Re: Installation Hang

2003-11-12 Thread Nick P.

Bob Downes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>What version of FreeBSD are you trying to install? Have 
>you tried another branch? (I.e. if you're installing 4.9, 
>try 5.1, and vice-versa. 5.1 is still not recommended 
>for production systems, but it seems very, very stable as 
>my desktop system.)
I am installing 4.9.  Someone else suggested 5.1 as well.  I'm a little concerned 
about doing that because I can imagine myself
1) having trouble at some point
2) asking a question
3) getting roasted by this list for using a CURRENT install, 
when I'm new to FreeBSD


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Re: Installation Hang

2003-11-12 Thread Nick P.

>Please wrap your lines at 70 characters so they may be easily >read.

>> I think that if it is documented that in order to use 
>>FreeBSD, you must have your CD-ROM on a separate IDE 
>>cable that your hard drive, because of __X___ reason, 
>>then that would be more palatable. I could then 
>>easily decide whether or not I want to move on to the
>>next hurdle in installing the OS.

>That's not necessary in general, unless you have poor quality or
>misconfigured hardware.
I really meant that as hypothetical.  So ... maybe it is my hardware.  But it does 
work fine in another OS.  Could you elaborate on some ways that FreeBSD might be more 
sensitive to poor quality hardware than another operating system?


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Re: Installation Hang

2003-11-11 Thread Kris Kennaway
Please wrap your lines at 70 characters so they may be easily read.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 12:07:32AM -0500, Nick P. wrote:

> I think that if it is documented that in order to use FreeBSD, you
> must have your CD-ROM on a separate IDE cable that your hard drive,
> because of __X___ reason, then that would be more palatable.  I
> could then easily decide whether or not I want to move on to the
> next hurdle in installing the OS.

That's not necessary in general, unless you have poor quality or
misconfigured hardware.


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Re: Installation Hang

2003-11-11 Thread Nick P.

>>>1 - (Easy) Disable the CD-ROM in BIOS and try a Floppy -> FTP
>>>install. Does it still hang up? 
>> Yes I tried FTP installs many times.
>Did you try disabling the CD-ROM? I'm thinking that maybe the CD >may be causing some 
>hang ups.
Ah, I see, I did not disable the CD-ROM, I did remove it from the boot sequence.  I'm 
making a list of new things to try now.

>> I'd have to check that one out, I don't remember how it's
>>configured. Those are some real gymnastics to get the OS >>installed. :-|

>That's an interesting comment, if you want to run FreeBSD there >is a good chance 
>that you like computers and what makes them >tick. If so, gymnastics become an 
>enjoyable challenge. If not >and you are looking for ease and flow then, to be 
>honest, I >wouldn't use it.

>Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear.

Thanks for your input.  Perhaps it's not for me.  I guess I can't help but feel like 
there should be another solution, that the installation can be configured to work on a 
hardware configuration that otherwise works fine.

I think that if it is documented that in order to use FreeBSD, you must have your 
CD-ROM on a separate IDE cable that your hard drive, because of __X___ reason, then 
that would be more palatable.  I could then easily decide whether or not I want to 
move on to the next hurdle in installing the OS.

But currently, that _may_ be a solution, for no __X__ reason.  But I'm still going to 
continue, but I think my frustration is valid.

Thank you for your suggestions about the CD-ROM and possibly not using FreeBSD.  I 
hope I don't come across as snotty.


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Re: Installation Hang

2003-11-11 Thread Nick P.

>Alt - F2 will give you a screen of console messages that were >experienced during 
>different stages of your installation. Look >for error messages or messages that have 
>been printed in FULL >CAPITALS.

>Bin is the first major read operation from the CD-ROM that >occurs using the FreeBSD 
>drivers and since you say it doesn't >boot the CD-ROM sometimes after reboot I'm lead 
>to believe that >you are having problems here.
It hangs at varying points, often in Bin, sometimes in docs or ports.

>1 - (Easy) Disable the CD-ROM in BIOS and try a Floppy -> FTP
>install. Does it still hang up? 
Yes I tried FTP installs many times.

