[Freedos-user] RE: Not loading high: Display, Nlsfunc, Keyb, Lbacache

2006-04-22 Thread John Hupp

Thanks to all who wrote.  I have a measure of 
progress to report.
Not only for the Loadhigh problem, but also for 
several others I've reported, Eric Auer suggested updating KERNEL.SYS, 
COMMAND.COM and EMM386/HIMEM.EXE.  (He speculated that the Service Release 
2 version of FreeCOM might be a crippled version that does not support 
As far as I can tell SR2 already includes the most 
recent version of EMM386 (v2.08, 11/28/2005).  I'll assume that HIMEM from 
SR2 (ver 3.12) is also the most recent.
SR2 initially installed these:KERNEL version 
1.1.35w Build 2035w-unstable, 11/30/2005FreeCOM 0.84-pre XMS_Swap, 
I updated to these:KERNEL version 1.1.35 Build 
2035b-cvs, 4/18/2006FreeCOM 0.84-pre XMS_Swap, 4/18/2006
After the update I found that KEYB and LBACACHE 
were now successfully loading high.
However, DISPLAY still loads in conventional 
memory.  Again, I am assuming that it should successfully load high because 
the CD installation configures it with LH, and in the SR2 README (the 
post-installation RAM layout), MEM /C/P shows DISPLAY loaded high.
Also, NLSFUNC does not show up at all in the MEM 
/C/P report.  The CD installation creates the command 
line:    LH NLSFUNC /Y C:\FDOS\BIN\COUNTRY.SYSBut neither 
NLSFUNC nor COUNTRY.SYS show up in MEM /C.
Can anyone resolve those two 
The FreeDOS volunteers are doing a whale of a 
job.   ;-)
But I have always had a hard time locating 
The SourceForge home of FreeDOS has a Software link 
that leads to a Base software link (http://freedos.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/freedos-lsm.cgi?q=d&a=base) 
that has old versions of the base components - probably from SR 1.
And the SourceForge FreeDOS-user Mailing List 
Archives page has a link to a Files page (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=5109) 
described as the CVS home for the kernel, and it offers the same old versions of 
FreeCOM and the kernel.
Eric Auer gave me the critical tip that the best 
place to locate kernel updates is at www.fdos.org\kernel, and that page 
attempts to be end-user friendly by offering single links to the latest stable 
releases of the kernel, FreeCOM and SYS.  But the FreeCOM link yields a 
download of 0.82 pl 3 XMS_Swap dated 12/10/2003.  Trying to find the most 
recent version, I clicked the Directory Listing link to get a fuller listing 
of downloads, and the README there indicated I should download COMMAND.COM, but 
that is an 80086 version.  I finally downloaded cmdxms.HEAD.zip for 80186+, 
but without complete assurance that this was the right choice.  
Cmdxms.HEAD.ENGLISH.zip, cmdxms.HEAD.NLS.zip and freecom.HEAD.zip also seemed 
like very reasonable choices.
Can anyone confirm that CMDXMS.HEAD.ZIP was the 
best current FreeCOM choice for English, 386+, XMS_Swap? 

[Freedos-user] re: Not loading high: Display, Nlsfunc, Keyb, Lbacache

2006-04-16 Thread Eric Auer

Hi Johnson,

> I sincerely ask Jack's to let me host his drivers because I want to
> provide the DOS user an alternative, a choice. His QHIMEM let me have
> 620K base memory, I got plenty of base memory for me...

You might have noticed that Dima had even MORE memory free even
though he does NOT use QHIMEM ;-)

> Conventional  639K14K   625K
> >Note: SHCDX33A now in conventional memory, thaks to Eric Auer for advice.
> Did you found SHCDX33A have any problem when loaded high? Can you
> share your experience with us?

The trick is that if you load SHSUCDX in "normal" way, it
relocates itself to UMB. But if you LOADHIGH (LH) SHSUCDX,
it relocates itself AWAY from UMB. To stop this, you have
to use the /c option of SHSUCDX (if you use LH), or you
have to stop using LH (then SHSUCDX can relocate itself high).
This happens for both SHSUCDX and SHSUCDX, uhm, SHCDX33A.

> And please don't blame Jack, he have no intention to compete with
> FD-HIMEM, he just want a "simpler" XMS manager.

Those who want a stripped down XMS manager can already use FDXXMS.

>   SHCDX33A 8,416(8K)
>   FDXXMS   2,432(2K)
>   UMBPCI 176(0K)

> CC91h  ..   5,968SHCDX33A 
> 0276h   80.. Device=QHMBOOT   Attr=A000h  Name=QHMLOW$
> C802h  ..   2,000Device=QHIMEMAttr=A000h  Name=QHIMEM$
> 029Eh  160.. Device=UMBPCIAttr=E000h Name=UMBPCIXX

I assume that Dima has more cdrom drives, so his SHSUCDX takes more RAM.
Your two MEM tools differ somehow in how they measure, but you can
assume that QHIMEM+QHMBOOT together take 300 bytes less RAM than FDXXMS.
It would have been a good idea if Jack had written a patch for FDXXMS
to let it use QHMBOOT instead of re-inventing the wheel and writing
QHIMEM, based on questionable sources. After all, it is a good idea to
let the XMS driver be loaded into UMB (as possible with QHMBOOT+QHIMEM)
but it is NOT a good idea to annoy people by introducing yet another
XMS manager, indirectly blaming the others of being so bad that it would
not be worth the effort to improve them.

A really good driver more or less by Jack is actually XCDROM / QCDROM:

> C8E4h  ..   2,400Device=QCDROMAttr=C800h Name=SHSU-CDN
(by the way, what is qbuf...?)
> 027Ch  528.. Device=QDBOOTAttr=8000h  Name=QBUF$

>  cae8 5008VIDE-CDDdevice driver

Note that saving 2.5k of memory is quite good but that it is not
necessary at all as we both have the driver in UMB anyway :-)).

For comparison of memory drivers:
  028e 2672HIMEM   device driver
  0336 3360EMM386  device driver
  040f 3152   COMMAND program  
  04d5 [free area starts here]
  ca02  400KBD-EA2 device driver
  ca1c 3248NANSI   device driver
  cae8 5008VIDE-CDDdevice driver
  cc22 7552CDRCACHEdevice driver
  cdfb  624MORESYS device driver
  ce23 2496FILES   data area
  cec0 2288LASTDRV data area
  cf5612976   LBACACHEprogram  
  d4a3  912   FDAPM   program  
  d4dd 3312   CTMOUSE program  
  d5ad [rest is free - almost: COMMAND environment at dfdf, 0.5k]
(some lines omitted)

So I have 620k low DOS RAM and 41k UMB free and I even have a 64k
EMS 3.0 page frame (otherwise I would have more UMB free) and a
VESA VBE 3.0 compatible BIOS :-). 620k are 635,120 bytes to be exact.

As I have not seen programs which need more than 590k low DOS RAM,
all available drivers are good enough. The only too big driver in
my collection is the network card packet driver, because it does
not work well when loaded into UMB. I usually do not use networking
in DOS normally, so most of the time, I simply do not load the driver.

Have a nice DOS :-)


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