[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2014-09-13 Thread pepeto
Follow-up Comment #11, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

About bug described at comment #6: this is a duplicate of bug #19429.

About the crash, it is due to 'punit->goto_tile == NULL'. See also bug


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-08-18 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #10, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

> (The fact that these [500x250 WRAPX|ISO] proceeded apparently 
> normally also suggests that the MAP_MAX_LINEAR_SIZE assertions 
> are overzealous, but I haven't looked into it.)
Probably covered by bug #19429.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-13 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #9, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

Well, I've left a couple of 500x250 WRAPX|ISO autogames running without issue
now with 2.3.4 and the default ruleset. So whatever the crash is, it's not

(The fact that these proceeded apparently normally also suggests that the
MAP_MAX_LINEAR_SIZE assertions are overzealous, but I haven't looked into it.)


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-11 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #8, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

was trying for the 500 x size by 250 y size which is less than the 128,000
total tile size but if you check the actual map siz it is larger but at start
it did run


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-11 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #7, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

Back to the same_pos()/segfault, here's a backtrace (with 2.3.4):

#0  tile_index (ptile=0x0) at tile.c:37
No locals.
#1  0x0058aee7 in pf_fuel_map_iterate_until (ptile=, 
pffm=) at path_finding.c:2517
node = 
#2  pf_fuel_map_path (pfm=0x37a7c90, ptile=0x0) at path_finding.c:2576
No locals.
#3  0x004403bb in immediate_destination (punit=0x37b3bb0, 
dest_tile=0x7fa280544bc8) at aitools.c:333
parameter = {start_tile = 0x7fa2805b0230, moves_left_initially = 2, 
  fuel_left_initially = 30, move_rate = 2, fuel = 30, 
  owner = 0x3a527a0, uclass = 0xa27e90, unit_flags = {
vec = "r 00 00 00 00 00 00"}, omniscience = true, 
  get_MC = 0x582890 , unknown_MC = 6, get_TB = 0, 
  get_EC = 0, can_invade_tile = 0, get_zoc = 0, is_pos_dangerous = 0,

  get_moves_left_req = 0x581e50 , 
  get_costs = 0, data = 0x37b3bb0}
pfm = 
path = 
i = 
__FUNCTION__ = "immediate_destination"
#4  0x00440e5b in ai_unit_goto_constrained (punit=0x37b3bb0, 
ptile=0x7fa280544bc8, parameter=0x7fff0359f410) at aitools.c:403
alive = 
pfm = 
path = 
__FUNCTION__ = "ai_unit_goto_constrained"
#5  0x00441441 in ai_unit_goto (punit=0x37b3bb0,
at aitools.c:843
parameter = {start_tile = 0x7fa2805b0230, moves_left_initially = 2, 
  fuel_left_initially = 30, move_rate = 2, fuel = 30, 
  owner = 0x3a527a0, uclass = 0xa27e90, unit_flags = {
vec = "r 00 00 00 00 00 00"}, omniscience = true, 
  get_MC = 0x582890 , unknown_MC = 6, 
  get_TB = 0x581b30 , 
  get_EC = 0x43ff80 , can_invade_tile = 0, 
  get_zoc = 0, is_pos_dangerous = 0, 
  get_moves_left_req = 0x581e50 , 
  get_costs = 0, data = 0x7fff0359f3f0}
risk_cost = {base_value = 50, fearfulness = 2730.5, 
  enemy_zoc_cost = 1310720}
__FUNCTION__ = "ai_unit_goto"
#6  0x0042d98f in ai_caravan_goto (help_wonder=, 
pcity=, punit=, pplayer=)
at aiunit.c:1866
alive = 
#7  ai_manage_caravan (punit=, pplayer=)
at aiunit.c:1945
parameter = {horizon = 10, discount = 0.94996, 
  consider_windfall = true, consider_trade = true, 
  consider_wonders = false, account_for_broken_routes = true, 
  allow_foreign_trade = false, ignore_transit_time = false, 
  convert_trade = false, callback = 0, callback_data =
result = {src = 0x377cbf0, dest = 0x377ecf0, arrival_time = 5, 
  value = 44.87929437458, help_wonder = false}
#8  ai_manage_unit (pplayer=0x3a527a0, punit=0x37b3bb0) at aiunit.c:2244
bodyguard = 
is_ferry = 
__FUNCTION__ = "ai_manage_unit"
#9  0x0042ecf5 in ai_manage_units (pplayer=)
at aiunit.c:2381
punit = 0x37b3bb0
punit_index = 0
punit_size = 24
#10 0x004a8e49 in ai_do_first_activities (pplayer=0x3a527a0)
at aihand.c:484
No locals.
#11 0x0040b0f8 in ai_start_phase () at srv_main.c:759
MY_i = 122
pplayer = 0x3a527a0
#12 begin_phase (is_new_phase=) at srv_main.c:910
No locals.
#13 srv_running () at srv_main.c:2134
eot_timer = 0x2bfbdd0
save_counter = 1
is_new_turn = 
need_send_pending_events = false
__FUNCTION__ = "srv_running"
#14 0x0040b8ed in srv_main () at srv_main.c:2580
__FUNCTION__ = "srv_main"
#15 0x004042d3 in main (argc=, argv=0x7fff0359f918)
at civserver.c:377
inx = 3
showhelp = false
showvers = false
option = 0x255c1e0 ""
__FUNCTION__ = "main"