>2 - (Remotely possible) Does your CD-ROM exist in your system on >the same IDE 
>channel as the HDD? If so and you are using any of >the ATA options you might try and 
>split it from the HDD and put >it into the second chain. In other words unplug the 
>CD-ROM from >the one cable and use the other cable in your system.
I'd have to check that one out, I don't remember how it's configured.  Those are some 
real gymnastics to get the OS installed.  :-|

Thanks for your suggestions.


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Re: Installation Hang

2003-11-11 Thread Nick P.

>You should try to switch to the diagnostic console and find out >what happens just 
>before it hangs (you'll know it has when it's >staying too long on the same line and 
>you can't switch to >another console)
I'll try to look in one of the future times.  I've switched to that console before.  
It hangs at varying points so it's not like the same poit of failure each time.  But 
maybe there will be a an error that is common to each one?  Even though I am using a 
variety of media and ftp install methods.

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Re: Installation Hang

2003-11-11 Thread Nick P.

>Did the disk slicer complain that your disk geometry was >incorrect? (I had that 
>problem, but it only failed on trying to >boot FreeBSD, not in  the install, but 
>might be an issue for >some people.)
I think I may have seen that message once in the fifty billion (well okay maybe 
thirty) installs I attempted.  But generally no.

>Is your hardware at fault? Can you go into Windows and run >scandisk thoroughly?
Well, I don't think so.  It's has been working fine in Windows.  I don't think 
scandisk exists on W2K, which is what I run.  I did run chkdsk and it didn't find any 
bad sectors, but I'm not really sure if that is very valuable.

>(To get back to Windows, you may be able to do a 'repair' using >the Windows CD - 
>Windows absolutely loves to overwrite the >master boot record. [Thanks, Bill.])
I can still boot to Windows fine; I still have that partition and the bootloader 
apparently got installed, and works.

>Are you overclocking you processor?

>What version of FreeBSD are you trying to install? Have you >tried another branch? 
>(I.e. if you're installing 4.9, try 5.1, >and vice-versa. 5.1 is still not 
>recommended for production >systems, but it seems very, very stable as my desktop 
4.9 .  I might take your advice (someone else mentioned that too) and install another 
release, but... this seems like quite the workaround.  I would really like to know why 
it doesn't work.  It seems to be such a common problem... :-|


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Re: Installation Hang

2003-11-11 Thread Nick P.

>You're problem looks interesting, what version of freebsd are >
>you trying?

>Have you setup any swap space? if so how much? You can do this >when you setup 
>freebsd's. partitions. How big are the partitions >you've assigned? is there enough 
>space to install what you've >choosen to install?
I allotted like 20 GB for the partition, and I let it automatically set the swap and 
other partitions within that, and just went with its choices.

>Should you have enough of using freebsd, you should be able to >clear your MBR 
>(Master boot record)/freebsd boot loader by doing >'fdisk /mbr' from a dos boot disk
But will that let me boot to my Windows partition?  Does that not blow away all my 
partition stuff?

Thanks for the info... still searching though.

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Re: Installation Hang

2003-11-11 Thread Technical Director


Alt - F2 will give you a screen of console messages that were experienced
during different stages of your installation. Look for error messages or
messages that have been printed in FULL CAPITALS.

Bin is the first major read operation from the CD-ROM that occurs using
the FreeBSD drivers and since you say it doesn't boot the CD-ROM sometimes
after reboot I'm lead to believe that you are having problems here.

1 - (Easy) Disable the CD-ROM in BIOS and try a Floppy -> FTP
install. Does it still hang up? 

2 - (Remotely possible) Does your CD-ROM exist in your system on the same
IDE channel as the HDD? If so and you are using any of the ATA options you
might try and split it from the HDD and put it into the second chain. In
other words unplug the CD-ROM from the one cable and use the other cable
in your system.

I hope that these ideas help you out.


