Mysql and radius .. Problem

2004-09-07 Thread Ali Asghar
Problem . Is it possible to have one radius server and two mysql servers at back end arranged in a way that based on realm , some users end up in one mysql and others end up in another mysql . Environment Diagram .. Mysql A

Problem setting up Radius to use Primary and Secondary Mysql Databases .

2004-07-21 Thread Ali Asghar
Hi all .. Radius = R1 MySql Prim = DB1 Mysql Sec = DB2 i am unable to configure Radius to operate in fail over to DB2 incase DB1 goes down . The configuration details are as follows. 1) In radiusd.conf i am doing an include on sql1.conf and sql2.conf. $INCLUDE ${confdi

Problem Getting Free Radius Work with MySql

2004-06-28 Thread Ali Asghar
Hi .. Radius Version = 0.9.2 Mysql Version = 4.0.20 Linux Redhat = Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 2) I have tried authenticating users with user info in "users" file and it works fine , however when i move the same info to mysql , it doesnt work . Below are Mysql Table