to much bigger. There is a better performance
include with a small root, since the start of the disk is faster then
the end. Having a small root allow a faster boot and faster writes and
read to swap file, since this is then closer to the start. I feel 256M
would be appropriate. It migth be that less gives problems when you try
to update though the make world process.


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Re: /root file system full

2004-03-03 Thread Bob Johnson
On Wednesday 03 March 2004 04:51 pm, Ron Joordens > wrote:
> Good Morning,
> My / filesystem is full. 109%. I want to know what is on the /
> filesystem, what I can get rid of, how to get rid of it and how to
> make sure that it doesn't happen again.
> Any thoughts?

The / filesystem contains all of the other filesystems, either directly, 
or as mountpoints where other filesystems are mounted.  But filesystems 
being mounted under / would not cause an error message that says / is 
full, so your first task is to figure out how things are configured on  
your system (I don't know what the default configuration is these days, 
or whether you used the defaults).

As someone pointed out already, this information is obtained with the 
"df" command.  If you can post the output of that will narrow down the 

> For background information:
> The / filesystem is the suggested default of 128mb. The handbook says
> that root is generally about 40mb of data and that 100mb should be
> enough to allow for future expansion needs, so 128mb should be
> adequate.
> During installation I installed everything, sources, ports,
> documentation, etc.

My experience is that the suggested defaults are enough to get a basic 
system going, but tend to be a bit tight for a system on which you are 
going to install a lot of stuff and/or use for a long time.

My own rule of thumb is to double all of the defaults, and have at least 
3 GB for /usr on a workstation where a lot of miscellaneous programs 
are likely to be installed.  My laptop has 4.6GB in /usr, and it's 90% 
full (but almost 1 GB of that is stuff I stored there temporarily).
When you are first learning FreeBSD (or any *nix), there is something to 
be said for putting EVERYTHING in one partition (/), and using du to 
check to see how much /var, /usr, /tmp, /home, etc. are using once in a 
while.  Eventually you will have a good idea of what your real needs 
are, and around that time you will be ready to clean everything up by 
wiping the system and doing a fresh install.  Of course, you will need 
to figure out where to temporarily store /home and any important 
configuration files while you do the new installation.  My prefered 
method is to just buy a new, larger hard drive and keep the old one 
around as a backup.

> I have CVSuped source to RELENG_4_9.
> I have CVSuped ports.
> I have recompiled the kernel 3 or 4 times.
> I have redirected the /tmp directory to /usr/tmp  (these locations
> are from memory but you get the idea)
> I got a bit carried away installing ports during installation (a kid
> in a candy store?) and currently have about 206 installed.
> I have been updating ports recently using portupgrade with the
> recursive switches -rR.
> At the time the first filesystem full error message was seen I was
> portupgrading arts -Rr which was upgrading a lot of other ports as
> well. That process stopped with an error message stating that a
> conflict between xfmail and qt existed and that qt could not be
> upgraded untill xfmail was deinstalled so there may be a lot of
> working data still on the system. Would that be on root?

The working files for the most part should be in /usr/ports, although I 
believe some are also in /tmp (that may be your problem).  You should 
be able to delete the contents of /tmp without harm, particularly if 
you do it while shut down to single user mode, but /usr/tmp is supposed 
to persist across reboots and some things may get slightly confused 
when you delete their temp files. Slight confusion is certainly better 
than a dead system, though.

The timing of the error messages also suggests the possibility that /var 
is part of / rather than being a separate filesystem, and that either 
the ports database and/or the log files are eating a large chunk of 
your space.  If that is the case, it might be prudent to consider it a 
learning experience and start over.  If necessary (and assuming that 
really is the problem), you can resurrect the system by some 
combination of deleting old logs, uninstalling unneeded ports, moving 
directories to other partitions and using symlinks (soft links) to make 
them appear in the right place, and don't forget to go back and delete 
old kernels you don't need any more if you are saving some of them 
"just in case".