On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Nick P. wrote:

> I am a first-time user who is having a nightmare installing FreeBSD.  I've tried 
> several different methods, but my installation hangs at various points during the 
> installation.  Often during the extraction of bin (11% seems to be a popular time)  
> sometimes later in the bin extraction.  Sometimes during the ports, and sometimes 
> during the docs.  I've tried from CD, booting from floppies and then using FTP (a 
> variety of FTP servers), booting from floppies then using the CD.  All in all I've 
> probably started the install about 20 times in the past two days.  
> It seems to be a common problem based on what I've found by googling (look for 
> "Extracting bin into /") :  but I haven't found an answer.  This is really 
> frustrating because I see so many other people that had the problem, without finding 
> an answer.  One person had the ftp install work after the cd install hung, but this 
> is not the case for me.
> And I left the installation running the first time, for like 8 hours; it wasn't a 
> matter of not letting it do its thing.
> During the install I can switch to other consoles, but after it hangs it doesn't 
> seem to let me.
> I'm at my wits end and if I could figure out how to simply remove the boot loader I 
> wouldn't be far from giving up and moving on to another OS.
> Specs:
> PIII 733 Mhz
> 384 MB Ram
> 120 GB HD, w/ a windows partition already on it
> Also, when I begin a CD install, after it hangs, it strangely won't boot to the 
> cd-rom anymore.  After I boot to the FreeBSD floppies, and that install fails, I can 
> then boot from the cd-rom again.
> Please advise.
> -Nick
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Re: Installation Hang

2003-11-11 Thread Jez Hancock
Hi Nick,

On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 01:27:20AM -0500, Nick P. wrote:
> I am a first-time user who is having a nightmare installing FreeBSD.
> I've tried several different methods, but my installation hangs at
> various points during the installation.

Have you checked the integrity of the installation CD you're trying to
install from?  It could be that it's corrupted and causing problems.

You can check the integrity as follows:

- grab a utility called 'md5sum' (windows/DOS app) - it's around on the
  net in various places, was the first
  place I found just now :)
- download the MD5 checksum file that should be in the same directory
  as the ISO image you downloaded:
  (presuming you downloaded the first 4.9 CD which is all you need
- run:
  md5sum 4.9-i386-disc1.iso
  (again presuming that's the iso image you downloaded)
- check the output from the last step against the checksum contained in
  the checksum file

If the checksum's match then all is well, if not best to download it

The installation process is usually fairly painless and generally very fast - as
less than 5 minutes for a minimal install on an amd athlon 2000.
Certainly shouldn't be taking as long as you mention :(

Presumably you've read the handbook as well:

if you know enough to use Google you no doubt stumbled across the
handbook pretty early on :=)

Jez Hancock
 - System Administrator / PHP Developer
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Re: Installation Hang

2003-11-11 Thread Simon Gray
> I'm at my wits end and if I could figure out how to simply remove the boot
loader I wouldn't be far from giving up and
>moving on to another OS.
> Specs:
> PIII 733 Mhz
> 384 MB Ram
> 120 GB HD, w/ a windows partition already on it
> Also, when I begin a CD install, after it hangs, it strangely won't boot
to the cd-rom anymore.  After I boot to the
>FreeBSD floppies, and that install fails, I can then boot from the cd-rom

Hi Nick,

Welcome to the world of freebsd :)

You're problem looks interesting, what version of freebsd are you trying?

Have you setup any swap space? if so how much? You can do this when you
setup freebsd's. partitions. How big are the partitions you've assigned? is
there enough space to install what you've choosen to install?

Personally, i'd suggest doing a minimum install first, with say about 384 -
768meg swap (suggested is twice your ram), and a few gig on '/var' and
'/usr' and a few hundered meg on '/'

i've got an p3 866, with 512 meg of ram and 2x 20gig hdd's mirrored hdd my
partitions are as follows:

1gig swap

264M  /
264M  /tmp
39G   /usr
264M  /var

(although if I were to set that box up again, i'd assign more space to /var)

Should you have enough of using freebsd, you should be able to clear your
MBR (Master boot record)/freebsd boot loader by doing 'fdisk /mbr' from a
dos boot disk

Hope this helps,


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