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-11 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #6, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

On loading the savefile we get

in map_init_topology() [map.c::312]: assertion 'MAP_WIDTH <=
Please report this message at http://gna.org/projects/freeciv/
in map_init_topology() [map.c::313]: assertion 'MAP_HEIGHT <=
Please report this message at http://gna.org/projects/freeciv/

Relevant map parameters in the savefile are as follows:


MAP_MAX_LINEAR_SIZE is 512, but MAP_WIDTH and MAP_HEIGHT are defined as

#define MAP_WIDTH  
  (MAP_IS_ISOMETRIC ? (map.xsize + map.ysize / 2) : map.xsize)
#define MAP_HEIGHT 
  (MAP_IS_ISOMETRIC ? (map.xsize + map.ysize / 2) : map.ysize)

Hence the map size assertion failures (which are reproducible with the default
ruleset, unsurprisingly).

There's clearly a bug here -- the assertion failure and the checks on setting
xsize/ysize are inconsistent -- but I don't know which is correct.

Also don't know yet whether this is the root cause of the same_pos() assertion
failure and segfault. It doesn't seem inconceivable. If not, then it should
become a new ticket.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-11 Thread Jacob Nevins
Update of bug #20792 (project freeciv):

  Status:None => Confirmed  


Follow-up Comment #5:

Reproduced assertion failure and segfault with 2.3.4 and the attached files.
(They took a bit of fiddling to get working on a case-sensitive filesystem.)


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-07 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

sorry about the double upload of "add to folders"
i know this is not a balanced game but i am figuring out how to do rule set if
you do the save game the next turn should crash it is posable that something
in building or effects ruleset is wrong i have tried comenting out the
modifications but still crashes.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-07 Thread anonymous
Additional Item Attachment, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

File name: Add to Folders.zip Size:38 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-07 Thread anonymous
Additional Item Attachment, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

File name: Myamplio2_Part_03.zip  Size:730 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-07 Thread anonymous
Additional Item Attachment, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

File name: Myamplio2_Part_02.zip  Size:1000 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-07 Thread anonymous
Additional Item Attachment, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

File name: Myamplio2_Part_01 .zip Size:634 KB
File name: FEW-2_manual_42.sav.bz2Size:113 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-07 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

2 diffrent games hit the same problem. have the last save game.

(file #17907, file #17908, file #17909, file #17910)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: !MyRule.serv   Size:0 KB
File name: Add to Folders.zip Size:38 KB
File name: !MyRule.zipSize:50 KB
File name: Myamplio2.tilespec Size:4 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-07 Thread Jacob Nevins
Update of bug #20792 (project freeciv):

 Release: 2.3 => 2.3.4  


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-07 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

custom rule set and modified amplio2 tileset


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-07 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #20792 (project freeciv):

Which 2.3 version are you using, exactly?
If you're using the Gtk client, it should say on the opening screen, or in
Help > About Freeciv.

Can you cause this reliably, and if so, can you give us instructions /
savefiles, or at least a hint as to what the circumstances seem to be?

Are you using an unusual ruleset, or anything like that?


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20792] in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]: assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed

2013-05-06 Thread anonymous

 Summary: in same_pos() [../../../../common/map.c::887]:
assertion 'tile1 != ((void *)0) && tile2 != ((void *)0)' failed
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Tue 07 May 2013 05:14:59 AM UTC
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: nighto...@cox.net
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: 2.3
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: Microsoft Windows
 Planned Release: 



when i get this error freeciv crashes


File Attachments:

Date: Tue 07 May 2013 05:14:59 AM UTC  Name: freeciv-server.RPT  Size: 1kB  
By: None


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