> Thanks for your help,
> Ron Joordens
> Melbourne, Australia

Good luck,

- Bob
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Re: /root file system full

2004-03-03 Thread Asenchi
On Thu, 4 Mar 2004 08:51:56 +1100 
Ron Joordens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

+> Good Morning,
+> My / filesystem is full. 109%. I want to know what is on the /
filesystem,+> what I can get rid of, how to get rid of it and how to
make sure that it+> doesn't happen again.
+> Any thoughts?

I have some so far.

You put in your subject that /root file system is full and in the body
of your message you put / is full.  These are acutally two different
things.  Are you using the 'root' account to log in to the system?  Are
you installing ports for the 'root' user or another system user (for ex:
your own personal user id)?


+> I got a bit carried away installing ports during installation (a kid
in a+> candy store?) and currently have about 206 installed.

That isn't bad:

([EMAIL PROTECTED]): pkg_info | wc -l   [19:25 :: 004-03-03] 

Would+> that be on root?

Again, this raises red flags to me.  You want to make sure you are using
a different account than 'root'.  You should use su(1) to get to
superuser access.  Read more about it in the documentation.

I could be wrong, I just wanted to clarify.

Glad every thing has been going well.

// Asenchi
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Re: /root file system full

2004-03-03 Thread Matthew Seaman
On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 08:51:56AM +1100, Ron Joordens wrote:

> My / filesystem is full. 109%. I want to know what is on the / filesystem,
> what I can get rid of, how to get rid of it and how to make sure that it
> doesn't happen again.
> Any thoughts?

Check for core files (called 'foo.core' for many different values of
foo) -- you can just delete these unless you're going to get into
debugging in a serious way.

Check the contents of root's home directory, /root -- you should never
log into the system as root, especially not via a graphical login.
You shouldn't run any interactive command as root unless it's
absolutely necessary.  If you've got a /root/.kde or a /root/.gnome*
or a /root/GNUstep or a /root/.mozilla then delete those directories
straight away, and give yourself a good slap on the wrist for being a
bad boy.  There shouldn't be much stuff in /root at all.  There
probably shouldn't be any subdirectories of /root, except for the
stuff under /root/.ssh

To search the root partition for files matching certain conditions,
use the find(1) command.  The '-xdev' option lets you limit the search
to just the one partition.  Eg. to find all files modified in the last

# find / -xdev -mtime -7 -print

Or to find all files over 1Mb in size and produce a long-format listing:

# find / -xdev -size +1048576c -ls

(that only produces a list of 39 files on my machine).



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   26 The Paddocks
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PGP: Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

Description: PGP signature

Re: /root file system full

2004-03-03 Thread Jerry McAllister
> Good Morning,
> I have recently installed FreeBSD 4.9  and have thoroughly enjoyed my first
> foray into the BSD world. Indeed my first foray into any non-windows OS. So
> far I have encountered quite a few problems but have always managed to find
> an answer in the handbook or by searching through the extensive resources
> available on the net. Great documentaion! This is the first time I have
> needed to ask a question.


> My / filesystem is full. 109%. I want to know what is on the / filesystem,
> what I can get rid of, how to get rid of it and how to make sure that it
> doesn't happen again.

First, use the program to check usage of a disk.
Since it is / that is overfull, 
log in or su to root
   cd /
   du -sk *

Then find out which directory trees or files are using up
all the space.
CD in to those directories and do the same thing until you 
find some things that seem unexpectedly large or unnecessary.
Then you can delete unneeded things.

In spite of a pretty good system, upgrades and installs can use
up space and leave extra stuff lying around.   Some of them clean
up after themselves well and some don't do so well.

As for the amount of space you need in a / filesystem, I think
that the 128 MB is unrealistic.   If you have just a base system
and stay right on top of it all the time, you can get by with that
amount.   With disks being so much larget nowdays, I let myself
have more, maybe double or so.   But, on the machine I am on at
the moment, although I have a bigger root, only 43 MB of it is used.

The next thing is to figure out your whole disk partitioning scheme.
Generally I make sure that /var and /usr either are separate file
systems or at least that the parts of them such as /var/spool
and /var/log and /usr/ports and /usr/src and /usr/local are all
moved to some big space and symlinked.

Without knowing more about what you have where, it isn't possible
to say anything more specific.


> Any thoughts?
> For background information: 
> The / filesystem is the suggested default of 128mb. The handbook says that
> root is generally about 40mb of data and that 100mb should be enough to
> allow for future expansion needs, so 128mb should be adequate.
> During installation I installed everything, sources, ports, documentation,
> etc.
> I have CVSuped source to RELENG_4_9.
> I have CVSuped ports.
> I have recompiled the kernel 3 or 4 times.
> I have redirected the /tmp directory to /usr/tmp  (these locations are from
> memory but you get the idea)
> I got a bit carried away installing ports during installation (a kid in a
> candy store?) and currently have about 206 installed.
> I have been updating ports recently using portupgrade with the recursive
> switches -rR. 
> At the time the first filesystem full error message was seen I was
> portupgrading arts -Rr which was upgrading a lot of other ports as well.
> That process stopped with an error message stating that a conflict between
> xfmail and qt existed and that qt could not be upgraded untill xfmail was
> deinstalled so there may be a lot of working data still on the system. Would
> that be on root?
> Thanks for your help,
> Ron Joordens
> Melbourne, Australia
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Re: /root file system full

2004-03-03 Thread Dan Rue
On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 08:51:56AM +1100, Ron Joordens wrote:
> Good Morning,
> I have recently installed FreeBSD 4.9  and have thoroughly enjoyed my first
> foray into the BSD world. Indeed my first foray into any non-windows OS. So
> far I have encountered quite a few problems but have always managed to find
> an answer in the handbook or by searching through the extensive resources
> available on the net. Great documentaion! This is the first time I have
> needed to ask a question.
> My / filesystem is full. 109%. I want to know what is on the / filesystem,
> what I can get rid of, how to get rid of it and how to make sure that it
> doesn't happen again.
> Any thoughts?
> For background information: 
> The / filesystem is the suggested default of 128mb. The handbook says that
> root is generally about 40mb of data and that 100mb should be enough to
> allow for future expansion needs, so 128mb should be adequate.
> During installation I installed everything, sources, ports, documentation,
> etc.
> I have CVSuped source to RELENG_4_9.
> I have CVSuped ports.
> I have recompiled the kernel 3 or 4 times.
> I have redirected the /tmp directory to /usr/tmp  (these locations are from
> memory but you get the idea)
> I got a bit carried away installing ports during installation (a kid in a
> candy store?) and currently have about 206 installed.
> I have been updating ports recently using portupgrade with the recursive
> switches -rR. 
> At the time the first filesystem full error message was seen I was
> portupgrading arts -Rr which was upgrading a lot of other ports as well.
> That process stopped with an error message stating that a conflict between
> xfmail and qt existed and that qt could not be upgraded untill xfmail was
> deinstalled so there may be a lot of working data still on the system. Would
> that be on root?
> Thanks for your help,
> Ron Joordens
> Melbourne, Australia
Good Evening ;)

128MB is enough for / if you also set up all of the other partitions
correctly.  If you showed us a df -h we could more easily see your

That said, if this is a hobby system as it sounds like, you may be able
to get by with fewer partitions.  Personally, on desktop systems, I like
to put /usr/home on it's own partition and I just throw everythign else
on /.  It all depends on what you're using the system for, really.  

That way, I can totally nuke everything, do a full reinstall from
scratch, and still have my user environment how I like it without having
to goof around with restoring from backups.  

Regardless of what you decide to do - a reinstall may be in order
(sorry).  But, chalk it up to experience.  You'll have a much cleaner
system the second time around :)


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